Example #1
    def newInterceptionPoint(self,world_state):
        For times 1 to 20 (in seconds)
            - finds the ball's position at this time
            - finds the robot travel time to this point
            - if the travel time plus some buffer is less than the ball time
                - Then new interception at this point. Sets driver target.
        # How many seconds ahead of the ball the robot has to arrive at
        # a point for it to be an 'intercept' point.
        travel_buffer = 1.0
        found = False
        print "Finding new Interception"
        for ball_time in [x * 0.1 for x in range(1,50)]:
            if not found:
                ball_pos = Predictions.predictBallPos(world_state, ball_time)
                travel_time = predictRobotMovementTime(world_state, ball_pos)
                if (travel_time + travel_buffer < ball_time):
                    interceptstring = "Interception at " + str(ball_pos) + " from " + str(world_state.myPos)
                    timestring = "Robot time: " + str(travel_time) + " Ball Time " + str(ball_time)
                    print interceptstring
                    print timestring

                    self.driver.target = ball_pos
                    self.interception = True
                    found = True

        if not found:
            print "Could not find interception"
def imdisplay():
    img = os.listdir(
    images = []
    Type = []
    cs = []
    Wrongcol1 = []
    Wrongcol2 = []
    for i in img:
        path = f'/Users/Charles/Documents/Spiced/FinalProject/flask/static/images/{i}'
        type1, type2, color = pr.prediction(path)

        #return images,Type1,Type2,Type0
        Type0 = type1 + ", " + type2 + ", " + color
        colorsearch = session.get("cs", None)
        if colorsearch == color or colorsearch == "":
            if type1 == "Environmental" or type2 == "Secondary":
        session['wrongcol1'] = Wrongcol1
        session['wrongcol2'] = Wrongcol2
    return render_template('ImDisplay.html', img=zip(images, Type, cs))
Example #3
    def iterate(self, world_state, frametime):
        Finds a predicted point of the ball in the future to drive to based upon distance from robot to ball.
        self.timer += frametime
        self.timer2 += frametime

        instructions = self.driver.iterate(world_state, frametime)

        if self.timer2 > 0.1:
            self.timer2 = 0.0

            # Get distance between ball and robot. Predict some time in future based on this
            # For a full span of the pitch (640 pixels) predict 3 seconds in the future.
            # Shrink this based on distance to the ball
            dist = distance(world_state.ballPos, world_state.myPos)# + 30
            time = (3/640.0) * dist
            print "Current ball position is: " + str(world_state.ballPos)
            predicted_ball_pos = Predictions.predictBallPos(world_state, time)
            print "Target position is: " + str(predicted_ball_pos)
            if length(world_state.ballVel) > 20:
                self.go += 1
                if self.go >= 3:
                    self.driver.target = predicted_ball_pos
                    self.driver.target = world_state.myPos
                self.driver.target = world_state.myPos

        return instructions
Example #4
    def iterate(self, world_state, frametime):
        Finds a predicted point of the ball in the future to drive to based upon distance from robot to ball.

        self.timer += frametime
        self.timer2 += frametime

        instructions = self.driver.iterate(world_state, frametime)

        if self.timer2 > 0.1:
            self.timer2 = 0.0

            # Get distance between ball and robot. Predict some time in future based on this
            # For a full span of the pitch (640 pixels) predict 3 seconds in the future.
            # Shrink this based on distance to the ball
            dist = distance(world_state.ballPos, world_state.myPos)  # + 30
            time = (3 / 640.0) * dist
            print "Current ball position is: " + str(world_state.ballPos)
            predicted_ball_pos = Predictions.predictBallPos(world_state, time)
            print "Target position is: " + str(predicted_ball_pos)
            if length(world_state.ballVel) > 20:
                self.go += 1
                if self.go >= 3:
                    self.driver.target = predicted_ball_pos
                    self.driver.target = world_state.myPos
                self.driver.target = world_state.myPos

        return instructions
Example #5
def vect_Knn(x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test):
    vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=5, max_df = 0.9, sublinear_tf=True, use_idf=True,ngram_range=(1,4),strip_accents='unicode',lowercase=True)
    train_corpus_tf_idf = vectorizer.fit_transform(x_train)
    test_corpus_tf_idf = vectorizer.transform(x_test)

    result = model.predict(test_corpus_tf_idf)
    print("MAE=", mae(result,y_test), "//", "acc=", pred.acc(result,y_test), "MSE=", mse(result,y_test) )
    return model.predict(train_corpus_tf_idf),result
Example #6
def GetSentimentForDF(_df):
    _df['text'] = _df.text.apply(tp.expand_contractions)
    _df['text'] = _df.text.apply(tp.scrub_words)
    _df['text'] = _df.text.apply(tp.remove_accented_chars)
    review_data_loader = Unseen_Dataloader(_df)
    data = next(iter(review_data_loader))
    unsen_review_texts, unseen_pred, unseen_pred_probs = pred.Get_unseen_Prediction(md.model,review_data_loader)
    print("BERT Prediction is made!!!!!")
    return unseen_pred
Example #7
    def predict_ball(self):
        #torque coefficients
        T_r = 36.07956616966136
        # torque coefficient for roll
        T_p = 12.14599781908070
        # torque coefficient for pitch
        T_y = 8.91962804287785
        # torque coefficient for yaw
        #boost vector in car coordinates
        # boostVector = np.array([self.controller_state.boost * 991.666, 0, 0])
        #Get values at tk and tk - 1
        self.s_before = self.s_now
        self.s_now = self.ball.position
        self.v_before = self.v_now
        self.v_now = self.ball.velocity
        # self.p0 = self.p1 #position vector at initial time
        # self.p1 = self.car.position #position vector at tk+1
        # self.v0 = self.v1 #velocity at prior frame
        # self.v1 = self.car.velocity
        # self.q0 = self.q1 #Orientation at prior frame
        # self.q1 = self.CoordinateSystems.Qworld_to_car.conjugate.normalised
        # self.w0 = self.w1 #angular velocity at prior frame
        # self.w1 = self.car.angular_velocity
        # self.a0 = self.a1 #accelreation vector at prior frame
        # self.a1 = self.CoordinateSystems.toWorldCoordinates(boostVector)
        # self.T0 = self.T1 #Torque vector at prior frame
        # self.T1 = np.array([self.controller_state.roll * T_r, self.controller_state.pitch * T_p, self.controller_state.yaw * -1 * T_y])

        # aavg = (self.a1 + self.a0) / 2
        # vavg = (self.v1 + self.v0 / 2)
        # predictedp1, predictedv1 = Predictions.predict(self.p0, self.v0, self.q0, self.w0, aavg, self.T0, self.t0, self.t1)
        self.ballposition = Predictions.predictBallTrajectory(
            self.ball, self.t1)
        self.ballerror = Predictions.ballPredictionError(
            self.s_before, self.s_now, self.v_before, self.v_now, self.t0,
        self.ballerror = self.ballerror**(1 / 2)

        self.time_to_ground, self.s_ground = Predictions.predict_ball_to_ground(
            self.ball, self.t1)
Example #8
def getNextStage(userId, stage, text):
    if stage is None:
        return stages[0]

    option = findOption(stage, text)
    currentId = stage["id"];

    #Фильтр мата: если сматерились, то переходим на стадию "Мат" и отражаем мат для проверки в следующем сообщении
    if containsSwear(text):
        return getSwearResponseJson(stage)

    if stage["id"] == "Мат":
        clickedExcuseButton = option is not None

        if containsExcuses(text) or clickedExcuseButton:
            return createExcuseStage(userId, stage)
            return getSwearRefusementJson(stage)

    result = None

    # Когда текст не подходит по возможным вариантам.
    if option is None and stage["id"] not in ["Вопрос", "Задание вопроса"]:
        result = stage
        result["text"] = "Я тебя не понял. Лучше выбери ответ!"
        nextId = option["nextId"]

        result = findStageById(nextId)
        result = result

        #Вставка предсказания в ответ, если нажали на предсказание
        if nextId == "Результат предсказания":
            result["text"] = Predictions.getPrediction(userId)

        #Установка статуса подписки (Хочу получать предсказания по утрам / хочу прервать подписку)
        if shouldChangeSubscriptionStatus(result):
            changeSubscriptionStatus(userId, result)

        #Подписаться, когда нажали на кнопку подписки
        if nextId == "Рассылка":

        #Отписаться, когда нажали на кнопку отписки
        if nextId == "Отписка":

    return result
Example #9
def vect_lasso(x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test):
    vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=5, max_df = 0.9, sublinear_tf=True, use_idf=True,ngram_range=(1,4),strip_accents='unicode',lowercase=True)
    train_corpus_tf_idf = vectorizer.fit_transform(x_train)
    test_corpus_tf_idf = vectorizer.transform(x_test)
    train_tf_idf=np.hstack((train_corpus_tf_idf.toarray(), (train_corpus_tf_idf != 0).sum(1) ))
    test_tf_idf=np.hstack((test_corpus_tf_idf.toarray(), (test_corpus_tf_idf != 0).sum(1) ))

    result = model.predict(test_tf_idf)
    print("MAE=", mae(result,y_test), "//", "acc=", pred.acc(result,y_test),"//", "MSE=", mse(result,y_test) )
    return model.predict(train_tf_idf),result
Example #10
    def predict_car(self):
        #torque coefficients
        T_r = 36.07956616966136
        # torque coefficient for roll
        T_p = 12.14599781908070
        # torque coefficient for pitch
        T_y = 8.91962804287785
        # torque coefficient for yaw

        boostVector = np.array(
            [float(self.controller_state.boost) * (991.666 + 60), 0, 0])
        #Get values at tk and tk - 1
        self.s_before = self.s_now
        self.s_now = self.ball.position
        self.v_before = self.v_now
        self.v_now = self.ball.velocity
        self.p0 = self.p1  #position vector at initial time
        self.p1 = self.car.position  #position vector at tk+1
        self.v0 = self.v1  #velocity at prior frame
        self.v1 = self.car.velocity
        self.q0 = self.q1  #Orientation at prior frame
        self.q1 = self.CoordinateSystems.Qworld_to_car.conjugate.normalised
        self.w0 = self.w1  #angular velocity at prior frame
        self.w1 = self.car.angular_velocity
        self.a0 = self.a1  #accelreation vector at prior frame
        self.a1 = self.CoordinateSystems.toWorldCoordinates(boostVector)
        self.T0 = self.T1  #Torque vector at prior frame
        self.T1 = np.array([
            self.controller_state.roll * T_r,
            self.controller_state.pitch * T_p,
            self.controller_state.yaw * -1 * T_y

        aavg = (self.a1 + self.a0) / 2
        vavg = (self.v1 + self.v0) / 2
        # def predict(position, velocity, q, omega, a, torques, t0, t1):
        predictedp1, predictedv1 = Predictions.predict(self.p0, self.v0,
                                                       self.q0, self.w0, aavg,
                                                       self.T0, self.t0,
        self.errorv = ((predictedv1 - self.v1) * 100 / self.v1)**2
        self.errorp = ((predictedp1 - self.p1) * 100 / self.p1)**2
Example #11
    def newInterceptionPoint(self, world_state):
        For times 1 to 20 (in seconds)
            - finds the ball's position at this time
            - finds the robot travel time to this point
            - if the travel time plus some buffer is less than the ball time
                - Then new interception at this point. Sets driver target.

        # How many seconds ahead of the ball the robot has to arrive at
        # a point for it to be an 'intercept' point.
        travel_buffer = 1.0

        found = False

        print "Finding new Interception"
        for ball_time in [x * 0.1 for x in range(1, 50)]:

            if not found:
                ball_pos = Predictions.predictBallPos(world_state, ball_time)
                travel_time = predictRobotMovementTime(world_state, ball_pos)
                if (travel_time + travel_buffer < ball_time):
                    interceptstring = "Interception at " + str(
                        ball_pos) + " from " + str(world_state.myPos)
                    timestring = "Robot time: " + str(
                        travel_time) + " Ball Time " + str(ball_time)
                    print interceptstring
                    print timestring
                    Log("Intercept", interceptstring)

                    Log("Intercept", timestring)
                    self.driver.target = ball_pos
                    self.interception = True
                    found = True

        if not found:
            print "Could not find interception"
Example #12
def makeBroadcastPredictionStage(userId):
    result = findStageById("Результат предсказания")
    result["text"] = Predictions.getPrediction(userId)
    result["options"] = findStageById("Рассылка")["options"]
    return result
Example #13
    def get_output(self, packet: GameTickPacket) -> SimpleControllerState:
        #Original Code
        my_car = packet.game_cars[self.index]
        ball_location = Vector2(packet.game_ball.physics.location.x,
        car_location = Vector2(my_car.physics.location.x,
        car_direction = get_car_facing_vector(my_car)
        car_to_ball = ball_location - car_location

        #update class data
        self.CoordinateSystems.update(self.car, self.ball)

        self.ball.x = packet.game_ball.physics.location.x
        self.ball.y = packet.game_ball.physics.location.y
        self.ball.z = packet.game_ball.physics.location.z

        # t = packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed

        carBallAngle = getAngle(
            packet.game_ball.physics.location.x - self.car.x,
            packet.game_ball.physics.location.z - self.car.z, 0, 0)

        # print('z:', self.car.z, 'vz:', self.car.vz, 'y:', self.car.y, 'vy:', self.car.vy, 'x:', self.car.x, 'vx:', self.car.vx, 'pitch:', self.car.pitch, 'roll: ', self.car.roll, 'yaw:', self.car.yaw)

        #fixing pitch since RL uses euler angles
        pi = math.pi
        p = float(self.car.pitch)
        r = float(self.car.roll)
        y = float(self.car.yaw)

        curang = float(getXZangle(p, r, y))
        # print('actual pitchL', actualPitch[0])
        #Create desired and current vectors [x, z, theta, vx, vz, omegay]
        # self.current = np.matrix([self.car.z, self.car.x, actualPitch, self.car.vz, self.car.vx, self.car.wy])
        # self.desired = np.matrix([800, self.car.x, math.pi/4, self.car.vz, self.car.vx, self.car.wy])
        self.current = np.matrix([curang, self.car.wy])
        self.desired1 = np.matrix([-1 * float(carBallAngle[0]), 0])
        self.desired2 = self.desired1  #np.matrix([-2, 0])

        #calculate Adesired
        As = 900  #uu/s2
        Ag = np.matrix([0, -650])
        theta = carBallAngle
        Adesired = np.matrix([(As * math.cos(theta)), (As * math.sin(theta))])
        Aa = Adesired - Ag

        Ax = float(Aa.item(0))
        Az = float(Aa.item(1))
        Ax2 = math.pow(Ax, 2)
        Az2 = math.pow(Az, 2)

        A = (math.sqrt(Ax2 + Az2))
        boostPercent = A / 991.666 * 100
        boostPercent = max(min(boostPercent, 100), 0)

        thetaActual = getAngle(Aa.item(0), Aa.item(1), 0, 0)
        # print('Theta actual:', thetaActual, 'Aactual: ', Aa, 'boost percent: ', boostPercent)
        thetaDesired = np.matrix([-1 * float(thetaActual), 0])

        #Quaternion stuff
        q0 = Quaternion(axis=[1., 0., 0.], radians=self.car.roll)
        q1 = Quaternion(axis=[0., 1., 0.], radians=self.car.pitch)
        q2 = Quaternion(axis=[0., 0., 1.], radians=-1 * self.car.yaw)
        q3 = q0 * q1 * q2
        xprime = q3.rotate([1, 0, 0])

        qcar = q3.rotate([1., 0., 0.])

        # print('xprime: ', xprime, 'q3:', q3)

        #get point vectors for car and ball
        ux = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
        uy = np.array([0., 1., 0.])
        uz = np.array([0., 0., 1.])
        Pb = np.array([
        Pc = np.array([
            self.car.x, self.car.y, self.car.z
        ])  #negate z because z axis for car is pointed downwards
        Pbc = np.subtract(Pb,
                          Pc)  #Get vector to ball from car in car coordinates

        xyz = np.cross(
            Pbc)  #xyz of quaternion is rotation between Pbc and unit x vector
        w = math.sqrt(1 * (
            (Pbc.item(0)**2) + (Pbc.item(1)**2) +
            (Pbc.item(2)**2))) + np.dot(ux, Pbc)  #scalr of quaternion
        qbcworld = Quaternion(w=w, x=xyz.item(0), y=xyz.item(1), z=xyz.item(2))
        eulerAngles = toEulerAngle(
            qbcworld.unit)  #convert quaternion to euler angles

        #getting quaternion describing car orientation
        qw2c = Quaternion(w=0,
        # Pcar = qw2c.unit.rotate(ux)
        q0 = Quaternion(axis=[1., 0., 0.], radians=self.car.roll)
        q1 = Quaternion(axis=[0., 1., 0.], radians=self.car.pitch)
        q2 = Quaternion(axis=[0., 0., -1.], radians=self.car.yaw)
        q3 = q0.unit * q1.unit * q2.unit
        Pcar = q3.unit.rotate(ux)
        # print('pcar', xprime, 'pitch', self.car.pitch)
        xyzCar = np.cross(
            Pcar)  #xyz of quaternion is rotation between Pbc and unit x vector
        wCar = math.sqrt(1 * (
            (Pcar.item(0)**2) + (Pcar.item(1)**2) +
            (Pcar.item(2)**2))) + np.dot(ux, Pcar)  #scalr of quaternion
        qcarworld = Quaternion(w=wCar,

        #Angular Velocity Inputs to the control algorithm
        omegades = np.matrix([0, 0, 0])
        omegacur = self.CoordinateSystems.w_car

        #get current position of trajectory
        time = packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed
        Pdes, Vdes = self.Trajectory.circularTrajectory(1000, .5, time,
                                                        1500)  #A, w, t, height
        # Pdes = np.array([self.ball.x, self.ball.y, self.ball.z])
        # Vdes = np.array([self.ball.vx, self.ball.vy, self.ball.vz])
        #get acceleration vector
        Pcur = np.array([self.car.x, self.car.y, self.car.z])
        Vcur = np.array([self.car.vx, self.car.vy, self.car.vz])

        acc, accMagnitude = getAccelerationVector(Pdes, Pcur, Vdes, Vcur)
        accfix = np.array([-1 * acc.item(0), acc.item(1), acc.item(2)])
        boostPercent = accMagnitude / 991.666 * 100
        boostPercent = max(min(boostPercent, 100), 0)
        # print('acc:', acc, 'accmag', accMagnitude)
        Qworld_to_acceleration_vector = self.CoordinateSystems.createQuaternion_world_at_car(
        torques = getTorques(self.CoordinateSystems.Qworld_to_car,
                             Qworld_to_acceleration_vector, omegades, omegacur)

        #True Proportionanl navigation

        #Send Data to feedbackcontroller
        if (self.counter.count < self.counter.lap1):
            self.fbController.pitchControl(thetaDesired, self.current)
            #try only controlling z velocity
            # self.fbController.pitchControl(self.car.z, self.car.x, self.car.pitch, self.car.vz, self.car.vx, self.car.wz, self.car.z, self.car.x, self.car.pitch, self.car.vz, self.car.vx, self.car.wz)
        if (self.counter.count >= self.counter.lap1) and (self.counter.count <
            self.fbController.pitchControl(thetaDesired, self.current)
            # self.fbController.pitchControl(0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, self.car.z, self.car.x, self.car.pitch, self.car.vz, self.car.vx, self.car.wz)

        if (self.counter.count >= self.counter.lap2):

        #Setting Controller state from values in controller
        #boost value
        # self.controller_state.boost = self.boostCounter.boost(60)
        # self.controller_state.boost = 1
        self.controller_state.boost = self.boostCounter.boost(boostPercent)
        # #roll, pitch, yaw values
        self.controller_state.pitch = max(min(torques.item(1), 1), -1)
        self.controller_state.roll = max(min(torques.item(0), 1), -1)
        self.controller_state.yaw = -1 * max(
            min(torques.item(2), 1), -1
        )  #changes in rotations about coordinate system cause z axis changes

        # self.controller_state.pitch = 0
        # self.controller_state.roll = 0
        # self.controller_state.yaw =  0 #changes in rotations about coordinate system cause z axis changes

        # self.controller_state.pitch = 0.0#max(min(torques.item(1), 1), -1) #self.fbController.pitchPercent
        # self.controller_state.roll = 0.0#max(min(torques.item(0), 1), -1)
        # self.controller_state.yaw = 1#max(min(torques.item(2), 1), -1)

        #Make car jump if its on the floor
        if (packet.game_cars[self.index].has_wheel_contact):
            self.controller_state.jump = True
            self.controller_state.jump = False
        #Contol ball for testing functions
        x, y, z, vi = self.BallController.bounce(500, 500, 300, 1500)
        Vt = self.BallController.rotateAboutZ(np.matrix([0, 0, 0]),
                                              math.pi / 10)
        p = np.array([-1000, -1000, 100])
        v = np.array([800, 0, 1500])
        ballpos, ballvel = self.BallController.projectileMotion(p, v)
        # vx = self.BallController.oscillateX(-1500, 0, 1000)
        vx = Vt.item(0)
        vy = Vt.item(1)
        # vz = 0

        #Set ball and car states to set game state for testing
        ball_state1 = BallState(
            Physics(location=Vector3(x, y, z), velocity=Vector3(0, 0, vi)))
        ball_state2 = BallState(
            Physics(location=Vector3(ballpos[0], ballpos[1], ballpos[2]),
                    velocity=Vector3(ballvel[0], ballvel[1], ballvel[2])))

        # ball_state = BallState(Physics(velocity = Vector3(vx, vy, 1)))
        # ,
        # car_state = CarState(jumped=True, double_jumped=False, boost_amount=0,
        #                  physics=Physics(location = Vector3(-1000, 0, 500),velocity=Vector3(0, 0, 0), rotation = Rotator(pitch = eulerAngles.item(1), yaw = eulerAngles.item(2), roll = eulerAngles.item(0))))
        car_state = CarState(jumped=True,
                                 location=Vector3(-500, -1500, 500),
                                 velocity=Vector3(0, 0, 0),
                                 rotation=Rotator(pitch=math.pi / 1.9,
                                 angular_velocity=Vector3(0, 0, 0)))
        # car_state2 = CarState(jumped=True, double_jumped=False, boost_amount=0,
        #                  physics=Physics(location = Vector3(00, 0, 500),velocity=Vector3(0, 0, 0)))

        #Pointed down car state for maximum initial error
        # car_state = CarState(jumped=True, double_jumped=False, boost_amount=1,
        #                  physics=Physics(location = Vector3(500, 0, 500),velocity=Vector3(0, 0, 1100), rotation = Rotator(yaw = math.pi/2, pitch = -1*math.pi/2, roll = math.pi/2)))

        if (self.BallController.release == 0):
            game_state = GameState(ball=ball_state2,
                                   cars={self.index: car_state})
        # game_state = GameState(ball = ball_state)#, cars = {self.index: car_state})
        # self.set_game_state(game_state)

        #torque coefficients
        T_r = 36.07956616966136
        # torque coefficient for roll
        T_p = 12.14599781908070
        # torque coefficient for pitch
        T_y = 8.91962804287785
        # torque coefficient for yaw
        #boost vector in car coordinates
        boostVector = np.array([self.controller_state.boost * 991.666, 0, 0])
        #Get values at tk and tk - 1
        self.t0 = self.t1
        self.t1 = packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed
        self.p0 = self.p1  #position vector at initial time
        self.p1 = self.car.position  #position vector at tk+1
        self.v0 = self.v1  #velocity at prior frame
        self.v1 = self.car.velocity
        self.q0 = self.q1  #Orientation at prior frame
        self.q1 = self.CoordinateSystems.Qworld_to_car.conjugate.normalised
        self.w0 = self.w1  #angular velocity at prior frame
        self.w1 = self.car.angular_velocity
        self.a0 = self.a1  #accelreation vector at prior frame
        self.a1 = self.CoordinateSystems.toWorldCoordinates(boostVector)
        self.T0 = self.T1  #Torque vector at prior frame
        self.T1 = np.array([
            self.controller_state.roll * T_r,
            self.controller_state.pitch * T_p,
            self.controller_state.yaw * -1 * T_y

        aavg = (self.a1 + self.a0) / 2
        vavg = (self.v1 + self.v0 / 2)
        predictedp1, predictedv1 = Predictions.predict(self.p0, self.v0,
                                                       self.q0, self.w0, aavg,
                                                       self.T0, self.t0,

        errorv = (predictedv1 - self.v1)**2
        errorp = (predictedp1 - self.p1)**2
        # print("error^2 v:", errorv, "error^2 p:", errorp)
        # print("z actual:", self.car.z, "z predicted:", predictedp1[2])
        self.data.add(self.v1[0], predictedv1[0], errorv[0], self.t1)

        if (self.plotTime0 == None):
            self.plotTime0 = packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed
            self.plotTime1 = packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed
        if (self.plotTime1 != None):
            if ((self.plotTime1 - self.plotTime0) > 10):
                # self.plotData(self.data)

        # self.renderer.begin_rendering()
        # #helpful vectors for rendering
        # car = np.array([self.car.x, self.car.y, self.car.z]).flatten()
        # ball = np.array([self.ball.x, self.ball.y, self.ball.z]).flatten()
        # origin = np.array([0,0,0])
        # #World coordinate system
        # self.renderer.draw_line_3d(np.array([0,0,0]), np.array([500,0,0]), self.renderer.red())
        # self.renderer.draw_line_3d(np.array([0,0,0]), np.array([0,500,0]), self.renderer.green())
        # self.renderer.draw_line_3d(np.array([0,0,0]), np.array([0,0,500]), self.renderer.blue())
        # #Car coordinate system
        # headingx = 100*self.CoordinateSystems.toWorldCoordinates(np.array([1,0,0])) #multiply by 100 to make line longer
        # headingy = 100*self.CoordinateSystems.toWorldCoordinates(np.array([0,1,0]))
        # headingz = 100*self.CoordinateSystems.toWorldCoordinates(np.array([0,0,1]))
        # self.renderer.draw_line_3d(np.array([self.car.x, self.car.y, self.car.z]), np.array([self.car.x + headingx.item(0), self.car.y + headingx.item(1), self.car.z + headingx.item(2)]), self.renderer.red())
        # self.renderer.draw_line_3d(np.array([self.car.x, self.car.y, self.car.z]), np.array([self.car.x + headingy.item(0), self.car.y + headingy.item(1), self.car.z + headingy.item(2)]), self.renderer.green())
        # self.renderer.draw_line_3d(np.array([self.car.x, self.car.y, self.car.z]), np.array([self.car.x + headingz.item(0), self.car.y + headingz.item(1), self.car.z + headingz.item(2)]), self.renderer.blue())
        # #Car direction vector on world coordinate system
        # self.renderer.draw_line_3d(np.array([0,0,0]), np.array([headingx.item(0), headingx.item(1), headingx.item(2)]), self.renderer.red())
        # self.renderer.draw_line_3d(np.array([0,0,0]), np.array([headingy.item(0), headingy.item(1), headingy.item(2)]), self.renderer.green())
        # self.renderer.draw_line_3d(np.array([0,0,0]), np.array([headingz.item(0), headingz.item(1), headingz.item(2)]), self.renderer.blue())
        # #Draw position of ball after converting from Pball_car to Pball_world
        # # desired = np.array(self.CoordinateSystems.getVectorToBall_world()).flatten()
        # # self.renderer.draw_line_3d(car, car + desired, self.renderer.yellow())
        # #Car to ball vector
        # # self.renderer.draw_rect_3d(car+desired, 100, 100, 0, self.renderer.teal())
        # #Acceleration vector
        # a = np.array([accfix.item(0), -1*accfix.item(1),-1*accfix.item(2)])
        # self.renderer.draw_line_3d(car, car + a/10, self.renderer.pink())
        # #trajectory vector
        # self.renderer.draw_line_3d(origin, Pdes, self.renderer.orange())
        # #error rectangles velocities
        # self.renderer.draw_rect_2d(10,10,int(errorv[0]**(1/2)), 50, True, self.renderer.cyan())
        # self.renderer.draw_rect_2d(10,60,int(errorv[1]**(1/2)), 50, True, self.renderer.cyan())
        # self.renderer.draw_rect_2d(10,110,int(errorv[2]**(1/2)), 50, True, self.renderer.cyan())
        # #text for velocity errors
        # self.renderer.draw_string_2d(10, 10, 1, 1, "X velocity Error: " + str(errorv[0]**(1/2)), self.renderer.white())
        # self.renderer.draw_string_2d(10, 60, 1, 1, "Y velocity Error: " + str(errorv[1]**(1/2)), self.renderer.white())
        # self.renderer.draw_string_2d(10, 110, 1, 1, "Z velocity Error: " + str(errorv[2]**(1/2)), self.renderer.white())
        # #positions
        # self.renderer.draw_rect_2d(10,160,int(errorp[0]**(1/2)), 50, True, self.renderer.red())
        # self.renderer.draw_rect_2d(10,210,int(errorp[1]**(1/2)), 50, True, self.renderer.red())
        # self.renderer.draw_rect_2d(10,260,int(errorp[2]**(1/2)), 50, True, self.renderer.red())
        # self.renderer.draw_string_2d(10, 160, 1, 1, 'X position Error: ' + str(errorp[0]**(1/2)), self.renderer.white())
        # self.renderer.draw_string_2d(10, 210, 1, 1, "Y position Error: " + str(errorp[1]**(1/2)), self.renderer.white())
        # self.renderer.draw_string_2d(10, 260, 1, 1, "Z position Error: " + str(errorp[2]**(1/2)), self.renderer.white())
        # self.renderer.end_rendering()

        # print('wx:', self.car.wx, 'wy:', self.car.wy, 'wz:', self.car.wz)
        return self.controller_state
Example #14
converted_test = prepro.load("converted_test")

#Sinon pour recommancer toute la création de la base : 
X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test,converted_train,converted_test = prepro.create_dataset(train,test,mot_model)
#sauvegarder les bases obtenus : 


#data pour benchmark avec tf idf

#Regression lineaire
pred.eval_std(pred.LinearRegression(),X,y,"regression lineaire",n_bootstrap=10)

#8 PPV
pred.eval_std(pred.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=8),X,y,"8 PPV",n_bootstrap=10)


#Visualisation LASSO
data_lasso,y_lasso = bow_lasso.prep(data)
data_lasso_transformed,_ = bow_lasso.transform(data_lasso)
viz_class = bow_lasso.lasso_viz_imp(20) #pour prendre la classe python qui va plot et donner les variables importantes
#selon le chemin de regularisation lasso