def simulate(self, sim_length):
        """ simulate the patient over the specified simulation length """

        # random number generator for this patient
        self._rng = rndClasses.RNG(self._id)

        k = 0  # current time step

        # while the patient is alive and simulation length is not yet reached
        while self._stateMonitor.get_if_alive(
        ) and k * self._delta_t < sim_length:

            # find the transition probabilities of the future states
            trans_probs = self._param.get_transition_prob(
            # create an empirical distribution
            empirical_dist = rndClasses.Empirical(trans_probs)
            # sample from the empirical distribution to get a new state
            # (returns an integer from {0, 1, 2, ...})
            new_state_index = empirical_dist.sample(self._rng)

            # update health state
            self._stateMonitor.update(k, P.HealthStats(new_state_index))

            # increment time step
            k += 1