def handle_events(): events = pc.get_events() for a in events: if a.type == pc.SDL_QUIT: game_framework.quit() # ESC 게임 종료 if a.type == pc.SDL_KEYDOWN and a.key == pc.SDLK_ESCAPE: game_framework.quit() # 마우스 입력 if a.type == pc.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and a.button == 1: prc.set_mouse_input() MouseController.is_down = True elif a.type == pc.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP and a.button == 1: MouseController.is_down = False if a.type == pc.SDL_KEYDOWN: if a.key == 97: # a KeyController.x -= 1 if a.key == 100: # d KeyController.x += 1 if a.type == pc.SDL_KEYUP: if a.key == 97: # a KeyController.x += 1 if a.key == 100: # d KeyController.x -= 1 if a.type == pc.SDL_MOUSEMOTION: MouseController.mouse_input(a.x, a.y) if a.type == pc.SDL_KEYDOWN: if a.key == 97 or a.key == 100 or a.key == 115 or a.key == 119: prc.set_key_input()
def enter(): pc.SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(pc.SDL_FALSE) # 마우스 화면밖에 못나가게 global bgm if (bgm == None): bgm = pc.load_music('sound/Win.mp3') bgm.set_volume(64) View.reset() global objsList if objsList == None: objsList = ObjsList() ready_remain_time = ready_time make_objs() if victory_img is not None: victory_img.pos[0] = 1920 // 2 victory_img.pos[1] = 1080 - victory_img.get_halfsize()[1] + 100 prc.reset() is_enter_before = True
def draw(): i = 0 for view in View.views: pc.update_canvas() pc.clear_canvas() view.use() objsList.render( text_pos = get_center() text_pos[1] -= 300 prc.render_status(i, text_pos) i += 1
def handle_events(): events = pc.get_events() for a in events: if a.type == pc.SDL_QUIT: game_framework.quit() # ESC 게임 종료 if a.type == pc.SDL_KEYDOWN and a.key == pc.SDLK_ESCAPE: game_framework.quit() # 마우스 입력 if a.type == pc.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and a.button == 1: prc.set_mouse_input() if a.type == pc.SDL_KEYDOWN: if a.key == 97 or a.key == 100 or a.key == 115 or a.key == 119: prc.set_key_input()
def update(dt): # View 각자의 그리기를 불러줌 objsList.tick(dt) if prc.check_ready_status(): global ready_remain_time ready_remain_time -= dt if ready_remain_time <= 0: ready_remain_time = -1 game_framework.change_state(NextScene)
def enter(): pc.SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(pc.SDL_FALSE) # 마우스 화면밖에 못나가게 KeyController.x = 0 global bgm if (bgm == None): bgm = pc.load_music('sound/Title.mp3') bgm.set_volume(64) bgm.repeat_play() View.reset() global objsList if objsList == None: objsList = ObjsList() ready_remain_time = ready_time global is_enter_before if not is_enter_before: make_objs() prc.reset() is_enter_before = True