class CounterSim(object):
    CounterSim is the real driver for the DES simulation.
    The info 1. is an OrderedSet Whose Elements are CounterEvents
             2. and also a Virtual Time Keeper initially at 0.0

    def __init__(self):
        pre: None
        post: An initial empty OrderedSet (the collection of CounterEvents later)
        #Construct the Empty CounterSim Object
        #Initialize the virtual time
        self.event = OrderedSet()
        self.t = 0.0

    #Current time method
    def now(self):
        post:return the current virtual time
        return self.t
    #Insertion Method
    def insert(self,x):
        pre: X is a CounterEvent Ojbect
        post: insert the CounterEvent to the event Collection(OrderedSet)
        exception:TypeErro if x  is not CounterEvent Object
        #raise typeError if x not the right Type
        if not isinstance(x,CounterEvent):
            raise TypeError

        #insert if right type

    #Setup Method
    def setup (self, t=0):

        pre: t is a numeric Type
        post: 1. construct COunterEvent with time t ( 0.0 if t not inptued)
              2. The constructed CounterEvent is inserted to the event collection (OrderedSet)
        Exception:TypeError if t is not a numeric type
        #raise typeError if x not the right Type
        if not (isinstance(t,int) or isinstance(t,float)):
            raise TypeError
        #Construct and insert the CounterEvent Object with t

   # the simulation Engine method
    def doAllEvents(self):
        post:THe SImulator has porperly run
        #The main loop for carrying out DES

        #going through the Events collection
        #applying right method to it
        while len(self.event) > 0:
            event = self.event.removeFirst()

            self.t = event.time()

    #the getset method to get the ordered set (events collection in the simulator)
    def getset(self):
        post: the orderedSet (events collection) is returned

        return self.event