Example #1
def connect_four_consoleUI():
    ''' This is the main user interface where the program is executed and the Connect Four
    game runs with all its respective functions '''
    WelcomeBanner()  # prints welcome banner
    PlayerRed = InputRed()       # creates player 1 - red
    PlayerYellow = InputYellow() # creates player 2 - yellow
    GameState = connectfour.new_game()            # starts a new game and prints an empty board
    while True:
        PlayerTurn(GameState, PlayerRed, PlayerYellow)      # function call to PlayerTurn() which determines whose turn it is
        message = input()
        message = message.upper()                           # prompts for input to drop/pop a piece
            if len(message) == 0:                               # if there is nothing, this error is printed.
                print('\nSorry invalid input. Try again. :p\n')
                Responses = message.split()                     # otherwise the move is placed on the board and printed through InputMove()
                GameState = InputMove(Responses, GameState)
        except connectfour.InvalidMoveError:
            print('Invalid move! Try again. :p\n[ You can only POP your own piece or DROP a piece in an empty column! ]')  # error for invalid move
        except ValueError:
            print('Invalid column number! Try again. :p\n[ Number must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7! ]\n')         # error for value error - wrong col num.

            Finale = WinningBanner(GameState, PlayerRed, PlayerYellow)        # prints the banner and returns the exit string
            if Finale == 'You may exit the program!':                         # if exit string is correct then the program breaks and ends.
Example #2
def connect_four_consoleUI():
    ''' This is the main user interface where the program is executed and the Connect Four
    game runs with all its respective functions '''

    WelcomeBanner()  # prints welcome banner
    PlayerRed = InputRed()  # creates player 1 - red
    PlayerYellow = InputYellow()  # creates player 2 - yellow

    GameState = connectfour.new_game(
    )  # starts a new game and prints an empty board

    while True:
            GameState, PlayerRed, PlayerYellow
        )  # function call to PlayerTurn() which determines whose turn it is
        message = input()
        message = message.upper()  # prompts for input to drop/pop a piece

            if len(message
                   ) == 0:  # if there is nothing, this error is printed.
                print('\nSorry invalid input. Try again. :p\n')
                Responses = message.split(
                )  # otherwise the move is placed on the board and printed through InputMove()
                GameState = InputMove(Responses, GameState)

        except connectfour.InvalidMoveError:
                'Invalid move! Try again. :p\n[ You can only POP your own piece or DROP a piece in an empty column! ]'
            )  # error for invalid move

        except ValueError:
                'Invalid column number! Try again. :p\n[ Number must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7! ]\n'
            )  # error for value error - wrong col num.

            Finale = WinningBanner(
                GameState, PlayerRed,
                PlayerYellow)  # prints the banner and returns the exit string
            if Finale == 'You may exit the program!':  # if exit string is correct then the program breaks and ends.
Example #3
def ClientInputMove(L: list, GameState) -> None:
    ''' Given a list of the input and the current GameState this function moves
    a Client's piece and updates the GameState of Connect Four '''
    if L[0] == 'DROP' or L[0] == 'POP':                                     # The following is an 'if' statement that takes a Client input and calls user_move to do the
        print()                                                             # appropriate action to make a move and returns the updated GameState regardless of the input
        GameState = Project2commonUI.user_move(L, GameState)
        Board = Project2commonUI.printBoard(GameState.board)
        return GameState
        return GameState
Example #4
def InputMove(L: list, GameState) -> None:
    ''' Given a list of the input and the current GameState this function moves
    a piece and updates the GameState of Connect Four '''
    if len(L) == 2:                                                                       # the following drops a piece with the function call user_move()
        if L[0] == 'DROP' or L[0] == 'POP':                                               # it is only done if 'DROP' or 'POP' are in the input
            GameState = Project2commonUI.user_move(L, GameState)         
            Board = Project2commonUI.printBoard(GameState.board)                          # Once drops it prints the board with the new piece
            return GameState
            print('\nSorry invalid input. Try again. :p\n')                               # regardless of the outcomem GameState is always returned
            return GameState
        print('\nSorry invalid input. Try again. :p\n')                                   # error message is printed if the input is wrong
        return GameState
Example #5
def InputMove(L: list, GameState) -> None:
    ''' Given a list of the input and the current GameState this function moves
    a piece and updates the GameState of Connect Four '''

    if len(
    ) == 2:  # the following drops a piece with the function call user_move()
        if L[0] == 'DROP' or L[
                0] == 'POP':  # it is only done if 'DROP' or 'POP' are in the input
            GameState = Project2commonUI.user_move(L, GameState)
            Board = Project2commonUI.printBoard(
            )  # Once drops it prints the board with the new piece
            return GameState
            print('\nSorry invalid input. Try again. :p\n'
                  )  # regardless of the outcomem GameState is always returned
            return GameState
        print('\nSorry invalid input. Try again. :p\n'
              )  # error message is printed if the input is wrong
        return GameState
Example #6
def connect_four_networkUI() -> None:
    ''' Acts as a user interface which runs the entire Connect Four game
    and its respective functions '''
    WelcomeBanner()        # prints welcome banner!
    host = read_host()     # prompts for host
    port = read_port()     # promps for port

    print('\nConnecting to {} (port {})...'.format(host, port))    # prints that its attempting to connect to the server

    connection = Project2sockethandling.connect(host, port)        # function used to connect to server with given host & port
    print('Connected!')                                            # prints 'Connected' if successful
    name = InitiateGame(connection)                                # calls to InitiateGame() which prompts user to enter AI_GAME to initiate system
    GameState = connectfour.new_game()
    Project2commonUI.printBoard(GameState.board)                   # Once done, this initializes new game and prints the empty board

    while True:
       while True:
            if PlayerTurn(GameState, name) == True:                # Calls to function PlayerTurn() which checks if it is User's Turn
                message = read_message()                           # If so, the following prompts the user to drop or pop a piece
                message = message.upper()            
                response = message.split()

                if len(response)== 2:                                    # if the response given is a list of 2 elements, the following executes...
                    if response[0] == 'DROP' or response[0] == 'POP':         # if drop or pop is in the input then the client sends a message to the server of the placement
                        if response[1] in response:                    
                            if response[1] in ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7']:
                                Project2sockethandling.send_message(connection, message)
                                print('\nInvalid column number; Try again.\nNumber must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7!\n')  # if its invalid its prints this message
                                break                                                                                   # breaks out of this while loop
                    print('\nSorry invalid input; try again\n')  # if its empty its prints this error message
                    break                                        # breaks out of this while loop
            if GameState.turn == 2:                               # if it is the computer's turn the function call ServerTurn() is made to print that the server is going to make a move
                response = ServerTurn(connection)
                GameState = ClientInputMove(response, GameState)    # This function ClientInputMove() updates the GameState with the server's move
                response = ServerResponse(response, connection)     # This function ServerResponse() prints the server's response after the move is made
                if type(response) == list:                          # If type of response is list, this executes...
                    if response[0] == 'DROP' or response[0] == 'POP':                 #  The following executes if 'DROP' or 'POP' is in input
                        GameState = Project2commonUI.user_move(response, GameState)   # Updates the server with the new move
                        answer = Project2sockethandling.receive_response(connection)
                        response = answer.split()
                        ServerReady(response)                                         # Prints that the server is ready after move is placed
                        Project2commonUI.printBoard(GameState.board)                  # prints the board with the server's move placed
                                                                                      ### for invalid move
            except connectfour.InvalidMoveError:
                answer = Project2sockethandling.receive_response(connection)          # Once the response is recieved, the function call InvalidMovePrint() is made...
                response = answer.split()
                Result = InvalidMovePrint(response, connection)                       # ... if the move made previously brings up this type of exception
                if type(Result) == list:
                    ServerReady(Result)                                               # it then prints that the server is ready for the next action
            except ValueError:                          ### for column numbers
                answer = Project2sockethandling.receive_response(connection)          # Once the response is recieved, the function call InvalidValuePrint() is made...
                response = answer.split()

                Result = InvalidValuePrint(response, connection)                      # ... if the move made previously brings up this type of exception
                if type(Result) == list:
                    ServerReady(Result)                                               # it then prints that the server is ready for the next action


                if connectfour.winner(GameState) == 1:
                    answer = Project2sockethandling.receive_response(connection)      # Once everything is done, a winner is determined...
                    response = answer.split()
                    if response[0] == 'WINNER_RED':                                   # if the winner is red (the user) it prints out the banner that they won!
                        print('** Player RED -- {} has won! :D **\n'.format(name))
                        return False                                                  # return false breaks out of the while loops and closes the connection and program

                if connectfour.winner(GameState) == 2:                                
                    if response[0] == 'WINNER_YELLOW':
                        print('** Player YELLOW -- AI has won! :( **\n')                    # if the winner is yellow (the server) it prints out the banner that they won!
                        return False                                                  # return false breaks out of the while loops and closes the connection and program