Example #1
def get_bbox(pc, pose=None):
    get the bounding box for the point cloud
    if a pose is provided then it will find the bbox
      for the data aligned to that pose

    return: bbox array
        |xmin, xmax|
        |ymin, ymax|
        |zmin, zmax|
  pts = ru.to_array(pc);

  if pose != None:
    ps = ru.to_PoseStamped(pose);
    ps_wrtPC = ru.transformPose(ru.get_frame_id(pc), ps);

    T = tr.rospose2tr(ps_wrtPC.pose);
    pts = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(T), np.vstack((pts.T, np.ones(pts.shape[0])))).T; 

  pmin = np.min(pts[:,:3], axis=0);
  pmax = np.max(pts[:,:3], axis=0);
  bbox = np.array([pmin, pmax]).T;

  return bbox;
Example #2
def get_bbox(pc, pose=None):
    get the bounding box for the point cloud
    if a pose is provided then it will find the bbox
      for the data aligned to that pose

    return: bbox array
        |xmin, xmax|
        |ymin, ymax|
        |zmin, zmax|
    pts = ru.to_array(pc)

    if pose != None:
        ps = ru.to_PoseStamped(pose)
        ps_wrtPC = ru.transformPose(ru.get_frame_id(pc), ps)

        T = tr.rospose2tr(ps_wrtPC.pose)
        pts = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(T), np.vstack(
            (pts.T, np.ones(pts.shape[0])))).T

    pmin = np.min(pts[:, :3], axis=0)
    pmax = np.max(pts[:, :3], axis=0)
    bbox = np.array([pmin, pmax]).T

    return bbox
Example #3
def get_chessboard_pose(img, info, ncol=5, nrow=4, squareSize=0.045, useSubPix=True, publishDetection=True, isRect=True):
    compute the pose of the chessboard in the camera frame   
  (success, chessboard_wrtImage) =  find_chessboard(img, ncol=ncol, nrow=nrow, useSubPix=useSubPix);
  if (len(chessboard_wrtImage) == 0):
    rospy.logwarn(__name__ + ': no chessboard found');
    return None;

  if (publishDetection):
    chessboardCV = draw_chessboard(img, chessboard_wrtImage, ncol=ncol, nrow=nrow);
    chessboardMsg = cvmat2msg(chessboardCV, img.encoding, frame_id=img.header.frame_id, stamp=rospy.Time().now());

  # compute pose
  chessboard_wrtBoard = cv.CreateMat(ncol*nrow, 1, cv.CV_32FC3);
  for i in range(ncol*nrow):
    chessboard_wrtBoard[i,0] = ((i % ncol) * squareSize, (i / ncol) * squareSize, 0);

  # get camera intrinsics
  (cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, projectionMatrix, rotationMatrix) = info2cvmat(info);

  # extrinsic outputs 
  rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
  trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)

  # find chessboard pose
  if isRect:
    distCoeffs = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_32FC1);
    distCoeffs[0,0] = 0; distCoeffs[0,1] = 0; distCoeffs[0,2] = 0; distCoeffs[0,3] = 0;
    cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(chessboard_wrtBoard, chessboard_wrtImage, projectionMatrix[:,:3], distCoeffs, rot, trans);
    cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(chessboard_wrtBoard, chessboard_wrtImage, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rot, trans);

  # get transform from rot, trans
  rot = np.asarray(rot);
  trans = np.asarray(trans);

  th = np.linalg.norm(rot);
  r = rot / th;
  R = np.cos(th)*np.eye(3) + (1 - np.cos(th))*np.dot(r, r.T) + np.sin(th)*np.array([[0, -r[2], r[1]], [r[2], 0, -r[0]], [-r[1], r[0], 0]]);

  if not isRect:
    Trect = tr.trans(-projectionMatrix[0,3]/cameraMatrix[0,0],-projectionMatrix[1,3]/cameraMatrix[1,1], 0)
    Rcam = tr.rot2tr(np.asarray(rotationMatrix));
    Tmodel2cam = np.dot(Trect, np.dot(Rcam, np.dot(tr.trans(trans), tr.rot2tr(R))));
    Tmodel2cam = np.dot(tr.trans(trans), tr.rot2tr(R));

  return ru.to_PoseStamped(Tmodel2cam, frame_id=info.header.frame_id, stamp=info.header.stamp);