Example #1
def main():
    #define new objects
    preprocess = Preprocess()
    process = Process()
    points = Points()
    postprocess = Postprocess()
    #declare and initialize variables
    search_string = ''
    option = 0
    count2 = 0      #delete this
    reordered_search_string = ''
    permutation_set = set()
    temp_permutation_set = set()
    permutation_list = []     #2D list
    blank_permutation_list = []
    filtered_content = []
    sorted_results = []
    final_results = []
    sorted_final_results = []

    #menu options
    print "\nSearch options:\n"
    print "1. Search for words" 
    print "2. Search for words starting with"
    print "3. Search for words ending with"
    print "4. Search for words containing"
    print "5. Search with blank tiles (use the underscore character to represent blanks)\n"
    #option = int(raw_input("Choose option:"))
    option = 1
    #search_string = raw_input('Please input tiles for search: ').lower()
    search_string = "andrew"
    #basic input check
    if (preprocess.checkInput(search_string)):
        reordered_search_string = preprocess.reorderString(search_string) #alphabetize tiles

    t1 = time.time()    #diagnostics
    #Input(search_string, option)    #turned into function for testing purposes
    if (option == 0):   #no option chosen
        print "ERROR: No option chosen, exiting."
    elif(option == 1):
        print "Searching for words...\n"
        permutation_list = process.stringPermutations(reordered_search_string)
        filtered_content = process.collectDictionarySegments(reordered_search_string)
        sorted_results = process.findWords(permutation_list, filtered_content)
        final_results = points.associatePointScore(sorted_results)
    elif(option == 2):
        print "Searching for words starting with: ", search_string, "\n"
        filtered_content = process.collectDictionarySegments(search_string[0])  #get first letter int he word being searched
        sorted_results = process.findWordsContaining(search_string, filtered_content, option)
        final_results = points.associatePointScore(sorted_results)
    elif(option == 3):
        print "Searching for words ending in: ", search_string, "\n"
        alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
        filtered_content = process.collectDictionarySegments(alphabet)
        sorted_results = process.findWordsContaining(search_string, filtered_content, option)
        final_results = points.associatePointScore(sorted_results)
    elif(option == 4):
        print "Searching for words containing: ", search_string, "\n"
        alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
        filtered_content = process.collectDictionarySegments(alphabet)
        sorted_results = process.findWordsContaining(search_string, filtered_content, option)
        final_results = points.associatePointScore(sorted_results)
    elif(option == 5):
        print "Searching with blank tiles...\n"
        alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
        blank_permutation_list = process.blankTileProcessing(reordered_search_string)        
        filtered_content = process.collectDictionarySegments(alphabet)
        #TO DO: Creates a 2D list, gotta convert to 1D list - DONE
        #TO DO: find way to use union keyword to take out duplicates, it will take care of one nested for loop in findWords function - DONE
        #TO DO: Do another union - DONE
            # time vs duplication trade off. Takes longer to take out the duplicates with the union
        for blank_permutation_string in blank_permutation_list:
            temp_permutation_set = set(process.stringPermutations(blank_permutation_string))
            permutation_set = permutation_set.union(temp_permutation_set)
        permutation_list = list(permutation_set)
        sorted_results = process.findWords(permutation_list, filtered_content)
        final_results = points.associatePointScore(sorted_results)
        print "ERROR: Please choose an option between 1-5"
    t2 = time.time() - t1   #diagnostics
    sorted_option = 0
    print "Results found and processed. Sort results by...\n"
    print "1. Points - lowest to highest"
    print "2. Points - highest to lowest"
    print "3. Length - longest to shortest"
    print "4. Length - shortest to longest"
    sorted_option = int(raw_input("choose option: "))
    print "Option", sorted_option, "chosen"
    if (sorted_option == 1):
        print "Sorting results by points, highest to lowest\n"
        sorted_final_results = postprocess.resultsByPoints(final_results)
    elif (sorted_option == 2):
        print "Sorting results by points, lowest to highest\n"
        sorted_final_results = postprocess.resultsByPointsReverse(final_results)
    elif (sorted_option == 3):
        print "Sorting results by length, longest to shortest\n"
        sorted_final_results = postprocess.resultsByLength(final_results)
    elif (sorted_option == 4):
        print "Sorting results by length, shortest to longest\n"
        sorted_final_results = postprocess.resultsByLengthReverse(final_results)
        print "Option 1-4 not chosen, outputting results by default order"
        sorted_final_results = final_results
    Output(sorted_final_results, t2)
Example #2
    if (c == "_"):
        count_blank += 1
    position +=1

if (count_blank > 2):
    print "error"
elif (count_blank == 2):
    for char_1 in alphabet:
        lst[blank_positions[0]] = char_1
        for char_2 in alphabet:
            lst[blank_positions[1]] = char_2
            #temp_s = "".join(lst)
elif (count_blank == 1):
    for char_1 in alphabet:
        lst[blank_positions[0]] = char_1
        temp_s = "".join(lst)

permutation_list = []

for str in collected_lst:
    print str
    print p.stringPermutations(str)
print len(permutation_lst)