Example #1
def bodyDef(fpath):
    Used with input files ProblemX-BodyY.txt to return a PointCloud with the marker positions and another with the
    tip position.
    :param fpath: path to fine containing definition of rigid body
    :type fpath: str

    :return: The number of LED markers on the rigid body
    :return: PointCloud with the positions of the LEDs
    :return: PointCloud with position of the tip

    :rtype: int
    :rtype: pc.PointCloud
    :rtype: pc.PointCloud
    f = open(fpath, 'r')

    nMarkers = int(f.readline().split()[0])

    pcArray = np.zeros([3, nMarkers])

    for i in range(nMarkers):
        led = f.readline().split()
        for j in range(0, 3):
            pcArray[j][i] = np.float64(led[j])

    tip = np.zeros([3, 1])
    tipPos = f.readline().split()
    for j in range(0, 3):
        tip[j] = np.float64(tipPos[j])

    ledPC = pc.PointCloud(pcArray)
    tip = pc.PointCloud(tip)

    return nMarkers, ledPC, tip
Example #2
def classifyPointCloud(radius, threshold, method):

    :param radius: search radius
    :param threshold: max slope between points
    :param method: the data structure the user would like to use

    :type radius: float
    :type threshold: deg
    :type method: string

    :return: wrapper method - choose a way of searching and get results
    cloud = PointCloud()

    if method == 'KDTree':
        kdtree = KDTree()
        kdtree.initializeKDTree(cloud.pts, cloud.pts.shape[1] - 1)
        return KDTreeSearch(radius, threshold, cloud.pts, kdtree)

    elif method == 'Naive':
        return naiveSearch(radius, threshold, cloud.pts)

    elif method == 'EqualCells':
        g = GeoEqualCells()
        g.initializeGeoEqualCells(cloud.pts, 10, [1, 1])
        # terrain, objects, rtime = g.classifyPoints(radius, threshold)
        return g.classifyPoints(radius, threshold)

        return print(
            'method needs to be of the following: Naive, EqualCells or KDTree')
Example #3
def c_expected(calbody_file, calreadings_file):
    Computes expected EM marker positions on calibration object, given measured positions of markers on the object
    and data from each tracker.

    :param calbody_file: File name/path for the calibration object data file
    :param calreadings_file: File name/path for the readings from the trackers

    :type calbody_file: str
    :type calreadings_file: str

    :return: C_expected, a list of the expected positions of EM tracking markers on the calibration object for each
             frame of data
    :rtype: [PointCloud.PointCloud]
    tracker_frames = pc.fromfile(calreadings_file)

    object_frame = pc.fromfile(calbody_file)

    c_exp = []
    for frame in tracker_frames:
        f_d = object_frame[0][0].register(frame[0])
        f_a = object_frame[0][1].register(frame[1])


    return c_exp
Example #4
def testMatlabPointcloud():
    filename = '/Users/naheed/PycharmProjects/PersistenceHomology/data/eight.mat'
    p = pc.MatlabPointCloud(filename, 'point_cloud')
    print p.dimension, p.size
    # p.compute_distancematrix()
    # print p.distmat

    filename = '/Users/naheed/PycharmProjects/PersistenceHomology/data/pointsRange.mat'
    p = pc.MatlabPointCloud(filename, 'pointsRange')
    print p.dimension, p.size
Example #5
def load_and_plot(filename, boxsize):
    points = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=2)
    pc.impose_pbc(points, boxsize)
    rcut = boxsize[0]/4
    npar = len(points)
    rho = pc.rho(npar, boxsize)
    pairs = pc.get_pair(points, boxsize, rcut)
    rvec = pc.get_rvec(points, boxsize, rcut, pairs)
    r, rdf = pc.gen_rdf(rvec, npar, pc.rho(
        npar, boxsize), rcut=rcut, nbins=200)
    # min q = 2*pi/boxsize[0]
    # max q = 500*(min q)
    q = np.array([(2*np.pi/boxsize[0])*(j+1) for j in range(500)])
    Sq = np.zeros(q.shape)
    if len(boxsize) == 3:
        for j in range(len(q)):
            Sq[j] = (pc.Sint3D(q[j], r, rdf, rho))
        for j in range(len(q)):
            Sq[j] = (pc.Sint2D(q[j], r, rdf, rho))

    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
    ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
    ax2 = plt.subplot(122)
    ax1.plot(r, rdf)
    ax2.plot(q, Sq)
    ax2.set_xlabel(r'$q/ \frac{2\pi k}{L}$')
    name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
    plt.savefig(name+'.png', dpi=300)
Example #6
def testFindTipB(tolerance=1e-4):
    Tests finding the tip position of body B from the tip position of the A body. If the generated and calculated
    positions are within tolerance of one another, the test passes.

    :param tolerance: The minimum error between created and computed values for the test to pass.

    :type tolerance: float

    :return: None

    print('Testing registration of pointer tip wrt body B...')

    print('Generate random A_tip, and A_i, B_i points')
    angles1 = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, (3, ))
    angles2 = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, (3, ))

    a_tip = np.random.uniform(0, 10, (3, 1))

    a_led = np.random.uniform(0, 10, (3, 10))
    b_led = np.random.uniform(0, 10, (3, 10))

    r1 = _rotation(angles1)
    r2 = _rotation(angles2)

    p1 = np.random.uniform(0, 10, (3, 1))
    p2 = np.random.uniform(0, 10, (3, 1))

    a_frames = r1.dot(a_led) + p1
    b_frames = r2.dot(b_led) + p2

        'Generate random transformations to a_i,k and b_i,k, and generate d_k for one frame'
    print('\nd_k =')
    d_k = np.linalg.inv(r2).dot(r1).dot(a_tip) + np.linalg.inv(r2).dot(p1 - p2)

    print('\nCalculate d_k using function:\ntest_d_k =')
    test_d_k = icpm.findTipB([pc.PointCloud(a_frames)],
                             [pc.PointCloud(b_frames)], pc.PointCloud(a_led),
                             pc.PointCloud(a_tip), pc.PointCloud(b_led))

        '\nAssert difference between created and calculated d_k is less than tolerance = {}'
    print('\nIs calculated d_k within tolerance?')
    assert np.all(np.abs(d_k - test_d_k.data) <= tolerance)
    print(np.all(np.abs(d_k - test_d_k.data) <= tolerance))
    print('Find d_k test passed!')
Example #7
def test_reg(tolerance=1e-4):
    Tests registration of a random point cloud using a random rotation and translation. If the difference between the
    transformation components and the originals are withing tolerance, the registration is considered accurate and
    the tests pass.

    :param tolerance: The amount of allowed error between the generated and calculated transformation components
    :type tolerance: float

    :return: None
    print('Testing registration...')
    angles = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, (3, ))
    a = np.random.uniform(0, 10, (3, 10))
    print('\na =')
    r = _rotation(angles)
    print('\nR =')
    p = np.random.uniform(0, 10, (3, 1))
    print('\np =')

    print('\ntolerance = ' + str(tolerance))
    b = r.dot(a) + p
    print('\nb =')

    print('\nCalculating F_AB...')
    f = pc.PointCloud(a).register(pc.PointCloud(b))

    print('\nR_AB =')

    print('\np_AB =')

    print('\nIs calculated R within tolerance?')
    assert np.all(np.abs(r - f.r) <= tolerance)
    print(np.all(np.abs(r - f.r) <= tolerance))

    print('\nIs it a rotation (det = 1)?')
    assert np.abs(scialg.det(f.r) - scialg.det(r)) <= tolerance
    print(np.abs(scialg.det(f.r) - scialg.det(r)) <= tolerance)

    print('\nIs calculated p within tolerance?')
    assert np.all(np.abs(p - f.p) <= tolerance)
    print(np.all(np.abs(p - f.p) <= tolerance))

    print('\nRegistration tests passed!')
def testgraphrips():
    # path = '/Users/naheed/Google Drive/tda-sna/'
    # filename = 'core-blah.txt'
    # path = '/Users/naheed/Google Drive/tda-sna/animal/'
    # filename = 'dolphin.txt'
    # g = nx.read_edgelist(path + filename, nodetype=int, data=(('weight', float),))

    path = '/Users/naheed/Google Drive/tda-sna/ppi/'
    filename = 'rat-inact-ppi.txt'
    g = nx.read_edgelist(path + filename,
                         data=(('weight', float), ))

    maxdim = 1  # we want to compute upto maxdim-th homology. For that need to construct maxdim and maxdim+1 simplices.
    maxfilter = 0.3

    print 'graph size ', len(g.nodes)
    print 'number of edges = ', len(g.edges)

    p = Pc.GraphPointcloud(nxgraph=g)
    p.compute_distancematrix()  # Compute all pair shortest path (normalized)
    print "max distance: ", p.maxdist

    rf = IncrementalRips(p, 10, maxdim, maxfilter)
    print 'filtration size ', len(rf)
    # print rf
    ci = IntervalComputation(rf, maxk=maxdim, max_filtration_val=maxfilter)
Example #9
def testWitnessStream():
    from WitnessFiltration import WitnessStream
    from WeakWitnessFiltration import WeakWitnessStream
    # mean = [0, 0]
    # cov = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
    # matrixofpoints_inR2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, 100)
    # p = pc.PointCloud(matrixofpoints_inR2)
    filename = '/Users/naheed/PycharmProjects/PersistenceHomology/data/eight.mat'
    p = pc.MatlabPointCloud(filename, 'point_cloud')
    # Create Selector
    pointcloud_sel = sel.PointCloudSelector(p, 100, "RandomSelector")
    R = float(pointcloud_sel.get_maxdistance_landmarktoPointcloud()) / 2
    # R = 0
    print 'R = ', R
    numdivision = 5
    maxdim = 3
    # ws = WitnessStream(landmarkselector=pointcloud_sel, maxdistance=R, numdivision=numdivision, maxdimension=maxdim)
    ws = WeakWitnessStream(mu=2,

    print ws
    print "Total number of Simplices in the Filtration: ", len(ws)
Example #10
    def runmaxmin(self):
        construct max min landmarks set
        import random
        mindist_ptolandmarkset = np.full(self.pointcloud.size, np.inf)
        self.subsetindices = []
        for i in xrange(self.subsetsize):
            if i == 0:
                selected_index = random.randint(0, self.pointcloud.size - 1)
                # update min for all the rest indices
                # update min for this index to 0.
                for z in xrange(self.pointcloud.size):
                    # if z == selected_index:
                    #     mindist_ptolandmarkset[z] = 0.0
                    # else:
                    mindist_ptolandmarkset[z] = self.pointcloud.distmat[selected_index][z]
                selected_index = np.argmax(mindist_ptolandmarkset)
                # update minimum distance for all points
                for z in xrange(self.pointcloud.size):
                    mindist_ptolandmarkset[z] = min(mindist_ptolandmarkset[z],


        self.subsetpointcloud = pc.PointCloud(self.pointcloud.points[self.subsetindices])
Example #11
def main():
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("\n\n============== START ==============")
    p = cloud.PointCloud()

    """Sampler overlate(r) med gitt avstand i mm """
    p.get_subObjects(10.0, 10.0)

    """Setter sammen alle samples i en punktsky"""

    """Uncomment to display sampling"""
    # p.display_sampling()

    """Test for Path. Uncomment the desired path"""
    path = pathgen.Path(p.point_cloud)

    # path.greedy_algorithm(path.point_cloud[0])

    """GREEDY WEIGHTED. Uncomment desired weighting. U-weighting is default."""
    path.greedy_weighted(path.point_cloud[0], "u")
    # path.greedy_weighted(path.point_cloud[0], "y")

    # path.TSP_path()

    """Display path"""
Example #12
def findTipB(aFrames, bFrames, ledA, tipA, ledB):
    Finds the positions of the tip of pointer A with respect to the B rigid body for each sample frame.
    :param aFrames: Sample frames of A pointer
    :param bFrames: Sample frames of B rigid body
    :param ledA: Position of LEDs on A pointer in calibration frame
    :param tipA: Position of tip with respect to A pointer
    :param ledB: Position of LEDs on B rigid body in calibration frame
    :param tipB: Position of attachment of B to bone in B coordinate system

    :type aFrames: [pc.PointCloud]
    :type bFrames: [pc.PointCloud]
    :type ledA: pc.PointCloud
    :type tipA: pc.PointCloud
    :type ledB: pc.PointCloud
    :type tipB: pc.PointCloud

    :return: d_ks: Tip positions with respect to B rigid body in each data frame
    :rtype: pc.PointCloud

    d_ks = np.zeros([3, len(aFrames)])

    for i in range(len(aFrames)):
        regA = ledA.register(aFrames[i])
        regB = ledB.register(bFrames[i])
        reg = regB.inv.compose(regA)
        d_k = reg.r.dot(tipA.data) + reg.p
        for j in range(0, 3):
            d_ks[j][i] = d_k[j]

    return pc.PointCloud(d_ks)
Example #13
def testRipsstream():
    # maxdim = 2
    # filename = '/Users/naheed/PycharmProjects/PersistenceHomology/data/pointcloud.txt'
    # p = pc.TextPointCloud(filename, ' ')
    maxdim = 2
    filename = '/Users/naheed/PycharmProjects/PersistenceHomology/data/eight.mat'
    p = pc.MatlabPointCloud(filename, 'point_cloud')
    print p.dimension, p.size
    print p.getdistance(0, 1)
    from src.RipsFiltration import BruteForceRips

    rf = BruteForceRips(p, 100, maxdim, 0.02)
    print rf.write_boundarylists_to(
    print len(rf)
    from src.ComputeInterval import IntervalComputation
    ci = IntervalComputation(rf)
    npar = ci.get_intervals_asnumpyarray()
    print npar[:10]
    print npar.shape
    import numpy as np

    with open("test.csv", 'wb') as f:
        np.savetxt(f, npar, delimiter=",", fmt='%d,%.4f,%.4f')

    from src.Intervalviz import PersistenceViz
    pv = PersistenceViz(ci.betti_intervals, replace_Inf=rf.maxfiltration_val)
Example #14
def distcal(calbody_file, calreadings_file, empivot_file):
    Calculates the coefficient matrix of the distortion correction file and applies it to a set of EM pivot calibration
    frames to return the corrected pivot calibration.

    :param calbody_file: File name/path for the calibration object data file
    :param calreadings_file: File name/path for the readings from the trackers
    :param empivot_file: File name/path for EM pivot poses

    :type calbody_file: str
    :type emfiducialss: str
    :type empivot_file: str

    :return: pivotanswer: the corrected pivot calibration
    :return: coeff_mat: matrix of the coefficients for dewarping a data set
    :return: q_min: vector of minimum value for each coordinate in experimental data set
    :return: q_max: vector of maximum value for each coordinate in experimental data set
    :return: q_star_min: vector of minimim value for each coordinate in expected data set
    :return: q_star_max: vector of maximum value for each coordinate in expected data set

    :rtype coeffs: numpy.array([numpy.float64][]) degree**3 x 3
    :rtype q_min: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)
    :rtype q_max: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)
    :rtype q_star_min: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)
    :rtype q_star_max: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)

    tracker_frames = pc.fromfile(calreadings_file)

    c = []
    for k in range(len(tracker_frames)):

    c_exp = p1.c_expected(calbody_file, calreadings_file)

    pPerFrame = np.shape(c[0].data)[1]  #points per frame
    nFrames = np.shape(c)[0]

    concatc = c[0].data
    concatc_exp = c_exp[0].data
    for i in range(1, nFrames):
        concatc = np.concatenate((concatc, c[i].data), axis=1)
        concatc_exp = np.concatenate((concatc_exp, c_exp[i].data), axis=1)

    q_min, q_max, q_star_min, q_star_max = calc_q(concatc, concatc_exp)
    u_s_star = normalize(pPerFrame * nFrames, concatc_exp, q_star_min,
    u_s = normalize(pPerFrame * nFrames, concatc, q_min, q_max)

    F_mat = f_matrix(u_s, 5)

    coeff_mat = solve_fcu(F_mat, u_s_star)

    EMcorrect = correct(empivot_file, coeff_mat, q_min, q_max, q_star_min,

    pivotanswer = piv.pivot(EMcorrect, 0)

    return pivotanswer, coeff_mat, q_min, q_max, q_star_min, q_star_max
Example #15
def testpointcloud():
    matrixofpoints_inR2 = []
    mean = [0, 0]
    cov = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
    matrixofpoints_inR2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, 100)
    p = pc.PointCloud(matrixofpoints_inR2)
    print p.size, p.dimension
    print p.distmat
Example #16
def readSample(fpath, nA, nB):
    Reads frames of positions of led markers on bodies A and B and creates 2 lists of pointClouds.
    :param fpath: Filepath containing sample readings
    :param nA: number of LED markers on A
    :param nB: number of LED markers on B

    :type fpath: str
    :type nA: int
    :type nB: int

    :return: PointClouds representing positions of LEDs on A in each frame
    :return: PointClouds representing positions of LEDs on B in each frame

    :rtype: [pc.PointCloud]
    :rtype: [pc.PointCloud]
    f = open(fpath, 'r')

    line1 = f.readline()
    nMarkers = int(line1.split()[0].replace(',', ''))
    nSamples = int(line1.split()[1].replace(',', ''))

    aFrames = []
    bFrames = []

    for i in range(nSamples):
        aCloud = np.zeros([3, nA])
        bCloud = np.zeros([3, nB])
        for j in range(nA):
            point = f.readline().split()
            for k in range(0, 3):
                aCloud[k][j] = np.float64(point[k].replace(',', ''))
        for j in range(nB):
            point = f.readline().split()
            for k in range(0, 3):
                bCloud[k][j] = np.float64(point[k].replace(',', ''))
        for j in range(nMarkers - nA - nB):


    return aFrames, bFrames
Example #17
def tip_in_EM(empivot, emfiducialss, ptip, coeffs, q_min, q_max, q_star_min,
    Returns the position of the pointer tip in EM coordinates for tracker data frames when the tip is on a fiducial pin.

    :param empivot: The file name/path containing EM tracking data during calibration
    :param emfiducialss: The file name/path of the file with marker positions when the pointer is on the fiducials,
                         relative to the EM tracker.
    :param ptip: The coordinates of the tip of the pointer relative to the pointer coordinate system (Output of
    :param coeffs: Coefficient matrix for dewarping (Output of distortion.distcal)
    :param q_min: Vector of input minima for the initial correction matrix creation (Output of distortion.distcal)
    :param q_max: Vector of input maxima for the initial correction matrix creation (Output of distortion.distcal)
    :param q_star_min: Vector of output minima for the initial correction matrix creation (Output of distortion.distcal)
    :param q_star_max: Vector of output maxima for the initial correction matrix creation (Output of distortion.distcal)

    :type empivot: str
    :type emfiducialss: str
    :type ptip: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)
    :type coeffs: numpy.array([numpy.float64][]) degree**3 x 3
    :type q_min: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)
    :type q_max: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)
    :type q_star_min: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)
    :type q_star_max: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)

    :return: A PointCloud representing the location of the pointer tip in EM tracker coordinates at each set of
             observations G
    :rtype: PointCloud.PointCloud

    G = d.correct(emfiducialss, coeffs, q_min, q_max, q_star_min, q_star_max)
    G_orig = d.correct(empivot, coeffs, q_min, q_max, q_star_min, q_star_max)
    G_0 = np.mean(G_orig[0][0].data, axis=1, keepdims=True)

    G_j = G_orig[0][0].data - G_0

    Cs = pc.PointCloud()

    for frame in G:
        F = pc.PointCloud(G_j).register(frame[0])
        C = pc.PointCloud(ptip.reshape((3, 1))).transform(F)
        Cs = Cs.add(C)

    return Cs
Example #18
def test_pivot_cal(empivot, tolerance=1e-2):
    Tests whether pivot calibration is correct by using the fact that all frame transformations F_G[k] from pointer to
    EM coordinates will map p_tip to p_dimple.

    :param empivot: The name/path of an empivot.txt file, containing frames of EM tracker data during pivot calibration
    :param tolerance: Error tolerance between calculated and predicted values. Default is 1e-2.

    :type empivot: str
    :type tolerance: float

    :return: None
    print('\nTesting pivot calibration...')
    print('\nExtracting marker points:')
    G = pc.fromfile(empivot)
    for i in range(len(G)):

    p_ans = piv.pivot(G, 0, True)



        '\nIf calibration is correct, all frame transformations F_G[k] from pointer to EM coordinates will map'
    print('p_tip to p_dimple. Assert that this is true:')

    print('\ntolerance = {}'.format(tolerance))

    for i in range(len(G)):
        passes = np.all(
            np.abs(p_ans[1].reshape((3, 1)) - pc.PointCloud(p_ans[0].reshape(
                (3, 1))).transform(p_ans[2][i]).data) <= tolerance)
        assert passes
        print('\nFrame: {} of {}: {}'.format(i + 1, len(G), True))

    print('\nCalibration tests passed!')
Example #19
def tip_in_CT(empivot, emnav, ptip, F_reg, coeffs, q_min, q_max, q_star_min,
    Returns the position of the pointer tip in CT coordinates for tracker data frames.

    :param empivot: The file name/path containing EM tracking data during calibration
    :param emnav: The file name/path of the file with marker positions when the pointer is in an arbitrary position,
                  relative to the EM tracker.
    :param ptip: The coordinates of the tip of the pointer relative to the pointer coordinate system (Output of
    :param coeffs: Coefficient matrix for dewarping (Output of distortion.distcal)
    :param q_min: Vector of input minima for the initial correction matrix creation (Output of distortion.distcal)
    :param q_max: Vector of input maxima for the initial correction matrix creation (Output of distortion.distcal)
    :param q_star_min: Vector of output minima for the initial correction matrix creation (Output of distortion.distcal)
    :param q_star_max: Vector of output maxima for the initial correction matrix creation (Output of distortion.distcal)

    :type empivot: str
    :type emnav: str
    :type ptip: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)
    :type coeffs: numpy.array([numpy.float64][]) degree**3 x 3
    :type q_min: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)
    :type q_max: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)
    :type q_star_min: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)
    :type q_star_max: numpy.array(numpy.float64) shape (3,) or (, 3)

    :return: A list of arrays, where each array is the position of the pointer tip in EM tracker coordinates for each

    G = d.correct(emnav, coeffs, q_min, q_max, q_star_min, q_star_max)
    G_orig = d.correct(empivot, coeffs, q_min, q_max, q_star_min, q_star_max)
    G_0 = np.mean(G_orig[0][0].data, axis=1, keepdims=True)

    G_j = G_orig[0][0].data - G_0

    CTs = pc.PointCloud()

    for frame in G:
        F = pc.PointCloud(G_j).register(frame[0])
        C = pc.PointCloud(ptip.reshape((3, 1))).transform(F).transform(F_reg)
        CTs = CTs.add(C)

    return CTs
    def __init__(self, window):

        self.look_timer = QTimer()

        # self.btn_save_image.clicked.connect(self.user_btn_save_image_click_handler)

        self.cameraSystem = None
        self.tt = 0

        self.graphicsWidget = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget()
        p1 = self.graphicsWidget.addPlot(title="image")

        # Item for displaying image data
        self.image = pg.ImageItem()


        # Contrast/color control
        self.hist = pg.HistogramLUTItem()
        self.hist.setHistogramRange(0, 100)
        # Generate image data
        # data = np.random.random(size=(480, 640))
        # for i in range(0, 480):
        #     for j in range(0, 640):
        #         data[i][j] = 200
        # self.image.setImage(data)


        # camera init
        self.cameraSystem = PointCloud.CameraSystem()

        self.devices = self.cameraSystem.scan()

        if len(self.devices) == 1:
            print(" Find one device.")
            self.user_camera_window = ShowDepthNoGUI.MainWindow(
                self.cameraSystem, self.devices)
            # key = input("Input enter key to quit.")
            # print(" Quit now.")
            # window.stop()
            print(" No device found.")

            print(" before del  cameraSystem.")
            del self.cameraSystem
            print(" after del  cameraSystem.")
            cameraSystem = None
Example #21
def vxltocsv(filename):
    print(" on vxl to csv ")
    """Converts VXL file to csv file"""
    camsys = PointCloud.CameraSystem()
    r = PointCloud.FrameStreamReader(filename, camsys)
    bool1, cols = r.getStreamParamu("frameWidth")
    bool2, rows = r.getStreamParamu("frameHeight")
    if not bool1 or not bool2:
        print("Cannot read the stream")
    if not r.isStreamGood():
        print("Stream is not good: " + filename)
    numFrames = r.size()
    print(" numFrames:",numFrames)
    mAmplitudes = np.zeros(( rows, cols), dtype='float')
    mPhase = np.zeros(( rows, cols), dtype='float')
    pointX = 118
    pointY = 142
    outFileName = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.csv' 
    if outFileName:
        print("outFileName: ",outFileName)
        with open(outFileName, 'w') as f:
            for i in (range(numFrames)):
                if not r.readNext():
                    print("Failed to read frame %d" %i)
                # Extract depth information
                depthFrame = PointCloud.DepthFrame.typeCast(r.frames[PointCloud.DepthCamera.FRAME_DEPTH_FRAME])
                mDepths = np.array(depthFrame.depth, copy=True).reshape((rows, cols))
                depth = mDepths[pointX][pointY]
                # Extract amplitude and phase information
                tofFrame = PointCloud.ToF1608Frame.typeCast(r.frames[PointCloud.DepthCamera.FRAME_RAW_FRAME_PROCESSED])
                mAmplitudes = np.array(tofFrame._amplitude, copy=True).reshape((rows, cols))
                mPhase = np.array(tofFrame._phase, copy=True).reshape((rows, cols))
                amp = mAmplitudes[pointX][pointY]
                phase = mPhase[pointX][pointY]
                # print 
                print("tofFrame.id is %s amp : %s  phase : %s  depth : %.4f" %(tofFrame.id,amp,phase,depth) )
                content  = "%5d,%5d,%.4f"%(amp,phase,depth)
Example #22
    def runrandom(self):
        rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed)
        self.subsetindices = []
        if self.subsetsize > self.pointcloud.size:
            raise Exception("Subset size can not be more than the size of the Pointcloud")
        elif self.subsetsize == self.pointcloud.size:
            self.subsetindices = range(0, self.pointcloud.size, 1)
            self.subsetindices = rnd.choice(self.pointcloud.size, self.subsetsize, replace=False)

        self.subsetpointcloud = pc.PointCloud(self.pointcloud.points[self.subsetindices])
Example #23
def testRandomSelector():
    # Create PointCloud
    matrixofpoints_inR2 = []
    mean = [0, 0]
    cov = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
    matrixofpoints_inR2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, 100)
    p = pc.PointCloud(matrixofpoints_inR2)
    # Create Selector
    s = sel.PointCloudSelector(p, 5, "RandomSelector")
    print s.getLandmarkPoints().points

    print s.getdistance_subsetstoPointcloud()
Example #24
def ICPmatch(s_i,
    Finds the closest point on a given surface for each point in a given PointCloud
    :param s_i: PointCloud of points to find closest point
    :param vCoords: Coordinates of each vertex on surface
    :param vInd: Indices of vertices for each triangle on surface
    :param spheres: List of bounding spheres around triangles on surface.
    :param tree: tree data strucutre to search from (optional)
    :param oldpts: old closest points (optional)
    :param linear: true if linear search should be performed
    :param usetree: true if tree search should be used

    :type s_i: PointCloud.PointCloud
    :type vCoords: np.array([np.float64]) 3 x N
    :type vInd: np.array([np.float64]) 3 x M
    :type spheres: [bs.BoundingSphere]
    :type tree: tree.CovTreeNode
    :type oldpts: pc.PointCloud
    :type linear: bool
    :type usetree: bool

    :return: closest point on surface to each point in s_i
    :rtype: pc.PointCloud
    c_ij = np.zeros([3, np.shape(s_i.data)[1]])
    old = None
    closest_pts = None
    if usetree:
        old = oldpts
        closest_pts = old
    for i in range(np.shape(s_i.data)[1]):
        if linear:
            c = findClosestPointLinear(s_i.data[:, i], vCoords, vInd)
            c_ij[:, i] = c[:]
        elif usetree:
            old_i = closest_pts.data[:, i]
            dist = np.linalg.norm(old_i - s_i.data[:, i])
            closest = [old_i]
            bound = [dist]
            tree.FindClosestPoint(s_i.data[:, i], bound, closest)
            c_ij[:, i] = closest[0][:]
            c = findClosestPoint(s_i.data[:, i], vCoords, vInd, spheres)
            c_ij[:, i] = c[:]
    return pc.PointCloud(c_ij)
Example #25
def drawClassification(terrain, objects, rtime, flag, runNumber=1):

    :param terrain: terrain cloud of points
    :param objects: objects cloud of points
    :param rtime: run time of the search in seconds
    :param flag: what does the user want to be drawn - 'terrain', 'objects' or 'all'

    :type terrain: array nX3
    :type objects: array nX3
    :type rtime: float
    :type flag: string

    :return: void
    c = PointCloud()
    print('Classification took ', rtime, 'seconds')
    print('terrain points: ', len(terrain), ' %: ',
          len(terrain) / (len(terrain) + len(objects)))
    print('object points: ', len(objects), ' %: ',
          len(objects) / (len(terrain) + len(objects)))
    c.drawFilteredPointCloud(objects, terrain, flag, runNumber=runNumber)
Example #26
    def __init__(self, nails, connects, scaleFactor, origin):

        self.pc = None
        self.connects = None

        self.origin = None
        self.scale = None

        self.safeZ = 15.0
        self.feedRate = 2500
        self.drillFeed = 1000
        self.mposX = 0
        self.mposY = 0
        self.mposZ = 0
        self.feed = 0

        self.startZ = 0.6
        self.threadThickness = 0.25
        self.maxZ = 7.0
        self.ramp_angle = 15  # degrees
        self.z_hop = 3

        self.nailThreadHeights = None
        self.ramp_A_p = None
        self.ramp_A_z = 0
        self.ramp_B_p = None
        self.ramp_B_z = 0

        self.epsilon = 0.1  # moves smaller than this will be omitted (currently only z)

        self.pc = PointCloud(100, 100)
        self.connects = connects
        self.connectHeight = [0.0] * len(connects)
        self.pc.translate(-origin.x, -origin.y)
        self.pc.scale(scaleFactor.x, scaleFactor.y)

        self.program = None
Example #27
def comparebars():
    maxdim = 2
    filename = '/Users/naheed/PycharmProjects/PersistenceHomology/data/eight.mat'
    p = pc.MatlabPointCloud(filename, 'point_cloud')
    print p.dimension, p.size
    print p.getdistance(0, 1)
    from src.RipsFiltration import BruteForceRips
    rf = BruteForceRips(p, 100, maxdim, 0.01)
    from src.ComputeInterval import IntervalComputation
    ci = IntervalComputation(rf)
    print ci.betti_intervals

    from src.WeakWitnessFiltration import WeakWitnessStream
    filename = '/Users/naheed/PycharmProjects/PersistenceHomology/data/eight.mat'
    p2 = pc.MatlabPointCloud(filename, 'point_cloud')
    print p2.dimension, p2.size
    pointcloud_sel = sel.PointCloudSelector(p2, 200, "MaxminSelector")
    R = 0.01
    print "R= ", R
    ws = WeakWitnessStream(mu=1,

    ci2 = IntervalComputation(ws)

    # print len(ci2.betti_intervals), len(ci.betti_intervals)

    from src.Intervalviz import PersistenceViz
    pv = PersistenceViz(ci.betti_intervals, replace_Inf=rf.maxfiltration_val)
    pv.qual_compare_barcodes(ci2.betti_intervals, R)
Example #28
 def __init__(self, pc):
     self.pc = pc
     self.kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=pc.numMols, # using scipy implementation of kmeans
     self.target = pc.generateTarget(pc.cartesianCoords)   # generate targets
     self.classifications = self.kmeans.predict(pc.cartesianCoords) # predict clusters
     # Run performance metrics
     self.contingencyTable = self.generateContingencyTable(self.target, self.classifications)
     self.accuracy = self.calcAccuracy(self.contingencyTable)
     self.precision = self.calcPrecision(self.contingencyTable)
     self.recall = self.calcRecall(self.contingencyTable)
     self.falsePositiveRate = self.calcFPRate(self.contingencyTable)
     self.fMeasure = self.calcFMeasure(self.contingencyTable)
Example #29
def p_dimple(optpivot_file, calbody_file):
    Computes expected EM marker positions on calibration object, given measured positions of markers on the object
    and data from each tracker.

    :param optpivot_file: File name/path for the calibration object data file

    :type optpivot_file: str

    :return: C_expected, a list of the expected positions of EM tracking markers on the calibration object for each
             frame of data
    :rtype: [PointCloud.PointCloud]
    opt_frames = pc.fromfile(optpivot_file)
    object_frame = pc.fromfile(calbody_file)

    f_d = opt_frames[0][0].register(object_frame[0][0])

    for i in range(len(opt_frames)):
        opt_frames[i][1] = opt_frames[i][1].transform(f_d)

    p_cal, p_piv = piv.pivot(opt_frames, 1)

    return p_piv
Example #30
    def _FindBoundingBox(self, n):
        Finds the upper and lower bounds of a bounding box around this covariance tree.
        :param n: Number of triangles in the covariance tree.
        :type n: integer

        :return: upper and lower bounds of bounding box around this covariance tree
        :rtype: []
        LB = pc.PointCloud(self.triangle_list[0].SortPoint()).transform(
        bounds = [LB, LB]
        for k in range(n):
            bounds = self.triangle_list[k].EnlargeBounds(self.frame, bounds)
        self.bounds = bounds
        return bounds