reader = csv.reader(f)
    calls = list(reader)
TASK 2: Which telephone number spent the longest time on the phone
during the period? Don't forget that time spent answering a call is
also time spent on the phone.
Print a message:
"<telephone number> spent the longest time, <total time> seconds, on the phone during 
September 2016.".

# Steps:

# Get the list of unique numbers from task 1

ListOfUniqueNo, column_search = Task1.task1()
callDuration = 0

# Create a map of Unique numbers initialize the value to 0 this is placeholder to add time spent on call
map_numbers = dict.fromkeys(ListOfUniqueNo, callDuration)

# Update the existing Key value with the sum of prev value + next value

def task2_Opt(ListOfUniqueNo, column_search):  # O(2n)
    for i in range(column_search):
        for row in calls:
            if row[i] in map_numbers.keys():
                x = map_numbers[row[i]]
                x = x + int(row[3])
                map_numbers.update({row[i]: x})