
# ============================= #
# obtain wiki article word hash #
# ============================= #
wikiFileList = os.listdir('.')
wikiHash = {}
Idx_processedFile = 0
for Idx_wikiFile in range(len(wikiFileList)):
    fileName = wikiFileList[Idx_wikiFile]
    if re.search("text\.", fileName):
        fileHash = {}
        print "now processing : %s" % (fileName)
        if os.path.isfile(fileName + '.np'):
            os.remove(fileName + '.np')
        fileName_preproc = TEXT.PREPROCESS(fileName)
        # .np and .np.sort are generated
        fileObject = open(fileName_preproc)
        wordList = fileObject.read().splitlines()
        wordHash = {}
        for word in wordList:
            if dictHash.has_key(word):
                # to ensure only popular words / english are included
                if wordHash.has_key(word): wordHash[word] += 1
                else: wordHash[word] = 1
        del word
        fileHash['_wordprofile'] = wordHash
        fileHash['_title'] = fileName