# The callback that will be registered to onEntityCreate() and will add the
# name field to ApiUser Entity objects.

def addApiUserNameField(sgEntity):
  This example callback shows how to add user fields to Entity objects as they
  are created.

  A SgUserField will be created for all ApiUser Entity objects that adds a name
  field for the Entity.  ApiUsers do not contain a "name" field as part of the
  Shotgun schema.

  if sgEntity.type == 'ApiUser':
    if not sgEntity.hasField('name'):

# Register the callback with ShotgunORM onEntityCreate().

  description='callback that adds a name field to ApiUser Entity objects'
# name field to ApiUser Entity objects.

def addApiUserNameField(sgEntity):
  This example callback shows how to add user fields to Entity objects as they
  are created.

  A SgUserField will be created for all ApiUser Entity objects that adds a name
  field for the Entity.  ApiUsers do not contain a "name" field as part of the
  Shotgun schema.

    if sgEntity.type == 'ApiUser':
        if not sgEntity.hasField('name'):

# Register the callback with ShotgunORM onEntityCreate().

    description='callback that adds a name field to ApiUser Entity objects')