Example #1
    def incrementReward(self, av):
        # See if we finished a tier
        rewardTier = av.getRewardTier()
        # Make sure all the rewards have been handed out and
        # Make sure we have completed them all
        # First, make sure that the list is at least as big as the number of rewards
        # Then, make sure we have completed them all
        # Then, make sure all the rewards in the tier are in our history
        rewardHistory = av.getRewardHistory()[1]
        if (
                # We cannot do this short-circuit test anymore because having
                # cog suit parts counts as a reward in cashbot
                # HQ. Unfortunately we are losing a pretty nice optimization
                # here. TODO: revisit and optimize.
                # (len(rewardHistory) >= Quests.getNumRewardsInTier(rewardTier)) and

                # We cannot do this because they might still be working on a few
                # optional quests from the old tier.
                # (len(av.quests) == 0) and

                # Make sure they have all the required rewards
            (Quests.avatarHasAllRequiredRewards(av, rewardTier)) and

                # Make sure they are not still working on required rewards
            (not Quests.avatarWorkingOnRequiredRewards(av))):

            if not Quests.rewardTierExists(rewardTier + 1):
                    "incrementReward: avId %s, at end of rewards" %
                return 0

            rewardTier += 1
            self.notify.info("incrementReward: avId %s, new rewardTier: %s" %
                             (av.getDoId(), rewardTier))

            # If we have just moved on to the next tier, blow away the
            # old history, which is no longer needed.
            av.b_setRewardHistory(rewardTier, [])

            # The above will clear the quest history the *first* time
            # we cross into the next tier.  There may still be some
            # quest id's hiding behind visit quests that belong to the
            # previous tier; these will find their way onto the quest
            # history when we eventually reveal them, but they will
            # still be associated with the previous tier.  This does
            # no harm, so we won't worry about it; but it does mean
            # that the questHistory list is not guaranteed to only
            # list quests on the current tier.  It is simply
            # guaranteed to list all the completed and in-progress
            # quests on the current tier, with maybe one or two others
            # thrown in.
            return 1
                "incrementReward: avId %s, not ready for new tier" %
            return 0
Example #2
    def requestInteract(self, toonId, npc):
        toon = self.air.doId2do.get(toonId)
        if not toon:
        for index, quest in enumerate(self.__toonQuestsList2Quests(toon.quests)):
            questId, fromNpcId, toNpcId, rewardId, toonProgress = toon.quests[index]
            isComplete = quest.getCompletionStatus(toon, toon.quests[index], npc)
            if isComplete != Quests.COMPLETE:
            if toonId in self.air.tutorialManager.avId2fsm.keys():
            if isinstance(quest, Quests.DeliverGagQuest):
                track, level = quest.getGagType()
                toon.inventory.setItem(track, level, toon.inventory.numItem(track, level) - quest.getNumGags())
            nextQuest = Quests.getNextQuest(questId, npc, toon)
            if nextQuest == (Quests.NA, Quests.NA):
                if isinstance(quest, Quests.TrackChoiceQuest):
                    npc.presentTrackChoice(toonId, questId, quest.getChoices())
                rewardId = Quests.getAvatarRewardId(toon, questId)
                npc.completeQuest(toonId, questId, rewardId)
                self.completeQuest(toon, questId)
                self.giveReward(toon, rewardId)
            self.completeQuest(toon, questId)
            nextQuestId = nextQuest[0]
            nextRewardId = Quests.getFinalRewardId(questId, 1)
            nextToNpcId = nextQuest[1]
            self.npcGiveQuest(npc, toon, nextQuestId, nextRewardId, nextToNpcId)

        if len(self.__toonQuestsList2Quests(toon.quests)) >= toon.getQuestCarryLimit():
            self.notify.debug('Rejecting toonId %d because their quest inventory is full.' % toonId)
        if toonId in self.air.tutorialManager.avId2fsm.keys():
            if toon.getRewardHistory()[0] == 0:
                self.npcGiveQuest(npc, toon, 101, Quests.findFinalRewardId(101)[0], Quests.getQuestToNpcId(101), storeReward=True)
        tier = toon.getRewardHistory()[0]
        if Quests.avatarHasAllRequiredRewards(toon, tier):
            if not Quests.avatarWorkingOnRequiredRewards(toon):
                if tier != Quests.LOOPING_FINAL_TIER:
                    tier += 1
                toon.b_setRewardHistory(tier, [])
                self.notify.debug('Rejecting toonId %d because they are still working on their current tier.' % toonId)
        suitableQuests = Quests.chooseBestQuests(tier, npc, toon)
        if not suitableQuests:
            self.notify.debug('Rejecting toonId %d because there are no quests available!' % toonId)
        npc.presentQuestChoice(toonId, suitableQuests)
    def requestInteract(self, toonId, npc):
        toon = self.air.doId2do.get(toonId)
        if not toon:
            # TODO: Flag suspicious. They shouldn't have got this far.

        # Check if the toon has any quests to turn in.
        for index, quest in enumerate(self.__toonQuestsList2Quests(toon.quests)):
            questId, fromNpcId, toNpcId, rewardId, toonProgress = toon.quests[index]
            isComplete = quest.getCompletionStatus(toon, toon.quests[index], npc)
            if isComplete != Quests.COMPLETE:
                # This quest isn't complete, skip.
            # If we're in the Toontorial, move to the next step.
            if toonId in self.air.tutorialManager.avId2fsm.keys():
            # Take away gags if it's a DeliverGagQuest.
            if isinstance(quest, Quests.DeliverGagQuest):
                track, level = quest.getGagType()
                toon.inventory.setItem(track, level, toon.inventory.numItem(track, level) - quest.getNumGags())
            # Check if the ToonTask has more quests to complete.
            nextQuest = Quests.getNextQuest(questId, npc, toon)
            if nextQuest == (Quests.NA, Quests.NA):
                # No more quests in the current ToonTask!
                if isinstance(quest, Quests.TrackChoiceQuest):
                    # TrackTrainingRewards are a little different, as we now
                    # have to display the gag track selection menu.
                    npc.presentTrackChoice(toonId, questId, quest.getChoices())
                # This function is pretty weird... not sure why it's even here...
                # But I'll include it just in case... (TMS says: "idk about this
                # one, maybe a single quest can have different rewards?")
                rewardId = Quests.getAvatarRewardId(toon, questId)
                npc.completeQuest(toonId, questId, rewardId)
                self.completeQuest(toon, questId)
                self.giveReward(toon, rewardId)
                # We have another quest to go, sigh.
                self.completeQuest(toon, questId)
                nextQuestId = nextQuest[0]
                nextRewardId = Quests.getFinalRewardId(questId, 1)
                nextToNpcId = nextQuest[1]
                self.npcGiveQuest(npc, toon, nextQuestId, nextRewardId, nextToNpcId)

        # We had no quests to hand in, maybe they want to take out a new ToonTask?
        if len(self.__toonQuestsList2Quests(toon.quests)) >= toon.getQuestCarryLimit():
            # Nope, they already have the maximum amount of concurring quests they
            # can carry. Reject them.
            self.notify.debug("Rejecting toonId %d because their quest inventory is full." % toonId)

        # Are we in the Toontorial?
        if toonId in self.air.tutorialManager.avId2fsm.keys():
            # Are we speaking to Tom?
            if toon.getRewardHistory()[0] == 0:
                self.npcGiveQuest(npc, toon, 101, Quests.findFinalRewardId(101)[0], Quests.getQuestToNpcId(101), storeReward=True) # FIXME please, i have no idea if this is correct

        # Are they eligible for a tier upgrade?
        tier = toon.getRewardHistory()[0]
        if Quests.avatarHasAllRequiredRewards(toon, tier):
            # They have all the rewards needed for the next tier.
            if not Quests.avatarWorkingOnRequiredRewards(toon):
                # Check to make sure they are not on the LOOPING_FINAL_TIER
                if tier != Quests.LOOPING_FINAL_TIER:
                    tier += 1

                # Set the tier
                toon.b_setRewardHistory(tier, [])
                # They're eligible for a tier upgrade, but haven't finished all
                # of their required ToonTasks yet.
                self.notify.debug("Rejecting toonId %d because they are still working on their current tier." % toonId)

        # Time to give them a list of "suitable" tasks!
        suitableQuests = Quests.chooseBestQuests(tier, npc, toon)
        if not suitableQuests:
            # Uh oh! There's no suitable quests for them at the moment... reject.
            self.notify.debug("Rejecting toonId %d because there are no quests available!" % toonId)

        # Tell the NPC to select some quests from the generated list.
        npc.presentQuestChoice(toonId, suitableQuests)
Example #4
    def requestInteract(self, toonId, npc):
        toon = self.air.doId2do.get(toonId)
        if not toon:
            # TODO: Flag suspicious. They shouldn't have got this far.

        # Check if the toon has any quests to turn in.
        for index, quest in enumerate(self.__toonQuestsList2Quests(toon.quests)):
            questId, fromNpcId, toNpcId, rewardId, toonProgress = toon.quests[index]
            isComplete = quest.getCompletionStatus(toon, toon.quests[index], npc)
            if isComplete != Quests.COMPLETE:
                # This quest isn't complete, skip.
            # If we're in the Toontorial, move to the next step.
            if toonId in self.air.tutorialManager.avId2fsm.keys():
            # Take away gags if it's a DeliverGagQuest.
            if isinstance(quest, Quests.DeliverGagQuest):
                track, level = quest.getGagType()
                toon.inventory.setItem(track, level, toon.inventory.numItem(track, level) - quest.getNumGags())
            # Check if the ToonTask has more quests to complete.
            nextQuest = Quests.getNextQuest(questId, npc, toon)
            if nextQuest == (Quests.NA, Quests.NA):
                # No more quests in the current ToonTask!
                if isinstance(quest, Quests.TrackChoiceQuest):
                    # TrackTrainingRewards are a little different, as we now
                    # have to display the gag track selection menu.
                    npc.presentTrackChoice(toonId, questId, quest.getChoices())
                # This function is pretty weird... not sure why it's even here...
                # But I'll include it just in case... (TMS says: "idk about this
                # one, maybe a single quest can have different rewards?")
                rewardId = Quests.getAvatarRewardId(toon, questId)
                npc.completeQuest(toonId, questId, rewardId)
                self.completeQuest(toon, questId)
                self.giveReward(toon, rewardId)
                # We have another quest to go, sigh.
                self.completeQuest(toon, questId)
                nextQuestId = nextQuest[0]
                nextRewardId = Quests.getFinalRewardId(questId, 1)
                nextToNpcId = nextQuest[1]
                self.npcGiveQuest(npc, toon, nextQuestId, nextRewardId, nextToNpcId)

        # We had no quests to hand in, maybe they want to take out a new ToonTask?
        if len(self.__toonQuestsList2Quests(toon.quests)) >= toon.getQuestCarryLimit():
            # Nope, they already have the maximum amount of concurring quests they
            # can carry. Reject them.
            self.notify.debug("Rejecting toonId %d because their quest inventory is full." % toonId)

        # Are we in the Toontorial?
        if toonId in self.air.tutorialManager.avId2fsm.keys():
            # Are we speaking to Tom?
            if toon.getRewardHistory()[0] == 0:
                self.npcGiveQuest(npc, toon, 101, Quests.findFinalRewardId(101)[0], Quests.getQuestToNpcId(101), storeReward=True) # FIXME please, i have no idea if this is correct

        # Are they eligible for a tier upgrade?
        tier = toon.getRewardHistory()[0]
        if Quests.avatarHasAllRequiredRewards(toon, tier):
            # They have all the rewards needed for the next tier.
            if not Quests.avatarWorkingOnRequiredRewards(toon):
                # Check to make sure they are not on the LOOPING_FINAL_TIER
                if tier != Quests.LOOPING_FINAL_TIER:
                    tier += 1

                # Set the tier
                toon.b_setRewardHistory(tier, [])
                # They're eligible for a tier upgrade, but haven't finished all
                # of their required ToonTasks yet.
                self.notify.debug("Rejecting toonId %d because they are still working on their current tier." % toonId)

        # Time to give them a list of "suitable" tasks!
        suitableQuests = Quests.chooseBestQuests(tier, npc, toon)
        if not suitableQuests:
            # Uh oh! There's no suitable quests for them at the moment... reject.
            self.notify.debug("Rejecting toonId %d because there are no quests available!" % toonId)

        # Tell the NPC to select some quests from the generated list.
        npc.presentQuestChoice(toonId, suitableQuests)