Example #1
def optimize(w, params, spl_params):
	assert(spl_params.spl_mode == 0)
	init_latent_variables(w, params)
	for iter in range(params.max_outer_iter):
		print "SSVM"
		w = SPLInnerLoop.optimize(w, params, spl_params) #if spl_params.spl_mode == 0 then this just calls SSVM.optimize()
		print "imputing h"
		HImputation.impute(w, params, spl_params) #this may interact with SPL at some point
		if has_converged(w, params, spl_params):
Example #2
def optimize(w, globalSPLVars, params):
	bestObj = numpy.inf
	wBest= CommonApp.PsiObject(params,False)

	initLatentVariables(w, params)
	utils.dumpCurrentLatentVariables(params, "%s.%s"%(params.latentVariableFile, 'init'))
	iter = 0
	while True:
		logging.debug("SSVM iteration %d"  % (iter))

		w,optState = SPLInnerLoop.optimize(w, globalSPLVars, params, iter)
		(converged, bestObj, wBest,newObj) = checkConvergence(w, globalSPLVars, params, bestObj, w,iter)
		logging.debug("Objective after optimizing w: %f" % newObj)

		lastedLongEnough= (iter > params.minOuterIters) and ((params.splParams.splMode=='CCCP' ) or (params.splParams.splMode!='CCCP' and iter > params.splParams.splInitIters and globalSPLVars.fraction >= 1.0))
		logging.debug("Breaking because of convergence")
		if (converged and lastedLongEnough):
			logging.debug("Breaking because of convergence")
		elif iter>params.maxOuterIters:
			logging.debug("Breaking because its been 10 iterations")
		elif params.supervised:
			logging.debug("Only one run because we are in supervised mode")

		HImputation.impute(optState, params) 
		(converged, bestObj, wBest,newObj) = checkConvergence(w, globalSPLVars, params, bestObj, w,iter)
		logging.debug("Objective after updating latents: %f" % newObj)

		logging.debug("Objective (best so far) %f" % bestObj)

		CacheObj.cacheObject(params.modelFile + "."+str(iter), w)
		utils.dumpCurrentLatentVariables(params, "%s.%d"%(params.latentVariableFile, iter))
		iter += 1

	utils.dumpCurrentLatentVariables(params, params.latentVariableFile)
	logging.debug("Best objective attained is %f" % bestObj)

	return wBest