Example #1
    def wf_readmap(self, name, default):
      Adjusted version of readmapNew. the style variable is used to indicated
      how the data is read::
          1 - default: reads pcrmaps
          2 - memory: assumes the map is made available (in memory) using
          the in-memory interface
      .. note:
          the style variable is set using the variable list from the API
          section in the ini file
        directoryPrefix = ""
        nameSuffix = ".map"
        newName = ""

        varname = os.path.basename(name)

        # check and if neede file the variable name object
        thevars = self.exchnageitems.getvars()
        if size(thevars) == 0:

        style = self.exchnageitems.getvarStyle(varname)
        #print varname + " : " + str(style)

        if hasattr(self._userModel(), "_inStochastic"):
            if self._userModel()._inStochastic():
                if self._userModel()._inPremc() or self._userModel()._inPostmc(
                    newName = name + nameSuffix
                    directoryPrefix = str(

        if hasattr(self._userModel(), "_inInitial"):
            if self._userModel()._inInitial():
                newName = name + nameSuffix

        if self._inResume():
            timestep = self._userModel().firstTimeStep()
            newName = generateNameT(name, timestep - 1)

        if hasattr(self._userModel(), "_inDynamic"):
            if self._userModel()._inDynamic() or self._inUpdateWeight():
                timestep = self._userModel().currentTimeStep()
                newName = generateNameT(name, timestep)

        if style == 1:
            path = os.path.join(directoryPrefix, newName)
            assert path is not ""
                import PCRaster
            except ImportError:
                import pcraster as PCRaster
            if os.path.isfile(path):
                return cover(PCRaster.readmap(path), default)
                #logger.warn("returning 0.0")
                return scalar(default)
        elif style == 2:
            # first get basename (last bit of path)
            name = os.path.basename(name)
            if hasattr(self._userModel(), name):
                exec "retval = self._userModel()." + name
                return retval
                exec "self._userModel()." + name + " = cover(scalar(default))"
                exec "retval = self._userModel()." + name
                return retval
            return cover(scalar(default))
Example #2
import os, calendar
import PCRaster as pcr

#Run time
staYear= int(2000)
endYear= int(2001)
staMonth= int(1)
endMonth= int(13)
timeStep= int(1)

#Global input
cloneFile= ('globalclone.map')
clone= pcr.readmap(cloneFile)
cellArea= pcr.readmap('cellarea30.map')
LDD= pcr.readmap('globalldd.map')
country= pcr.readmap('country.map')
gwab2000= pcr.readmap('groundwater\\gwab_2000_mlnm3.map')
efficiency= pcr.readmap('efficiency\\efficiency.map')
rf1= pcr.readmap('rf\\rfcrops1.map')
rf2= pcr.readmap('rf\\rfcrops2.map')
kfc2= pcr.readmap('irrigation\\kfc100.map')  

#import from PCR-GLOBWB per calibration time step
##esp= 'PCRGLOBWB\\esp\\esp0%04d.%03d' #potential bare soil evaporation (m/day)
##esa= 'PCRGLOBWB\\esa\\esac%04d.%03d' #actual bare soil evaporation (m/day)
##t1p= 'PCRGLOBWB\\t1p\\t1p0%04d.%03d' #potential transpiration from soil layer 1 (m/day)
##t2p= 'PCRGLOBWB\\t2p\\t2p0%04d.%03d' #potential transpiration from soil layer 2 (m/day)
##t1a= 'PCRGLOBWB\\t1a\\t1a0%04d.%03d' #actual transpiration from soil layer 1 (m/day)
import os, zlib,zipfile
from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
import PCRaster as pcr
from PCRaster.NumPy import pcr2numpy, numpy2pcr
from PCRaster.Framework import generateNameT

monthlyArchiveFile= 'cru_alpha_sc_results.zip'
specificQArchiveFile= 'cru_specificrunoff_results.zip'
rootQSpecFileNames= ['waterrunoff%s.map','landrunoff%s.map']
rootQFileName= 'qc'
MV= -999.
startYear= 1958; endYear= 2001
yearList= range(startYear,endYear+1)
rootR3AVGFileName= 'r3_avg%s.map'
LDD= pcr.readmap('glwd_lddlake.map')
LDDBasins= pcr.readmap('glwd130m_ldd.map')
cellArea= pcr.readmap('cellarea30.map')
fracWat= pcr.readmap('glwd130m_fracw.map')
lakeMask= pcr.readmap('lake.map') != 0
catchments= pcr.catchment(LDDBasins,pcr.pit(LDDBasins))
maximumCatchmentID= pcr.cellvalue(pcr.mapmaximum(pcr.scalar(catchments)),1)[0]
catchmentSizeLimit= 0.

#-opening zip file
print 'extracting information from zip file'
currentPath= os.getcwd()
zipArchive= zipfile.ZipFile(monthlyArchiveFile)
Example #4
import PCRaster as pcr

firstInput = pcr.readmap("first_map")
for year in range(1960, 2001, 1):
    secondInput = pcr.readmap("second_map_%04d" % (year))
    sum = firstInput + secondInput
    pcr.report(sum, "sum_map_%04d" % (year))
Example #5
    def __init__(self, tssFilename, model, idMap=None, noHeader=False):


        if not isinstance(tssFilename, str):
            raise Exception(
                "timeseries output filename must be of type string")

        self._outputFilename = tssFilename
        self._maxId = 1
        self._spatialId = None
        self._spatialDatatype = None
        self._spatialIdGiven = False
        self._userModel = model
        self._writeHeader = not noHeader
        # array to store the timestep values
        self._sampleValues = None

        _idMap = False
        #if isinstance(idMap, str) or isinstance(idMap, PCRaster._PCRaster.Field):
        if isinstance(idMap, str) or isinstance(idMap,
            _idMap = True

        nrRows = self._userModel.nrTimeSteps() - self._userModel.firstTimeStep(
        ) + 1

        if _idMap:
            self._spatialId = idMap
            if isinstance(idMap, str):
                self._spatialId = PCRaster.readmap(idMap)

            _allowdDataTypes = [
                PCRaster.Nominal, PCRaster.Ordinal, PCRaster.Boolean
            if self._spatialId.dataType() not in _allowdDataTypes:
                raise Exception(
                    "idMap must be of type Nominal, Ordinal or Boolean")

            if self._spatialId.isSpatial():
                self._maxId, valid = PCRaster.cellvalue(
                    PCRaster.mapmaximum(PCRaster.ordinal(self._spatialId)), 1)
                self._maxId = 1

            # cell indices of the sample locations
            self._sampleAddresses = []
            for cellId in range(1, self._maxId + 1):
                thecellId = self._getIndex(cellId)
                if thecellId != 0:
                    print "CellId " + str(cellId) + " not found."

            self._spatialIdGiven = True
            nrCols = self._maxId
            self._sampleValues = [[Decimal("NaN")] * nrCols
                                  for _ in [0] * nrRows]
            self._sampleValues = [[Decimal("NaN")] * 1 for _ in [0] * nrRows]