def addToDb(self):
                #Adding variable names to the text boxes on add information windows
                FoodType = self.ui.lineEditFood.text()
                Calories = self.ui.lineEditCalories.text()
                Grams = self.ui.lineEditGrams.text()
                mealType = "Breakfast"
                #Stores the user ID as a variable and removes the excess string
                UserID = self.userID
                UserID = str(UserID)
                UserID= (UserID.replace("(",""))
                UserID = (UserID.replace(")", ""))
                UserID = (UserID.replace(",", ""))
                #Validation Check.
                if (SQLStatements.addFood(FoodType,Calories,Grams,mealType,UserID) == 'True'):
                    QMessageBox.about(QMessageBox(), 'Success', 'added to the database.')
                    QMessageBox.warning(QMessageBox(), 'Error', 'Could not be added')

            except Exception as e: print (e)