Example #1
G_reply = G_reply.subgraph(rand_smpl)
G_mention = G_mention.subgraph(rand_smpl)
G_retweet = G_retweet.subgraph(rand_smpl)
G_social = G_social.subgraph(rand_smpl)

c = list(nx.k_clique_communities(G_social, 6))
print len(c)

mainpart = community.best_partition(G_social)
print len(mainpart.values())

for commcnt in range(len(c)):
    nodeset = list(c[commcnt])
    Gr = G_reply.subgraph(nodeset)
    Gm = G_mention.subgraph(nodeset)
    Grr = G_retweet.subgraph(nodeset)
    Gs = G_social.subgraph(nodeset)
    #if (nx.is_connected(Gr) and nx.is_connected(Gm) and nx.is_connected(Grr) and nx.is_connected(Gs)):
    #	pass
    #	print 'Runtime error, one of the graphs is not connected'
    #	continue
    Garr = [Gr, Gm, Grr, Gs]
    Klist = sg.multiview_IRWK(Garr)
    for K in Klist:
        print K
        print 'average similarity is:', K.mean()

stop = timeit.default_timer()
print stop - start