Example #1
def main(args):
    word_embs = word_embeddings.load_embeddings(args.embs_path)

    system_summaries = []
    references_list = []
    with open(args.input_jsonl, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            instance = json.loads(line)
            # The input summaries to S3 are lists of sentences. The example
            # just passes the whole text in as 1 sentence without pre-sentence tokenizing
            # it, so we will do the same. But the input summaries are expected
            # to just be 1 string each, so we wrap them in an extra list
            summary = [instance['summary']]
            references = [[reference] for reference in instance['references']]

    scores_pyr, scores_resp = S3.S3_batch(references_list, system_summaries,
                                          word_embs, args.model_folder)

    with open(args.output_jsonl, 'w') as out:
        for pyr, resp in zip(scores_pyr, scores_resp):
            out.write(json.dumps({'pyr': pyr, 'resp': resp}) + '\n')