Example #1
def menu():
    print('1. Fractal H')
    print('2. Sierpinski Carpet')
    print('3. Sierpinski Sieve')
    print('4. Patrón: Squares')
    print('5. Patrón: Circles')
    print('6. Patrón: Spiral')
    print('7. Salir')
    answer = int(input('> '))
    if answer == 7:
    elif answer == 1:
    elif answer == 2:
    elif answer == 3:
    elif answer == 4:
    elif answer == 5:
    elif answer == 6:
        print('Ingrese un número valido\n')

    print('Presione enter para continuar')
Example #2
def get_Occupancy_and_Coordinates(img):
		#this part needs to take in an image when Mission Planner tells it to
		#ergo it needs to be changed, or does mission planenr pass in a
		#ready to go image?
		#filename = 'img'
		#img = cv2.imread(filename)
		#gray = cv2.imread(filename, 0)

		#Get the angle of rotation needed and rotate
		#rotated image is really the thing we need because it will be the best final image to use
		theta = baseLine.findAngle(img)
		rotatedImage = Rotate.rotateImage(theta)

		#Find all the lines of the squares
		imgWithEdges = edgechesshc.addEdges(rotatedImage)

		#Get all the coordinates of the keypoints
		coordinates = findCoordinates.getCoordinates(imgWithEdges)

		#Pass coordinates on to Squares
		squares = Squares.populateSquares(coordinates)
		#believe this step is no longer necessary because of the architecture
		#Load squares with their starting state
		#Squares.loadPieces(squares, pieceTypeArray)

		squaresCropped = Squares.getSquaresCropped(squares, rotatedImage)

		new_occupancy_grid, array_of_coordinates = FindPiece.main(squaresCropped)

		return new_occupancy_grid, array_of_coordinates
Example #3
def writeStats(dtype, results):
  # determine draw type
  if dtype == '777':
    max_num = 70
    max_num = 37
  k=0 # count number of lines
# Write draw statistics 

  lines = csv.writer(open('draw_stats.csv','wb'),delimiter=',')  
  first_line = ['Draw','Ticket','OddEven','LowHigh','Sum','SumOddEven','SumRoot','SumOENums','SumLHNums','SumLastDig','DigitSum','StdDev']

  for line in results:
    a = results[k][1:]
    draw_num = results[k][0]
    b =[draw_num, a, oddEven(a), lowHigh(a, max_num), sumRange(a), sumRangeOddEven(a), sumRoot(a), sumOddEvenNums(a), sumlowHighNums(a, max_num), sumLastDig(a), digitsSum(a), stdDev(a)]
    lines.writerow(b)  # write statistics to draw_stats
    k+=1 # last iteration will be the maximum line number

# Write ball statistics 

  skipper = Skips.skipCtr(max_num, results, k) #create skip object
  lines = csv.writer(open('ball_stats.csv','wb'),delimiter=',')  
  first_line = ['Ball','Skip 1','Skip 2','Skip 3','Skip 4','Skip 5','5 Skips Sum','Skip Average']
  ball = 1
  skp = skipper.skip
  for key in skp:
    avg = (sum(skp[key])/len(skp[key])) # skip average
    lst5skps = sum(skp[key][0:5]) # skip sum

    if len(skp[key]) < 5: # check for empty indexes 
      length = len(skp[key])
      while length < 5:
        length += 1

    balls = [ball, skp[key][0], skp[key][1], skp[key][2], skp[key][3], skp[key][4], lst5skps,avg]

# look for ball appearance in each square
  if dtype == '777': # Special 777 algorithm
    fname = open('777_numbers.txt','wb')
    sqr = Squares.square(results, max_num, k) # create square object
    sqr_list, sqr_length = kenoSqrFilter(sqr)
    print 'A total of %d possible numbers has been written to 777_numbers.txt' % sqr_length
	def makeSquareObjects(self, img):
		#Take in image file
		take in file img to initialize
		then run it throught the same 
		#somehow filename needs to take in a new image work through tomorrow
		filename = 'img'
		img = cv2.imread(filename)
		gray = cv2.imread(filename, 0)

		#Get the angle of rotation needed and rotate
		#rotated image is really the thing we need because it will be the best final image to use
		theta = baseLine.findAngle(filename)
		rotatedImage = Rotate.rotateImage(theta)

		#Save the rotated image
		cv2.imwrite('lib/rotated.jpg', rotatedImage)

		#Find all the lines of the squares
		imgWithEdges = edgechesshc.addEdges('lib/rotated.jpg')

		#Get all the coordinates of the keypoints
		coordinates = findCoordinates.getCoordinates(imgWithEdges)

		#Pass coordinates on to Squares

		squares = Squares.populateSquares(coordinates)
		#Load squares with their starting state
		Squares.loadPieces(squares, pieceTypeArray)

		squaresCropped = Squares.getSquaresCropped(squares, rotatedImage)

		self.new_piece_attribute, array_of_coordinates = FindPiece.main(squaresCropped)

		return squares	
Example #5
	def makeSquareObjects(self, img):
		#Take in image file
		take in file img to initialize
		then run it throught the same 
		#somehow filename needs to take in a new image work through tomorrow
		filename = 'img'
		img = cv2.imread(filename)
		gray = cv2.imread(filename, 0)

		#Get the angle of rotation needed and rotate
		#rotated image is really the thing we need because it will be the best final image to use
		theta = baseLine.findAngle(filename)
		rotatedImage = Rotate.rotateImage(theta)

		#Save the rotated image
		cv2.imwrite('lib/rotated.jpg', rotatedImage)

		#Find all the lines of the squares
		imgWithEdges = edgechesshc.addEdges('lib/rotated.jpg')

		#Get all the coordinates of the keypoints
		coordinates = findCoordinates.getCoordinates(imgWithEdges)

		#Pass coordinates on to Squares

		squares = Squares.populateSquares(coordinates)
		#Load squares with their starting state
		Squares.loadPieces(squares, self.pieceTypeArray)

		squaresCropped = Squares.getSquaresCropped(squares, rotatedImage)

		self.new_piece_attribute, array_of_coordinates = FindPiece.main(squaresCropped)

		return squares	
	def makeFE(self, currentPieceType_board, w_or_b_turn):
		finalFE = Squares.giveForsythEdwardsNotation(currentPieceType_board, w_or_b_turn)
		return finalFE
Example #7
def main():
    #Take in image file
    take in file img to initialize
    then run it throught the same

    filename = 'lib/chessanglesmall.jpg'
    img = cv2.imread(filename)
    #newimage = cv2.resize(img, (640,480))
    showImage('img', img)

    #gray = cv2.imread(filename, 0)

    #Get the angle of rotation needed and rotate
    theta = baseLine.findAngle(filename)
    rotatedImage = Rotate.rotateImage(theta, img)

    showImage('rotated image', rotatedImage)
    #Save the rotated image
    cv2.imwrite('lib/rotated.jpg', rotatedImage)

    #Find all the lines of the squares
    imgWithEdges = edgechesshc.addEdges('lib/rotated.jpg')

    #Get all the coordinates of the keypoints
    coordinates = findCoordinates.getCoordinates(imgWithEdges)

    #Pass coordinates on to Squares

    squares = Squares.populateSquares(coordinates)

    #Load squares with their starting state
    Squares.loadPieces(squares, new_piece_attribute, pieceTypeArray)


    #at the end of all repeated processes we need to shift all the "new"
    #stuff into the "old" stuff we are using for reference and comparison
    #Find where the peices lie on the board

    #replace with updated image
    newImage = cv2.imread('lib/rotated.jpg')

    squaresCropped = Squares.getSquaresCropped(squares, newImage)

    print type(squaresCropped)

    piece_attribute_array, centerOfPiece = FindPiece.main(squaresCropped)
    #the arrayOfBooleans is T or F if there is a piece in a square
    #centerofpeice is an array of coordinates for the cetner of each piece (catch is it has to be perfectly centered on top of the piece)
    #print arrayOfBooleans
    #print centerOfPiece
    #print array_of_colors
    print piece_attribute_array
    print pieceTypeArray
    #Manage old and new images first
    #pieceTypeArray = findDifferencesArrays(oldBool, newBool, pieceType)

    ####################################finalProcess to start up again####################################3
    ####We have to come up with a way to determine who moved, white or balck so that we can send it to AI
    ###########we will have to constantly update piecetype array as well and boolAray
    finalFE = Squares.giveForsythEdwardsNotation(pieceTypeArray, w_or_b_turn)

    ai_move = chess_ai.get_chess_move(finalFE, ROBOTCOLOR)

    ##############How to do this#####################################
    if (w_or_b_turn == 'w'):
        w_or_b_turn == 'b'
    elif(w_or_b_turn == 'b'):
        w_or_b_turn == 'w'

    print ai_move
    #Show all the important images
    showImage('original', img)
    showImage('rotated', rotatedImage)
    showImage('image with edges', imgWithEdges)

    #Show all the cropped images

Example #8
	def makeFE(self, currentPieceType_board, w_or_b_turn):
		finalFE = Squares.giveForsythEdwardsNotation(currentPieceType_board, w_or_b_turn)
		return finalFE
Example #9
def main():
    #Take in image file
    take in file img to initialize
    then run it throught the same

    filename = 'lib/chessanglesmall.jpg'
    img = cv2.imread(filename)
    #newimage = cv2.resize(img, (640,480))
    showImage('img', img)

    #gray = cv2.imread(filename, 0)

    #Get the angle of rotation needed and rotate
    theta = baseLine.findAngle(filename)
    rotatedImage = Rotate.rotateImage(theta, img)

    showImage('rotated image', rotatedImage)
    #Save the rotated image
    cv2.imwrite('lib/rotated.jpg', rotatedImage)

    #Find all the lines of the squares
    imgWithEdges = edgechesshc.addEdges('lib/rotated.jpg')

    #Get all the coordinates of the keypoints
    coordinates = findCoordinates.getCoordinates(imgWithEdges)

    #Pass coordinates on to Squares

    squares = Squares.populateSquares(coordinates)

    #Load squares with their starting state
    Squares.loadPieces(squares, new_piece_attribute, pieceTypeArray)


    #at the end of all repeated processes we need to shift all the "new"
    #stuff into the "old" stuff we are using for reference and comparison
    #Find where the peices lie on the board

    #replace with updated image
    newImage = cv2.imread('lib/rotated.jpg')

    squaresCropped = Squares.getSquaresCropped(squares, newImage)

    print type(squaresCropped)

    piece_attribute_array, centerOfPiece = FindPiece.main(squaresCropped)
    #the arrayOfBooleans is T or F if there is a piece in a square
    #centerofpeice is an array of coordinates for the cetner of each piece (catch is it has to be perfectly centered on top of the piece)
    #print arrayOfBooleans
    #print centerOfPiece
    #print array_of_colors
    print piece_attribute_array
    print pieceTypeArray
    #Manage old and new images first
    #pieceTypeArray = findDifferencesArrays(oldBool, newBool, pieceType)

    ####################################finalProcess to start up again####################################3
    ####We have to come up with a way to determine who moved, white or balck so that we can send it to AI
    ###########we will have to constantly update piecetype array as well and boolAray
    finalFE = Squares.giveForsythEdwardsNotation(pieceTypeArray, w_or_b_turn)

    ai_move = chess_ai.get_chess_move(finalFE, ROBOTCOLOR)
    ##############How to do this#####################################
    if (w_or_b_turn == 'w'):
        w_or_b_turn == 'b'
    elif(w_or_b_turn == 'b'):
        w_or_b_turn == 'w'

    print ai_move
    #Show all the important images
    showImage('original', img)
    showImage('rotated', rotatedImage)
    showImage('image with edges', imgWithEdges)

    #Show all the cropped images

Example #10
def main():

    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((848, 848))
    #Size of squares
    size = 106

    white  = (255, 255, 255)
    black = (161, 96, 43)

    board = chess.Board()
    board_squares = chess.SquareSet()
    squares = []
    # method for drawing chess board obtained from stack overflow, link lost somewhere in history
    count = 0
    # this fen has no slashes, you must remove slashes for any fen to work, you also must remove the ending material that says "3 - 0" or something
    startingFen = 'rnbkqbnrpppppppp8888PPPPPPPPRNBKQBNR'
    fenCount = len(startingFen)- 1
    for i in range(8):
        for j in range(8):
            if count % 2 == 0:
                # rectangle = pygame.rect.Rect(size*j,size*i,size,size)
                rectangle = pygame.draw.rect(screen, white, (size*j,size*i,size,size))
                if startingFen[fenCount].isdigit() and int(startingFen[fenCount]) > 0:
                    squares.append(Squares.Squares(chr((j + 97)) + str(int(8 - i)), "", rectangle, False))
                    f = str(int(startingFen[fenCount]) - 1)
                    startingFen = startingFen[:fenCount] + f + startingFen[fenCount + 1:]
                    if int(startingFen[fenCount]) == 0:
                        fenCount -= 1
                    squares.append(Squares.Squares(chr((j + 97)) + str(int(8 - i)), startingFen[fenCount], rectangle, False))
                    pieceImg = squares[len(squares) - 1].image
                    screen.blit(pieceImg, (size*j, size*i))
                    fenCount -= 1
                rectangle = pygame.draw.rect(screen, white, (size*j,size*i,size,size))
                # rectangle = pygame.rect.Rect(size*j,size*i,size,size)
                if startingFen[fenCount].isdigit() and int(startingFen[fenCount]) > 0:
                    squares.append(Squares.Squares(chr((j + 97)) + str(int(8 - i)), "", rectangle, False))
                    f = str(int(startingFen[fenCount]) - 1)
                    startingFen = startingFen[:fenCount] + f + startingFen[fenCount + 1:]
                    if int(startingFen[fenCount]) == 0:
                        fenCount -= 1
                    squares.append(Squares.Squares(chr((j + 97)) + str(int(8 - i)), startingFen[fenCount], rectangle, False))
                    pieceImg = squares[len(squares) - 1].image
                    screen.blit(pieceImg, (size*j, size*i))
                    fenCount -= 1
            count +=1

    movedThing = None
    x, y = 0, 0
    while True:
        screen = drawBoard(screen, squares)

        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1:
                    for i in squares:
                        if i.rectangle.collidepoint(event.pos) and i.image != None:
                            i.dragging = True
                            mouse_x, mouse_y = event.pos
                            offset_x = i.posx - mouse_x
                            offset_y = i.posy - mouse_y
                            x, y = event.pos[0], event.pos[1]

            elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1:
                for i in range(len(squares)):
                    if squares[i].dragging:
                        squares[i].dragging = False
                        for x in range(len(squares)):
                            if squares[x].rectangle.collidepoint(event.pos) and squares[x] != squares[i]:

                                # We use a try except because it will raise ValueError on illegal move or on Game Over

                                    print(squares[i].pos + squares[x].pos)

                                    playHumanMove(board, squares, i, x)

                                    playAIMove(board, squares)

                                except (ValueError, TypeError, NameError) as e:
                                    if board.is_game_over() or board.is_stalemate():
                                        print("Game Over!")
                                        print("Invalid Move. \n{0}".format(e))

            elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
                for i in squares:
                    if i.image == None:
                    if i.dragging:
                        mouse_x, mouse_y = event.pos
                        x = mouse_x + offset_x
                        y = mouse_y + offset_y
                        screen.blit(i.image, (x, y))

        # place the piece that is currently being moved.
        for i in squares:
            if i.dragging:
                screen.blit(i.image, (x, y))
        # loop through squares and place each piece accordingly each update.