def test():
    ''' Testing the CNN algorithm on -n files in set_directory/set0/ and saving results in event dictionaries. '''
    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        #Get images, image_set flags, and classification labels from testing event files (non-shuffled batches of 2000)
        images, sets, labels = SKinput.input(0, shuffle=False)
        #Compute CNN prediction and comparison to truth 
        logits = SKgraph.inference(images, sets, 1.0)
        correct = SKgraph.correct(logits, labels)
        #Compute accuracy
        accuracy = SKgraph.accuracy(logits, labels)
        #Get images for Tensorboard output
        summary_images = SKinput.get_summary_filter(sets, labels, correct)
        real_images = None
        #Initialize saver object for reading CNN variables from checkpoint files
        saver = SKinput.Saver()
        #Initialize Variables and Session
        initialize = tf.initialize_all_variables()
        sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=tf.ConfigProto(inter_op_parallelism_threads=FLAGS.num_cores, intra_op_parallelism_threads=FLAGS.num_cores))
        #Actually Begin Processing the Graph
        coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
        threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord)
        #Track accuracy to monitor network performance on files
        tracker = SKgraph.Tracker(["Accuracy"])
        #Load CNN variables from checkpoint files
        #Define the file that will have every event dictionary written to it (temp file in the case of 
        # "FLAGS.continue_session" so that the standard file and temp file can be combined afterwards)
        complete_info_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.run_directory, "complete_info.txt")
        temp_info_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.run_directory, "temp_info.txt")
        active_file = complete_info_file if not FLAGS.continue_session else temp_info_file
        if not FLAGS.continue_session and not FLAGS.print_tensorboard:
            #Will be appending JSON strings, so must overwrite the file here at the beginning of process
            open(active_file, "w").close()

        #Get the paths of all the "info" files containing JSON string dictionaries from the image processing runs
        info_paths = SKinput.get_files(0, "info")
        for info_path in info_paths:
            #Regular Testing
            if not FLAGS.print_tensorboard:
                #Break if file number exceeds user-defined limits
                if info_paths.index(info_path) >= FLAGS.num_iterations:
                #Open file that saves all event dictionaries with complete information
                with open(active_file, "a") as complete_info:
                    #Evaluate the relevant information for testing (algorithm output, correct classification, and algorithm accuracy)
                    output, worked, acc_value =[logits, correct, accuracy])
                    #Cumulatively track and print accuracy for monitoring purposes
                    #Open info file and stream all the dictionaries into the complete_info file with Algorithm performance information added
                    with open(info_path, "r") as info_file:
                        #Iterate through info file and Tensorflow batch concurrenly (MUST be a 1-1 correspondence between these sources)
                        #Correspondence is ensured by:
                        #  1. setting the batch size in this case to the size of the info_files
                        #  2. not shuffling the batches in Tensorflow input
                        #  3. stiching the batches together properly after separating them to implement separate CNNs
                        for prob, line, did_work in zip(output, info_file, worked):
                            #Load dictionary and add algorithm performance information
                            info = json.loads(line[:-1])
                            info["worked" + ("_" + FLAGS.regime_name if FLAGS.regime_name != "" else "")] = bool(did_work)
                            info["algorithm" + ("_" + FLAGS.regime_name if FLAGS.regime_name != "" else "")] = [float(prob[0]), float(prob[1])]
                            #Write dictionary to the complete_info file
                            complete_info.write(json.dumps(info) + "\n")
            #Tensorboard output procedure
                #Evaluate images and Tensorboard filters, as well as CNN output for use in custom filter
                img, mask, output =[images, summary_images, logits])
                #Extra boolean mask if decide to use custom filter
                extra_mask = []
                if FLAGS.custom_cut:
                    #Implement custom filter by iterating over event information dictionaries and checking if event passes custom cut
                    with open(info_path, "r") as info_file:
                        for line, prob in zip(info_file, output):
                            #Get dictionary
                            info = json.loads(line[:-1])
                            #Append boolean "passed cut" to the extra_mask filter
                            #DEFINE CUSTOM FILTER HERE IF DESIRED
                            extra_mask.append(bool(info["worked_fiTQun_ms"] and prob[0] < 0.5)) # Set content to custom expression (return False for events to be cut)
                    #Initialize extra_mask so that all events pass the custom cut (equivalent to not having a cut at all)
                    extra_mask = [True]*len(mask)
                #Add False elements to the extra_mask so that it is the same length as mask.
                #This is needed to avoid errors when the batch is larger than the number of lines read (e.g. in last file of an image set).
                extra_mask += [False]*(len(mask) - len(extra_mask))
                #Combine masks and apply to the images.
                final_mask = np.logical_and(mask, extra_mask)
                batch = img[final_mask]
                #Group the images from different files into real_images object.
                if real_images is not None:
                    real_images = np.concatenate((real_images, batch))
                    real_images = np.array(batch)
                #Evaluate number of images and print
                size = len(real_images)
                print size
                #Break if output image number has been reached or if there are no more files to search
                if size >= FLAGS.num_iterations or info_paths.index(info_path) == len(info_paths) - 1:
                    #Create summary object from images and save the images in Tensorboard format
                    image_summary = SKinput.get_summary(real_images)
                    SKinput.write(sess, image_summary)
        #If doing testing, and --continue is called, combine all the dictionaries in the temporary output file with those in the previous output file 
        if FLAGS.continue_session and not FLAGS.print_tensorboard:
            SKinput.combine_info_files(complete_info_file, temp_info_file)
        #Wrap up
def train(data_set):
    ''' Defines the training procedure for the CNN.
    :param data_set: Integer indicating which CNN to train, recall there is a separate CNN for each image set
    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        #Initialize global step variable that will be incrimented during training
        global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
        #Get images and image_labels in random batches of size FLAGS.batch_size
        #These are just Tensor objects for now and will not actually be evaluated until is called in the loop
        images, labels = SKinput.input(data_set)
        #Get output of the CNN with images as input
        logits = SKgraph.inference(images, data_set, FLAGS.dropout_prob)
        #Initialize saver object that takes care of reading and writing parameters to checkpoint files
        saver = SKinput.Saver()
        #Values and Operations to evaluate in each batch
        cost = SKgraph.cost(logits, labels)
        accuracy = SKgraph.accuracy(logits, labels)
        train_op = SKgraph.train(cost, saver, global_step)
        #Initialize all the Tensorflow Variables defined in appropriate networks, as well as the Tensorflow session object
        initialize = tf.initialize_all_variables()
        sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=tf.ConfigProto(inter_op_parallelism_threads=FLAGS.num_cores, intra_op_parallelism_threads=FLAGS.num_cores))
        #Actually Begin Processing the Graph
        coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
        threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord)
        #Initialize Tracker object that prints averages of quantities after every 20 batches
        tracker = SKgraph.Tracker(["Cost", "Accuracy"])
        #Load network parameters from the most recent training session if desired
        if FLAGS.continue_session:
            saver.restore(sess, data_set)
        #Iterate over the desired number of batches
        for batch_num in range(1, FLAGS.num_iterations + 1):
            #Run the training step once and return real-number values for cost and accuracy
            _, cost_value, acc_value =[train_op, cost, accuracy])
            assert not math.isnan(cost_value), 'Model diverged with cost = NaN'
            tracker.add([cost_value, acc_value])
            #Periodically print cost and accuracy values to monitor training process
            if not batch_num % 20:
            #Periodically save moving averages to checkpoint files
            if not batch_num % 100 or batch_num == FLAGS.num_iterations:
      , data_set)
        #Wrap up
Example #3
def train(data_set, plot=true):
    ''' Defines the training procedure for the CNN.
    :param data_set: Integer indicating which CNN to train, recall there is a separate CNN for each image set

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        #Initialize global step variable that will be incrimented during training
        global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)

        #Get images and image_labels in random batches of size FLAGS.batch_size
        #These are just Tensor objects for now and will not actually be evaluated until is called in the loop
        images, labels = SKinput.input(data_set)

        #Get output of the CNN with images as input
        logits, weight_list, middle_steps = SKgraph.inference(
            images, data_set, FLAGS.dropout_prob)
        W_conv1, W_fc1, W_fc2, W_fc3 = weight_list[0], weight_list[
            1], weight_list[2], weight_list[3]
        h_conv1, h_pool1, h_fc1, h_fc2 = middle_steps[0], middle_steps[
            1], middle_steps[2], middle_steps[3]
        #Initialize saver object that takes care of reading and writing parameters to checkpoint files
        saver = SKinput.Saver()

        #Values and Operations to evaluate in each batch
        cost = SKgraph.cost(logits, labels)
        accuracy = SKgraph.accuracy(logits, labels)
        train_op = SKgraph.train(cost, saver, global_step)

        #Initialize all the Tensorflow Variables defined in appropriate networks, as well as the Tensorflow session object
        initialize = tf.initialize_all_variables()
        sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=tf.ConfigProto(

        # define a pyROOT TGraph to monitor the training
        train_gr = TGraph()
        j = 0

        #Actually Begin Processing the Graph
        coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
        threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord)


        #Initialize Tracker object that prints averages of quantities after every 20 batches
        tracker = SKgraph.Tracker(["Cost", "Accuracy"])

        #Load network parameters from the most recent training session if desired
        if FLAGS.continue_session:
            saver.restore(sess, data_set)

        #Iterate over the desired number of batches
        for batch_num in range(1, FLAGS.num_iterations + 1):
            #Run the training step once and return real-number values for cost and accuracy
            _, cost_value, acc_value =[train_op, cost, accuracy])

            assert not math.isnan(cost_value), 'Model diverged with cost = NaN'
            tracker.add([cost_value, acc_value])

            #Periodically print cost and accuracy values to monitor training process
            if not batch_num % 20:
                train_gr.SetPoint(j, batch_num, acc_value)
                j = j + 1

            #Periodically save moving averages to checkpoint files
            if not batch_num % 100 or batch_num == FLAGS.num_iterations:
      , data_set)

# print "W_conv1: ", W_conv1.get_shape()

# record what the trained filters looks like
        xarray = np.zeros(25)
        yarray = np.zeros(25)
        zarray = np.zeros(25)
        for y in range(5):
            for x in range(5):
                index = 5 * y + x
                xarray[index] = x
                yarray[index] = y
        x = array("d", xarray)
        y = array("d", yarray)

        wgraphs = []

        # make a graph for each filter
        W_conv1_value = W_conv1.eval()

        for n in range(22):
            for j in range(5):
                for i in range(5):
                    index = 5 * j + i
                    zarray[index] = W_conv1_value[i, j, 0, n]
            z = array("d", zarray)
            wgraph = TGraph2D(25, x, y, z)
            wgraph.SetName("w%d" % n)

# open a file
        fout = TFile('filters.root', 'RECREATE')

        # write out the training graph

        # write out the weights
        for n in range(22):
            wgraph = wgraphs[n]
            wgraph.Write('filter%d' % n)


        # plot how the image is processed through convolution and pooling with different filters
        if plot == true:
            SKplot.plot(images, labels, W_conv1, h_conv1, h_pool1)

        #Wrap up