def _handleEvent(self, event): if (event.type == pygame.QUIT): if reactor.running: reactor.stop() return True if (event.type == Input.FPS): self._fpsDisplayer.toggle() self._limitFPS = not self._limitFPS return True if (event.type == Input.TOGGLE_SOUND): Sound.toggleQuiet() return True if (event.type == Input.TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN): if platform.system() != "Linux": return True self._fullscreen = not self._fullscreen if self._fullscreen: self._size = self._fullscreenSize else: self._size = self._defaultSize self._resize() return True if (event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE): self._size = event.size self._defaultSize = event.size self._resize() return True return False
def accept_specialMenu(self): ability = self.gui._specialMenu.getSelection() if not ability: Sound.cursorInvalid() return Sound.cursorClick() self.trans("abilityTarget", ability)
def explode(self, map): # Make dirt size = self.explosionSizeFactor * self.size if int(self.x + size) > map.width: right = map.width else: right = int(self.x + size) if int(self.x - size) < 0: left = 0 else: left = int(self.x - size) for x in range(left, right): if (x - self.x) / (size + 0.01) >= -1: for y in range( int((-math.sin(math.acos((x - self.x) / (size + 0.01))) * size) + self.y), int((math.sin(math.acos((x - self.x) / (size + 0.01))) * size) + self.y), ): if y < map.height and y > 0: if map.mask[x][y] == map.maskimage.map_rgb((0, 0, 0, 255)): rand = random.randint(-20, 20) map.mask[x][y] = (150, 90, 20, 255) map.visual.set_at((x, y), (145 + rand, 95 + rand, 20 + rand, 255)) map.screenImage.set_at((x, y), (145 + rand, 95 + rand, 20 + rand, 255)) Sound.playSound(, 5) self.destroy(map)
def checkFacingResult(self, result): if result: Sound.cursorClick() self.gui.clearTopText() self.trans("disabled") else: Sound.cursorInvalid()
def init_smart_sound(self): if Config.mode == 'music': Sound.set_mute(, False) self.is_muted = False else: if Config.smart_sound_timeout_sec > 0: Sound.set_mute(, True) self.is_muted = True
def activate(self): self.state = 0 Sound.playSound("click") if self.function: if self.argument: self.function(self.argument) else: self.function()
def setDead(self, d): self.dead = d self.particleEmitters["explode"].active = d if d: Sound.playSound("explode") if not d: self.setModel(Files.ModelGroups["ship"].getRandomModel())
def hit(self, other): if str(type(other)).__contains__("Invader"): Sound.hit() lives = RunningValues.lives_variable.get() lives = lives - 1 RunningValues.lives_variable.set(lives) Explosion.create_explosion(self.canvas, self.x + self.width / 2, self.y - self.height / 2) RunningValues.player_dead()
def __init__(self): self.window = Tk() self.window.title("Dori") self.window.geometry("800x600") self.window.configure(bg="green") self.fontstyle = font.Font(self.window, size=24, weight='bold', family='Consolas') self.fontstyle2 = font.Font(self.window, size=15, weight='bold', family='Consolas') self.fontstyle3 = font.Font(self.window, size=11, weight='bold', family='Consolas') self.sound = Sound() # 카드 이미지 + 월 + 조합 + 승패 self.images = {} for i in range(10): for j in range(2): self.images[str(i + 1) + '.' + str(j + 1)] = PhotoImage( file='resource/doriCards/' + str(i + 1) + '.' + str(j + 1) + '.gif') self.images['back'] = PhotoImage( file='resource/doriCards/cardback.gif') = Player("dealer") self.players = [] self.players.append(Player("player1")) self.players.append(Player("player2")) self.players.append(Player("player3")) = 1000 self.SetupGUI() self.Initialize() l = [] l.append(Card(16, isVisible=True)) l.append(Card(18, isVisible=True)) l.append(Card(0, isVisible=True)) l.append(Card(3, isVisible=True)) l.append(Card(7, isVisible=True)) combos = self.GetCombos(l) print(combos) for combo in combos: print(self.GetComboString(combo)) combos.sort(key=lambda x: x['power'], reverse=False) print(self.GetComboString(combos[0])) self.window.mainloop()
def loop(beat): k = 0 a = Beat(beat) for i in range(32): n = a.pattern.pop(0) print(n) a.pattern.append(n) for j in range(1000000): k += 10
def get_newgame(): scene = Scene() bg_layer = Level2_Background() hero = Level2_Hero() scroller_2.add(bg_layer) scroller_2.add(hero)"res/audio/Level2.mp3") scene.add(scroller_2) return scene
def manage_silence(self): if Config.mode == 'music': if Sound.get_silence_duration_sec() == 0: self.is_sound_started = True if self.is_sound_started is True and Sound.get_silence_duration_sec( ) > 5.0: self.out.kill() self.is_sound_started = False
def __init__(self, songName): self.noteList = [] try: file = open('Songs/' + songName, "r") print("File found!") firstline = file.readline().replace( '\n', '') #Remove the carriage returns = firstline.split('\"')[ 1] #Takes the name given within the quotes self.tempo = int(firstline.split(',')[1] [7:]) #Takes the number after the "tempo=" timSigStr = firstline.split(',')[2][ 6:] #Takes the string after the tempo, EX: "4/4" self.timSigUp = int( timSigStr[0:timSigStr.find('/')] ) #Takes the value before the / stores as an int self.timSigDown = int( timSigStr[timSigStr.find('/') + 1:]) #Same as above, but after the / #Done with the basics, now for the notes songStr ='\n', '').replace( ' ', '' ) #Read the rest of the file, take out all carriage returns and spaces measureList = songStr.split('(') #Splits the string by measure measureList.remove( measureList[0]) #Removes the empty string at index 0 for measure in measureList: #For every measure... measure = measure.replace(')', '').replace( ']', '') #Removes the ending syntax as they are repetative beatList = measure.split( '[') #Split based on each beat of a measure beatList.remove(beatList[0]) #remove the empty string for beat in beatList: if (beat.find(',') == -1): #This means it's only one note if (beat == ""): self.noteList.append(Sound.Note("REST")) else: self.noteList.append(Sound.Note(beat)) print('Success') else: #Chord beat = beat.split(',') for a in beat: #checks for collisions, multiple notes on one string for b in beat: if a == b: pass elif a[-1] == b[-1]: raise NewExceptions.wrongFormatException( "Multiple notes on one string") self.noteList.append(Sound.Chord(beat)) except Exception as e: print(e) #Tell the user what errors you're getting del self raise e #Tell the function that an error occured
def showActionPerformed(self, abilityID): action = engine.Ability.Ability.get[abilityID] unit = self.unit self.setTopText( Sound.action(action.sound(unit.attack())) # FIXME: don't compare against the string name! Will break # when "Attack" is translated if == "Attack": ud = self.unitDisplayer(unit) attDisp = Sprite.AttackDisplayer(unit, 0.0) ud.addAnimation(attDisp)
def accept_battleMenu(self): choice = self.gui._battleMenu.getSelection() Sound.cursorClick() if choice == Sprite.BattleMenu.MOVE: self.trans('moveTarget') elif choice == Sprite.BattleMenu.ATTACK: self.trans('abilityTarget', self.gui.unit.attack()) elif choice == Sprite.BattleMenu.SPECIAL: self.trans('specialMenu') elif choice == Sprite.BattleMenu.DONE: self.trans('facing')
def accept_battleMenu(self): choice = self.gui._battleMenu.getSelection() Sound.cursorClick() if choice == Sprite.BattleMenu.MOVE: self.trans("moveTarget") elif choice == Sprite.BattleMenu.ATTACK: self.trans("abilityTarget", self.gui.unit.attack()) elif choice == Sprite.BattleMenu.SPECIAL: self.trans("specialMenu") elif choice == Sprite.BattleMenu.DONE: self.trans("facing")
def showRule(self): isRuleA = Utilities.pickByWeight([1-self.ruleAProb,self.ruleAProb]) if self.isSoundRule: freq = self.ruleAFreq if isRuleA else self.ruleBFreq Sound.playFreq(freq,self.tRule)"Sending Sound {} for Rule {}".format(freq,'A' if isRuleA else 'B')) else: nextImg = Utilities.choice(self.ruleAImgNames if isRuleA else self.ruleBImgNames) nextImgFull = os.path.join(self.imageFolder,nextImg),self.fov,[0.5,0.5],self.tRule)"Sending Visual {} for Rule {}".format(nextImg,'A' if isRuleA else 'B')) return isRuleA
def manage_smart_sound(self): if Config.smart_sound_timeout_sec > 0: if self.sound_index == self.index: if self.is_muted is True: Sound.set_mute(, False) self.desktop.set_title(, "* " + self.title) self.is_muted = False else: if self.is_muted is False: Sound.set_mute(, True) self.desktop.set_title(, self.title) self.is_muted = True
def showStim(self): isStimA = Utilities.pickByWeight([1-self.stimAProb,self.stimAProb]) if self.isSoundStim: freq = self.stimAFreq if isStimA else self.stimBFreq Sound.playFreq(freq,self.tStimulus)"Sending Sound {} for Stimulus {}".format(freq,'A' if isStimA else 'B')) else: nextImg = Utilities.choice(self.stimAImgNames if isStimA else self.stimBImgNames) nextImgFull = os.path.join(self.imageFolder,nextImg),self.fov,[0.5,0.5],self.tStimulus)"Sending Visual {} for Stimulus {}".format(nextImg,'A' if isStimA else 'B')) return isStimA
def get_menu(): menu = MainMenu() main_bg = MainScene() scene = Scene()"res/audio/Menu.mp3") scene.add(main_bg) scene.add(menu) return scene
def check(self, map): if self.activationTime > 0: self.activationTime -= 1 else: if self.fuel < 1: self.thrust = False if random.uniform(0,1) < 0.1:, self.owner, self.x, self.y)) else: target = self.getClosestShip(300) if target != None: if == None: = target Sound.playSound(, 6, False) elif target == predictedTargetX = target.x - 5*self.dx predictedTargetY = target.y - 5*self.dy predictedSelfX = self.x + 5*self.dx predictedSelfY = self.y + 5*self.dy + 5 if predictedTargetX > predictedSelfX and predictedTargetY > predictedSelfY: targetAngle = math.atan((predictedSelfY-predictedTargetY)/(self.x+2*self.dx-predictedTargetX)) elif predictedTargetX < predictedSelfX and predictedTargetY > predictedSelfY: targetAngle = math.atan((predictedSelfY-predictedTargetY)/(self.x+2*self.dx-predictedTargetX)) + math.pi elif predictedTargetX < predictedSelfX and predictedTargetY < predictedSelfY: targetAngle = Functions.returnAngle(math.atan((predictedSelfY-predictedTargetY)/(self.x+2*self.dx-predictedTargetX))) + math.pi elif predictedTargetX > predictedSelfX and predictedTargetY < predictedSelfY: targetAngle = Functions.returnAngle(math.atan((predictedSelfY-predictedTargetY)/(self.x+2*self.dx-predictedTargetX)) + math.pi) + math.pi else: targetAngle = math.pi/2 if predictedTargetY > predictedSelfY: if Functions.returnAngle(self.angle) < Functions.returnAngle(targetAngle) or Functions.returnAngle(self.angle) > Functions.returnAngle(targetAngle + math.pi): self.angle += 0.1275 else: self.angle -= 0.1275 elif predictedTargetY < predictedSelfY: if Functions.returnAngle(self.angle) < Functions.returnAngle(targetAngle + math.pi) or Functions.returnAngle(self.angle) > Functions.returnAngle(targetAngle): self.angle -= 0.1275 else: self.angle += 0.1275 if math.fabs(Functions.returnAngle(self.angle) - targetAngle) < math.pi/8: self.fuel -= 1 self.thrust = True if random.uniform(0,1) < 0.3:, self.owner, self.x-2*self.dx-5*math.cos(self.angle), self.y-2*self.dy-5*math.sin(self.angle), self.dx-1*math.cos(self.angle), self.dy-1*math.sin(self.angle))) else: self.thrust = False self.activationTime = 10 = None
def load_sounds(self): self.menu_click = Sound() self.menu_click.load("click.ogg", False) self.menu_click.loop(False) self.main_menu_music = Sound() self.main_menu_music.load("mainMenuMusic.ogg", True) self.main_menu_music.loop(True) self.fs_wood = [Sound() for x in range(10)] r = 0 while r < 10: self.fs_wood[r].load("fs_wood_" + str(r + 1) + ".ogg", False) self.fs_wood[r].loop(False) r += 1
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(TicTacToe, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.x_pic_location = "pics/x_gold.png" self.o_pic_location = "pics/o_gold.png" self.button_start = "pics/blue_But_square.png" self.reset_exit = "pics/blue_gloss.png" self.Xturn = True self.buttons_pressed = 0 self.game_done = False self.button_layout = GridLayout(cols=3, rows=3) self.display = BoxLayout(orientation="vertical") self.message = Label(text="Player 1's turn") exit_button = Button(text="Exit") exit_button.background_normal = self.reset_exit exit_button.bind(on_press=self.Exit) reset_button = Button(text="Reset") reset_button.background_normal = self.reset_exit reset_button.bind(on_press=self.Reset) self.display.add_widget(self.message) self.display.add_widget(exit_button) self.display.add_widget(reset_button) self.add_widget(self.display) for x in xrange(9): b = CustomTTTButton(border=[0, 0, 0, 0], background_normal=self.button_start) b.bind(on_press=self.PlayerPokesButton) self.button_layout.add_widget(b) #self.button_layout.background_color = [1,0,0,1] self.add_widget(self.button_layout) x_sound = s.Mp3File("sms-alert-2-daniel_simon.mp3", 3) o_sound = s.Mp3File("sms-alert-5-daniel_simon.mp3", 3) draw_sound = s.Mp3File("Sad_Trombone-Joe_Lamb-665429450.mp3", 3) victory_sound = s.Mp3File("glass_ping-Go445-1207030150.mp3", 3) self.x_id = PiMusic.CreateEntry(x_sound) self.o_id = PiMusic.CreateEntry(o_sound) self.draw_id = PiMusic.CreateEntry(draw_sound) self.victory_id = PiMusic.CreateEntry(victory_sound)
def unclick(self): if self.state == MapEditorCursor.DISABLED: return elif self.state == MapEditorCursor.FREE: Sound.cursorCancel() # if self.selectedSquare != None: # pass#for now elif self.state == MapEditorCursor.SELECTED: Sound.cursorCancel() self.state = MapEditorCursor.FREE self._selectedUnit = None GUI.get().topMenu().setSelectedOption(0) GUI.get().topMenu().setEnabled(False) GUI.get().topMenu().setShowing(False) elif (self.state == MapEditorCursor.IN_DIALOG): Sound.cursorCancel() GUI.get().topMenu().setEnabled(True) GUI.get().clearTopText() # from special menu GUI.get().clearHighlights() elif (self.state == MapEditorCursor.SETTING_TAG): Sound.cursorCancel() self.state = MapEditorCursor.SELECTED GUI.get().topMenu().setEnabled(True) GUI.get().tagMenu().setEnabled(False) GUI.get().tagMenu().setShowing(False) GUI.get().clearTopText() # from special menu GUI.get().clearHighlights() else: print 'Error: unhandled unclick() call in MapEditorCursor'
def updateC(self): if (self.state == 2): return if Controller.menuSelector % self.menuCount == if self.state != 1: Sound.playSound("change") self.state = 1 else: self.state = 0 if self.state == 1 and Controller.menuActivate: Controller.menuActivate = False self.activate()
def destroy(self,game,i): Sound.playSound("explode") self.particleEmitters["explode"].active=True self.alive=False game.addMsg("Alien presence vanished") if(game.ship.dead): game.addMsg("from the Grave +100") game.score+=100 game.gameObjects.append(Model.LootBox.LootBox( random.choice([-1,1])*random.random()*10+self.position.x, random.choice([-1, 1]) * random.random() * 10 + self.position.y, game , random.choice(["score1"]*10+["invin"]+["score2"]*4+["score3"]) ))
def hit(self, other): if isinstance(other, PlayerMissile): Sound.invader() Invader.alive_invader_count = Invader.alive_invader_count - 1 RunningValues.delete_list.append(self) if self in RunningValues.render_list: RunningValues.render_list.remove(self) self.canvas.delete(self.img1) self.canvas.delete(self.img2) score = RunningValues.score_variable.get() score = score + 1 RunningValues.score_variable.set(score) Explosion.create_explosion(self.canvas, self.x + self.width / 2, self.y - self.height / 2)
def get_gameover(flag): global game_over_flag game_over_flag = flag scene = Scene() main_bg = MainScene() over = GameOver()"res/audio/GameOver.mp3") scene.add(main_bg) scene.add(over) return scene
def setInstance(self, GPIO): print("set Instance") if self.useSensor[0] : self.sensorTimerControl.append(DHT11.Control(self.all_pin[0], GPIO, self.topic, [0, 1])) self.sensorTimerControlIndex.append(0) self.sensorTimerControlIndex.append(1) if self.useSensor[1] : self.sensorDetectControl.append(Fire.Control(self.all_pin[1], GPIO, self.topic, 0)) self.sensorDetectControlIndex.append(0) if self.useSensor[2] : self.sensorDetectControl.append(Shock.Control(self.all_pin[4], GPIO, self.topic, 1)) self.sensorDetectControlIndex.append(1) if self.useSensor[3] : self.sensorDetectControl.append(IR.Control(self.all_pin[5], GPIO, self.topic, 2)) self.sensorDetectControlIndex.append(2) if self.useSensor[4] : self.sensorDetectControl.append(Gas.Control(self.adc_pin[0], self.topic, 3)) self.sensorDetectControlIndex.append(3) if self.useSensor[5] : self.sensorTimerControl.append(Cds.Control(self.all_pin[7], GPIO, self.topic, 2)) self.sensorTimerControlIndex.append(2) if self.useSensor[6] : self.button_instance = Button.Control(self.all_pin[6], GPIO, self.topic) if self.useSensor[7] : self.led_instance = LED.LED(self.all_pin[2], self.all_pin[3], GPIO) self.led_instance.write(1) if self.useSensor[8] : self.sensorMoveControl.append(SG90.SG90(self.all_pin[8], self.all_pin[9], GPIO)) if self.useSensor[9] : self.sensorTimerControl.append(PM2008M.Control(self.topic,[3, 4])) self.sensorTimerControlIndex.append(3) self.sensorTimerControlIndex.append(4) if self.useSensor[10] : self.sensorTimerControl.append(Sound.Control(self.adc_pin[1], GPIO, self.topic, 5)) self.sensorTimerControlIndex.append(5)
def __init__(self, **kwargbs): self.handle = Sound.sound() self.filename = kwargbs.get("filename") self.x = kwargbs.get("x", 0) self.y = kwargbs.get("y", 0) self.z = kwargbs.get("z", 0) self.looping = kwargbs.get("looping", 0) self.pan_step = kwargbs.get("pan_step", 0) self.volume_step = kwargbs.get("volume_step", 0) self.behind_pitch_decrease = kwargbs.get("behind_pitch_decrease", 0) self.start_pan = kwargbs.get("start_pan", 0) self.start_volume = kwargbs.get("start_volume", 0) self.start_pitch = kwargbs.get("start_pitch", 0) self.start_offset = kwargbs.get("start_offset", 0) self.upper_range = kwargbs.get("upper_range", 0) self.lower_range = kwargbs.get("lower_range", 0) self.left_range = kwargbs.get("left_range", 0) self.right_range = kwargbs.get("right_range", 0) self.backward_range = kwargbs.get("backward_range", 0) self.forward_range = kwargbs.get("forward_range", 0) self.looping = kwargbs.get("looping", False) self.is_3d = kwargbs.get("is_3d", False) self.stationary = kwargbs.get("stationary", False) self.persistent = kwargbs.get("persistent", False) self.paused = kwargbs.get("paused", False)
def __init__(self): logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s (%(asctime)s): %(message)s", datefmt="%I:%M:%S %p", level=logging.WARNING, filename="/var/tmp/BB8.log") GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #atexit.register(self.Exit) #self.Network = Network() self.strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(3 + 3 + 3 + 7, 13, channel=1) #atexit.register(self.Exit) #print atexit._exithandlers self.strip.begin() atexit.register(self.Exit) self.Network = Network() self.Eye = Eye() self.ProcessStateIndicator = ProcessStateIndicator(self) self.FrontTopLogicDisplay = FrontTopLogicDisplay(self.strip) self.FrontBottomLogicDisplay = FrontBottomLogicDisplay(self.strip) self.SideLogicDisplay = SideLogicDisplay(self.strip) self.HoloProjector = HoloProjector(self, self.strip) self.StatusDisplay = StatusDisplay(self) self.Sound = Sound()
def __init__(self): super(MainMenu, self).__init__("Don't Crash") self.select_sound = Sound.load('move.mp3') # add the items items = [ (MenuItem('Play Game', self.on_play_game)), (MenuItem('Setting', self.on_setting)), (MenuItem('Quit', self.on_quit)), ] # set title params self.font_title['font_size'] = 78 self.font_title['color'] = (250, 0, 0, 255) self.font_title['bold'] = True self.font_title['italic'] = True self.font_item['color'] = (255, 255, 255, 144) item_margin = 60 cx = cy = self.create_menu(items, selected_effect=rotate_effect(), unselected_effect=rotate_effect_back(), layout_strategy=fixedPositionMenuLayout([ (cx, cy + item_margin), (cx, cy), (cx, cy - item_margin), ]))
def __init__(self, frame): # Cette variable représente les différents états dans lequel le jeu peut se trouver. self.etat = 0 # Cette variable représente la partie au cas ou on en aurait besoin. self.partie = None # Cette variable représente le joueur au cas ou on en aurait besoin. self.profilHandler = Profil.Handler.Handler(self) self.profilHandler.load("") # Ces variables permettent d'activer et désactiver le son/musique self.sound_active = True self.music_active = True self.soundSystem = Sound.SoundManager(self) self.fin = False self.fond = pygame.image.load( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "../assets", "background_menu.jpg")).convert() frame.blit(self.fond, (0, 0)) self.particules = ParticleSystem.ParticleSystem() self.classements = [ Classements.Classement(["Profil", "Temps", "Erreurs"], [0.5, 0.75]), None, Classements.Classement(["Profil", "Gagné/Perdu", "Taux réussite"], [0.3, 0.7]), Classements.Classement(["Profil", "Gagné/Perdu", "précision"], [0.35, 0.75]) ] self.classements[0].load("Classements_Sudoku.yolo") self.classements[2].load("Classements_Loto.yolo") self.classements[3].load("Classements_Bataille_Navale.yolo")
def start(self): # Let's hope this works... Sound.play_async(Sound.start_music) self.board.prepare() # Setup the board by putting the bats and ball in the right place self.board.updateBats(self.player_one.position, self.player_two.position, self.player_one.is_big, self.player_two.is_big) self.board.updateBall(self.ball.position[0], self.ball.position[1]) self.board.updateScore(0, False) self.board.updateScore(0, True) # Run the game loop until the game is over while not self.gameOver: self.game_loop()
def __init__(self,scale): super().__init__("Main") self.useRenderer=False self.renderer = gui.ScreenRenderer(self.Width , self.Height) menu = gui.ButtonMenu(15,5,25,7,1,{ "Play":"Game", "Options":"Option", #"Modeling": "model", "High Scores":"HiScore", "Credits":"Credits", "Quit":"QUIT" },function=self.changeScreen,scale=scale) self.guiObjects.append(menu) Sound.playMusic("m_menu")
def makeEmptySoundBySeconds(seconds, samplingRate=Sound.SAMPLE_RATE): if seconds <= 0 or samplingRate <= 0: print "makeEmptySoundBySeconds(numSamples[, samplingRate]): numSamples and samplingRate must each be greater than 0" raise ValueError if seconds > 600: print "makeEmptySoundBySeconds(numSamples[, samplingRate]): Created sound must be less than 600 seconds" raise ValueError return Sound(seconds * samplingRate, samplingRate)
def updateC(self): if Controller.menuSelector % self.menuCount == if self.state != 1: Sound.playSound("change") self.state = 1 else: self.state = 0 if self.state == 0: self.string.color = WHITE else: self.string.color = BLACK if self.state == 1 and Controller.menuActivate: Controller.menuActivate = False self.activate()
def activate(self, ship): # Use the weapon if (not(self.loading) or self.continuousLoad) and self.loaded >= self.activationCost and self.shotDelayStatus == 0: if self.probability == 1 or random.uniform(0,1) < self.probability: self.loaded -= self.activationCost self.shotDelayStatus = self.shotDelay + random.randint(-self.shotDelayVariation,self.shotDelayVariation) Sound.playSound(, self.sound, self.soundSingle) ship.dx -= self.recoil*math.cos(ship.angle) ship.dy -= self.recoil*math.sin(ship.angle) if not((not(self.loading) or self.continuousLoad) and self.loaded >= self.activationCost): self.loading = True if not(self.continuousLoad) and self.loaded >= 100: self.loading = False
def explode(self,map): # Explode size = self.explosionSizeFactor*self.size if size > 10: Sound.playSound(, 0, False) if int(self.x+size) > map.width: right = map.width else: right = int(self.x+size) if int(self.x-size) < 0: left = 0 else: left = int(self.x-size) for x in range(left, right): if (x-self.x)/(size+0.01) >= -1: for y in range(int((-math.sin(math.acos((x-self.x)/(size+0.01)))*size)+self.y), int((math.sin(math.acos((x-self.x)/(size+0.01)))*size)+self.y)): if y < map.height and y >= 0: maskValue = map.mask[x][y] if maskValue != map.maskimage.map_rgb((127, 127, 127, 255)) and maskValue != map.maskimage.map_rgb((255, 0, 0, 255)) and maskValue != map.maskimage.map_rgb((0, 0, 0, 255)) and maskValue != map.maskimage.map_rgb((0, 0, 255, 255)): map.mask[x][y] = (0, 0, 0) map.visual.set_at((x,y),map.background[x][y]) map.screenImage.set_at((x,y), map.background[x][y]) for object in distance = (object.x-self.x)**2+(object.y-self.y)**2 if object != self and object.explosionCollision and distance < size**2: object.hp -= math.sqrt((1.5*size)**2-distance) if object.isShip: object.lastHitter = self.owner object.dx += 0.01*(size**2-distance)*(object.x-self.x)/math.sqrt((object.x-self.x+0.01)**2+(object.y-self.y)**2) object.dy += 0.01*(size**2-distance)*(object.y-self.y)/math.sqrt((object.x-self.x+0.01)**2+(object.y-self.y)**2) for i in range(self.explosionParticleFactor*int(self.size)): angle = random.uniform(0,2*math.pi) speed = random.uniform(0.1,3.5) dx = speed*math.cos(angle) dy = speed*math.sin(angle), self.owner, self.x+5*dx,self.y+5*dy, dx+self.dx/2, dy+self.dy/2)) self.destroy(map)
def __init__( self, start_x, start_y, cell_height, cell_width, num_cells_wide, num_cells_tall, color, use_fullscreen, fullscreen_width, fullscreen_height, ): self.cells = {} self.start_x = start_x self.start_y = start_y self.cell_height = cell_height self.cell_width = cell_width self.num_cells_wide = num_cells_wide self.num_cells_tall = num_cells_tall self.num_lines_cleared = 0 self.color = color self.height = cell_height * num_cells_tall self.width = cell_width * num_cells_wide self.grid_top_x = 0 self.grid_top_y = 0 if use_fullscreen: self.grid_top_x = (fullscreen_width / 2) - (self.width / 2) self.grid_top_y = (fullscreen_height / 2) - (self.height / 2) self.sound = Sound() self.color_accum = {} # Build Grid for x in range(self.num_cells_wide): for y in range(self.num_cells_tall): self.cells[(x, y)] = ( color, Rect( ( x * self.cell_width + self.start_x + self.grid_top_x, y * self.cell_height + self.start_y + self.grid_top_y, ), (self.cell_height, self.cell_width), ), 0, )
def __init__(self, start_x, start_y, cell_height, cell_width, num_cells_wide, num_cells_tall, color): self.cells = {} self.start_x = start_x self.start_y = start_y self.cell_height = cell_height self.cell_width = cell_width self.num_cells_wide = num_cells_wide self.num_cells_tall = num_cells_tall self.numLinesCleared = 0 self.color = color self.height = cell_height * num_cells_tall self.width = cell_width * num_cells_wide self.sound = Sound() # Build Grid for x in range(self.num_cells_wide): for y in range(self.num_cells_tall): self.cells[(x, y)] = ( color, Rect( (x * self.cell_width + self.start_x, y * self.cell_height + self.start_y), (self.cell_height, self.cell_width), ), 0, )
def moveDown(self): if self.canMove() and self.y < - 1: self.y += 1 Sound.cursorMove() GUI.get().scrollTo((self.x, self.y))
def click(self): if self.state == MapEditorCursor.DISABLED: return elif self.state == MapEditorCursor.FREE: Sound.cursorClick() GUI.get().topMenu().setShowing(True) return 'topMenu' elif self.state == MapEditorCursor.SELECTED: Sound.cursorClick() choice = GUI.get().topMenu().getSelection() if choice == Sprite.TopMenu.SET_TAG: self.state = MapEditorCursor.SETTING_TAG GUI.get().tagMenu().setShowing(True) elif choice == Sprite.TopMenu.NEW_TAG: self.state = MapEditorCursor.CREATING_TAG GUI.get().topMenu().setEnabled(False) #GUI.get().addTagDialog().setEnabled(True) #GUI.get().addTagDialog().setShowing(True) GUI.get().addTagDialog().execute() GUI.get().topMenu().setShowing(False) self.state = MapEditorCursor.FREE #elif choice == Sprite.TopMenu.EDIT_TAG: # self.state = MapEditorCursor.EDITING_TAG # GUI.get().topMenu().setEnabled(False) # GUI.get().editTagDialog().setEnabled(True) # GUI.get().editTagDialog().setShowing(True) #elif choice == Sprite.TopMenu.SAVE: # self.state = MapEditorCursor.SETTING_TAG # GUI.get().topMenu().setEnabled(False) # GUI.get().saveMapDialog().setEnabled(True) # GUI.get().saveMapDialog().setShowing(True) else: print "ERROR: menu option %s not implemented yet" % choice elif self.state == MapEditorCursor.SETTING_TAG: tagNum = GUI.get().tagMenu().getSelection() tags = GUI.get().m.tags tagName = tags.keys()[tagNum] self.mapSquare().setTag(tags[tagName]) GUI.get().updateMap() GUI.get().topMenu().setEnabled(False) GUI.get().topMenu().setShowing(False) GUI.get().tagMenu().setEnabled(False) GUI.get().tagMenu().setShowing(False) self.state = MapEditorCursor.FREE #GUI.get().clearTopText() # from special menu #GUI.get().clearHighlights() # if ability == None: # Sound.cursorInvalid() # return # self.selectedAbility = ability # Sound.cursorClick() # self.state = MapEditorCursor.CHOOSING_ABILITY_TARGET # GUI.get().showAbilityRange(self.activeUnit, # self.selectedAbility) # GUI.get().battleMenu().setEnabled(False) # GUI.get().specialMenu().setEnabled(False) #elif self.state == MapEditorCursor.CHOOSING_ABILITY_TARGET: # Sound.cursorClick() # a = self.selectedAbility # if (self.x, self.y) not in a.range(, # self.activeUnit): # Sound.cursorInvalid() # return # if not a.hasEffect(, self.activeUnit, self.posn3d()): # Sound.cursorInvalid() # return # self.state = MapEditorCursor.UNIT_SELECTED # Battle.get().unitActed(a, self.posn3d()) # GUI.get().topMenu().setSelectedOption(0) # GUI.get().topMenu().setEnabled(True) # GUI.get().specialMenu().setEnabled(False) # GUI.get().specialMenu().setShowing(False) # GUI.get().clearHighlights() # self.x = self.activeUnit.x() # self.y = self.activeUnit.y() #elif self.state == MapEditorCursor.CHOOSING_MOVE_TARGET: # if[self.x][self.y].unit != None: # Sound.cursorInvalid() # return # u = self._selectedUnit # reachable = # if (self.x, self.y) not in reachable: # Sound.cursorInvalid() # return # Sound.cursorClick() # ScenarioGUI.get().moveUnit(u, (self.x, self.y)) # self.state = MapEditorCursor.UNIT_MOVING #elif self.state == MapEditorCursor.UNIT_MOVING: # return else: print 'Error: unhandled click() call in MapEditorCursor'
def cancel_abilityTarget(self): Sound.cursorCancel() self.trans("battleMenu")
def cancel_moveTarget(self): Sound.cursorCancel() self.trans("battleMenu")
from random import randint import uuid import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET #importing our modules from commonFunctions import * from projectile import * from troop import * import collision from pandaImports import * from pandac.PandaModules import CollisionSphere from math import * import physics from Sound import * #Getting the shoot sound effect towerAttackSound = Sound("../sounds/towerAttack.wav") towerAttackSound.setVolume(0.5) towerPositioningSound = Sound("../sounds/towerPositioning.wav") towerPositioningSound.setVolume(0.5) towerModelDict = {} #Getting configuration typ = None cfTree = ET.parse("tower.xml") cfRoot = cfTree.getroot() for element in cfRoot.findall('tower'): towerType = element.get('type') modelTag = element.find('model')
class Tetris(): NORMAL_MODE = 0 BOOZE_MODE = 1 DESIGNATED_DRIVER_MODE = 2 SINGLE_DRINK_MODE = 3 def __init__(self): self._event_handlers = [] self._setup_states() self._state["game_over"] = True self._setup_display() self._joystick = None if pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0: print "FOUND A JOYSTICK!" self._joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) self._joystick.init() def _setup_states(self, mode = 0): self._params = { "fullscreen" : False, "fullscreen_width" : 1024, "fullscreen_height" : 768, "num_cells_wide" : 10, "num_cells_high" : 20, "cell_width" : 25, "cell_height" : 25, "drink_pouring_time" : 10.0, "starting_cell_x" : 4, "starting_cell_y" : 1, "grid_top_x" : 0, "grid_top_y" : 0, "modes" : ["(N)ormal Mode", "(B)ooze Mode", "(S)ingle Drink Mode", "(D)esignated Driver Mode", "(Q)uit"] } self._level_params = { "moving_rate" : [0.00005,.00004,0.00003,0.00002,0.00001], "rotating_rate" : [0.00009,0.00008,0.00007,0.00006,0.00005], "falling_rate" : [0.00050,0.00035,0.00020,0.00010,0.00005] } self._state = { "last_falling_time" : 0, "falling_rate" : self._level_params["falling_rate"][0], "last_moving_time" : 0, "last_rotating_time" : 0, "level_up_line_count" : 5, "last_num_lines_cleared" : 0, "top_y" : 0, "times_found" : 0, "current_level" : 1, "game_over" : False, "all_finished" : False, "current_y" : 0, "holding_down" : False } if mode in [self.NORMAL_MODE, self.SINGLE_DRINK_MODE]: self._color_dict = {1: COLORS["blue"], 6 : COLORS["brown"], 10: COLORS["darkGrey"]} elif mode == self.BOOZE_MODE: self._color_dict = {3 : COLORS["brown"], 10: COLORS["darkGrey"]} elif mode == self.DESIGNATED_DRIVER_MODE: self._color_dict = {10: COLORS["blue"]} if mode == self.SINGLE_DRINK_MODE or mode == self.BOOZE_MODE: self._level_params = { "moving_rate" : [0.00005], "rotating_rate" : [0.00009], "falling_rate" : [0.00040] } self._params["drink_pouring_time"] = 20.0 self._color_range = 10 self._textBuff = 2 self._grid = Grid( 1, 1, self._params["cell_width"], self._params["cell_height"], self._params["num_cells_wide"], self._params["num_cells_high"], COLORS["black"], self._params["fullscreen"], self._params["fullscreen_width"], self._params["fullscreen_height"]) if self._params["fullscreen"]: self._params["grid_top_x"] = (self._params["fullscreen_width"] / 2) - (self._grid.width / 2) self._params["grid_top_y"] = (self._params["fullscreen_height"] / 2) - (self._grid.height / 2) self._tetrominoList = ['T','I','O','S','Z','L','J'] self._sound = Sound() self._new_tetromino() def _setup_display(self): os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' pygame.init() if self._params["fullscreen"]: self._screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1024, 768), pygame.FULLSCREEN, 24) else: self._screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self._grid.width+self._textBuff,self._grid.height+self._textBuff),0,32) if pygame.font: self._font = pygame.font.Font(None, 18) def init_game(self): pygame.display.set_caption("Python Tetris") def run_game(self): time.sleep(0.01) if self._state["game_over"]: self._menu_state() else: self._game_loop() self._render() return def _menu_state(self): current_key = '' for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: raise QuitException() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: current_key = event.key if current_key == K_q: raise QuitException() elif current_key == K_n: self._setup_states(self.NORMAL_MODE) elif current_key == K_b: self._setup_states(self.BOOZE_MODE) elif current_key == K_d: self._setup_states(self.DESIGNATED_DRIVER_MODE) elif current_key == K_s: self._setup_states(self.SINGLE_DRINK_MODE) def _game_loop(self): # Grab vars if self._move_tetromino() else: #New Tetromino osc.sendMsg("/tetris/piece_down", [0], "localhost", 9001) self._new_tetromino() #Levels and Speedup if self._grid.num_lines_cleared >= (self._state["level_up_line_count"] * self._state["current_level"]) and self._state["last_num_lines_cleared"] != self._grid.num_lines_cleared: self._level_up() def _move_tetromino(self): current_key = '' up_key = '' for event in pygame.event.get(): legal_moves = { "down" : self._tetromino.max_y < self._grid.height, "left" : self._tetromino.min_x > 0 and self._grid.accept(,self._tetromino.positions[self._tetromino.currentPosition],-1,0), "right" : self._tetromino.max_x < self._grid.width and self._grid.accept(,self._tetromino.positions[self._tetromino.currentPosition],1,0), } if event.type == QUIT: break if event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION: a = event.axis p = event.value #turn joystick into key simulations if a == 0: if p < -0.01: current_key = K_LEFT elif p > 0.01: current_key = K_RIGHT else: if p > 0.01: current_key = K_DOWN elif p < 0.01 and p > -0.01: up_key = K_DOWN if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: current_key = K_z else: current_key = K_x if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: current_key = event.key elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: up_key = event.key if current_key == K_RIGHT and legal_moves["right"]: self._tetromino.move(self._grid,1,0) if current_key == K_LEFT and legal_moves["left"]: self._tetromino.move(self._grid,-1,0) if current_key == K_DOWN: self._state["holding_down"] = True osc.sendMsg("/mario/speed", [40], "localhost", 9001) elif up_key == K_DOWN: osc.sendMsg("/mario/speed", [0], "localhost", 9001) self._state["holding_down"] = False #TODO: Fix rotation states if current_key == K_z and False not in legal_moves.values(): self._tetromino.rotate(self._grid, -1) if current_key == K_x and False not in legal_moves.values(): self._tetromino.rotate(self._grid, 1) #ADDED: quit current_key if current_key == K_q: raise QuitException() legal_moves = { "down" : self._tetromino.max_y < self._grid.height, "left" : self._tetromino.min_x > 0 and self._grid.accept(,self._tetromino.positions[self._tetromino.currentPosition],-1,0), "right" : self._tetromino.max_x < self._grid.width and self._grid.accept(,self._tetromino.positions[self._tetromino.currentPosition],1,0), } current_time = time.time()/1000.0 falling_time = current_time - self._state["last_falling_time"] #Downward fall if self._state["holding_down"] is True and legal_moves["down"]: self._tetromino.move(self._grid,0,1) self._state["current_y"] += 1 elif falling_time >= self._state["falling_rate"] and legal_moves["down"]: self._state["last_falling_time"] = current_time self._tetromino.move(self._grid,0,1) self._state["current_y"] += 1 elif not legal_moves["down"] and falling_time >= self._state["falling_rate"]: = False def _new_tetromino(self): #ADDED: Set tetromino color to one of our three allowed colors color_index = random.randint(0,self._color_range) color = () for color_probability in sorted(self._color_dict.keys()): if color_index <= color_probability: color = self._color_dict[color_probability] break rand = random.randint(0,len(self._tetrominoList)-1) self._tetromino = Tetromino(self._params["starting_cell_x"], self._params["starting_cell_y"], COLORS["black"],color,self._tetrominoList[rand]) self._state["holding_down"] = False if self._grid.checkForLines(): for e in self._event_handlers: e.on_line_created(self) #Test for GAME OVER top_y = self._grid.topY() if top_y <= 2: self._state["times_found"] += 1 if self._state["times_found"] > 3: self._state["game_over"] = True def _level_up(self): self._state["last_num_lines_cleared"] = self._grid.num_lines_cleared self._state["current_level"] += 1 if self._state["current_level"] < len(self._level_params["falling_rate"]): self._state["falling_rate"] = self._level_params["falling_rate"][self._state["current_level"]] else: self._state["all_finished"] = True self._state["game_over"] = True"../sound/levelup.wav") for e in self._event_handlers: e.on_level_up(self) def _render(self): #render Background pygame.draw.rect(self._screen,(255,255,255),Rect(self._params["grid_top_x"], self._params["grid_top_y"],self._grid.width+2,self._grid.height+2)) #Render Grid self._grid.render(self._screen) self._render_status() pygame.display.update() def _render_status(self): if not self._state["game_over"]: lineText = "Lines: " + str(self._grid.num_lines_cleared) + " Level: " + str(self._state["current_level"]) lines_text = self._font.render(lineText, 1, COLORS["white"]) lines_text_pos = Rect((self._params["grid_top_x"]+1, self._params["grid_top_y"]+1),(self._params["grid_top_x"] + 300, self._params["grid_top_y"] + 20)) self._screen.blit(lines_text, lines_text_pos) else: game_over_text = self._font.render("GAME OVER... LEVEL: "+str( self._state["current_level"])+" LINES: " + str(self._grid.num_lines_cleared),1, COLORS["red"]) if self._state["all_finished"]: game_over_text = self._font.render("ALL LEVELS FINISHED! LEVEL: "+str( self._state["current_level"])+" LINES: " + str(self._grid.num_lines_cleared),1, COLORS["red"]) game_over_text_pos = Rect((self._params["grid_top_x"]+1, self._params["grid_top_y"]+1),(self._params["grid_top_x"] + 300, self._params["grid_top_y"] + 20)) self._screen.blit(game_over_text,game_over_text_pos) for i in range(0, len(self._params["modes"])): pLineText = self._params["modes"][i] p_lines_text = self._font.render(pLineText, 1, COLORS["white"]) p_lines_text_pos = Rect((1+self._params["grid_top_x"],100+(i*25)+self._params["grid_top_y"]),(300,250)) self._screen.blit(p_lines_text, p_lines_text_pos) def add_event_handler(self, eh): self._event_handlers.append(eh)
#Vec2 and Vec3 will help positioning the objects from panda3d.core import Vec2,Vec3 from panda3d.core import Point2, Point3, CardMaker from direct.gui.DirectGui import * #This is used to set the color of lifebar and other objects from panda3d.core import ColorAttrib #hudTexts is the node that will hold all text nodes of the game hudTexts = render2d.attachNewNode("HUD Texts") #HUD_models holds all the models that HUD will use HUD_models = aspect2d.attachNewNode("HUD Models") #Getting the sound effects clickButtonSound = Sound("../sounds/buttonClick.wav") clickButtonSound.setVolume(0.5) turnPass_Sound = Sound("../sounds/changeTurn.wav") turnPass_Sound.setVolume(0.5) error_Sound = Sound("../sounds/Error.wav") error_Sound.setVolume(0.5) class PlayScreenHUD (DirectObject): def __init__(self, gameScreenFSM, mousePicking): self.gameScreenFSM = gameScreenFSM self.mousePicking = mousePicking self.playScreenFrame=None self.isoScale = 3.2 self.scale = (self.isoScale,1,self.isoScale)
lastNumLinesCleared = 0 topY = 0 timesFound = 0 current_level = 1 fallingRate = .00100 movingRate = [0.00005,.00004,0.00003,0.00002,0.00001] rotatingRate = [0.00009,0.00008,0.00007,0.00006,0.00005] currentY = 0 textBuff = 2 rateIncrease = .00015 grid = Grid(1,1,cell_width,cell_height,num_cells_wide,num_cells_high,black) gameOver = False tetrominoList = ['T','I','O','S','Z','L','J'] levels = [0.0004,0.00025,0.0001,0.00005,0.00002] tetromino = Tetromino(starting_cell_x,starting_cell_y,black,blue,tetrominoList[0]) sound = Sound() #Init Pygame os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((grid.width+textBuff,grid.height+textBuff),0,32) pygame.display.set_caption("Python Tetris") #Initialize Fonts if pygame.font: font = pygame.font.Font(None, 18) #Main Game Loop while True: time.sleep(0.01)
from Sound import * import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Make a middle C fundamental = 110.*2.**(3./12) harmonics = np.arange(1, 50) amplitudes = np.exp(-(harmonics-2)**2/20.**2) # Supposedly the I vowel ( formant = Formant([240., 2400.], [1., 1.], [100., 100.]) # Make the sound s = Sound(fundamental, amplitudes) plt.plot(fundamental*harmonics, s.amplitudes, 'bo-', label='Input Source') plt.xlabel('Harmonic') plt.ylabel('Amplitude') f = fundamental*np.linspace(1., harmonics.max(), 10001) plt.plot(f, formant.evaluate(f), 'r', label='Formant') # Apply the formant s.apply_formant(formant) s.make_wave_file() plt.plot(fundamental*harmonics, s.amplitudes, 'go-', label='With Formant') plt.legend()
logging.debug('Enabled "psyco" just-in-time Python compiler') psyco.full() except ImportError: logging.debug('"psyco" just-in-time Python compiler not found') # Set up PyGame import pygame pygame.display.init() pygame.font.init() pygame.joystick.init() try: pygame.mixer.init(48000, -16, True, 4096) except pygame.error, e: options.quiet = True logging.warn("Couldn't initialize sound: " + str(e)) # Import our own modules import Resources import Sound import twistedmain # Set texture size Resources.texture.setTextureSize(64) # Initialize Sound Sound.setQuiet(options.quiet)
def main(): """The main function!""" global theClock, theBoard, thePiece, thePieceColor global pieceX, pieceY, idealX, idealY global boardWidth, boardHeight global borderWidth, borderHeight, extraBorder, countFrom global theEventQueue, timeDelta, theScore, theHighScore, theMultiplyer, gameTime global highScoreWasChanged, highScoreFile print "" boardWidth = 16 boardHeight = 15 borderWidth = 8 borderHeight = 8 extraBorder = 35 highScoreFile = "highscore.dat" gameTime = 0 # Time the game has been running (allowed to overflow) countFrom = 0 # Time we count from for countdown pieceX = pieceY = idealX = idealY = 0.0 theScore = 0 theHighScore = 0 theMultiplyer = 1 random.seed() pygame.init() pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480), pygame.OPENGL | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) pygame.key.set_repeat(100, 100) # Turn on key repeat for us Video.initThings(boardWidth * 8 + borderWidth * 2 + extraBorder, boardHeight * 8 + borderHeight * 2, 160) Sound.initSound() theClock = pygame.time.Clock() timeDelta = 0 theEventQueue = EventQueue.EventQueue() theEventQueue.addToQueue("Gamestate", "Get New Board") theEventQueue.addToQueue("Gamestate", "Get New Piece") theEventQueue.addToQueue("Score", "Reset Score") theEventQueue.addToQueue("Program", "Get Highscore") while 1: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: theEventQueue.addToQueue("Program", "Save Highscore") theEventQueue.addToQueue("Program", "Quit") elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: checkKeys(event) theEventQueue.addToQueue("Gamestate", "Update Piece Position") theEventQueue.addToQueue("Video", "Redraw Buffer") theEventQueue.addToQueue("Video", "Swap Buffers") theEventQueue.addToQueue("Program", "Tick Clock") runThroughQueue()
def runThroughQueue(): """Go through the queue and deal with the events in it.""" global timeDelta, theEventQueue, theClock global idealX, idealY, boardWidth, boardHeight global theBoard, thePiece, thePieceColor global theScore, theMultiplyer, gameTime, countFrom global theHighScore, highScoreHasChanged while theEventQueue.isEmpty() == 0: type, info, tuple = theEventQueue.getFromQueue() if type == "Gamestate": if info == "Check For Squares": squareList = theBoard.findSquaresToRemove() if len(squareList) > 0: # Squares were found, mark 'em dead. # Note that by putting "Done With Blocks" on the event queue # now, it will be executed AFTER the block scores are added for i in range(len(squareList)): dataTuple = (i + 1) * 100 theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Score", "Block Found", dataTuple) (x, y) = squareList[i] theBoard.markSquareAsDead(x, y) elif info == "Get New Board": prepareBoard() elif info == "Get New Piece": idealX = idealY = pieceX = pieceY = 0.0 thePiece = Pieces.getPiece() thePieceColor = random.randint(1, 7) elif info == "Out of Time": theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Input", "Place Piece", "Forced") elif info == "Update Piece Position": updatePiecePosition(timeDelta) else: print "Unknown %s event '%s' disregarded." % (type, info) elif type == "Input": if info == "Move Piece Down": xLoc = int(idealX / 8.0) yLoc = int(idealY / 8.0) if (yLoc <= (boardHeight - 3)): if (theBoard.checkForCollision(xLoc, yLoc + 1, thePiece) <= 0): idealY += 8.0 else: theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Notification", "Can't Move") else: theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Notification", "Can't Move") elif info == "Move Piece Left": xLoc = int(idealX / 8.0) yLoc = int(idealY / 8.0) if (xLoc >= 0): if (theBoard.checkForCollision(xLoc - 1, yLoc, thePiece) <= 0): idealX -= 8.0 else: theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Notification", "Can't Move") else: theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Notification", "Can't Move") elif info == "Move Piece Right": xLoc = int(idealX / 8.0) yLoc = int(idealY / 8.0) if (xLoc <= (boardWidth - 3)): if (theBoard.checkForCollision(xLoc + 1, yLoc, thePiece) <= 0): idealX += 8.0 else: theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Notification", "Can't Move") else: theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Notification", "Can't Move") elif info == "Move Piece Up": xLoc = int(idealX / 8.0) yLoc = int(idealY / 8.0) if (yLoc >= 0): if (theBoard.checkForCollision(xLoc, yLoc - 1, thePiece) <= 0): idealY -= 8.0 else: theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Notification", "Can't Move") else: theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Notification", "Can't Move") elif info == "Place Piece": # First we get the x,y of the piece xLoc = int(idealX / 8.0) yLoc = int(idealY / 8.0) if theBoard.checkForCollision(xLoc, yLoc, thePiece) == 0: countFrom = gameTime # Resets the countdown, move to event? theBoard.placePiece(xLoc, yLoc, thePiece, thePieceColor) theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Score", "Placed Piece") theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Gamestate", "Get New Piece") theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Gamestate", "Check For Squares") else: if tuple == "Forced": theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Program", "Game Over") theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Notification", "Game Over") else: theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Notification", "Can't Place") elif info == "Rotate Clockwise": xLoc = int(idealX / 8.0) yLoc = int(idealY / 8.0) tempPiece = RotateBlocks.rotateRight(thePiece) if (theBoard.checkForCollision(xLoc, yLoc, tempPiece) <= 0): thePiece = tempPiece else: theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Notification", "Can't Move") elif info == "Rotate Counterclockwise": xLoc = int(idealX / 8.0) yLoc = int(idealY / 8.0) tempPiece = RotateBlocks.rotateLeft(thePiece) if (theBoard.checkForCollision(xLoc, yLoc, tempPiece) <= 0): thePiece = tempPiece else: theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Notification", "Can't Move") else: print "Unknown %s event '%s' disregarded." % (type, info) elif type == "Notification": if info == "Can't Move": Sound.playSound("Bad Move") elif info == "Can't Place": Sound.playSound("Bad Place") elif info == "Game Over": Sound.playSound("Game Over") elif info == "Got High Score": Sound.playSound("Got High") elif info == "Out Of Time": Sound.playSound("Forced") elif info == "Piece Placed": Sound.playSound("Place") elif info == "Squares Removed": Sound.playSound("Removed") else: print "Unknown %s event '%s' disregarded." % (type, info) elif type == "Program": if info == "Game Over": # Game over stuff goes here # For now, just quit theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Program", "Quit") theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Program", "Save Highscore") elif info == "Get Highscore": getTheHighScore() highScoreHasChanged = False elif info == "Help": help() elif info == "Print FPS": print "FPS: %.1f" % (theClock.get_fps()) elif info == "Quit": sys.exit() elif info == "Save Highscore": if highScoreHasChanged: saveTheHighScore() elif info == "Tick Clock": timeDelta = theClock.tick(60) # Limit ourselves to 60 FPS gameTime = gameTime + timeDelta if abs(gameTime - countFrom) > 10000: countFrom = gameTime theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Gamestate", "Out of Time") else: print "Unknown %s event '%s' disregarded." % (type, info) elif type == "Score": if info == "Add To Score": oldScore = theScore theScore = theScore + tuple if (theScore > theHighScore): if (oldScore < theHighScore): highScoreHasChanged = True theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Notification", "Got High Score") theHighScore = theScore elif info == "Block Found": if tuple == None: theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Score", "Add To Score", 100 * theMultiplyer) else: theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Score", "Add To Score", tuple * theMultiplyer) elif info == "Placed Piece": theEventQueue.addToQueueFront("Score", "Add To Score", 5) elif info == "Reset Score": theScore = 0 theMultiplyer = 1 elif info == "Reset High Score": theHighScore = 0 highScoreHasChanged = True else: print "Unknown %s event '%s' disregarded." % (type, info) elif type == "Video": if info == "Change Culling": Video.changeCulling() elif info == "Decrease Light X": Video.moveLight(-0.5, 0, 0) elif info == "Decrease Light Y": Video.moveLight(0, -0.5, 0) elif info == "Decrease Light Z": Video.moveLight(0, 0, -0.5) elif info == "Increase Light X": Video.moveLight(0.5, 0, 0) elif info == "Increase Light Y": Video.moveLight(0, 0, 0.5) elif info == "Increase Light Z": Video.moveLight(0, 0, 0.5) elif info == "Print Light Position": Video.moveLight(0, 0, 0) elif info == "Redraw Buffer": draw(timeDelta) elif info == "Sink Blocks": Video.sinkEm(theBoard, timeDelta) elif info == "Swap Buffers": pygame.display.flip() elif info == "Toggle Lights": Video.toggleLights() else: print "Unknown %s event '%s' disregarded." % (type, info) else: print "Event of unknown type '%s' with info '%s' disregarded." % (type, info) return # Done here
def moveLeft(self): if self.canMove() and self.x > 0: self.x -= 1 Sound.cursorMove() GUI.get().scrollTo((self.x, self.y))
class Grid(object): def __init__(self, start_x, start_y, cell_height, cell_width, num_cells_wide, num_cells_tall, color): self.cells = {} self.start_x = start_x self.start_y = start_y self.cell_height = cell_height self.cell_width = cell_width self.num_cells_wide = num_cells_wide self.num_cells_tall = num_cells_tall self.numLinesCleared = 0 self.color = color self.height = cell_height * num_cells_tall self.width = cell_width * num_cells_wide self.sound = Sound() # Build Grid for x in range(self.num_cells_wide): for y in range(self.num_cells_tall): self.cells[(x, y)] = ( color, Rect( (x * self.cell_width + self.start_x, y * self.cell_height + self.start_y), (self.cell_height, self.cell_width), ), 0, ) def set(self, color, x, y, id): self.cells[(x, y)] = ( color, Rect( (x * self.cell_width + self.start_x, y * self.cell_height + self.start_y), (self.cell_height, self.cell_width), ), id, ) def render(self, screen): screen.lock() for key in self.cells: cell = self.cells[key] # BG Rect if cell[2] > 0: pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), cell[1]) rectLeft = cell[1].left + 1 rectTop = cell[1].top + 1 rectWidth = cell[1].width - 2 rectHeight = cell[1].height - 2 nRect = Rect(rectLeft, rectTop, rectWidth, rectHeight) pygame.draw.rect(screen, cell[0], nRect) else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, cell[0], cell[1]) screen.unlock() def accept(self, id, postions, x_mv, y_mv): for pos in postions: x = pos[0] + x_mv y = pos[1] + y_mv if self.cells.has_key((x, y)): cell = self.cells[(x, y)] if cell and cell[2] != id and cell[2] != 0: return False else: return False return True def checkForLines(self): nums = {} # Test for y coords with all thier x coords filled up # If so then set that line of x,y coords to masking color and move the rest of the coords # above it down one y coord for cell in self.cells: y = cell[1] if not nums.has_key(y): nums[y] = 0 if self.cells[cell][2] > 0: nums[y] += 1 for num in nums: if nums[num] >= self.num_cells_wide:"../sound/clear.wav") self.numLinesCleared += 1 self.remLine(num) self.shiftGridDown(num) def topY(self): top = self.num_cells_tall for cell in self.cells: y = cell[1] if y < top and self.cells[cell][2] > 0: top = y return top def remLine(self, y): for cell_x in range(self.num_cells_wide): self.set(self.color, cell_x, y, 0) def shiftGridDown(self, num): n_cells = {} for cell in self.cells: x = cell[0] y = cell[1] color = self.cells[cell][0] id = self.cells[cell][2] if y < num: self.set(self.color, x, y, id) n_cells[(x, y + 1)] = ( color, Rect( (x * self.cell_width + self.start_x, y * self.cell_height + self.start_y), (self.cell_height, self.cell_width), ), id, ) for n_cell in n_cells: x = n_cell[0] y = n_cell[1] color = n_cells[n_cell][0] id = n_cells[n_cell][2] self.set(color, x, y, id)
def moveRight(self): if self.canMove() and self.x < - 1: self.x += 1 Sound.cursorMove() GUI.get().scrollTo((self.x, self.y))
def _setup_states(self, mode = 0): self._params = { "fullscreen" : False, "fullscreen_width" : 1024, "fullscreen_height" : 768, "num_cells_wide" : 10, "num_cells_high" : 20, "cell_width" : 25, "cell_height" : 25, "drink_pouring_time" : 10.0, "starting_cell_x" : 4, "starting_cell_y" : 1, "grid_top_x" : 0, "grid_top_y" : 0, "modes" : ["(N)ormal Mode", "(B)ooze Mode", "(S)ingle Drink Mode", "(D)esignated Driver Mode", "(Q)uit"] } self._level_params = { "moving_rate" : [0.00005,.00004,0.00003,0.00002,0.00001], "rotating_rate" : [0.00009,0.00008,0.00007,0.00006,0.00005], "falling_rate" : [0.00050,0.00035,0.00020,0.00010,0.00005] } self._state = { "last_falling_time" : 0, "falling_rate" : self._level_params["falling_rate"][0], "last_moving_time" : 0, "last_rotating_time" : 0, "level_up_line_count" : 5, "last_num_lines_cleared" : 0, "top_y" : 0, "times_found" : 0, "current_level" : 1, "game_over" : False, "all_finished" : False, "current_y" : 0, "holding_down" : False } if mode in [self.NORMAL_MODE, self.SINGLE_DRINK_MODE]: self._color_dict = {1: COLORS["blue"], 6 : COLORS["brown"], 10: COLORS["darkGrey"]} elif mode == self.BOOZE_MODE: self._color_dict = {3 : COLORS["brown"], 10: COLORS["darkGrey"]} elif mode == self.DESIGNATED_DRIVER_MODE: self._color_dict = {10: COLORS["blue"]} if mode == self.SINGLE_DRINK_MODE or mode == self.BOOZE_MODE: self._level_params = { "moving_rate" : [0.00005], "rotating_rate" : [0.00009], "falling_rate" : [0.00040] } self._params["drink_pouring_time"] = 20.0 self._color_range = 10 self._textBuff = 2 self._grid = Grid( 1, 1, self._params["cell_width"], self._params["cell_height"], self._params["num_cells_wide"], self._params["num_cells_high"], COLORS["black"], self._params["fullscreen"], self._params["fullscreen_width"], self._params["fullscreen_height"]) if self._params["fullscreen"]: self._params["grid_top_x"] = (self._params["fullscreen_width"] / 2) - (self._grid.width / 2) self._params["grid_top_y"] = (self._params["fullscreen_height"] / 2) - (self._grid.height / 2) self._tetrominoList = ['T','I','O','S','Z','L','J'] self._sound = Sound() self._new_tetromino()