def checksubs(self, context, componentid): subs,subs_shelf_fd = Personis_base.shelf_open(self.curcontext+"/.subscriptions", "r") #print ">>>subs in context '%s': %s" % (self.curcontext, subs.keys()) #print "checking subs for '%s'"%(componentid) if subs.has_key(componentid): subdict = subs[componentid] for subname,sub in subdict.items(): if sub == {}: continue Subscription.dosub(sub, self)
def list_subs(self, context=None, componentid=None): self.curcontext = self._getcontextdir(context) try: subs,subs_shelf_fd = Personis_base.shelf_open(self.curcontext+"/.subscriptions", "r") except: raise ValueError, 'no subs db when listing subs for component "%s" in context "%s" '%(componentid,self.curcontext) if not subs.has_key(componentid): raise ValueError, 'no subs for component "%s" in context "%s" not found'%(componentid,self.curcontext) subdict = subs[componentid] if subs != None: Personis_base.shelf_close(subs, subs_shelf_fd) return subdict
def delete_sub(self, context=None, componentid=None, subname=None): self.curcontext = self._getcontextdir(context) if type(componentid) == type(u''): componentid = str(componentid) try: subs,subs_shelf_fd = Personis_base.shelf_open(self.curcontext+"/.subscriptions", "w") except: raise ValueError, 'no subs db when deleting sub %s for component "%s" in context "%s" not found'%(subname, componentid,self.curcontext) if not subs.has_key(componentid): raise ValueError, 'sub %s for component "%s" in context "%s" not found'%(subname, componentid,self.curcontext) subdict = subs[componentid] try: del subdict[subname] except: raise ValueError, 'cannot delete subname "%s" for component "%s" in context "%s" '%(subname,componentid,self.curcontext) subs[componentid] = subdict if subs != None: Personis_base.shelf_close(subs, subs_shelf_fd) return None
def subscribe(self, context=[], view=None, subscription=None): """ arguments: context is a list giving the path of context identifiers view is either: an identifier of a view in the context specified a list of component identifiers or full path lists None indicating that the values of all components in the context be returned subscription is a dictionary containing owner, password and subscription statement string """ subscription['modelname'] = self.modelname print "subscription>>> %s %s %s" % (`context`, `view`, `subscription`) cronsub = subscription["statement"].strip().startswith("[") token = "%s:%f" % (self.user, time.time()) for elt in ("user", "password", "statement"): if elt not in subscription: raise ValueError, '"%s" key missing from subscription dict' % (elt) if len(subscription.items()) != 4: raise ValueError, 'unknown attribute in subscription %s'%(subscription) #print "token:", token self.curcontext = self._getcontextdir(context) contextinfo = self.getcontext(context) try: comps,comps_shelf_fd = Personis_base.shelf_open(self.curcontext+"/.components", "r") except: print "can't open ",self.curcontext+"/.components" comps = None try: views,views_shelf_fd = Personis_base.shelf_open(self.curcontext+"/.views", "r") except: views = None try: subs,subs_shelf_fd = Personis_base.shelf_open(self.curcontext+"/.subscriptions", "w") except: subs = None cidlist = [] cobjlist = [] if type(view) is StringType: if views != None: if not views.has_key(view): raise ValueError, '"%s" view not found'%(view) cidlist = views[view].component_list else: raise ValueError, '"%s" view not found'%(view) elif type(view) is ListType: cidlist = view elif view == None: if comps != None: cidlist = comps.keys() else: raise TypeError, 'view "%s" has unknown type'%(`view`) for cid in cidlist: if type(cid) == type(u''): cid = str(cid) if type(cid) is StringType: if comps != None: if comps.has_key(cid): # add sub dict to subs for cid ###### if subs.has_key(cid): newsub = subs[cid] else: newsub = {} newsub[token] = subscription subs[cid] = newsub if cronsub: cronserver.cronq.put(dict(op="put",context=context, comp=cid, subscription=subscription)) else: raise ValueError, 'component "%s" not in view "%s" (%s)'%(cid,view,cidlist) else: raise ValueError, 'component "%s" not found'%(cid) elif type(cid) is ListType: vcontext = self._getcontextdir(cid[:-1]) try: vcomps,vcomps_shelf_fd = Personis_base.shelf_open(vcontext+"/.components", "r") except: raise ValueError, 'context "%s" not in view "%s"'%(cid[-1],`view`) if vcomps.has_key(cid[-1]): # add sub dict to subs for cid[-1] ######### if not subs.has_key(cid[-1]): newsub = {} else: newsub = subs[cid[-1]] newsub[token] = subscription subs[cid[-1]] = newsub if cronsub: cronserver.cronq.put(dict(op="put",context=context, comp=cid, subscription=subscription)) else: raise ValueError, 'component "%s" not in view "%s"'%(cid[-1],`view`) Personis_base.shelf_close(vcomps, vcomps_shelf_fd) if comps != None: Personis_base.shelf_close(comps, comps_shelf_fd) if views != None: Personis_base.shelf_close(views, views_shelf_fd) if subs != None: Personis_base.shelf_close(subs, subs_shelf_fd) return token