Example #1
 def test_parse_deps(self):
     for (arg, exp) in (("a, b < 1.0 c = 5:2.0-3 d",
                         [("a", 0, (None, None, None)),
                          ("b", rpm.RPMSENSE_LESS, (None, "1.0", None)),
                          ("c", rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL, ("5", "2.0", "3")),
                          ("d", 0, (None, None, None))]), ):
         self.assertEqual(Pkg.parse_deps(arg), exp)
 def test_parse_deps(self):
     for (arg, exp) in (
         ("a, b < 1.0 c = 5:2.0-3 d",
          [("a", 0, (None, None, None)),
           ("b", rpm.RPMSENSE_LESS, (None, "1.0", None)),
           ("c", rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL, ("5", "2.0", "3")),
           ("d", 0, (None, None, None))]),
         self.assertEqual(Pkg.parse_deps(arg), exp)
Example #3
    def check_spec(self, pkg, spec_file):
        self._spec_file = spec_file
        spec_only = isinstance(pkg, Pkg.FakePkg)
        patches = {}
        applied_patches = []
        applied_patches_ifarch = []
        patches_auto_applied = False
        source_dir = False
        buildroot = False
        configure_linenum = None
        configure_cmdline = ""
        mklibname = False
        is_lib_pkg = False
        if_depth = 0
        ifarch_depth = -1
        current_section = 'package'
        buildroot_clean = {'clean': False, 'install': False}
        depscript_override = False
        depgen_disabled = False
        patch_fuzz_override = False
        indent_spaces = 0
        indent_tabs = 0
        section = {}
        # None == main package
        current_package = None
        package_noarch = {}

        is_utf8 = False
        if self._spec_file and use_utf8:
            if Pkg.is_utf8(self._spec_file):
                is_utf8 = True
                printError(pkg, "non-utf8-spec-file",
                           self._spec_name or self._spec_file)

        # gather info from spec lines

        pkg.current_linenum = 0

        nbsp = UNICODE_NBSP if is_utf8 else chr(0xA0)
        do_unicode = is_utf8 and sys.version_info[0] <= 2

        for line in Pkg.readlines(spec_file):

            pkg.current_linenum += 1

            if do_unicode:
                line = unicode(line, "utf-8", "replace")  # noqa false positive

            char = line.find(nbsp)
            if char != -1:
                printWarning(pkg, "non-break-space", "line %s, char %d" %
                             (pkg.current_linenum, char))

            section_marker = False
            for sec, regex in section_regexs.items():
                res = regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    current_section = sec
                    section_marker = True
                    section[sec] = section.get(sec, 0) + 1
                    if sec in ('package', 'files'):
                        rest = filelist_regex.sub('', line[res.end() - 1:])
                        res = pkgname_regex.search(rest)
                        if res:
                            current_package = res.group(1)
                            current_package = None

            if section_marker:

                if not is_lib_pkg and lib_package_regex.search(line):
                    is_lib_pkg = True


            if current_section in ('prep', 'build') and \
                printWarning(pkg, 'rpm-buildroot-usage', '%' + current_section,

            if make_check_regex.search(line) and current_section not in \
                    ('check', 'changelog', 'package', 'description'):
                printWarning(pkg, 'make-check-outside-check-section',

            if current_section in buildroot_clean and \
                    not buildroot_clean[current_section] and \
                    contains_buildroot(line) and rm_regex.search(line):
                buildroot_clean[current_section] = True

            if ifarch_regex.search(line):
                if_depth = if_depth + 1
                ifarch_depth = if_depth

            if if_regex.search(line):
                if_depth = if_depth + 1

            if setup_regex.match(line):
                if not setup_q_regex.search(line):
                    # Don't warn if there's a -T without -a or -b
                    if setup_t_regex.search(line):
                        if setup_ab_regex.search(line):
                            printWarning(pkg, 'setup-not-quiet')
                        printWarning(pkg, 'setup-not-quiet')
                if current_section != 'prep':
                    printWarning(pkg, 'setup-not-in-prep')
            elif autopatch_regex.search(line):
                patches_auto_applied = True
                if current_section != 'prep':
                    printWarning(pkg, '%autopatch-not-in-prep')
                res = autosetup_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    if not autosetup_n_regex.search(res.group(1)):
                        patches_auto_applied = True
                    if current_section != 'prep':
                        printWarning(pkg, '%autosetup-not-in-prep')

            if endif_regex.search(line):
                if ifarch_depth == if_depth:
                    ifarch_depth = -1
                if_depth = if_depth - 1

            res = applied_patch_regex.search(line)
            if res:
                pnum = res.group(1) or 0
                for tmp in applied_patch_p_regex.findall(line) or [pnum]:
                    pnum = int(tmp)
                    if ifarch_depth > 0:
                res = applied_patch_pipe_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    pnum = int(res.group(1))
                    if ifarch_depth > 0:
            if not res and not source_dir:
                res = source_dir_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    source_dir = True
                    printError(pkg, "use-of-RPM_SOURCE_DIR")

            if configure_linenum:
                if configure_cmdline[-1] == "\\":
                    configure_cmdline = configure_cmdline[:-1] + line.strip()
                    res = configure_libdir_spec_regex.search(configure_cmdline)
                    if not res:
                        # Hack to get the correct (start of ./configure) line
                        # number displayed:
                        real_linenum = pkg.current_linenum
                        pkg.current_linenum = configure_linenum
                        printWarning(pkg, "configure-without-libdir-spec")
                        pkg.current_linenum = real_linenum
                    elif res.group(1):
                        res = re.match(hardcoded_library_paths, res.group(1))
                        if res:
                            printError(pkg, "hardcoded-library-path",
                                       res.group(1), "in configure options")
                    configure_linenum = None

            hashPos = line.find("#")

            if current_section != 'changelog':
                cfgPos = line.find('./configure')
                if cfgPos != -1 and (hashPos == -1 or hashPos > cfgPos):
                    # store line where it started
                    configure_linenum = pkg.current_linenum
                    configure_cmdline = line.strip()

            res = hardcoded_library_path_regex.search(line)
            if current_section != 'changelog' and res and not \
                    (biarch_package_regex.match(pkg.name) or
                printError(pkg, "hardcoded-library-path", "in",

            if '%mklibname' in line:
                mklibname = True

            if current_section == 'package':

                # Would be cleaner to get sources and patches from the
                # specfile parsed in Python (see below), but we want to
                # catch %ifarch'd etc ones as well, and also catch these when
                # the specfile is not parseable.

                res = patch_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    pnum = int(res.group(1) or 0)
                    patches[pnum] = res.group(2)

                res = obsolete_tags_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    printWarning(pkg, "obsolete-tag", res.group(1))

                res = buildroot_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    buildroot = True
                    if res.group(1).startswith('/'):
                        printWarning(pkg, 'hardcoded-path-in-buildroot-tag',

                res = buildarch_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    if res.group(1) != "noarch":
                        package_noarch[current_package] = True

                res = packager_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    printWarning(pkg, 'hardcoded-packager-tag', res.group(1))

                res = prefix_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    if not res.group(1).startswith('%'):
                        printWarning(pkg, 'hardcoded-prefix-tag', res.group(1))

                res = prereq_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    printError(pkg, 'prereq-use', res.group(2))

                res = buildprereq_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    printError(pkg, 'buildprereq-use', res.group(1))

                if scriptlet_requires_regex.search(line):
                    printError(pkg, 'broken-syntax-in-scriptlet-requires',

                res = requires_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    reqs = Pkg.parse_deps(res.group(1))
                    for req in unversioned(reqs):
                        if compop_regex.search(req):

                res = provides_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    provs = Pkg.parse_deps(res.group(1))
                    for prov in unversioned(provs):
                        if not prov.startswith('/'):
                            printWarning(pkg, 'unversioned-explicit-provides',
                        if compop_regex.search(prov):

                res = obsoletes_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    obses = Pkg.parse_deps(res.group(1))
                    for obs in unversioned(obses):
                        if not obs.startswith('/'):
                            printWarning(pkg, 'unversioned-explicit-obsoletes',
                        if compop_regex.search(obs):

                res = conflicts_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    confs = Pkg.parse_deps(res.group(1))
                    for conf in unversioned(confs):
                        if compop_regex.search(conf):

            if current_section == 'changelog':
                for match in AbstractCheck.macro_regex.findall(line):
                    res = re.match('%+', match)
                    if len(res.group(0)) % 2:
                        printWarning(pkg, 'macro-in-%changelog', match)
                if not depscript_override:
                    depscript_override = \
                        depscript_override_regex.search(line) is not None
                if not depgen_disabled:
                    depgen_disabled = \
                        depgen_disable_regex.search(line) is not None
                if not patch_fuzz_override:
                    patch_fuzz_override = \
                        patch_fuzz_override_regex.search(line) is not None

            if current_section == 'files':
                # TODO: check scriptlets for these too?
                if package_noarch.get(current_package) or \
                        (current_package not in package_noarch and
                    res = libdir_regex.search(line)
                    if res:
                        pkgname = current_package
                        if pkgname is None:
                            pkgname = '(main package)'
                        printWarning(pkg, 'libdir-macro-in-noarch-package',
                                     pkgname, line.rstrip())

            if not indent_tabs and '\t' in line:
                indent_tabs = pkg.current_linenum
            if not indent_spaces and indent_spaces_regex.search(line):
                indent_spaces = pkg.current_linenum

            # Check if egrep or fgrep is used
            if current_section not in \
                    ('package', 'changelog', 'description', 'files'):
                greps = deprecated_grep_regex.findall(line)
                if greps:
                    printWarning(pkg, "deprecated-grep", greps)

            # If not checking spec file only, we're checking one inside a
            # SRPM -> skip this check to avoid duplicate warnings (#167)
            if spec_only and VALID_GROUPS and \
                group = line[6:].strip()
                if group not in VALID_GROUPS:
                    printWarning(pkg, 'non-standard-group', group)

            # Test if there are macros in comments
            if hashPos != -1 and \
                    (hashPos == 0 or line[hashPos - 1] in (" ", "\t")):
                for match in AbstractCheck.macro_regex.findall(
                        line[hashPos + 1:]):
                    res = re.match('%+', match)
                    if len(res.group(0)) % 2:
                        printWarning(pkg, 'macro-in-comment', match)

        # Last line read is not useful after this point
        pkg.current_linenum = None

        for sect in (x for x in buildroot_clean if not buildroot_clean[x]):
            printWarning(pkg, 'no-cleaning-of-buildroot', '%' + sect)

        if not buildroot:
            printWarning(pkg, 'no-buildroot-tag')

        for sec in ('prep', 'build', 'install', 'clean'):
            if not section.get(sec):
                printWarning(pkg, 'no-%%%s-section' % sec)
        for sec in ('changelog',):
            # prep, build, install, clean, check prevented by rpmbuild 4.4
            if section.get(sec, 0) > 1:
                printWarning(pkg, 'more-than-one-%%%s-section' % sec)

        if is_lib_pkg and not mklibname:
            printError(pkg, 'lib-package-without-%mklibname')

        if depscript_override and not depgen_disabled:
            printWarning(pkg, 'depscript-without-disabling-depgen')

        if patch_fuzz_override:
            printWarning(pkg, 'patch-fuzz-is-changed')

        if indent_spaces and indent_tabs:
            pkg.current_linenum = max(indent_spaces, indent_tabs)
            printWarning(pkg, 'mixed-use-of-spaces-and-tabs',
                         '(spaces: line %d, tab: line %d)' %
                         (indent_spaces, indent_tabs))
            pkg.current_linenum = None

        # process gathered info
        if not patches_auto_applied:
            for pnum, pfile in patches.items():
                if pnum in applied_patches_ifarch:
                    printWarning(pkg, "%ifarch-applied-patch",
                                 "Patch%d:" % pnum, pfile)
                if pnum not in applied_patches:
                    printWarning(pkg, "patch-not-applied",
                                 "Patch%d:" % pnum, pfile)

        # Rest of the checks require a real spec file
        if not self._spec_file:

        # We'd like to parse the specfile only once using python bindings,
        # but it seems errors from rpmlib get logged to stderr and we can't
        # capture and print them nicely, so we do it once each way :P

        out = Pkg.getstatusoutput(('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'rpm', '-q',
                                   '--qf=', '--specfile', self._spec_file))
        parse_error = False
        for line in out[1].splitlines():
            # No such file or dir hack: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/487855
            if 'No such file or directory' not in line:
                parse_error = True
                printError(pkg, 'specfile-error', line)

        if not parse_error:
            # grab sources and patches from parsed spec object to get
            # them with macros expanded for URL checking

            spec_obj = None
                ts = rpm.TransactionSet()
                spec_obj = ts.parseSpec(self._spec_file)
                # errors logged above already
            if spec_obj:
                    # rpm < 4.8.0
                    sources = spec_obj.sources()
                except TypeError:
                    # rpm >= 4.8.0
                    sources = spec_obj.sources
                for src in sources:
                    (url, num, flags) = src
                    (scheme, netloc) = urlparse(url)[0:2]
                    if flags & 1:  # rpmspec.h, rpm.org ticket #123
                        srctype = "Source"
                        srctype = "Patch"
                    tag = '%s%s' % (srctype, num)
                    if scheme and netloc:
                        info = self.check_url(pkg, tag, url)
                        if not info or not hasattr(pkg, 'files'):
                        clen = info.get("Content-Length")
                        if clen is not None:
                            clen = int(clen)
                        cmd5 = info.get("Content-MD5")
                        if cmd5 is not None:
                            cmd5 = cmd5.lower()
                        if clen is not None or cmd5 is not None:
                            # Not using path from urlparse results to match how
                            # rpm itself parses the basename.
                            pkgfile = pkg.files().get(url.split("/")[-1])
                            if pkgfile:
                                if clen is not None and pkgfile.size != clen:
                                    printWarning(pkg, 'file-size-mismatch',
                                                 '%s = %s, %s = %s' %
                                                 (pkgfile.name, pkgfile.size,
                                                  url, clen))
                                # pkgfile.md5 could be some other digest than
                                # MD5, treat as MD5 only if it's 32 chars long
                                if cmd5 and len(pkgfile.md5) == 32 \
                                        and pkgfile.md5 != cmd5:
                                    printWarning(pkg, 'file-md5-mismatch',
                                                 '%s = %s, %s = %s' %
                                                 (pkgfile.name, pkgfile.md5,
                                                  url, cmd5))
                    elif srctype == "Source" and tarball_regex.search(url):
                        printWarning(pkg, 'invalid-url', '%s:' % tag, url)
Example #4
    def check_spec(self, pkg, spec_file):
        self._spec_file = spec_file
        spec_only = isinstance(pkg, Pkg.FakePkg)
        patches = {}
        applied_patches = []
        applied_patches_ifarch = []
        patches_auto_applied = False
        source_dir = False
        buildroot = False
        configure_linenum = None
        configure_cmdline = ""
        mklibname = False
        is_lib_pkg = False
        if_depth = 0
        ifarch_depth = -1
        current_section = 'package'
        buildroot_clean = {'clean': False, 'install': False}
        depscript_override = False
        depgen_disabled = False
        patch_fuzz_override = False
        indent_spaces = 0
        indent_tabs = 0
        files_has_defattr = False
        section = {}
        # None == main package
        current_package = None
        package_noarch = {}

        is_utf8 = False
        if self._spec_file and use_utf8:
            if Pkg.is_utf8(self._spec_file):
                is_utf8 = True
                printError(pkg, "non-utf8-spec-file", self._spec_file)

        # gather info from spec lines

        pkg.current_linenum = 0

        nbsp = chr(0xA0)
        if is_utf8:
            nbsp = UNICODE_NBSP
        do_unicode = is_utf8 and sys.version_info[0] <= 2

        for line in Pkg.readlines(spec_file):

            pkg.current_linenum += 1

            if do_unicode:
                line = unicode(line, "utf-8", "replace")  # noqa false positive

            char = line.find(nbsp)
            if char != -1:
                printWarning(pkg, "non-break-space", "line %s, char %d" %
                             (pkg.current_linenum, char))

            section_marker = False
            for sec, regex in section_regexs.items():
                res = regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    current_section = sec
                    section_marker = True
                    section[sec] = section.get(sec, 0) + 1
                    if sec in ('package', 'files'):
                        rest = filelist_regex.sub('', line[res.end() - 1:])
                        res = pkgname_regex.search(rest)
                        if res:
                            current_package = res.group(1)
                            current_package = None

            if section_marker:

                if current_section == 'files':
                    files_has_defattr = False

                if not is_lib_pkg and lib_package_regex.search(line):
                    is_lib_pkg = True


            if current_section in ('prep', 'build') and \
                printWarning(pkg, 'rpm-buildroot-usage', '%' + current_section,

            if make_check_regex.search(line) and current_section not in \
                    ('check', 'changelog', 'package', 'description'):
                printWarning(pkg, 'make-check-outside-check-section',

            if current_section in buildroot_clean and \
                    not buildroot_clean[current_section] and \
                    contains_buildroot(line) and rm_regex.search(line):
                buildroot_clean[current_section] = True

            if ifarch_regex.search(line):
                if_depth = if_depth + 1
                ifarch_depth = if_depth

            if if_regex.search(line):
                if_depth = if_depth + 1

            if setup_regex.match(line):
                if not setup_q_regex.search(line):
                    # Don't warn if there's a -T without -a or -b
                    if setup_t_regex.search(line):
                        if setup_ab_regex.search(line):
                            printWarning(pkg, 'setup-not-quiet')
                        printWarning(pkg, 'setup-not-quiet')
                if current_section != 'prep':
                    printWarning(pkg, 'setup-not-in-prep')
            elif autopatch_regex.search(line):
                patches_auto_applied = True
                if current_section != 'prep':
                    printWarning(pkg, '%autopatch-not-in-prep')
                res = autosetup_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    if not autosetup_n_regex.search(res.group(1)):
                        patches_auto_applied = True
                    if current_section != 'prep':
                        printWarning(pkg, '%autosetup-not-in-prep')

            if endif_regex.search(line):
                if ifarch_depth == if_depth:
                    ifarch_depth = -1
                if_depth = if_depth - 1

            res = applied_patch_regex.search(line)
            if res:
                pnum = res.group(1) or 0
                for tmp in applied_patch_p_regex.findall(line) or [pnum]:
                    pnum = int(tmp)
                    if ifarch_depth > 0:
                res = applied_patch_pipe_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    pnum = int(res.group(1))
                    if ifarch_depth > 0:
            if not res and not source_dir:
                res = source_dir_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    source_dir = True
                    printError(pkg, "use-of-RPM_SOURCE_DIR")

            if configure_linenum:
                if configure_cmdline[-1] == "\\":
                    configure_cmdline = configure_cmdline[:-1] + line.strip()
                    res = configure_libdir_spec_regex.search(configure_cmdline)
                    if not res:
                        # Hack to get the correct (start of ./configure) line
                        # number displayed:
                        real_linenum = pkg.current_linenum
                        pkg.current_linenum = configure_linenum
                        printWarning(pkg, "configure-without-libdir-spec")
                        pkg.current_linenum = real_linenum
                    elif res.group(1):
                        res = re.match(hardcoded_library_paths, res.group(1))
                        if res:
                            printError(pkg, "hardcoded-library-path",
                                       res.group(1), "in configure options")
                    configure_linenum = None

            hashPos = line.find("#")

            if current_section != 'changelog':
                cfgPos = line.find('./configure')
                if cfgPos != -1 and (hashPos == -1 or hashPos > cfgPos):
                    # store line where it started
                    configure_linenum = pkg.current_linenum
                    configure_cmdline = line.strip()

            res = hardcoded_library_path_regex.search(line)
            if current_section != 'changelog' and res and not \
                    (biarch_package_regex.match(pkg.name) or
                printError(pkg, "hardcoded-library-path", "in",

            if '%mklibname' in line:
                mklibname = True

            if current_section == 'package':

                # Would be cleaner to get sources and patches from the
                # specfile parsed in Python (see below), but we want to
                # catch %ifarch'd etc ones as well, and also catch these when
                # the specfile is not parseable.

                res = patch_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    pnum = int(res.group(1) or 0)
                    patches[pnum] = res.group(2)

                res = obsolete_tags_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    printWarning(pkg, "obsolete-tag", res.group(1))

                res = buildroot_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    buildroot = True
                    if res.group(1).startswith('/'):
                        printWarning(pkg, 'hardcoded-path-in-buildroot-tag',

                res = buildarch_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    if res.group(1) != "noarch":
                        package_noarch[current_package] = True

                res = packager_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    printWarning(pkg, 'hardcoded-packager-tag', res.group(1))

                res = prefix_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    if not res.group(1).startswith('%'):
                        printWarning(pkg, 'hardcoded-prefix-tag', res.group(1))

                res = prereq_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    printError(pkg, 'prereq-use', res.group(2))

                res = buildprereq_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    printError(pkg, 'buildprereq-use', res.group(1))

                if scriptlet_requires_regex.search(line):
                    printError(pkg, 'broken-syntax-in-scriptlet-requires',

                res = requires_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    reqs = Pkg.parse_deps(res.group(1))
                    for req in unversioned(reqs):
                        if compop_regex.search(req):

                res = provides_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    provs = Pkg.parse_deps(res.group(1))
                    for prov in unversioned(provs):
                        printWarning(pkg, 'unversioned-explicit-provides',
                        if compop_regex.search(prov):

                res = obsoletes_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    obses = Pkg.parse_deps(res.group(1))
                    for obs in unversioned(obses):
                        printWarning(pkg, 'unversioned-explicit-obsoletes',
                        if compop_regex.search(obs):

                res = conflicts_regex.search(line)
                if res:
                    confs = Pkg.parse_deps(res.group(1))
                    for conf in unversioned(confs):
                        if compop_regex.search(conf):

            if current_section == 'changelog':
                for match in AbstractCheck.macro_regex.findall(line):
                    res = re.match('%+', match)
                    if len(res.group(0)) % 2:
                        printWarning(pkg, 'macro-in-%changelog', match)
                if not depscript_override:
                    depscript_override = \
                        depscript_override_regex.search(line) is not None
                if not depgen_disabled:
                    depgen_disabled = \
                        depgen_disable_regex.search(line) is not None
                if not patch_fuzz_override:
                    patch_fuzz_override = \
                        patch_fuzz_override_regex.search(line) is not None

            if current_section == 'files':

                if not (comment_or_empty_regex.search(line) or
                        ifarch_regex.search(line) or if_regex.search(line) or
                    if defattr_regex.search(line):
                        files_has_defattr = True
                    elif not (files_has_defattr or attr_regex.search(line)):
                        printWarning(pkg, 'files-attr-not-set')

                # TODO: check scriptlets for these too?
                if package_noarch.get(current_package) or \
                        (current_package not in package_noarch and
                    res = libdir_regex.search(line)
                    if res:
                        pkgname = current_package
                        if pkgname is None:
                            pkgname = '(main package)'
                        printWarning(pkg, 'libdir-macro-in-noarch-package',
                                     pkgname, line.rstrip())

            if not indent_tabs and '\t' in line:
                indent_tabs = pkg.current_linenum
            if not indent_spaces and indent_spaces_regex.search(line):
                indent_spaces = pkg.current_linenum

            # Check if egrep or fgrep is used
            if current_section not in \
                    ('package', 'changelog', 'description', 'files'):
                greps = deprecated_grep_regex.findall(line)
                if greps:
                    printWarning(pkg, "deprecated-grep", greps)

            # If not checking spec file only, we're checking one inside a
            # SRPM -> skip this check to avoid duplicate warnings (#167)
            if spec_only and VALID_GROUPS and \
                group = line[6:].strip()
                if group not in VALID_GROUPS:
                    printWarning(pkg, 'non-standard-group', group)

            # Test if there are macros in comments
            if hashPos != -1 and \
                    (hashPos == 0 or line[hashPos - 1] in (" ", "\t")):
                for match in AbstractCheck.macro_regex.findall(
                        line[hashPos + 1:]):
                    res = re.match('%+', match)
                    if len(res.group(0)) % 2:
                        printWarning(pkg, 'macro-in-comment', match)

        # Last line read is not useful after this point
        pkg.current_linenum = None

        for sect in (x for x in buildroot_clean if not buildroot_clean[x]):
            printWarning(pkg, 'no-cleaning-of-buildroot', '%' + sect)

        if not buildroot:
            printWarning(pkg, 'no-buildroot-tag')

        for sec in ('prep', 'build', 'install', 'clean'):
            if not section.get(sec):
                printWarning(pkg, 'no-%%%s-section' % sec)
        for sec in ('changelog',):
            # prep, build, install, clean, check prevented by rpmbuild 4.4
            if section.get(sec, 0) > 1:
                printWarning(pkg, 'more-than-one-%%%s-section' % sec)

        if is_lib_pkg and not mklibname:
            printError(pkg, 'lib-package-without-%mklibname')

        if depscript_override and not depgen_disabled:
            printWarning(pkg, 'depscript-without-disabling-depgen')

        if patch_fuzz_override:
            printWarning(pkg, 'patch-fuzz-is-changed')

        if indent_spaces and indent_tabs:
            pkg.current_linenum = max(indent_spaces, indent_tabs)
            printWarning(pkg, 'mixed-use-of-spaces-and-tabs',
                         '(spaces: line %d, tab: line %d)' %
                         (indent_spaces, indent_tabs))
            pkg.current_linenum = None

        # process gathered info
        if not patches_auto_applied:
            for pnum, pfile in patches.items():
                if pnum in applied_patches_ifarch:
                    printWarning(pkg, "%ifarch-applied-patch",
                                 "Patch%d:" % pnum, pfile)
                if pnum not in applied_patches:
                    printWarning(pkg, "patch-not-applied",
                                 "Patch%d:" % pnum, pfile)

        # Rest of the checks require a real spec file
        if not self._spec_file:

        # We'd like to parse the specfile only once using python bindings,
        # but it seems errors from rpmlib get logged to stderr and we can't
        # capture and print them nicely, so we do it once each way :P

        out = Pkg.getstatusoutput(('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'rpm', '-q',
                                   '--qf=', '--specfile', self._spec_file))
        parse_error = False
        for line in out[1].splitlines():
            # No such file or dir hack: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/487855
            if 'No such file or directory' not in line:
                parse_error = True
                printError(pkg, 'specfile-error', line)

        if not parse_error:
            # grab sources and patches from parsed spec object to get
            # them with macros expanded for URL checking

            spec_obj = None
                ts = rpm.TransactionSet()
                spec_obj = ts.parseSpec(self._spec_file)
                # errors logged above already
            if spec_obj:
                    # rpm < 4.8.0
                    sources = spec_obj.sources()
                except TypeError:
                    # rpm >= 4.8.0
                    sources = spec_obj.sources
                for src in sources:
                    (url, num, flags) = src
                    (scheme, netloc) = urlparse(url)[0:2]
                    if flags & 1:  # rpmspec.h, rpm.org ticket #123
                        srctype = "Source"
                        srctype = "Patch"
                    tag = '%s%s' % (srctype, num)
                    if scheme and netloc:
                        info = self.check_url(pkg, tag, url)
                        if not info or not hasattr(pkg, 'files'):
                        clen = info.get("Content-Length")
                        if clen is not None:
                            clen = int(clen)
                        cmd5 = info.get("Content-MD5")
                        if cmd5 is not None:
                            cmd5 = cmd5.lower()
                        if clen is not None or cmd5 is not None:
                            # Not using path from urlparse results to match how
                            # rpm itself parses the basename.
                            pkgfile = pkg.files().get(url.split("/")[-1])
                            if pkgfile:
                                if clen is not None and pkgfile.size != clen:
                                    printWarning(pkg, 'file-size-mismatch',
                                                 '%s = %s, %s = %s' %
                                                 (pkgfile.name, pkgfile.size,
                                                  url, clen))
                                # pkgfile.md5 could be some other digest than
                                # MD5, treat as MD5 only if it's 32 chars long
                                if cmd5 and len(pkgfile.md5) == 32 \
                                        and pkgfile.md5 != cmd5:
                                    printWarning(pkg, 'file-md5-mismatch',
                                                 '%s = %s, %s = %s' %
                                                 (pkgfile.name, pkgfile.md5,
                                                  url, cmd5))
                    elif srctype == "Source" and tarball_regex.search(url):
                        printWarning(pkg, 'invalid-url', '%s:' % tag, url)