Example #1
File: p50.py Project: hhjeong/ps
import PrimeNumber

limit = 10**6

primes = PrimeNumber.get_primes( limit )
sieves = PrimeNumber.sieve( limit )

best_length = 0
best_prime = 0

for i in xrange( len(primes) ):
	cand = 0
	for j in xrange( i, len(primes) ):
		cand += primes[j]
		if cand >= limit:
		if sieves[ cand ]:
			length = j - i + 1
			if best_prime == 0 or best_length < length:
				best_length = length
				best_prime = cand

print best_prime, 'length is', best_length
Example #2
File: p204.py Project: hhjeong/ps
import PrimeNumber, collections

primes = PrimeNumber.get_primes( 100 )

queues = {}
for p in primes:
	queues[p] = collections.deque()
	queues[p].append( p )

howmany = 1
while True:
	howmany += 1
	mini = 0
	for p in primes:
		if len( queues[p] ) == 0: continue
		if mini == 0 or queues[p][0] < queues[mini][0]:
			mini = p
	top = queues[mini][0]

	if howmany % 100 == 0:
		print howmany, top
	if top >= 10 ** 9:
	for p in primes:
		if mini <= p and top * p <= 10 ** 9:
			queues[p].append( top * p )

print howmany
Example #3
File: p77.py Project: hhjeong/ps
def get_numways( n ):
    primes = PrimeNumber.get_primes( n )[::-1]
    cache = {}
    ret = solve( 0, n, primes, cache )
    return ret
Example #4
File: p49.py Project: hhjeong/ps
import itertools, string, PrimeNumber
# combinations_with_replacement is in ver 2.7 not 2.6
for c in itertools.combinations_with_replacement( string.digits, 4 ):
	if c[0] == '0': continue
	primes = [ int("".join(p)) for p in itertools.permutations( c ) if PrimeNumber.isprime( int("".join(p)) ) ]
	for three in itertools.combinations( primes, 3 ):
		three = map( int, three )
		if three[2] - three[1] == three[1] - three[0] and three[2] - three[1] > 0:
			print three, "".join( map(str,three) )
Example #5
File: p87.py Project: hhjeong/ps
import PrimeNumber, math

bound = 50 * 10 ** 6
print bound
primes = PrimeNumber.get_primes( int( math.sqrt(bound) ) )

s = set( [ p**2 + q**3 + r**4 for p in primes for q in primes if p**2+q**3 <= bound for r in primes if p**2+q**3+r**4 <= bound ] )

for sq in [ p**2 for p in primes ]:
	for cb in [ q**3 for q in primes if sq + q**3 <= bound ]:
		for qd in [ r**4 for r in primes if sq + cb + r**4 <= bound ]:
			s.add( sq + cb + qd )
print len( s )  

Example #6
import PrimeNumber, time 

start = time.time()
isprime = PrimeNumber.sieve( 1000**2 + 1000*1000 + 1000 )
def num_cycle( a, b, n = 0 ):
	while True:
		if not isprime[ n**2 + a*n + b ]:
		n += 1
	return n

max_n = 0
for a in xrange(-1000,1000):
	for b in xrange(-1000,1000):
		n = num_cycle( a, b )
		if max_n < n:
			max_n = n
			print "update:", a*b, max_n
print time.time() - start
Sieve version : 4sec
Example #7
File: p27.py Project: hhjeong/ps
def num_cycle( a, b, n = 0 ):
	while True:
		if not PrimeNumber.isprime( n**2 + a*n + b ):
		n += 1
	return n