def test_rename(self):
     # Get a list of datasets
     dsets = sc.lst(self.sock)['list']
     # Choose an elt and rename
     test_elt = dsets[0]
     test_elt_renamed = dsets[0]+'renamed'
     sc.rename(self.sock, test_elt, test_elt_renamed)
     # Get a new list of datasets
     dsets = sc.lst(self.sock)
     dsets = dsets['list']
     # Make sure original is not present and new one is
                     (test_elt_renamed in dsets)
                     (not (test_elt in dsets)), 
                     "Copied element deleted")
     sc.rename(self.sock, test_elt_renamed, test_elt)
     # Get a new list of datasets
     dsets = sc.lst(self.sock)
     dsets = dsets['list']
     # Make sure the second rename also worked
                     (not (test_elt_renamed in dsets))
                     (not (test_elt in dsets), 
                     "Copied element deleted"))
 def test_rename_admin(self):
     # Get a dataset owned by bob
     sc.auth(self.sock, 'bob', 'bob')
     dsets = sc.lst(self.sock)['list']
     test_elt = dsets[0]
     ren_elt = test_elt+'renamed'
     # Rename the dataset
     sc.auth(self.sock, 'lev', 'lev')
     sc.rename_admin(self.sock, test_elt, ren_elt, 'bob')
     # Verify the rename
     sc.auth(self.sock, 'bob', 'bob')
     dsets = sc.lst(self.sock)['list']
     self.assertIn(ren_elt, dsets, "Other user's dataset not renamed!")
     # Put things back the way they were
     sc.rename(self.sock, ren_elt, test_elt)
     sc.auth(self.sock, 'lev', 'lev')