def game_logic(self): """ Creates our game logic objects and creates us an empty board """ inputs = self._game_initial_inputs self._game_obj = Othello_logic.GameLogic(Othello_logic.new_othello_board(inputs),inputs[2],inputs[4]) self._game_board = Othello_logic.initial_four_chips(self._game_obj._board,inputs)
def game_logic(self): """ Creates our game logic objects and creates us an empty board """ inputs = self._game_initial_inputs self._game_obj = Othello_logic.GameLogic( Othello_logic.new_othello_board(inputs), inputs[2], inputs[4]) self._game_board = Othello_logic.initial_four_chips( self._game_obj._board, inputs)
def runUserInterface() -> None: ''' Runs user interface ''' print('FULL') rows = int(input()) columns = int(input()) startingPlayer = input() startingOrientation = input() wayToWin = input() othello = Othello_logic.GameState(rows, columns, startingPlayer, startingOrientation, wayToWin) othello.createBoard() while True: playerTiles = othello.checkNumTiles() print('B: {} W: {}'.format(othello.blackPieces, othello.whitePieces)) othello.printBoard() if othello.turn == 1: turn = 'B' print('TURN: {}'.format(turn)) else: turn = 'W' print('TURN: {}'.format(turn)) playerMove(othello) if othello.isGameOver() == True: break determineWinner(othello)
def ui(): '''Executes the game''' [] BOARD_ROWS = board("rows") BOARD_COLUMNS = board("columns") FIRST = first_and_default('who should go first') DEFAULT = first_and_default( 'which color piece is in the top left-position in the default') WIN = win_method() a = Othello_logic.OthelloGameState(BOARD_ROWS, BOARD_COLUMNS, FIRST, DEFAULT, WIN) b = a.new_board() d = a.default_board() while True: display_board(d, BOARD_ROWS, BOARD_COLUMNS) print_turn(a.current_move()) r = move('row', BOARD_ROWS) - 1 c = move('column', BOARD_COLUMNS) - 1 try: a.place_piece(r, c) a.count_pieces() print('SCORE:\nBlack:', a._numB, '\nWhite:', a._numW) a.change_turn() if a.current_move() == a.turn_pass(): pass else: if a.current_move() == a.turn_pass(): print(a.opposite_turn(), 'has no more moves.', a.opposite_turn(), 'passes.') else: if a.victor() == a._BLACK: print('No more moves can be made.\nBLACK WINS!') break elif a.victor() == a._WHITE: print('No more moves can be made.\nWHITE WINS!') break elif a.victor() == '': print("No more moves can be made.\nIt is a TIE.") break else: pass except Othello_logic.InvalidMove: print('Sorry. That was an invalid move.') except Othello_logic.InvalidRowColumn: print('Sorry. That row and/or column does not exist') display_board(d, BOARD_ROWS, BOARD_COLUMNS)
def _on_start_press(self) -> None: dialog = GameSpecDialog() if dialog._was_ok_clicked() == True: self._canvas.delete(tkinter.ALL) rows = int(dialog._get_num_rows()) columns = int(dialog._get_num_columns()) starting_player = dialog._get_starting_player() starting_orientation = dialog._get_starting_position() win_type = dialog._get_way_to_win() self._othello_state = Othello_logic.GameState( rows, columns, starting_player, starting_orientation, win_type) self._othello_state.createBoard() self._draw_board() self._show_turn() self._show_pieces() self._draw_circles()
def start_game(): choices1 = starting_inputs() game_board = Othello_logic.new_othello_board(choices1) Othello_logic.initial_four_chips(game_board, choices1) Othello_logic.count_of_chips(game_board) Othello_logic.visual_othello_board(game_board) current_turn = choices1[2] print("Turn:", current_turn) while True: if Othello_logic.full_board(game_board) == True: choices = insert_input() game_logic = Othello_logic.GameLogic(game_board, current_turn, choices1[4]) if ( game_logic.check_validity(choices[0], choices[1], current_turn, choices) == True and game_logic.insert_check(choices) == True ): if game_logic.check_both_players(choices) == True: print("Valid") game_logic.flip_vertical(choices) game_logic.flip_horizontal(choices) game_logic.flip_diagonal(choices) current_turn = game_logic.player_turn(current_turn) Othello_logic.count_of_chips(game_board) Othello_logic.visual_othello_board(game_board) print("Turn:", current_turn) else: Othello_logic.winner(game_board, choices1[4]) break else: print("Invalid") else: Othello_logic.winner(game_board, choices1[4]) break
def __init__(self, row: int, col: int, first: str, default: str, win: str): self._root_window = tkinter.Tk() self._logic = Othello_logic.OthelloGameState(row, col, first, default, win) self._new_game = self._logic.new_board() self._game_time = self._logic.default_board() self._columns = col self._rows = row self._first = first self._default = default self._win = win self._root_window.title('Othello') self._frame = tkinter.Frame(master = self._root_window, background = '#F50C0C') self._frame.grid( row = 0, columnspan = 3, padx = 5, pady = (5, 0), sticky = tkinter.NSEW) self._canvas = tkinter.Canvas( master = self._root_window, width = 500, height = 500, background = '#187330') self._black_count = tkinter.Label(master = self._frame, text = ('Black: ' + str(self._logic._numB)), font = ('Helvetica', 16), background = '#F50C0C') self._black_count.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = tkinter.NSEW) self._white_count = tkinter.Label(master = self._frame, text = ('White: ' + str(self._logic._numW)), font = ('Helvetica', 16), background = '#F50C0C') self._white_count.grid(row = 0, column = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = tkinter.NSEW) self._color = '' self._black_turn = "Black's turn" self._white_turn = "White's turn" if self._first == 'B': self._color = 'black' self._turn = tkinter.Label(master = self._frame, text = self._black_turn, font = ('Helvetica', 16), background = '#F50C0C') self._turn.grid(row = 0, column = 1, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = tkinter.N + tkinter.S) else: self._color = 'white' self._turn = tkinter.Label(master = self._frame, text = self._white_turn, font = ('Helvetica', 16), background = '#F50C0C') self._turn.grid(row = 0, column = 1, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = tkinter.N + tkinter.S) self._canvas.grid( row = 1, column = 0, padx = 3, pady = 5, sticky = tkinter.NSEW) self._frame.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1) self._frame.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1) self._frame.columnconfigure(1, weight = 1) self._frame.columnconfigure(2, weight = 1) self._canvas.bind('<Configure>', self._on_canvas_resized) self._canvas.bind('<Button-1>', self._on_canvas_clicked) self._root_window.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1) self._root_window.rowconfigure(1, weight = 8) self._root_window.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1) self._col_width = 0 self._row_height = 0
#Python 3.3 import Othello_ui import Othello_logic a = Othello_logic.OthelloGameState(Othello_ui.BOARD_ROWS, Othello_ui.BOARD_COLUMNS, Othello_ui.FIRST, Othello_ui.DEFAULT) b = a.new_board() c = a.default_board() a._board def display_board(board: [[str]], rows: int, columns: int) -> None: '''Creates and displays the game board''' s = ' ' for i in range(1, columns + 1): if i > 9: s += str(i) + ' ' else: s += str(i) + ' ' s += '\n' for row in range(rows): if row > 9: s += str(row + 1) + ' ' else: s += str(row + 1) + ' ' for col in range(columns): if board[row][col] == ' ': s += '. ' else:
def start_game(): choices1 = starting_inputs() game_board = Othello_logic.new_othello_board(choices1) Othello_logic.initial_four_chips(game_board,choices1) Othello_logic.count_of_chips(game_board) Othello_logic.visual_othello_board(game_board) current_turn = choices1[2] print("Turn:",current_turn) while True: if Othello_logic.full_board(game_board) == True: choices = insert_input() game_logic = Othello_logic.GameLogic(game_board,current_turn,choices1[4]) if game_logic.check_validity(choices[0],choices[1],current_turn,choices) == True and game_logic.insert_check(choices) == True: if game_logic.check_both_players(choices) == True: print("Valid") game_logic.flip_vertical(choices) game_logic.flip_horizontal(choices) game_logic.flip_diagonal(choices) current_turn = game_logic.player_turn(current_turn) Othello_logic.count_of_chips(game_board) Othello_logic.visual_othello_board(game_board) print("Turn:",current_turn) else: Othello_logic.winner(game_board,choices1[4]) break else: print("Invalid") else: Othello_logic.winner(game_board,choices1[4]) break