Example #1
def evaluation(submit_file, eval_ann, threshold=0.1, confidence=0.3):
    assert osp.isfile(submit_file)
    assert osp.isfile(eval_ann)
    with open(eval_ann, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        gt_annotations = json.loads(f.read(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
    with open(submit_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        preds = json.loads(f.read(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)

    tp, fp, npos = 0, 0, 0
    """ for validation the annotation is same as the trainset. """
    for name, pred_ann in preds.items():
        gt_annotation = gt_annotations[name]  # is a list
        # npos should filter the ignored box.
        # npos += len(gt_annotation)
        for gt_polygon_tran in gt_annotation:
            if gt_polygon_tran["illegibility"]:
            npos += 1

        cover = set()
        # compare each pred_polygon with each gt_polygon
        for pred_polygon_pro in pred_ann:
            pred_polygon = np.array(
                pred_polygon_pro["points"])  # shape: [n, 2]
            pred_prob = np.float32(pred_polygon_pro["confidence"])
            if pred_prob < confidence:  # confidence threshold.
            pred_polygon = plg.Polygon(pred_polygon)
            flag = False
            is_ignore = False

            for gt_id, gt_polygon_tran in enumerate(gt_annotation):
                gt_illegibility = gt_polygon_tran["illegibility"]
                gt_polygon = np.array(gt_polygon_tran["points"]).reshape(
                    -1, 2).astype(np.int64)
                gt_polygon = plg.Polyogn(gt_polygon)

                union = get_union(pred_polygon, gt_polygon)
                intersection = get_intersection(pred_polygon, gt_polygon)
                if intersection * 1.0 / union >= threshold and flag is False:
                    if gt_id not in cover:
                        flag = True
                        if gt_illegibility:
                            is_ignore = True
            if flag:
                tp += 0.0 if is_ignore else 1.0
                fp += 1.0

    precision = tp / (fp + tp)
    recall = tp / npos  # recall do not calculate the ignored ones.
    hmean = 0 if (
        precision +
        recall) == 0 else 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
    print("p: {:f}  r: {:f}  h: {:f}".format(precision, recall, hmean))