def testing():
#  events = ['FL','SG','AR','CH']
  events = ['SG']
#  events = ['FL','SG','FI','CH','AR','SS']
#  neighborhoods = ['rook','queen','rooktemp']
  neighborhoods = ['rook','rooktemp','rooktemplong']
  datasets = ['3DAYDEMO']

  thetas = [0.7] # theta is the classification parameter

#  grid = [0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0]
#  alphas = [x for x in itertools.product(grid,grid) if sum(x) <= 1]# alpha is the parameter that weights the entropy and neighb$
  alphas = [(0.3,0.3),(0.6,0.3),(0.3,0.6)]

  NeighborFunctions = ["spatial","temporal"]

  splitRes = 10000000 # splitRes affects how many splits are considered among each parameter at each tree node
  c_0vals = [100]# c_0val is the _proportion_ of total values set as the minimum leaf size
  waves = [['0193'],['0171'],['0094']]
#  balances = ['Mirror','Duplication','Random']
  balances = ['Mirror']
  X = [x for x in itertools.product(events,neighborhoods,datasets,waves,balances,c_0vals)]
  Y = [x for x in itertools.product(alphas,thetas)]
  results = []
  for e,n,d,w,b,cv in X:
   S_train,S_test = read_data(e,neighborhood = n, dataset = d, waves = w,balanceOption = b)
   cells, adj = S_train
   cells2, adj2 = S_test
   c_0 = max(len(cells)//cv,1)
   for alpha,theta in Y:
    t1 = time.time()
    if sum(alpha) > 1:
     raise Exception('invalid alpha')
    treefile = "temp.tree"
    TP,FP,TN,FN = SDT.sdt_learn(S_train, S_test, alpha, c_0, theta, splitRes, NeighborFunctions)
    ACC = 100*(TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN) 
    if TP+FP != 0:
      PREC = 100*(TP)/(TP+FP)
      PREC = 0
    if TP+FN != 0:
      REC = 100*TP/(TP+FN)
      REC = 0
    F1 = 0 if PREC+REC == 0 else (2*PREC*REC)/(PREC+REC)
    summ = 0
    for p in ['P1','P2','P3','P4','P5','P6','P7','P8','P9','P10']: # for each parameter
      s = set()                                                    # build a set of all of the values of that parameter
      for cell in cells:                                           # the set data structure will eliminate duplicates
        s.add(cell[p])                                             # so its length is the number of distinct values for that 
      summ+=len(s)                                                 # parameter
    splits = summ                                                  # add all these together to get the number of potential 
                                                                   # splits in the dataset
    t2 = time.time()
    runTime = t2-t1
    strr = "".join([
                  'numcells: ', str(len(cells)),'\n',
                  ' ','\n',
                  ' ','\n',
                  ' ','\n'])
    parameters = (n,w,alpha)
  with open('TestTimeNeighborhoodSize.results','wb') as f:
def parallelized_component(run):
    constants, y = run
    experiment, cv, S_train, S_test, c_0, splitRes, NeighborFunctions, fileBase, skipTOs, timeout = constants
    e, n, d, w, b = experiment
    alpha, theta = y

    strAlpha = str(alpha).replace('(', '[').replace(')', ']').replace(', ', '-')
    treefile = "_".join([fileBase, 'alpha=' + strAlpha]) + ".tree"
    resultsfile = "_".join([fileBase, 'alpha=' + strAlpha, 'theta=' + str(theta)]) + ".results"

    print 'running', resultsfile

    if sum(alpha) > 1:
        raise Exception('invalid alpha')

    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler)
    signal.alarm(timeout)  # timeout value of zero disables alarm
        TP, FP, TN, FN = SDT.sdt_learn(S_train, S_test, alpha, c_0, theta, splitRes, NeighborFunctions)
        didTimeout = False
    except MyTimeoutException:
        didTimeout = True
        resultsfile = resultsfile + 'TO'
    if didTimeout:
        print 'experiment ', constants, y, 'timed out'
        TP = 'TO'
        FP = 'TO'
        TN = 'TO'
        FN = 'TO'
        ACC = 'TO'
        PREC = 'TO'
        REC = 'TO'
        ACC = 100 * (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)
        if TP + FP != 0:
            PREC = 100 * (TP) / (TP + FP)
            PREC = 0
        if TP + FN != 0:
            REC = 100 * TP / (TP + FN)
            REC = 0
    s = "".join([
        'event:', str(e), '\n',
        'neighborhood:', str(n), '\n',
        'dataset:', str(d), '\n',
        'alpha:', str(alpha), '\n',
        'c_0:', str(c_0), '\n',
        'theta:', str(theta), '\n',
        'balance:', str(b), '\n',
        ' ', '\n',
        'TP: ', str(TP), '\n',
        'FP: ', str(FP), '\n',
        'TN: ', str(TN), '\n',
        'FN: ', str(FN), '\n',
        'accuracy: ', str(ACC), '%\n',
        'precision: ', str(PREC), '%\n',
        'recall: ', str(REC), '%\n',
        ' ', '\n',
        ' ', '\n',
        ' ', '\n'])
    with open(resultsfile, 'w') as f: