def openJSONFile(filename, sessionObject): global jsonObject, saveFilename #Open file, extract contents into string, and close the file try: sessionFile = open(file=filename, mode="r") if sessionObject: saveFilename = filename jsonString = sessionFile.close() except Exception: return "The file cannot be opened." #Convert string into python dictionary try: theJSONObject = json.loads(jsonString) if sessionObject: jsonObject = theJSONObject except Exception: return "The file is not in JSON format despite file extension." #Recreate session (or parameter) object using the settings in the header of the json file try: if sessionObject: ts.currentSession = ts.TheSession(mainWindow, theJSONObject["header"]) else: loadedParameters = ts.TheSession(mainWindow, theJSONObject["header"]) loadedParameters.outputSettingsToGUI(mainWindow) except KeyError: errorMessage = "The JSON file does not have all applicable information.\n" if sessionObject: errorMessage += "Was this session created in an older version of the program?" else: errorMessage += "Was this parameter file created in an older version of the program?" return errorMessage if sessionObject and len(theJSONObject["trials"]) == 0: return "This appears to be a parameter file, not a session file!" #Execution is finished and error-free so return empty quotes indicating no error message return ""
def saveAsParameterFile(): #Pop up "Save As" window to retrieve file name and type to save as parameterFileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( parent=mainWindow.centralwidget, caption="Save As Parameter File", directory=getParameterFileDirectory(createIfNonexistent=True), filter="JSON (*.json)")[0] #Save parameter file if user didn't click cancel if len(parameterFileName) > 0: #Get parameters to save #Can't use ts.acquisitionParameters b/c need to be able to save in playback as well... #and ts.acquisitionParameters only updates when play mode is changed toSave = ts.TheSession(mainWindow) #Convert to JSON object paramJSONObject = toSave.outputSettingsToJSON() #Convert to string jsonString = json.dumps(paramJSONObject) #Open new file in write mode (overwrites any preexisting file with same name) sessionFile = open(parameterFileName, "w") #Write string to file sessionFile.write(jsonString) #Close file sessionFile.close()
def setPlayMode(newPlayMode): global playMode #Can only change the play mode when there is no ongoing session if ts.currentSession: return #On program start, this is called to set the initial play mode... #which also initializes singleton instance of acquisition parameters if not playMode: ts.acquisitionParameters = ts.TheSession(mainWindow) #Before switching, perform necessary clean up for previous play mode #i.e. remember latest data acquisition mode parameters #ts.currentSession is wiped when done running session, but this remains elif playMode == PlayMode.ACQUISITION: ts.acquisitionParameters.readInSettingsFromGUI(mainWindow) #Remember new play mode playMode = newPlayMode #Update text that indicates play mode updateSessionInfoLabel() #Show buttons that belong to that play mode and hide buttons that do not. Also do hide before show so that the layout doesn't get stretched from excess shown buttons if playMode == PlayMode.ACQUISITION: mainWindow.previousButton.hide() mainWindow.nextButton.hide() else: mainWindow.lockButton.hide() mainWindow.playButton.hide() #Enabled/disable menu actions that only work for a particular play mode mainWindow.actionRe_Analyze_Session.setEnabled( playMode == PlayMode.PLAYBACK) mainWindow.actionGenerate_Matrix_View.setEnabled( playMode == PlayMode.PLAYBACK) mainWindow.actionGoToTrial.setEnabled(playMode == PlayMode.PLAYBACK) #Lock settings in playback, unlock settings in data acquisition (session cannot be ongoing) mainWindow.lockButton.setEnabled(playMode == PlayMode.ACQUISITION) setLockModeForSettings(playMode == PlayMode.PLAYBACK) #Playback immediately opens session (so stop should be accessible), but opposite for acquisition mainWindow.stopButton.setEnabled(playMode == PlayMode.PLAYBACK) #When entering data acquisition, restore data acquisition parameters if playMode == PlayMode.ACQUISITION: ts.acquisitionParameters.outputSettingsToGUI(mainWindow)
def setPlaying(play): #No pause/play in playback if playMode == PlayMode.PLAYBACK: return #Creates a session if there's not one already (there must be a current session) if not ts.currentSession: #Create session ts.currentSession = ts.TheSession(mainWindow, generatePseudoOrdering=True) #Perform set up specific to data acquisition... #Prepare session saving module JSONConverter.startDataAcquisition() #Display trial info label mainWindow.trialInfoLabel.setText("RUNNING TRIAL") #Sets whether or not the graph is playing based off of the value of play tg.setPlaying(play) #Update play button icon if play: mainWindow.playButton.setIcon(pauseIcon) else: mainWindow.playButton.setIcon(playIcon) #Update trial info label if not tg.duringITI: if play: mainWindow.trialInfoLabel.setText("RUNNING TRIAL") else: mainWindow.trialInfoLabel.setText("TRIAL PAUSED") #Any interaction with play button means you cannot unlock the settings #...because a session must already be running mainWindow.lockButton.setEnabled(False) #The session can be stopped if the play button is interacted with #...because a session must already be running mainWindow.stopButton.setEnabled(True)
def initialSetUp(theMainWindow): global programCrashing, settingsLocked, mainWindow, playMode, popUpFont global playIcon, pauseIcon, unlockedIcon, lockedIcon #Used when intercepting a window close event to determine what to do programCrashing = False #If false you can change the trial, session or system settings settingsLocked = False #Get reference to the main window mainWindow = theMainWindow #Set play and unlocked icons playIcon = mainWindow.playButton.icon() unlockedIcon = mainWindow.lockButton.icon() #Sets the icon for the pause button pauseIcon = QtGui.QIcon() pauseIcon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap("Images/Pause Button.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) #Sets the icon for the locked button lockedIcon = QtGui.QIcon() lockedIcon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap("Images/Locked Button.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) #Define the font used in pop up windows popUpFont = QtGui.QFont() popUpFont.setPointSize(14) #Default play mode is data acquisition playMode = None setPlayMode(PlayMode.ACQUISITION) #Initialize visibility of paradigm parameters paradigmDropdownChanged(ts.Paradigm(0)) connectButtons()
def setPlaying(play): #Gets the current session if not ts.currentSession: ts.currentSession = ts.TheSession(mainWindow) #Sets whether or not the graph is playing based off of the value of play tg.setPlaying(play) #If play is true change the icon to the pause Icon if play: mainWindow.playButton.setIcon(pauseIcon) #Otherwise set the icon to the play icon else: mainWindow.playButton.setIcon(playIcon) #Any interaction with play button means you cannot unlock the settings mainWindow.lockButton.setEnabled(False) #The session can be stopped if the play button is interacted with mainWindow.stopButton.setEnabled(True)
def paradigmDropdownChanged(newParadigmIndex): newParadigm = ts.Paradigm(newParadigmIndex) #ISI only for TRACE if newParadigm == ts.Paradigm.TRACE: else: mainWindow.isiImprovSpacer.hide() mainWindow.interstimulusIntervalSpinBox.hide() mainWindow.interstimulusIntervalLabel.hide() #US not part of EXTINCT if newParadigm == ts.Paradigm.EXTINCT: mainWindow.usImprovSpacer.hide() mainWindow.usNameLineEdit.hide() mainWindow.usNameLabel.hide() mainWindow.usDurationSpinBox.hide() mainWindow.usDurationLabel.hide() mainWindow.usDelaySpinBox.hide() mainWindow.usDelayLabel.hide() else:
def verifySettingsValid(): global params #Create temporary session object from parameter panel for easy access to parameters params = ts.TheSession(im.mainWindow) settingsValidityText = "Current settings are invalid for the following reasons:\n\n" invalidSettings = False paradigm = params.paradigm if paradigm == ts.Paradigm.PSEUDO: if not pseudoDurationIsValid(): invalidSettings = True settingsValidityText += "Trial duration must be >= baseline + CS and baseline + US for pseudo paradigm\n" if not (params.trialCount % 2 == 0): invalidSettings = True settingsValidityText += "Number of trials must be even for pseudo paradigm\n" elif paradigm == ts.Paradigm.TRACE: if not traceDurationIsValid(): invalidSettings = True settingsValidityText += "Trial duration must be >= baseline + CS + ISI + US for trace paradigm\n" elif paradigm == ts.Paradigm.EXTINCT: if not extinctDurationIsValid(): invalidSettings = True settingsValidityText += "Trial duration must be >= baseline + CS for extinction paradigm\n" elif paradigm == ts.Paradigm.DELAY: if not extinctDurationIsValid(): #Extinction and delay have same duration check invalidSettings = True settingsValidityText += "Trial duration must be >= baseline + CS for delay paradigm\n" if params.usDuration > params.csDuration: invalidSettings = True settingsValidityText += "US duration must be <= CS duration for delay paradigm\n" if params.trialDuration < 100: invalidSettings = True settingsValidityText += "Trial duration must be >= 100 ms\n" if params.baselineDuration < 100: invalidSettings = True settingsValidityText += "Baseline duration must be >= 100 ms\n" if not usSignalStartIsValid(): invalidSettings = True settingsValidityText += "US start - US signal delay must be >= 0\n" if not sessionNameIsValid(): invalidSettings = True settingsValidityText += "Session name may not contain any of the following characters: \\ / : * ? \" < > |\n" if invalidSettings: invalidSettingsNotice = QMessageBox() invalidSettingsNotice.setText(settingsValidityText) invalidSettingsNotice.setWindowTitle("Invalid Settings") invalidSettingsNotice.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) invalidSettingsNotice.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) invalidSettingsNotice.setFont(im.popUpFont) invalidSettingsNotice.exec() return not invalidSettings