Example #1
def test(codebook,
         default_context='. ',

    modelin = model
    if model == None: model = TextPrediction.LanguageModel(alphabet=alphabet)
    if alphabet == None: alphabet = TextPrediction.default_alphabet36
    if txt == None: txt = TextPrediction.default_test_text

    alphabet = model.match_case(alphabet)
    if len(set(alphabet) - set(model.alphabet)) > 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "some characters in the alphabet are not in the model")

    if len(txt) < 1000 and os.path.isfile(TextPrediction.FindFile(txt)):
        txt = TextPrediction.ReadUTF8(TextPrediction.FindFile(txt))
    # Things will fail if some characters in the test text are not in alphabet. So...
    if 'this is a massive hack':
        oldalphabet = model.alphabet
        model.alphabet = set(oldalphabet).intersection(alphabet)
        txt = model.clean(txt)
        model.alphabet = oldalphabet

    if isinstance(codebook, dict) and 'Matrix' in codebook:
        codebook = codebook['Matrix']

    if isinstance(codebook, basestring):
        codebook = [[int(i) for i in row.split()]
                    for row in codebook.strip().replace('.', '0').replace(
                        '-', '0').split('\n')]
    codebook = numpy.asarray(codebook)

    N, L = codebook.shape
    if N != len(alphabet):
        raise ValueError(
            "number of rows in the codebook should be equal to the number of symbols in the alphabet"

    out = txt[:0]
    nchars = len(txt)
    correct = numpy.zeros((nchars, ), dtype=numpy.bool)
    nepochs = numpy.zeros((nchars, ), dtype=numpy.int16)
    z = SigTools.invcg(balanced_acc)

    confusion = numpy.zeros((2, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
    correct_running = SigTools.running_mean()
    nepochs_running = SigTools.running_mean()
        for i in range(nchars):
            correct_symbol = txt[i]
            correct_index = alphabet.index(
            )  # will throw an error if not found, and rightly so
            context = model.prepend_context(txt[:i], default_context)
            d = TextPrediction.Decoder(choices=alphabet,
            result = None
            while result == None:
                col = codebook[:, d.L % L]
                Cij = int(col[correct_index])
                mean = z * {0: -1, 1: 1}[Cij]
                x = numpy.random.randn() + mean
                p = SigTools.logistic(2.0 * z * x)
                confusion[Cij, int(round(p))] += 1
                result = d.new_transmission(p)
            nepochs[i] = d.L
            correct[i] = (result == correct_symbol)
            out = out + result
            nepochs_running += d.L
            correct_running += (result == correct_symbol)
            if w:
                if (i + 1) % w == 0:
                    sys.stdout.write('   %3d\n' %
                                     round(100.0 * float(i + 1) / nchars))
                elif (i + 1) == nchars:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        if w: sys.stdout.write('\n')

    ndone = len(out)

    s = sstruct()
    s.alphabet = alphabet
    s.codebook = codebook
    s.model = modelin
    s.input = txt[:ndone]
    s.output = out
    s.conditions = sstruct()
    s.conditions.threshold = threshold
    s.conditions.min_epochs = min_epochs
    s.conditions.max_epochs = max_epochs
    s.conditions.minprob = minprob
    s.conditions.exponent = exponent
    s.epoch_acc = sstruct()
    s.epoch_acc.desired = balanced_acc
    s.epoch_acc.empirical_nontarget, s.epoch_acc.empirical_target = (
        confusion.diagonal() / confusion.sum(axis=1)).flat
    s.epoch_acc.confusion = confusion
    s.nepochs = sstruct()
    s.nepochs.each = nepochs[:ndone]
    s.nepochs.mean = nepochs_running.m
    s.nepochs.std = nepochs_running.v_unbiased**0.5
    s.nepochs.ste = s.nepochs.std / nepochs_running.n**0.5
    s.letter_acc = sstruct()
    s.letter_acc.each = correct[:ndone]
    s.letter_acc.mean = correct_running.m
    s.letter_acc.std = correct_running.v_unbiased**0.5
    s.letter_acc.ste = s.letter_acc.std / correct_running.n**0.5
    return s
def test(codebook, model=None, alphabet=None, txt=None, balanced_acc=0.75, default_context='. ',
         threshold=1.0, min_epochs=1, max_epochs=72,
         minprob=None, exponent=1.0, w=80):

	modelin = model
	if model == None: model = TextPrediction.LanguageModel(alphabet=alphabet)
	if alphabet == None: alphabet = TextPrediction.default_alphabet36
	if txt==None: txt = TextPrediction.default_test_text

	alphabet = model.match_case(alphabet)
	if len(set(alphabet) - set(model.alphabet)) > 0:
		raise ValueError("some characters in the alphabet are not in the model")

	if len(txt) < 1000 and os.path.isfile(TextPrediction.FindFile(txt)):
		txt = TextPrediction.ReadUTF8(TextPrediction.FindFile(txt))
	# Things will fail if some characters in the test text are not in alphabet. So...
	if 'this is a massive hack':
		oldalphabet = model.alphabet
		model.alphabet = set(oldalphabet).intersection(alphabet)
		txt = model.clean(txt)
		model.alphabet = oldalphabet
	if isinstance(codebook, dict) and 'Matrix' in codebook: codebook = codebook['Matrix']
	if isinstance(codebook, basestring): codebook = [[int(i) for i in row.split()] for row in codebook.strip().replace('.','0').replace('-','0').split('\n')]
	codebook = numpy.asarray(codebook)
	N,L = codebook.shape
	if N != len(alphabet): raise ValueError("number of rows in the codebook should be equal to the number of symbols in the alphabet")
	out = txt[:0]
	nchars = len(txt)
	correct = numpy.zeros((nchars,), dtype=numpy.bool)
	nepochs = numpy.zeros((nchars,), dtype=numpy.int16)
	z = SigTools.invcg(balanced_acc)
	confusion = numpy.zeros((2,2),dtype=numpy.float64)
	correct_running = SigTools.running_mean()
	nepochs_running = SigTools.running_mean()
		for i in range(nchars):
			correct_symbol = txt[i]
			correct_index = alphabet.index(correct_symbol) # will throw an error if not found, and rightly so
			context = model.prepend_context(txt[:i], default_context)
			d = TextPrediction.Decoder(choices=alphabet,
			                           context=context, model=model, verbose=False, 
			                           threshold=threshold, min_epochs=min_epochs, max_epochs=max_epochs,
			                           minprob=minprob, exponent=exponent)
			result = None
			while result == None: 
				col = codebook[:, d.L % L]
				Cij = int(col[correct_index])
				mean = z * {0:-1, 1:1}[Cij]
				x = numpy.random.randn() + mean
				p = SigTools.logistic(2.0 * z * x)
				confusion[Cij, int(round(p))] += 1
				result = d.new_transmission(p)
			nepochs[i] = d.L
			correct[i] = (result == correct_symbol)
			out = out + result
			nepochs_running += d.L
			correct_running += (result == correct_symbol)
			if w:
				sys.stdout.write(result); sys.stdout.flush()
				if (i+1) % w == 0: sys.stdout.write('   %3d\n' % round(100.0 * float(i+1)/nchars))
				elif (i+1) == nchars: sys.stdout.write('\n')
	except KeyboardInterrupt:
		if w: sys.stdout.write('\n')
	ndone = len(out)

	s = sstruct()
	s.alphabet = alphabet
	s.codebook = codebook
	s.model = modelin
	s.input = txt[:ndone]
	s.output = out
	s.conditions = sstruct()
	s.conditions.threshold = threshold
	s.conditions.min_epochs = min_epochs
	s.conditions.max_epochs = max_epochs
	s.conditions.minprob = minprob
	s.conditions.exponent = exponent
	s.epoch_acc = sstruct()
	s.epoch_acc.desired = balanced_acc
	s.epoch_acc.empirical_nontarget, s.epoch_acc.empirical_target = (confusion.diagonal() / confusion.sum(axis=1)).flat
	s.epoch_acc.confusion = confusion
	s.nepochs = sstruct()
	s.nepochs.each  = nepochs[:ndone]
	s.nepochs.mean  = nepochs_running.m
	s.nepochs.std   = nepochs_running.v_unbiased ** 0.5
	s.nepochs.ste   = s.nepochs.std / nepochs_running.n ** 0.5
	s.letter_acc = sstruct()
	s.letter_acc.each = correct[:ndone]
	s.letter_acc.mean = correct_running.m
	s.letter_acc.std  = correct_running.v_unbiased ** 0.5
	s.letter_acc.ste  = s.letter_acc.std / correct_running.n ** 0.5
	return s