def save_video_helper(cam, file_format, filename, framerate):
    num_images = 200

    video = PyCapture2.FlyCapture2Video()

    for i in range(num_images):
        print('index ', i)
            print("before retrievebuffer")
            image = cam.retrieveBuffer()
            print("after retrievebuffer")
        except PyCapture2.Fc2error as fc2Err:
            print('Error retrieving buffer : %s' % fc2Err)

        print('Grabbed image {}'.format(i))

        if (i == 0):
            if file_format == 'AVI':
                video.AVIOpen(filename, framerate)
            elif file_format == 'MJPG':
                video.MJPGOpen(filename, framerate, 75)
            elif file_format == 'H264':
                video.H264Open(filename, framerate, image.getCols(),
                               image.getRows(), 1000000)
                print('Specified format is not available.')

        print('Appended image %d...' % i)

    print('Appended {} images to {} file: {}...'.format(
        num_images, file_format, filename))
Example #2
def generate_signal(camera, filename, framerate, channel, output):
    video = PyCapture2.FlyCapture2Video()
    video.AVIOpen(filename, framerate)
    t = np.zeros(len(output))
    with nidaqmx.Task() as writeTask:
        for i in range(len(output)):
            t[i] = time.time()
            image = camera.retrieveBuffer()
        print('Appended {} images to AVI file: {}...'.format(
            len(output), filename))
        print("Done with data")
    return t
Example #3
    def openVideoWriter(self,
        Opens a video writer. Subsequent calls to .get_image() will
        additionally write those frames out to the file.

        filename : str
            Path to desired output file. If extension is omitted it will be
            inferred from <file_format> (if specified).
        encoder : str { 'AVI' | 'MJPG' | 'H264' } or None, optional
            Output encoder to use. If None, will automatically set to 'AVI'
            if filename ends with an '.avi' extension, 'H264' if filename
            ends with a 'mp4' extension, or will raise an error for other
            extensions. Note that 'MJPG' and 'H264' formats permit addtional
            arguments to be passed. The default is None.
        overwrite : bool, optional
            If False and the output file already exists, an error will be
            raised. The default is False.
        quality : int, optional
            Value between 0-100 determining output quality. Only applicable
            for MJPG format. The default is 75.
        bitrate : int, optional
            Bitrate to encode at. Only applicable for H264 format. The default
            is 1000000.
        img_size : (W,H) tuple of ints, optional
            Image resolution. Only applicable for H264 format. If not given,
            will attempt to determine from camera's video mode, but this
            might not work. The default is None.
        csv_timestamps : bool, optional
            If True, timestamps for each frame will be saved to a csv file
            corresponding to the output video file. The default is True.
            Note that to get 1394 cycle timestamps (more accurate), the
            timestamp property MUST be enabled within the embedded image info.
        embed_image_info : list or 'all' or None, optional
            List of properties to embed within top-left image pixels. Note that
            video MUST be monochrome for pixel values to be usable. Available
            properties are: [timestamp, gain, shutter, brightness, exposure,
            whiteBalance, frameCounter, strobePattern, ROIPosition].
            Alternatively specify 'all' to use all available properties.
            Specify None to not embed any properties. The timestamp property
            MUST be enabled to get 1394 cycle timestamps in the CSV file
            (if applicable), regardless of whether the embedded information
            itself is going to be used. The default is to embed timestamps.

        # Try to auto-determine file format if unspecified
        if encoder is None:
            ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()  # case insensitive
            if ext == '.avi':
                encoder = 'AVI'
            elif ext == '.mp4':
                encoder = 'H264'
            elif not ext:
                raise ValueError('Cannot determine file_format automatically '
                                 'without file extension')
                raise ValueError('Cannot determine file_format automatically '
                                 f'from {ext} extension')
            print(f'Recording using {encoder} encoder')

        encoder = encoder.upper()  # ensure case insensitive

        if not encoder in ['AVI', 'MJPG', 'H264']:
            raise ValueError("Encoder must be one of 'AVI', 'MJPG', or 'H264, "
                             f"but received {encoder}")

        # Auto-determine file extension if necessary
        if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1]:
            if encoder in ['AVI', 'MJPG']:
                filename += '.avi'
            elif encoder == 'H264':
                filename += '.mp4'

        # Without overwrite, error if file exists. AVI writer sometimes
        # appends a bunch of zeros to name, so check that too.
        if not overwrite:
            _filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            alt_filename = _filename + '-0000' + ext
            if os.path.isfile(filename) or os.path.isfile(alt_filename):
                raise OSError(f'Output file {filename} already exists')

        # Update camera to embed image info
        available_info =
        prop_keys = [k for k in dir(available_info) if not k.startswith('__')]
        props = dict((k, False) for k in prop_keys)

        if embed_image_info:
            if not isinstance(embed_image_info, (list, tuple)):
                embed_image_info = [embed_image_info]

            if 'all' in embed_image_info:
                for k in prop_keys:
                    props[k] = getattr(available_info, k)
            else:  # use specified values
                for k in embed_image_info:
                    if k not in prop_keys:
                        raise KeyError(
                            "Embedded property must be one of "
                            f"list({prop_keys}), but received '{k}'")
                    elif not getattr(available_info, k):
                        raise ValueError(
                            f"'{k}' embedded property not available")
                    props[k] = True**props)

        # Open csv writer for timestamps?
        if csv_timestamps:
            csv_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.csv'
            if not overwrite and os.path.isfile(csv_filename):
                raise OSError(f'Timestamps file {csv_filename} already exists')
            self.csv_fd = open(csv_filename, 'w')

            fieldnames = [
                'seconds', 'microSeconds', 'cycleSeconds', 'cycleCount',
            self.csv_writer = DictWriter(self.csv_fd,

        # Initialise video writer, allocate to class
        self.video_writer = PyCapture2.FlyCapture2Video()

        # Open video file
        bytes_filename = filename.encode('utf-8')  # needs to be bytes string
        if encoder == 'AVI':
            self.video_writer.AVIOpen(bytes_filename, self.fps)
        elif encoder == 'MJPG':
            self.video_writer.MJPGOpen(bytes_filename, self.fps, quality)
        elif encoder == 'H264':
            if img_size is None:
                if self.img_size is None:
                    raise RuntimeError('Cannot determine image resolution')
                    img_size = self.img_size
            W, H = img_size
            self.video_writer.H264Open(bytes_filename, self.fps, W, H, bitrate)

        # Success!
        self._video_writer_isOpen = True