Example #1
def main():
    buildlist = []
    #loopthrough the files
    for k in range (1):
        seedJSON = StatValues.requestSeedData(1)
        for i in range(len(seedJSON["matches"])):
            match = seedJSON["matches"][i]
            matchframes = match["timeline"]["frames"]
            #loop through each participant
            for j in range (1,10):
                team = 0
                if j < 6:
                    team == 1
                    team == 2
                #sums of individual stats    
                singleGamelistAD = statSum(matchframes, "FlatPhysicalDamageMod", team)
                singleGamelistHP = statSum(matchframes, "FlatHPPoolMod", team)
                singleGamelistAP = statSum(matchframes, "FlatMagicDamageMod", team)
                singleGamelistARM = statSum(matchframes, "FlatArmorMod", team)
                singleGamelistCRIT = statSum(matchframes, "FlatCritChanceMod", team)
                singleGamelistMR = statSum(matchframes, "FlatSpellBlockMod", team)
                singleGamelistAS = statSum(matchframes, "PercentAttackSpeedMod", team)
                #loop through the timeline sums
                for t in range (len(singleGamelistAD)):
                    #aggregates stats into "effective stats"
                    champid = match["participants"][j]["championId"]
                    AD = singleGamelistAD[t] + singleGamelistAD[t] * singleGamelistAS[t] + singleGamelistAD[t] * singleGamelistCRIT[t]
                    AP = singleGamelistAP[t]
                    ARM = singleGamelistARM[t] + singleGamelistHP[t]
                    MR = singleGamelistMR[t] + singleGamelistHP[t]
                    #creates the hash for that "situation"
                    hashsit = hash(AD, AP, ARM, MR, champid)
                    #build object, which has build and situation in it as well as winrate
                    build = SituationalBuild.SituationalBuild(hashsit, finalbuildorder(match, j))
                    if match["participants"][j]["stats"]["winner"] == True:

    #list now is sorted by situation and by winrate
    for i in range (len(buildlist)):
        print(buildlist[i].getbuildseq() + " " + str(buildlist[i].getwinrate()) + " " + str(buildlist[i].getsituation()))
    #processes the builds
    situationbuild = situationalbuildlist(buildlist)
    for k in range (len(situationbuild)):
        sorted(situationbuild[k], key = getKey)    

   #database stuff
    conn = sqlite3.connect('main.db')

    conn.execute('''CREATE TABLE DATA2
        (Hash            INT
       r0              TEXT,
       r1              TEXT,
       r2              TEXT,
       r3              TEXT,
       r4              TEXT,
       r5              TEXT,
       r6              TEXT,
       r7              TEXT,
       r8              TEXT,
       r9              TEXT,
       r10             TEXT,
       r11             TEXT,
       r12             TEXT,
       r13             TEXT,
       r14             TEXT,
       r15             TEXT,
       r16             TEXT,
       r17             TEXT,
       r18             TEXT,
       r19             TEXT,
       r20             TEXT,
       r21             TEXT,
       r22             TEXT,
       r23             TEXT,
       r24             TEXT,
       r25             TEXT,
       r26             TEXT,
       r27             TEXT,
       r28             TEXT,
       r29             TEXT,
       r30             TEXT,
       r31             TEXT,
       r32             TEXT,
       r33             TEXT,
       r34             TEXT,
       r35             TEXT,
       r36             TEXT,
       r37             TEXT,
       r38             TEXT,
       r39             TEXT,
       r40             TEXT,
       r41             TEXT,
       r42             TEXT,
       r43             TEXT,
       r44             TEXT,
       r45             TEXT,
       r46             TEXT,
       r47             TEXT,
       r48             TEXT,
       r49             TEXT,
       r50             TEXT);''') 
    #basically writes something like a 2d table, one dimension the hash and the other builds sorted by winrate 
    for i in range (len(situationbuild)):
        for j in range (len(situationbuild[i])):
            if j > 50:
            if j < 1:
            conn.execute("INSERT INTO DATA2 (Hash, " +"r" + str(j) + ") \
              VALUES (" + str(int(situationbuild[i][j].getsituation()/5000)) + ", " + str(situationbuild[i][j].getbuildseq()) + " )");
Example #2
def main():
    buildlist = []
    #loopthrough the files
    for k in range(1):
        seedJSON = StatValues.requestSeedData(1)
        for i in range(len(seedJSON["matches"])):
            match = seedJSON["matches"][i]
            matchframes = match["timeline"]["frames"]

            #loop through each participant
            for j in range(1, 10):
                team = 0
                if j < 6:
                    team == 1
                    team == 2
                #sums of individual stats
                singleGamelistAD = statSum(matchframes,
                                           "FlatPhysicalDamageMod", team)
                singleGamelistHP = statSum(matchframes, "FlatHPPoolMod", team)
                singleGamelistAP = statSum(matchframes, "FlatMagicDamageMod",
                singleGamelistARM = statSum(matchframes, "FlatArmorMod", team)
                singleGamelistCRIT = statSum(matchframes, "FlatCritChanceMod",
                singleGamelistMR = statSum(matchframes, "FlatSpellBlockMod",
                singleGamelistAS = statSum(matchframes,
                                           "PercentAttackSpeedMod", team)
                #loop through the timeline sums
                for t in range(len(singleGamelistAD)):

                    #aggregates stats into "effective stats"
                    champid = match["participants"][j]["championId"]
                    AD = singleGamelistAD[
                        t] + singleGamelistAD[t] * singleGamelistAS[
                            t] + singleGamelistAD[t] * singleGamelistCRIT[t]
                    AP = singleGamelistAP[t]
                    ARM = singleGamelistARM[t] + singleGamelistHP[t]
                    MR = singleGamelistMR[t] + singleGamelistHP[t]

                    #creates the hash for that "situation"
                    hashsit = hash(AD, AP, ARM, MR, champid)

                    #build object, which has build and situation in it as well as winrate
                    build = SituationalBuild.SituationalBuild(
                        hashsit, finalbuildorder(match, j))
                    if match["participants"][j]["stats"]["winner"] == True:

    #list now is sorted by situation and by winrate
    for i in range (len(buildlist)):
        print(buildlist[i].getbuildseq() + " " + str(buildlist[i].getwinrate()) + " " + str(buildlist[i].getsituation()))
    #processes the builds
    situationbuild = situationalbuildlist(buildlist)
    for k in range(len(situationbuild)):
        sorted(situationbuild[k], key=getKey)


    #database stuff
    conn = sqlite3.connect('main.db')

    conn.execute('''CREATE TABLE DATA2
        (Hash            INT
       r0              TEXT,
       r1              TEXT,
       r2              TEXT,
       r3              TEXT,
       r4              TEXT,
       r5              TEXT,
       r6              TEXT,
       r7              TEXT,
       r8              TEXT,
       r9              TEXT,
       r10             TEXT,
       r11             TEXT,
       r12             TEXT,
       r13             TEXT,
       r14             TEXT,
       r15             TEXT,
       r16             TEXT,
       r17             TEXT,
       r18             TEXT,
       r19             TEXT,
       r20             TEXT,
       r21             TEXT,
       r22             TEXT,
       r23             TEXT,
       r24             TEXT,
       r25             TEXT,
       r26             TEXT,
       r27             TEXT,
       r28             TEXT,
       r29             TEXT,
       r30             TEXT,
       r31             TEXT,
       r32             TEXT,
       r33             TEXT,
       r34             TEXT,
       r35             TEXT,
       r36             TEXT,
       r37             TEXT,
       r38             TEXT,
       r39             TEXT,
       r40             TEXT,
       r41             TEXT,
       r42             TEXT,
       r43             TEXT,
       r44             TEXT,
       r45             TEXT,
       r46             TEXT,
       r47             TEXT,
       r48             TEXT,
       r49             TEXT,
       r50             TEXT);''')

    #basically writes something like a 2d table, one dimension the hash and the other builds sorted by winrate
    for i in range(len(situationbuild)):
        for j in range(len(situationbuild[i])):
            if j > 50:
            if j < 1:
            conn.execute("INSERT INTO DATA2 (Hash, " + "r" + str(j) + ") \
              VALUES (" +
                         str(int(situationbuild[i][j].getsituation() / 5000)) +
                         ", " + str(situationbuild[i][j].getbuildseq()) + " )")