Example #1
def get_ew(path, line_data):
    Get the EW from the moog file output. (just for 1 line in input list
    for MOOG)

    Using MOOG 2014...
    create_lines_ew_moog(path+'lines_ew.in', [line_data])
    rp.create_ewfind_par(path, 'lines_ew.in')
    rp.run_MOOG2014(path, 'ewfind.par')
    loggf_out, ew_calc = np.loadtxt(path+'abund_plan_tspec.test', skiprows=5,
                                    usecols=(2, 6), unpack=True)
    return loggf_out, ew_calc
Example #2
def find_iron_parameters(path, run_path, save_folder, linesin):
    converged = False
    owd = os.getcwd()
    moog_file = moog_file = 'Out_moog_'+linesin
    logging.info('Starting 1st iteration for %s', linesin)
    rp.run_amebsa(path, run_path, linesin, 'KURUCZ')
    # checking convergency:
    if os.path.isfile(run_path+moog_file):
        logging.info('First iteration converged for %s', linesin)
        logging.warning('First iteration did not converge for %s', linesin)
        moog_file = 'Out_moog_b.'+linesin

    n_removed_lines = isp.remove_outliers_from_linelist(run_path+linesin,run_path+moog_file,run_path+linesin+'_new',3.)
    logging.info('Removed %d outliers lines for %s', n_removed_lines, linesin)
    if n_removed_lines > 1:
        linesin = linesin+'_new'
        moog_file = moog_file = 'Out_moog_'+linesin
        logging.info('Starting 2nd iteration for %s', linesin)
        rp.run_amebsa(path, run_path, linesin, 'KURUCZ')
        if os.path.isfile(run_path+moog_file):
            logging.info('Second iteration converged for %s', linesin)
            converged = True
            logging.error('Final iteration did not converge for %s', linesin)
            moog_file = 'Out_moog_b.'+linesin
        logging.info('No need for 2nd iteration for %s', filename_lines)
    os.system("cp "+run_path+linesin+" "+save_folder)
    os.system("cp "+run_path+moog_file+" "+save_folder)

    if converged:
        logging.info('Computing errors for %s', linesin)
        logging.warning('Computing errors for no convergent result of %s', linesin)

    # Put a try catch here
    moogerr.compute_error(run_path, moog_file, moog_file+'.er', True)
    logging.info('Errors computed for %s', linesin)
    os.system("cp "+run_path+moog_file+'.er'+" "+save_folder)
    os.system("cp "+run_path+moog_file+'.eps'+" "+save_folder)

    os.system("rm -rf "+run_path+"*")
Example #3
def run_chain_parameters():
    os.system("rm -rf SPECPAR.log")
    logging.basicConfig(filename='SPECPAR.log', format='%(asctime)s : %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p', level=logging.INFO)
    path = './'
    run_path = 'running_dir/'
    save_path = 'save_folder/'
    # CREATE folders

    # Running ARES
    linelist_ew = rp.get_install_dir()+rc.read_config_param('linelists', 'iron_parameters').replace("'", "")
    rp.ares_make_mine_opt(run_path, linelist_ew)
    logging.info('ARES Started')
    logging.info('ARES Finished')

    # Creating moog linelist
    filename_lines = rp.get_install_dir()+rc.read_config_param('linelists', 'iron_parameters').replace("'", "")
    filename_ares = rc.read_config_param('ares', 'fileout').replace("'", "")
    filename_out = 'lines.' + filename_ares
    isp.ares_to_lines(run_path+filename_ares, filename_lines, run_path+filename_out, 4000, 9999, 5, 150)
    logging.info('Starting AMEBSA for %s', filename_out)
    # find_iron_parameters(path,run_path,save_path,filename_out)
    find_iron_parameters_tmcalc_prior(path, run_path, save_path, filename_out, filename_ares)
Example #4
def run_chain_tmcalc():
    os.system("rm -rf SPECPAR.log")
    logging.basicConfig(filename='SPECPAR.log', format='%(asctime)s : %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p', level=logging.INFO)
    path = './'
    run_path = 'running_dir/'
    save_path = 'save_folder/'
    # CREATE folders

    # Running   ARES
    linelist_ew = rp.get_install_dir()+rc.read_config_param('linelists', 'tmcalc_linelist').replace("'", "")
    rp.ares_make_mine_opt(run_path, linelist_ew)
    logging.info('ARES Started')
    logging.info('ARES Finished')
    filename_ares = rc.read_config_param('ares', 'fileout').replace("'", "")
    logging.info('Getting TMCALC results')
    print filename_ares
    teff, feh = rp.get_tmcalc_teff_feh(run_path+filename_ares)
    print 'Teff:', teff
    print 'Feh:', feh
def run_moog_kurucz(teff, logg, metal, vtur):
    rp.create_model_kurucz('./', teff, logg, metal, vtur)
    rp.run_MOOG('./', 'abfind.par')
def error(filename, fix_logg=False):
    Computes the errors

    # Read the file
    logout = readmoog(filename)

    # First determine the set of variables that will be needed to
    # determine the errors.
    teff = logout[0]
    logg = logout[1]
    vt = logout[2]
    metal = logout[3]
    abundfe = logout[5]
    # abundfe = (logout[5] + logout[8])/2.
    sigmafe1 = logout[6]/np.sqrt(logout[4])
    sigmafe2 = logout[9]/np.sqrt(logout[7])

    # Do least squaresfits for FeI vs EW and EP
    a1, b1, siga1, sigb1 = lsq(logout[19], logout[12])
    a2, b2, siga2, sigb2 = lsq(logout[18], logout[12])

    # Build new abfind.par file
    linesfile = filename.replace('Out_moog_', '')
    linesfile = linesfile.replace('b.', '')
    rp.create_abfind_par('./', linesfile)

    # VT: Run MOOG with +0.1 dex #

    # Make intermod and transform file
    run_moog(teff, logg, metal, vt + 0.10)

    # Read the results
    logoutvt = readmoog('abund_plan_tspec.test')

    # Error on microturbulence
    if logoutvt[11] == 0:
        errormicro = abs(siga1/0.001) * 0.10
        errormicro = abs(siga1/logoutvt[11]) * 0.10

    # Determine the variation of FeI
    deltafe1micro = abs((errormicro/0.10) * (logoutvt[5]-abundfe))

    # TEFF: #

    # With these values, calculate the error on the slope of FeI with
    # excitation potential
    addslope = (errormicro/0.10) * logoutvt[10]

    # Add this quadratically to the error on the original FeI-EP slope
    errorslopeEP = np.hypot(addslope, siga2)

    # Run MOOG with teff 100K extra
    run_moog(teff + 100, logg, metal, vt)

    # Read the results
    logoutteff = readmoog('abund_plan_tspec.test')

    # Error on temperature (assume the variation on the slope is linear
    # with the error)
    errorteff = abs(errorslopeEP/logoutteff[10]) * 100

    # Determine the variation of FeI
    deltafe1teff = abs((errorteff/100.) * (logoutteff[5]-abundfe))

    # logg: #

    if not fix_logg:
        # Calculate the variation that the error in Teff caused in the
        # abundances of FeII
        addfe2error = abs((errorteff/100.) * (logoutteff[8]-abundfe))

        # Quadratically add it to the original abundance error
        sigmatotalfe2 = np.hypot(sigmafe2, addfe2error)

        # Run MOOG with logg minus 0.20
        run_moog(teff, logg - 0.20, metal, vt)

        # Read the results
        logoutlogg = readmoog('abund_plan_tspec.test')

        # Error on logg
        errorlogg = abs(sigmatotalfe2 / (logoutlogg[8]-abundfe) * 0.2)
        errorlogg = 0.0

    # [Fe/H]: #

    # Take into account the dispersion errors on FeI by teff and vt errors
    # Add them quadratically
    print sigmafe1, deltafe1teff, deltafe1micro
    errormetal = math.sqrt(sigmafe1**2 + deltafe1teff**2 + deltafe1micro**2)

    teff, errorteff = int(teff), int(errorteff)
    logg, errorlogg = round(logg, 2), round(errorlogg, 2)
    vt, errorvt = round(vt, 2), round(errormicro, 2)
    metal, errormetal = round(metal, 2), round(errormetal, 2)
    logg, errorlogg = round(logg, 2), round(errorlogg, 2)

    result = (teff, errorteff, logg, errorlogg, vt, errormicro, metal,
              errormetal, logout[4], logout[7], logout[6], logout[9])

    return result
Example #7
def find_iron_parameters_tmcalc_prior(path, run_path, save_folder,
                                      linesin, filename_ares):
    converged = False
    owd = os.getcwd()
    # Default Starting Values
    teff = 5500
    logg = 4.0
    feh = 0.0
    vtur = 1.0
    teff, feh = rp.get_tmcalc_teff_feh(run_path+filename_ares)
    print teff, feh
    if math.isnan(teff):
        teff = 5500
    if math.isnan(feh):
        feh = 0.0
    # Ramirez 2013
    # vtur = 1.163 + 7.808e-4 * (teff - 5800) - 0.494*(logg - 4.30) - 0.05*feh
    # Tsantaki 2013
    vtur = 6.932e-4*teff - 0.348*logg - 1.437
    logging.info('Using the following parameters as initial: %d %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f', teff, logg, feh, vtur)
    moog_file = moog_file = 'Out_moog_'+linesin
    logging.info('Starting 1st iteration for %s', linesin)
    rp.run_amebsa_prior(path, run_path, linesin, teff, logg, feh, vtur, 'KURUCZ')

    # checking convergency:
    if os.path.isfile(run_path+moog_file):
        logging.info('First iteration converged for %s', linesin)
        logging.warning('First iteration did not converge for %s', linesin)
        moog_file = 'Out_moog_b.'+linesin
    n_removed_lines = isp.remove_outliers_from_linelist(run_path+linesin,run_path+moog_file,run_path+linesin+'_new',3.)
    logging.info('Removed %d outliers lines for %s', n_removed_lines, linesin)
    if n_removed_lines > 1:
        teff, logg, feh, vtur = isp.read_parameters_moogfile(run_path+moog_file)
        linesin = linesin+'_new'
        moog_file = moog_file = 'Out_moog_'+linesin
        logging.info('Starting 2nd iteration for %s', linesin)
        logging.info('Using the following parameters as initial: %d %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f', teff, logg, feh, vtur)
        rp.run_amebsa_prior(path, run_path, linesin, teff, logg, feh, vtur, 'KURUCZ')
        if os.path.isfile(run_path+moog_file):
            logging.info('Second iteration converged for %s', linesin)
            converged = True
            logging.error('Final iteration did not converge for %s', linesin)
            moog_file = 'Out_moog_b.'+linesin
        logging.info('No need for 2nd iteration for %s', filename_lines)
        os.system("cp "+run_path+linesin+" "+save_folder)
        os.system("cp "+run_path+moog_file+" "+save_folder)

    if converged:
        logging.info('Computing errors for %s', linesin)
        logging.warning('Computing errors for no convergent result of %s', linesin)

    # Put a try catch here
    moogerr.compute_error(run_path, moog_file, moog_file+'.er', True)
    logging.info('Errors computed for %s', linesin)
    os.system("cp "+run_path+moog_file+'.er'+" "+save_folder)
    os.system("cp "+run_path+moog_file+'.eps'+" "+save_folder)

Example #8
def run_chain_get_element_abund(moogfile, element):
    run_path = 'running_dir/'
    save_path = 'save_folder/'
    teff, logg, feh, vtur = isp.read_parameters_moogfile(moogfile)
    linelist_element = rp.get_install_dir()+rc.read_config_param('linelists', element+'_abund').replace("'", "")
    rp.ares_make_mine_opt(run_path, linelist_element)
    filename_ares = rc.read_config_param('ares', 'fileout').replace("'", "")
    filename_out = 'lines.' + filename_ares
    isp.ares_to_lines(run_path+filename_ares, linelist_element, run_path+filename_out, 4000, 9999, 5, 150)
    rp.create_abfind_par(run_path, filename_out)
    rp.create_model_kurucz(run_path, teff, logg, feh, vtur)
    rp.run_MOOG(run_path, 'abfind.par')
    (ele1, ele1_sig, nele1, ele2, ele2_sig, nele2) = rmoog.read_moog_ele_sigma(run_path+'abund_plan_tspec.test', element, 2.)
    return (ele1, ele1_sig, nele1, ele2, ele2_sig, nele2)
Example #9
def recalibrate_loggf_kurucz(path, filein, fileout):
    Differential recalibration of loggf using the KURUCZ models
    rp.create_model_kurucz(path, 5777, 4.44, 0.0, 1.0)
    recalibrate_loggf(path, filein, fileout)
Example #10
def recalibrate_loggf_marcs(path, filein, fileout):
    Differential recalibration of loggf using the MARCS models
    rp.create_model_marcs(path, 5777, 4.44, 0.0, 1.0)
    recalibrate_loggf(path, filein, fileout)