def Astar(start, goal, road, cost_map, vehicle, heuristic_map, cursor, static=True,weights=np.array([5., 10., 0.05, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 10., 0.5, 10., -2.])): # pq - priority queue of states waiting to be extended, multiprocessing # node_dict - {(i,j,k):state} # edge_dict - store trajectory, {(state1, state2):trajectory} # pq, node_dict, edge_dict are better defined outside, for multiprocessing # count = 0 pq = PriorityQueue() pq.put(start) node_dict = {(start.r_i, start.r_j, int(round(start.v/2))):start, (goal.r_i, goal.r_j, int(round(goal.v/2))):goal} edge_dict = {} times = 0 while times<100 and not goal.reach and not pq.empty(): times += 1 current = pq.get() successors = current.successors(state_dict=node_dict, road=road, goal=goal, vehicle=vehicle, heuristic_map=heuristic_map) current.extend = True for successor in successors: # count += 1 traj = trajectory(current, successor, cursor) if traj is not None: if successor == goal: cost = TG.eval_trajectory(traj, cost_map, vehicle=vehicle, road=road, truncate=False, static=static, weights=weights) truncated = False else: cost, traj, truncated = TG.eval_trajectory(traj, cost_map, vehicle=vehicle, road=road, static=static, weights=weights) if not np.isinf(cost) and traj is not None: State.post_process(current, successor, goal, cost, traj, truncated, pq, node_dict, edge_dict, vehicle, road, cost_map, heuristic_map, cursor, static=static, weights=weights) if goal.reach: return True, node_dict, edge_dict else: return False, node_dict, edge_dict # return count + len(node_dict) + len(edge_dict)
def test_diff_init_val(): conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() q0 = (20., 20., -np.pi/6., -0.01) q1 = (70., 30., np.pi/6., -0.01) p1, r1 = TG.calc_path(cursor, q0, q1) p2, r2 = TG.calc_path_no_init_val(q0,q1) print('p={0},r={1}'.format(p1,r1)) print('p={0},r={1}'.format(p2,r2)) line1 = TG.spiral3_calc(p1, r=r1, q=q0) line2 = TG.spiral3_calc(p2, r=r2, q=q0) # plt.figure(figsize=(80,60)) plt.plot(line1[:,1], line1[:,2], color='black', linewidth=4) plt.plot(line2[:,1], line2[:,2], color='black', linewidth=4) plt.xlabel('$x (m)$', fontsize=40) plt.ylabel('$y (m)$', fontsize=40) # plt.text(P0[0]-3, P0[1]+3,'$p_0=k(0)$', fontsize=40) # plt.text(P1[0]-3, P1[1]-3,'$p_1=k(\\frac{s_g}{3})$', fontsize=40) # plt.text(P2[0]-3, P2[1]-3,'$p_2=k(\\frac{2s_g}{3})$', fontsize=40) # plt.text(P3[0]-3, P3[1]-3,'$p_3=k(s_g)$', fontsize=40) plt.axis('equal') figManager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() figManager.window.showMaximized() # plt.savefig('img/coordinate_transform.png',dpi=600) cursor.close() conn.close()
def test_traj_sampling(): conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() q0 = (10., 50., 0., 0.) q1 = (40., 60., 0., 0) p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, q0, q1) # print('p={0},r={1}'.format(p,r)) line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, q=q0) # print('Goal Configuration: {0}'.format(line[-1,:])) # print(line.shape) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) ax1.plot(line[:,1], line[:,2], color='navy', linewidth=2.) for i in range(65): # ax1.plot(line[i*5, 1], line[i*5, 2], 'ro') k = floor(324/64**2*i**2) ax1.plot(line[k, 1], line[k, 2], 'ro') ax1.plot(line[-1, 1], line[-1, 2], 'ro') plt.axis('equal') # plt.axis('off') cursor.close() conn.close()
def path_reverse(q0, q1, cursor): p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, q1, q0) if r is not None and p[4] > 0.: path = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, q=q1) path[:,1:] = path[::-1,1:] return path, p, r # big error return None, None, None
def test_long_path(): conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() q0 = (10., 50., 0., 0.) q1 = (800., 10., 0., 0) p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, q0, q1) print('p={0},r={1}'.format(p,r)) line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, q=q0) print('Goal Configuration: {0}'.format(line[-1,:])) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) ax1.plot(line[:,1], line[:,2], color='black', linewidth=4) plt.axis('equal') # plt.axis('off') cursor.close() conn.close()
def trajectory(start, goal, cursor): p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, start.q, goal.q) if r is not None and p[4]>0: u = TG.calc_velocity(start.v, start.a, goal.v, p[4]) if u[3] is not None and u[3]>0: path = TG.spiral3_calc(p,r,q=start.q,ref_delta_s=0.2) traj = TG.calc_trajectory(u,p,r,s=p[4],path=path,q0=start.q, ref_time=start.time, ref_length=start.length) return traj return None
def test_select(): bd_con = (3.9/40, 7.1*3.0625+1, 2.1*6.25, 3.9*3.141592654/16, 4.1/40) conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() initial_guess = TG.select_init_val(cursor, bd_con) print(initial_guess) initial_guess2 = (0.0145, 0.0037, 23.5967) pp = TG.optimize(bd_con, initial_guess2) print(pp)
def post_process(current, successor, goal, cost, traj, truncated, pq, state_dict, traj_dict, vehicle, road, costmap, heuristic_map,cursor, static=True, weights=np.array([5., 10., 0.05, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 10., 0.5, 10., -2.])): if not truncated: # successor.reach if successor.update(current, cost, traj, traj_dict,heuristic_map,vehicle,static): pq.put(successor) if successor != goal: i,j,k = successor.r_i, successor.r_j, int(round(successor.v/2)) if (i,j,k) not in state_dict: state_dict[(i,j,k)] = successor traj_dict[(current, successor)] = traj else: successor = State.update2(traj, road, heuristic_map, vehicle, static) i, j, k = successor.r_i, successor.r_j, int(round(successor.v/2)) try: state = state_dict[(i,j,k)] if state.distance(successor) > 1.e-4: traj = trajectory(current, state, cursor) if traj is not None: cost = TG.eval_trajectory(traj, costmap, vehicle=vehicle, road=road, truncate=False, weights=weights) if not np.isinf(cost): successor = state else: successor = None else: successor = None else: successor = state except KeyError: state_dict[(i,j,k)] = successor finally: if successor is not None: if successor.update(current, cost, traj, traj_dict,heuristic_map,vehicle,static): pq.put(successor) traj_dict[(current, successor)] = traj
def Build_InitialGuessTable(): conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() key_queue = [(0,i,0,0,0) for i in range(17)] # 数据库中当前已有数据,可以从数据库中读取已有数据 # print(key_queue) items = 17 while len(key_queue)>0: key = key_queue.pop(0) # print(key) init_val = db_query(cursor, key) # print(init_val) nears = neighbors(cursor, key) # 与key的曼哈顿距离为1的点 # print(nears) for (i,j,k,l,m) in nears: bd_con = (i/40, 1+3.0625*j, 6.25*k, l*np.pi/16, m/40) val = TG.optimize(bd_con, init_val) key_val = (i,j,k,l,m, val[0], val[1], val[2]) items += 1 print('Progress: {0:%}, Content: {1}'.format(items/1419857, key_val)) cursor.execute('insert or ignore into InitialGuessTable values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', key_val) key_queue.append((i,j,k,l,m)) # 数据库操作要注意,插入数据之后要提交才能生效,游标处理要注意 conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close()
def Build_InitialGuessTable(): conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() key_queue = [(0,i,0,0,0) for i in range(17)] # current daten in database. can also direct select from database # print(key_queue) items = 17 while len(key_queue)>0: key = key_queue.pop(0) # print(key) init_val = db_query(cursor, key) # print(init_val) nears = neighbors(cursor, key) # select keys whose Manhattan Distance to key equals to 1. # print(nears) for (i,j,k,l,m) in nears: bd_con = (i/40, 1+3.0625*j, 6.25*k, l*np.pi/16, m/40) val = TG.optimize(bd_con, init_val) key_val = (i,j,k,l,m, val[0], val[1], val[2]) items += 1 print('Progress: {0:%}, Content: {1}'.format(items/1419857, key_val)) cursor.execute('insert or ignore into InitialGuessTable values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', key_val) key_queue.append((i,j,k,l,m)) # conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close()
def trajectory_reverse(start, goal, cursor): if start.v<=0. and goal.v<=0: q1 = (start.x, start.y, start.theta, start.k) q0 = (goal.x, goal.y, goal.theta, goal.k) p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, q0, q1) # print(p,r) if r is not None and p[4]>0: u = TG.calc_velocity(start.v, start.a, goal.v, -p[4]) # print(u) if u[3] is not None and u[3]>0: path = TG.spiral3_calc(p,r,q=q0,ref_delta_s=0.2) # print(path[:,0]) path = path[::-1, :] #reverse # print(path[:,0]) traj = TG.calc_trajectory_reverse(u, p, r, s=p[4], path=path, ref_time=start.time, ref_length=start.length) return traj return None
def test_coordinate_trasform(): from math import pi conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() q0 = (5., 0., pi/30, -0.01) q1 = (55., 20., pi/30, 0.01) p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, q0, q1) print('p={0},r={1}'.format(p,r)) sg = p[4] # print(sg) line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, q=q0) print(line[-1,:]) P0 = q0[0:2] P1 = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, s=sg/3, q=q0)[-1, 1:3] P2 = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, s=2*sg/3, q=q0)[-1, 1:3] P3 = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, s=sg, q=q0)[-1, 1:3] # plt.figure(figsize=(80,60)) plt.plot(line[:,1], line[:,2], color='black', linewidth=4) # plt.plot(P0[0], P0[1], 'go', linewidth=4) # plt.plot(P1[0], P1[1], 'go', linewidth=4) # plt.plot(P2[0], P2[1], 'go', linewidth=4) # plt.plot(P3[0], P3[1], 'go', linewidth=4) plt.scatter(P0[0], P0[1], s=200) plt.scatter(P1[0], P1[1], s=200) plt.scatter(P2[0], P2[1], s=200) plt.scatter(P3[0], P3[1], s=200) plt.xlabel('$x (m)$', fontsize=40) plt.ylabel('$y (m)$', fontsize=40) plt.text(P0[0]-3, P0[1]+3,'$p_0=k(0)$', fontsize=40) plt.text(P1[0]-3, P1[1]-3,'$p_1=k(\\frac{s_g}{3})$', fontsize=40) plt.text(P2[0]-3, P2[1]-3,'$p_2=k(\\frac{2s_g}{3})$', fontsize=40) plt.text(P3[0]-3, P3[1]-3,'$p_3=k(s_g)$', fontsize=40) plt.axis('equal') figManager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() figManager.window.showMaximized() # plt.savefig('img/coordinate_transform.png',dpi=600) cursor.close() conn.close()
def test_workspace(): # veh = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,2.,30.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]])) p = (0.01, 0.0070893847415232263, 0.0056488099243383414, -0.01, 109.61234595301809) center_line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, s=100., q=(2.,15.,0)) road = Road(center_line=center_line) # cfg = road.ij2xy(5,-4) traj = np.array([[-1,-1,cfg[0],cfg[1],cfg[2],cfg[3],0.,0.,0.,0.]]) veh = Vehicle(trajectory=traj) # lane_costs = [0.3,0.6,0.9] #static_obsts cs1 = road.ij2xy(20,8) cs2 = road.ij2xy(50,-6) traj1 = np.array([[-1,-1,cs1[0],cs1[1],cs1[2],cs1[3],0.,0.,0.,0.]]) traj2 = np.array([[-1,-1,cs2[0],cs2[1],cs2[2],cs2[3],0.,0.,0.,0.]]) ob1 = Vehicle(trajectory=traj1) ob2 = Vehicle(trajectory=traj2) obsts = [ob1,ob2] # ws = Workspace(vehicle=veh, road=road, lane_costs=lane_costs, static_obsts=obsts) # test_disk = ws.disk_filter(2) # test_veh = ws.vehicle_filter(theta = np.pi/4) # fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) lane_map = 0.2*ws.lane_grids[0] + 0.4*ws.lane_grids[1] lane_map = np.where(lane_map > 0.4, 0.4, lane_map) lane_map += 0.6*ws.lane_grids[2] lane_map = np.where(lane_map > 0.6, 0.6, lane_map) ax1.imshow(lane_map,, origin="lower",extent=(0.,100.,0.,100.)) # ax1.colorbar() import pylab as pl mycmap = mynames=['low cost dense','intermediate cost dense','high cost dense'] for entry in [0.2,0.4,0.6]: mycolor = mycmap(255) pl.plot(0, 0, "-", c=mycolor, alpha=entry, label=mynames[int(entry*5-1)], linewidth=8) for i in range(road.grid_num_lateral+1): if (i % road.grid_num_per_lane) == 0: ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='black', linewidth=2.) # else: # ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='black', linewidth=1.) # for i in range(road.grid_num_longitudinal+1): # ax1.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,2*i], road.lateral_lines[:,2*i+1],color='black', linewidth=0.3) #ax1.imshow(ws.cost_filter,, origin="lower",extent=(0.,ws.resolution*ws.cost_filter.shape[1],0.,ws.resolution*ws.cost_filter.shape[0])) # np.savetxt('cost_filter.txt',ws.cost_filter,fmt='%i',delimiter=' ') # plt.savefig('img/road_cost.png', dpi=600) # plt.axis('equal') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('$x (m)$', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('$y (m)$', fontsize=20) # plt.savefig('img/road_cost.png', dpi=600)
def test_traj(): conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() q0 = (100.,100.,0., 0.02) q1 = (125.,130.,np.pi/6,-0.02) p,r = TG.calc_path(cursor,q0,q1) print('p={0},r={1}'.format(p,r)) cursor.close() conn.close()
def test_cost_maps5(): conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() p = (0.01, 0.0070893847415232263, 0.0056488099243383414, -0.01, 109.61234595301809) center_line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, s=100.,q=(3.,25.,0.)) road = Road(center_line, ref_grid_width=0.5, ref_grid_length=1.) cost_maps = np.zeros((150,500,500)) with open('scenario_5/cost_maps.pickle', 'rb') as f1: cost_maps = pickle.load(f1) # heuristic_maps = np.zeros((150,500,500)) # with open('scenario_5/heuristic_maps.pickle', 'rb') as f2: # heuristic_maps = pickle.load(f2) heuristic_maps = np.zeros((150,500,500)) goal = tuple(road.sl2xy(90.,0.)) for i in range(150): hm = heuristic_map_constructor(goal, cost_maps[i,:,:]) heuristic_maps[i,:,:] = hm with open('scenario_5/heuristic_maps.pickle','wb') as f2: pickle.dump(heuristic_maps, f2) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(331) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(332) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(333) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(334) ax5 = fig.add_subplot(335) ax6 = fig.add_subplot(336) ax7 = fig.add_subplot(337) ax8 = fig.add_subplot(338) ax9 = fig.add_subplot(339) ax = [ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4,ax5,ax6,ax7,ax8,ax9] for i in range(9): # cost_map = cost_maps[int(i*10),:,:] # cost_map = np.where(cost_map>np.finfo('d').max, 1., cost_map) # ax[i].imshow(cost_map,, origin='lower', extent=(0,100,0,100)) heuristic_map = heuristic_maps[int(i*10),:,:] ax[i].imshow(heuristic_map,, origin='lower', extent=(0,100,0,100)) # print(heuristic_maps[0,:,:]) # hm = heuristic_map_constructor(goal, cost_maps[0,:,:]) # for i in range(500): # for j in range(500): # if not np.isinf(hm[i,j]): # print(hm[i,j]) # plt.imshow(hm,, origin='lower', extent=(0,100,0,100)) # cursor.close() conn.close()
def test_different_initval(): # conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') # cursor = conn.cursor() q0 = (0.,0.,0.,0.07) q1 = (43.21, 10.53, 0.47, -0.03) # init_val = (-0.011680200827827, 0.027105283154636, 45.369339753738281) init_val = (-0.010248903904925, 0.000396612698255, 45.158514552345096) bd_con = (0.07, 43.21, 10.53, 0.47, -0.03) pp = TG.optimize(bd_con, init_val=init_val) print(pp)
def trajectory_reverse(vi, vg, path, p, r, ai=0., cost_map=np.zeros((500,500)), \ truncate=False, p_lims=(0.2,0.15, 6.,-4., 2.1,-6.1,10.)): if vi <= 0 and vg <= 0 and path is not None and p[4] > 0: # u = TG.calc_velocity(vi, ai, vg, -p[4]) u = calc_velocity(vi, vg, -p[4]) if u[3] is not None and u[3]>0: # traj = TG.calc_trajectory_reverse(u, p, r, s=p[4], path=path, ref_time=0., ref_length=0.) traj = calc_trajectory_reverse(u, p, r, s=p[4], path=path, ref_time=0., ref_length=0.) cost = TG.eval_trajectory(traj, costmap=cost_map, truncate=truncate, p_lims=p_lims) if not np.isinf(cost): return traj, u return None, None
def test_database(): conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() k0,k1=0.,0. cursor.execute('select p1,p2,sg from InitialGuessTable where k0=? and k1=? and y1>=0 and theta1>=0',(int(k0*40),int(k1*40))) pps = cursor.fetchall() t=0 for pp in pps: if pp[2]>0: t+=1 path = TG.spiral3_calc(p=(k0,pp[0],pp[1],k1,pp[2])) plt.plot(path[:,1],path[:,2]) print(t) plt.title('k0 = {0}, k1 = {1}'.format(k0,k1)) plt.axis('equal') plt.savefig('img/initialguesstable(k0={0}k1={1}).png'.format(k0,k1),dpi=600) cursor.close() conn.close()
def eval_trajectory(traj, costmap, vehicle=Env.Vehicle(), resolution=0.2, time_resolution=0.1, static=True, weights=np.array([1.5, 2., 2., 3.]), p_lims=(0.2,0.15,20.01,-0.01,2.1,-6.1,9.81), truncate=False): """ evaluate the cost of given trajctory trajectory - [(t, s, x, y, theta, k, dk, v, a)] weights - trajectory length, trajectory time, end velocity, environment p_lims - { k_m, dk_m, v_max, v_min, a_max, a_min, ac_m } """ cost_matrix = np.zeros((traj.shape[0], 6)) # k, dk, v, a, a_c, env cost_matrix[:,0] = np.where(np.abs(traj[:,5])>p_lims[0], np.inf, 0.) # k cost_matrix[:,1] = np.where(np.abs(traj[:,6])>p_lims[1], np.inf, 0.) # dk cost_matrix[:,2] = np.where(traj[:,7]>p_lims[2], np.inf, 0.) # v cost_matrix[:,2] = np.where(traj[:,7]<p_lims[3], np.inf, 0.) # v cost_matrix[:,3] = np.where(traj[:,8]>p_lims[4], np.inf, 0.) # a cost_matrix[:,3] = np.where(traj[:,8]<p_lims[5], np.inf, 0.) # a cost_matrix[:,4] = np.where(np.abs(traj[:,7]**2 * traj[:,5])>p_lims[6], np.inf, 0.) # a_c cost_matrix[:,5] = weights[3] * TG.query_cost(traj,costmap,static=static,vehicle=vehicle,resolution=resolution, time_resolution=time_resolution)[:,0] cost_sum = cost_matrix.sum() if np.isinf(cost_sum): return np.inf return cost_sum*(traj[1,1]-traj[0,1]) + weights[0]*(traj[-1,1]-traj[0,1]) - 0.6*np.abs(traj[-1,7]) #+ weights[1]*(traj[-1,0] - traj[0,0]) #+ weights[2]*np.abs(traj[-1,7])
def test_optimize(): conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() bd_con = (-0.01, 70., 30., np.pi/6, 0.01) init_val = (0., 0., 100) # init_val = (-0.0033333333333333335, 0.0033333333333333335, 78.775724936630581) pp1 = TG.optimize(bd_con, init_val=init_val) p1 = (bd_con[0], pp1[0], pp1[1], bd_con[4], pp1[2]) r1 = (TG.__a(p1), TG.__b(p1), TG.__c(p1), TG.__d(p1)) print('p1 = {0}'.format(p1)) # q0 = (0., 0., 0., -0.01) # q1 = (70., 30., np.pi/6., 0.01) # p2, r2 = TG.calc_path(cursor, q0, q1) # print('p2 = {0}'.format(p2)) line1 = TG.spiral3_calc(p1, r=r1, q=(0.,0.,0.)) # line2 = TG.spiral3_calc(p2, r=r2, q=q0) plt.plot(line1[:,1], line1[:,2], color='black', linewidth=4) # plt.plot(line2[:,1], line2[:,2], color='green', linewidth=4) plt.axis('equal') # figManager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() # figManager.window.showMaximized() # plt.savefig('img/coordinate_transform.png',dpi=600) cursor.close() conn.close()
def extend_plot(): # database connection conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() # plot fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # road center line points p = (0.,0.,0.,0.,90.) # (p0~p3, sg) center_line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, q=(5.,50.,0.)) # print(center_line) # road road = Road(center_line) for i in range(road.grid_num_lateral+1): if (i % road.grid_num_per_lane) == 0: ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='green', linewidth=1.5) else: ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='black', linewidth=0.3) for i in range(road.grid_num_longitudinal+1): ax1.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,2*i], road.lateral_lines[:,2*i+1],color='black', linewidth=0.3) # vehicle cfg0 = road.sl2xy(5.,0.) veh = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg0[0], cfg0[1], cfg0[2], cfg0[3], 0.,5.,0.]])) # workspace ws = Workspace(vehicle=veh, road=road) road_lane_bitmap0 = ws.lane_grids[0] road_lane_bitmap1 = ws.lane_grids[1] road_lane_bitmap2 = ws.lane_grids[2] # write the lane bitmaps into files # np.savetxt('road_lane_bitmap0.txt', road_lane_bitmap0, fmt='%i',delimiter=' ') # np.savetxt('road_lane_bitmap1.txt', road_lane_bitmap1, fmt='%i',delimiter=' ') # np.savetxt('road_lane_bitmap2.txt', road_lane_bitmap2, fmt='%i',delimiter=' ') # road bitmap road_bitmap = road_lane_bitmap0 + road_lane_bitmap1 + road_lane_bitmap2 road_bitmap = np.where(road_bitmap>1.e-6, 1., 0.) # np.savetxt('road_bitmap.txt', road_bitmap, fmt='%i', delimiter=' ') # base bitmap base = 1. - road_bitmap # base = np.where(base>1.e-6, np.inf, 0) # np.savetxt('base_bitmap.txt', base, fmt='%i', delimiter=' ') # static obstacles cfg1 = road.sl2xy(25., 0.) cfg2 = road.sl2xy(25., -road.lane_width) cfg3 = road.sl2xy(55.,0.) cfg4 = road.sl2xy(55., road.lane_width) obst1 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg1[0], cfg1[1], cfg1[2], cfg1[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst2 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg2[0], cfg2[1], cfg2[2], cfg2[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst3 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg3[0], cfg3[1], cfg3[2], cfg3[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst4 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg4[0], cfg4[1], cfg4[2], cfg4[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) base += ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst1.vertex) base += ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst2.vertex) base += ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst3.vertex) base += ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst4.vertex) base = np.where(base>1.e-6, 1.,0.) # np.savetxt('scenario_1/static_bitmap.txt', base, fmt='%i', delimiter=' ') # collision map collision_map = cv2.filter2D(base, -1, ws.collision_filter) collision_map = np.where(collision_map>1.e-6, 1., 0.) # np.savetxt('scenario_1/collision_bitmap.txt', collision_map, fmt='%i', delimiter=' ') # cost map cost_map = cv2.filter2D(collision_map, -1, ws.cost_filter) cost_map += collision_map cost_map = np.where(cost_map>1., np.inf, cost_map) cost_map = np.where(cost_map<1.e-16, 0., cost_map) # np.savetxt('scenario_1/cost_grayscale_map.txt', cost_map, fmt='%1.6f', delimiter='\t') # plot # fig = plt.figure() # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) costmap_plot = np.where( cost_map >1., 1., cost_map) ax1.imshow(costmap_plot,, origin="lower",extent=(0.,ws.resolution*ws.row,0.,ws.resolution*ws.column)) ax1.plot(center_line[:,1], center_line[:,2], color='maroon', linestyle='--', linewidth=2.) count = 0 start_state = State(road=road, r_s=5., r_l=0., v=5.) ax1.plot(start_state.x, start_state.y, 'rs') current = start_state outs = current.out_set(road) for (i,j,v,a) in outs: # print(i,j,v,a) next_state = State(road=road, r_i=i, r_j=j, v=v) # print(current.q, next_state.q) p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, current.q, next_state.q) if r is not None: if p[4]>0: u = TG.calc_velocity(current.v, a, v, p[4]) if u[3] is not None and u[3]>0: path = TG.spiral3_calc(p,r,q=current.q,ref_delta_s=0.2) traj = TG.calc_trajectory(u,p,r,s=p[4],path=path,q0=current.q, ref_time=current.time, ref_length=current.length) # if next_state == goal_state: # cost = TG.eval_trajectory(traj, cost_map, vehicle=veh, road=road, truncate=False) # else: cost, traj = TG.eval_trajectory(traj, cost_map, vehicle=veh, road=road) if not np.isinf(cost) and traj is not None: count += 1 next_state.update(cost, traj, current, road) # plot ax1.plot(traj[:,2], traj[:,3], linewidth=1.) ax1.text(traj[-1,2], traj[-1,3],'{0:.2f}'.format(cost)) # close database connection cursor.close() conn.close() # # plt.legend() plt.axis('equal') # plt.savefig('scenario_1/planning_result.png', dpi=600)
def costmap_plot(): # plot fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # road center line points p = (0.,0.,0.,0.,90.) # (p0~p3, sg) center_line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, q=(5.,50.,0.)) # print(center_line) # road road = Road(center_line) for i in range(road.grid_num_lateral+1): if (i % road.grid_num_per_lane) == 0: ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='green', linewidth=1.5) else: ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='black', linewidth=0.3) for i in range(road.grid_num_longitudinal+1): ax1.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,2*i], road.lateral_lines[:,2*i+1],color='black', linewidth=0.3) # vehicle cfg0 = road.sl2xy(5.,0.) veh = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg0[0], cfg0[1], cfg0[2], cfg0[3], 0.,5.,0.]])) # workspace ws = Workspace(vehicle=veh, road=road) road_lane_bitmap0 = ws.lane_grids[0] road_lane_bitmap1 = ws.lane_grids[1] road_lane_bitmap2 = ws.lane_grids[2] # write the lane bitmaps into files # np.savetxt('road_lane_bitmap0.txt', road_lane_bitmap0, fmt='%i',delimiter=' ') # np.savetxt('road_lane_bitmap1.txt', road_lane_bitmap1, fmt='%i',delimiter=' ') # np.savetxt('road_lane_bitmap2.txt', road_lane_bitmap2, fmt='%i',delimiter=' ') # road bitmap road_bitmap = road_lane_bitmap0 + road_lane_bitmap1 + road_lane_bitmap2 road_bitmap = np.where(road_bitmap>1.e-6, 1., 0.) # np.savetxt('road_bitmap.txt', road_bitmap, fmt='%i', delimiter=' ') # base bitmap base = 1. - road_bitmap # base = np.where(base>1.e-6, np.inf, 0) # np.savetxt('base_bitmap.txt', base, fmt='%i', delimiter=' ') # static obstacles cfg1 = road.sl2xy(25., 0.) cfg2 = road.sl2xy(25., -road.lane_width) cfg3 = road.sl2xy(55.,0.) cfg4 = road.sl2xy(55., road.lane_width) obst1 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg1[0], cfg1[1], cfg1[2], cfg1[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst2 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg2[0], cfg2[1], cfg2[2], cfg2[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst3 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg3[0], cfg3[1], cfg3[2], cfg3[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst4 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg4[0], cfg4[1], cfg4[2], cfg4[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) base += ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst1.vertex) base += ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst2.vertex) base += ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst3.vertex) base += ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst4.vertex) base = np.where(base>1.e-6, 1.,0.) # np.savetxt('scenario_1/static_bitmap.txt', base, fmt='%i', delimiter=' ') # collision map collision_map = cv2.filter2D(base, -1, ws.collision_filter) collision_map = np.where(collision_map>1.e-6, 1., 0.) # np.savetxt('scenario_1/collision_bitmap.txt', collision_map, fmt='%i', delimiter=' ') # cost map cost_map = cv2.filter2D(collision_map, -1, ws.cost_filter) cost_map += collision_map cost_map = np.where(cost_map>1., np.inf, cost_map) cost_map = np.where(cost_map<1.e-16, 0., cost_map) # np.savetxt('scenario_1/cost_grayscale_map.txt', cost_map, fmt='%1.6f', delimiter='\t') # plot # fig = plt.figure() # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) costmap_plot = np.where( cost_map >1., 1., cost_map) ax1.imshow(costmap_plot,, origin="lower",extent=(0.,ws.resolution*ws.row,0.,ws.resolution*ws.column)) ax1.plot(center_line[:,1], center_line[:,2], color='maroon', linestyle='--', linewidth=2.) plt.axis('equal')
def test(): p = (0.01, 0.0070893847415232263, 0.0056488099243383414, -0.01, 109.61234595301809) center_line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, q=(0.,0.,0.)) print(center_line[-1,:])
def senarios_4(): conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) p = (0.01, 0.0070893847415232263, 0.0056488099243383414, -0.01, 109.61234595301809) center_line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, s=100.,q=(3.,25.,0.)) road = Road(center_line, ref_grid_width=0.5, ref_grid_length=1.) # ax.plot(center_line[:,1], center_line[:,2], color='red', linewidth=1.) ax.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,0], road.lateral_lines[:,1],color='green', linewidth=1.) ax.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,-2], road.lateral_lines[:,-1],color='green', linewidth=1.) for i in range(road.grid_num_lateral+1): if (i % road.grid_num_per_lane) == 0: ax.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='green', linewidth=1.) # # ws = Workspace(road=road, lane_costs=[0.4,0.1,0.2]) # cost_map_base = ws.lane_map # ax.imshow(ws.lane_map,, origin='lower', extent=(0,100,0,100)) s1 = State(time=0.,length=0.,road=road,r_s=25.,r_l=road.lane_width, v=15.) g1 = State(road=road,r_s=95.,r_l=road.lane_width,v=15.) traj1 = trajectory_forward(s1,g1,cursor) # print(traj1[-1,:]) # ax.plot(traj1[:,2], traj1[:,3], color='navy', linewidth=2.) s2 = State(time=0.,length=0.,road=road,r_s=20.,r_l=0.,v=6.) g2 = State(road=road,r_s=95.,r_l=0.,v=6.) traj2 = trajectory_forward(s2,g2,cursor) # print(traj2[-1,:]) # ax.plot(traj2[:,2], traj2[:,3], color='navy', linewidth=2.) cfg3 = road.sl2xy(30.,-road.lane_width) obst_s = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg3[0], cfg3[1], cfg3[2], cfg3[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) cfg0 = road.sl2xy(5.,0.) veh0 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg0[0], cfg0[1], cfg0[2], cfg0[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) cfg1 = road.sl2xy(90.,0.) veh1 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg1[0], cfg1[1], cfg1[2], cfg1[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) ax.plot(cfg0[0], cfg0[1], 'ko') ax.text(cfg0[0], cfg0[1]+0.4, 'Start') ax.plot(cfg1[0], cfg1[1], 'ko') ax.text(cfg1[0], cfg1[1]+0.4, 'Goal') # codes6 = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY, ] verts_s = [tuple(obst_s.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts_s.append(verts_s[0]) ax.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts_s, codes6), facecolor='cyan')) verts0 = [tuple(veh0.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts0.append(verts0[0]) ax.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts0, codes6), facecolor='green', alpha=0.5)) verts1 = [tuple(veh1.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts1.append(verts1[0]) ax.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts1, codes6), facecolor='red', alpha=0.5)) for i in range(20): state1 = trajectory_interp(traj1, i*0.2) state2 = trajectory_interp(traj2, i*0.2) if state1 is not None: obst_d1 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,state1[2], state1[3], state1[4], 0., 0.,0.,0.]])) verts_d1 = [tuple(obst_d1.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts_d1.append(verts_d1[0]) ax.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts_d1, codes6), facecolor='cyan', alpha=(i+1)/20.)) if state2 is not None: obst_d2 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,state2[2], state2[3], state2[4], 0., 0.,0.,0.]])) verts_d2 = [tuple(obst_d2.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts_d2.append(verts_d2[0]) ax.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts_d2, codes6), facecolor='cyan', alpha=(i+1)/20.)) # # cost_maps = np.zeros((150,500,500)) # grids_s = ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst_s.vertex) # lane_grids = sum(ws.lane_grids) # lane_grids = np.where(lane_grids>1.,1., lane_grids) # off_road_map = 1. - lane_grids # grids_s += off_road_map # for i in range(150): # obst_map = np.zeros((500,500)) # obst_map += grids_s # state1 = trajectory_interp(traj1, i/10.) # state2 = trajectory_interp(traj2, i/10.) # if state1 is not None: # obst_d1 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,state1[2], state1[3], state1[4], 0., 0.,0.,0.]])) # grids_d1 = ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst_d1.vertex) # obst_map += grids_d1 # if state2 is not None: # obst_d2 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,state2[2], state2[3], state2[4], 0., 0.,0.,0.]])) # grids_d2 = ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst_d2.vertex) # obst_map += grids_d2 # collision_map = cv2.filter2D(obst_map, -1, ws.collision_filter) # collision_map = np.where(collision_map>1.e-6, 1., 0.) # cost_map = cv2.filter2D(collision_map, -1, ws.cost_filter) # cost_map += collision_map # cost_map = np.where(cost_map>1., np.inf, cost_map) # cost_map = np.where(cost_map<1.e-8, 0., cost_map) # cost_map += cost_map_base # cost_maps[i,:,:] = cost_map # with open('scenario_4/cost_maps.pickle','wb') as f1: # pickle.dump(cost_maps, f1) # plt.xlabel('$x (m)$', fontsize=20) # plt.ylabel('$y (m)$', fontsize=20) plt.axis('equal') # plt.axis('off') # plt.savefig('scenario_4/obstacles2.png', dpi=600) cursor.close() conn.close()
def env_plot(): # plot fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # road center line points p = (0.,0.,0.,0.,90.) # (p0~p3, sg) center_line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, q=(5.,50.,0.)) # print(center_line) # road road = Road(center_line) for i in range(road.grid_num_lateral+1): if (i % road.grid_num_per_lane) == 0: ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='green', linewidth=1.5) else: ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='black', linewidth=0.3) for i in range(road.grid_num_longitudinal+1): ax1.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,2*i], road.lateral_lines[:,2*i+1],color='black', linewidth=0.3) # vehicle cfg0 = road.sl2xy(5.,0.) veh = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg0[0], cfg0[1], cfg0[2], cfg0[3], 0.,5.,0.]])) # workspace ws = Workspace(vehicle=veh, road=road) # static obstacles cfg1 = road.sl2xy(25., 0.) cfg2 = road.sl2xy(25., -road.lane_width) cfg3 = road.sl2xy(55.,0.) cfg4 = road.sl2xy(55., road.lane_width) obst1 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg1[0], cfg1[1], cfg1[2], cfg1[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst2 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg2[0], cfg2[1], cfg2[2], cfg2[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst3 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg3[0], cfg3[1], cfg3[2], cfg3[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst4 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg4[0], cfg4[1], cfg4[2], cfg4[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) verts1 = [tuple(obst1.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts1.append(verts1[0]) verts2 = [tuple(obst2.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts2.append(verts2[0]) verts3 = [tuple(obst3.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts3.append(verts3[0]) verts4 = [tuple(obst4.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts4.append(verts4[0]) codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY, ] path1 = Path(verts1, codes) patch1 = patches.PathPatch(path1,facecolor='green') ax1.add_patch(patch1) path2 = Path(verts2, codes) patch2 = patches.PathPatch(path2,facecolor='green') ax1.add_patch(patch2) path3 = Path(verts3, codes) patch3 = patches.PathPatch(path3,facecolor='green') ax1.add_patch(patch3) path4 = Path(verts4, codes) patch4 = patches.PathPatch(path4,facecolor='green') ax1.add_patch(patch4) plt.axis('equal')
def test_road(): conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() p = (0.01, 0.0070893847415232263, 0.0056488099243383414, -0.01, 109.61234595301809) center_line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, s=70., q=(5.,30.,np.pi/9)) road = Road(center_line, ref_grid_width=1, ref_grid_length=2.) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax1.plot(center_line[:,1], center_line[:,2], color='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=2.) ax1.plot(center_line[:,1], center_line[:,2], color='red', linewidth=1.) ax1.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,0], road.lateral_lines[:,1],color='red', linewidth=1.) ax1.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,-2], road.lateral_lines[:,-1],color='green', linewidth=1.) for i in range(road.grid_num_lateral+1): if (i % road.grid_num_per_lane) == 0: ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='green', linewidth=1.) else: ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='black', linewidth=0.3) for i in range(road.grid_num_longitudinal+1): ax1.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,2*i], road.lateral_lines[:,2*i+1],color='black', linewidth=0.3) # cfg0 = road.ij2xy(2,-4) veh = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg0[0], cfg0[1], cfg0[2], cfg0[3], 0.,5.,0.]])) verts0 = [tuple(veh.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts0.append(verts0[0]) cfg1 = road.ij2xy(15, -4) cfg2 = road.ij2xy(15, 0) cfg3 = road.ij2xy(30, 0) cfg4 = road.ij2xy(30., 4) obst1 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg1[0], cfg1[1], cfg1[2], cfg1[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst2 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg2[0], cfg2[1], cfg2[2], cfg2[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst3 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg3[0], cfg3[1], cfg3[2], cfg3[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst4 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg4[0], cfg4[1], cfg4[2], cfg4[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) verts1 = [tuple(obst1.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts1.append(verts1[0]) verts2 = [tuple(obst2.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts2.append(verts2[0]) verts3 = [tuple(obst3.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts3.append(verts3[0]) verts4 = [tuple(obst4.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts4.append(verts4[0]) codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY, ] path0 = Path(verts0, codes) patch0 = patches.PathPatch(path0,facecolor='cyan') ax1.add_patch(patch0) path1 = Path(verts1, codes) patch1 = patches.PathPatch(path1,facecolor='cyan') ax1.add_patch(patch1) path2 = Path(verts2, codes) patch2 = patches.PathPatch(path2,facecolor='cyan') ax1.add_patch(patch2) path3 = Path(verts3, codes) patch3 = patches.PathPatch(path3,facecolor='cyan') ax1.add_patch(patch3) path4 = Path(verts4, codes) patch4 = patches.PathPatch(path4,facecolor='cyan') ax1.add_patch(patch4) # ax1.plot([cfg0[0], cfg1[0], cfg2[0], cfg3[0], cfg4[0]], [cfg0[1], cfg1[1], cfg2[1], cfg3[1], cfg4[1]], 'ro') for q1 in [cfg1, cfg2]: p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, cfg0, q1) line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, q=cfg0) ax1.plot(line[:,1], line[:,2], color='magenta', linewidth=2) for q0 in [cfg1, cfg2]: for q1 in [cfg3, cfg4]: p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, q0, q1) line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, q=q0) ax1.plot(line[:,1], line[:,2], color='magenta', linewidth=2) # plt.xlabel('$x (m)$', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('$y (m)$', fontsize=20) plt.axis('equal') # plt.axis('off') # plt.savefig('img/road_grid.png', dpi=600) # plt.savefig('img/road_shape.png', dpi=600) # plt.savefig('img/road_spiral3.png', dpi=600) cursor.close() conn.close()
from Simulation_env import Simulation_env import TrajectoryGeneration import numpy as np """ generate and run trajectories""" # initialize test environment nbins = 10 num_actions = 4 action_lims = np.array([[-1,1],[-1,1],[-1,1],[-1,1]]) env = Simulation_env('bixler3') trajectories = TrajectoryGeneration.generate_trajectories(num_actions,nbins,action_lims,env)
def test_cost_fun_discrete(): from math import pi conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() q0 = (5., 0., 0., 0.01) q1 = (55., 20., pi/6, -0.01) p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, q0, q1) print('p={0},r={1}'.format(p,r)) sg = p[4] line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, q=q0) P0 = q0[0:3] P1 = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, s=sg/3, q=q0)[-1, 1:4] P2 = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, s=2*sg/3, q=q0)[-1, 1:4] P3 = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, s=sg, q=q0)[-1, 1:4] #################### veh0 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,P0[0],P0[1],P0[2],0.,0.,0.,0.]])) veh1 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,P1[0],P1[1],P1[2],0.,0.,0.,0.]])) veh2 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,P2[0],P2[1],P2[2],0.,0.,0.,0.]])) veh3 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,P3[0],P3[1],P3[2],0.,0.,0.,0.]])) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) ax1.plot(line[:,1], line[:,2], color='black', linewidth=4) # ax2.plot(line[:,1], line[:,2], color='black', linewidth=4) verts0 = [tuple(veh0.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts0.append(verts0[0]) verts1 = [tuple(veh1.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts1.append(verts1[0]) verts2 = [tuple(veh2.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts2.append(verts2[0]) verts3 = [tuple(veh3.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts3.append(verts3[0]) codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY, ] path0 = Path(verts0, codes) path1 = Path(verts1, codes) path2 = Path(verts2, codes) path3 = Path(verts3, codes) patch0 = patches.PathPatch(path0,facecolor='green') patch1 = patches.PathPatch(path1,facecolor='green') patch2 = patches.PathPatch(path2,facecolor='green') patch3 = patches.PathPatch(path3,facecolor='green') ax1.add_patch(patch0) ax1.add_patch(patch1) ax1.add_patch(patch2) ax1.add_patch(patch3) plt.axis('equal') # plt.axis('off') cursor.close() conn.close()
def test_transition(): conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() p = (0.01, 0.0070893847415232263, 0.0056488099243383414, -0.01, 109.61234595301809) center_line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, s=70., q=(5.,30.,np.pi/9)) road = Road(center_line, ref_grid_width=0.5, ref_grid_length=1.) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax1.plot(center_line[:,1], center_line[:,2], color='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=2.) ax1.plot(center_line[:,1], center_line[:,2], color='red', linewidth=1.) ax1.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,0], road.lateral_lines[:,1],color='red', linewidth=1.) ax1.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,-2], road.lateral_lines[:,-1],color='green', linewidth=1.) for i in range(road.grid_num_lateral+1): if (i % road.grid_num_per_lane) == 0: ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='green', linewidth=1.) else: ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='black', linewidth=0.3) for i in range(road.grid_num_longitudinal+1): ax1.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,2*i], road.lateral_lines[:,2*i+1],color='black', linewidth=0.3) # cfg0 = road.ij2xy(4, 0) veh = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg0[0], cfg0[1], cfg0[2], cfg0[3], 0.,5.,0.]])) # verts0 = [tuple(veh.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] # verts0.append(verts0[0]) # codes = [Path.MOVETO, # Path.LINETO, # Path.LINETO, # Path.LINETO, # Path.LINETO, # Path.LINETO, # Path.CLOSEPOLY, # ] # path0 = Path(verts0, codes) # patch0 = patches.PathPatch(path0,facecolor='cyan') # ax1.add_patch(patch0) # cm = np.zeros((500,500)) hm = np.zeros((500,500)) goal = State(road=road,r_i=15,r_j=-2,v=6.) goal2 = State(road=road,r_s=goal.r_s+0.3,r_l=goal.r_l+0.1,v=6.) goal1 = State(road=road,r_s=goal.r_s+0.7,r_l=goal.r_l+0.3,v=6.) ax1.text(goal1.x, goal1.y+0.4, 'g1', fontsize=15) ax1.text(goal2.x, goal2.y-0.4, 'g2', fontsize=15) ax1.plot(goal1.x, goal1.y, 'mo') ax1.plot(goal2.x, goal2.y, 'mo') state1 = State(time=0.,length=0.,road=road,r_i=4,r_j=0,v=5.,cost=0., heuristic_map=hm) state2 = State(time=0.,length=0.,road=road,r_i=5,r_j=-4,v=5.,cost=0., heuristic_map=hm) ax1.text(state1.x, state1.y+0.4, 's1', fontsize=15) ax1.text(state2.x, state2.y-0.4, 's2', fontsize=15) ax1.plot(state1.x, state1.y, 'mo') ax1.plot(state2.x, state2.y, 'mo') # ax1.plot(state.x, state.y, 'rs') # for s1 in [state1, state2]: # for s2 in [goal1,goal2]: # traj = trajectory(s1,s2,cursor) # if traj is not None: # ax1.plot(traj[:,2], traj[:,3], linewidth=2) # ax1.plot(traj[0,2], traj[0,3], 'mo') # ax1.plot(traj[-1,2], traj[-1,3], 'mo') traj1 = trajectory(state1,goal1,cursor) traj2 = trajectory(state2,goal2,cursor) traj3 = trajectory(state2,goal1,cursor) ax1.plot(traj1[:,2], traj1[:,3], linewidth=2., color='red') ax1.plot(traj2[:,2], traj2[:,3], linewidth=2., color='black') ax1.plot(traj3[:,2], traj3[:,3], 'b--', linewidth=2.) # node_dict = {} # # successors = state.successors(state_dict=node_dict, road=road, goal=goal, vehicle=veh, heuristic_map=hm, accs=[-3., -2., -1., 0., 1.], v_offset=[-1.,-0.5, 0., 0.5, 1.],times=[3.]) # successors = state.successors(state_dict=node_dict, road=road, goal=goal, vehicle=veh, heuristic_map=hm, times = [2.5]) # accs=[ 0.], v_offset=[-1.,-0.5, 0., 0.5, 1.],times=[1.,2.,4.] # print("number of successors: {0}".format(len(successors))) # for successor in successors: # # p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, state.q, successor.q) # # if p is not None and p[4]>0: # # line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, q=state.q) # # ax1.plot(successor.x, successor.y, 'mo') # # ax1.plot(line[:,1], line[:,2], linewidth=2) # traj1 = trajectory(state,successor,cursor) # if traj1 is not None: # _, traj, _ = TG.eval_trajectory(traj1,costmap=cm,road=road) # if traj is not None: # ax1.plot(traj[:,2], traj[:,3], linewidth=2) # ax1.plot(traj[-1,2], traj[-1,3], 'mo') # # ax1.plot([cfg0[0], cfg1[0], cfg2[0], cfg3[0], cfg4[0]], [cfg0[1], cfg1[1], cfg2[1], cfg3[1], cfg4[1]], 'ro') # for q1 in [cfg1, cfg2]: # p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, cfg0, q1) # line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, q=cfg0) # ax1.plot(line[:,1], line[:,2], color='magenta', linewidth=2) # for q0 in [cfg1, cfg2]: # for q1 in [cfg3, cfg4]: # p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, q0, q1) # line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, q=q0) # ax1.plot(line[:,1], line[:,2], color='magenta', linewidth=2) # plt.xlabel('$x (m)$', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('$y (m)$', fontsize=20) plt.axis('equal') # plt.axis('off') # plt.savefig('img/road_grid.png', dpi=600) # plt.savefig('img/road_shape.png', dpi=600) # plt.savefig('img/road_spiral3.png', dpi=600) cursor.close() conn.close()
def scenario_4_sim(): conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() cost_maps = np.zeros((150,500,500)) with open('scenario_4/cost_maps.pickle', 'rb') as f1: cost_maps = pickle.load(f1) heuristic_maps = np.zeros((150,500,500)) with open('scenario_4/heuristic_maps.pickle', 'rb') as f2: heuristic_maps = pickle.load(f2) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) p = (0.01, 0.0070893847415232263, 0.0056488099243383414, -0.01, 109.61234595301809) center_line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, s=100.,q=(3.,25.,0.)) road = Road(center_line, ref_grid_width=0.5, ref_grid_length=1.) # ax.plot(center_line[:,1], center_line[:,2], color='red', linewidth=1.) ax.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,0], road.lateral_lines[:,1],color='green', linewidth=1.) ax.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,-2], road.lateral_lines[:,-1],color='green', linewidth=1.) for i in range(road.grid_num_lateral+1): if (i % road.grid_num_per_lane) == 0: ax.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='green', linewidth=1.) goal = State(road=road, r_s=90., r_l=0., v=10.,static=False) start = State(time=0., length=0., road=road, r_s=5., r_l=0., v=10.,cost=0.,heuristic_map=heuristic_maps, static=False) veh = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,start.x, start.y, start.theta, start.k, 0.,0.,0.]])) # # weights: weights for (k, dk, v, a, a_c, l, env, j, t, s) weights = np.array([5., 10., -0.1, 10., 0.1, 1., 50., 5, 30., -2.]) starttime = res, state_dict, traj_dict = Astar(start, goal, road, cost_maps, veh, heuristic_maps, cursor, static=False, weights=weights) endtime = print((endtime - starttime).total_seconds()*1000) # 4.8s print(res) print(len(state_dict)) #96 print(len(traj_dict)) # for _ , traj in traj_dict.items(): # ax.plot(traj[:,2], traj[:,3], traj[:,0], color='navy', linewidth=0.3) # ax.plot(traj[:,2], traj[:,3], color='blue', linewidth=1.) # for _, state in state_dict.items(): # if state != start and state != goal: # ax.plot(state.x, state.y, 'go') # ax.text(state.x, state.y,'{0:.2f}'.format(state.cost)) state = goal rows = 0 while state.parent is not None: traj = traj_dict[(state.parent, state)] ax.plot(traj[:,2], traj[:,3], color='magenta', linewidth=3.) rows += traj.shape[0] ax.plot(state.x, state.y, 'go') ax.plot(state.parent.x, state.parent.y, 'go') state = state.parent # ax.plot(traj[:,2], traj[:,3], traj[:,0], color='teal', linewidth=1.) # ax.plot(traj[:,0], traj[:,7], color='black', linewidth=0.5) # print(rows) final_traj=np.zeros((rows,9)) state = goal # row = 0 while state.parent is not None: traj = traj_dict[(state.parent, state)] final_traj[(rows-traj.shape[0]):rows,:] = traj rows -= traj.shape[0] # row += traj.shape[0] state = state.parent with open('scenario_4/final_traj.pickle','wb') as f3: pickle.dump(final_traj, f3) # ################# s1 = State(time=0.,length=0.,road=road,r_s=25.,r_l=road.lane_width, v=15.) g1 = State(road=road,r_s=95.,r_l=road.lane_width,v=15.) traj1 = trajectory_forward(s1,g1,cursor) # print(traj1[-1,:]) # ax.plot(traj1[:,2], traj1[:,3], color='navy', linewidth=2.) s2 = State(time=0.,length=0.,road=road,r_s=20.,r_l=0.,v=6.) g2 = State(road=road,r_s=95.,r_l=0.,v=6.) traj2 = trajectory_forward(s2,g2,cursor) # print(traj2[-1,:]) # ax.plot(traj2[:,2], traj2[:,3], color='navy', linewidth=2.) cfg3 = road.sl2xy(30.,-road.lane_width) obst_s = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg3[0], cfg3[1], cfg3[2], cfg3[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) codes6 = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY, ] verts_s = [tuple(obst_s.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts_s.append(verts_s[0]) ax.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts_s, codes6), facecolor='cyan')) for i in range(31): state1 = trajectory_interp(traj1, i*goal.time/30) state2 = trajectory_interp(traj2, i*goal.time/30) state3 = trajectory_interp(final_traj, i*goal.time/30) if state1 is not None: obst_d1 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,state1[2], state1[3], state1[4], 0., 0.,0.,0.]])) verts_d1 = [tuple(obst_d1.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts_d1.append(verts_d1[0]) ax.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts_d1, codes6), facecolor='cyan', alpha=0.1+0.03*i)) if state2 is not None: obst_d2 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,state2[2], state2[3], state2[4], 0., 0.,0.,0.]])) verts_d2 = [tuple(obst_d2.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts_d2.append(verts_d2[0]) ax.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts_d2, codes6), facecolor='cyan', alpha=0.1+0.03*i)) if state3 is not None: obst_d3 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,state3[2], state3[3], state3[4], 0., 0.,0.,0.]])) verts_d3 = [tuple(obst_d3.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts_d3.append(verts_d3[0]) ax.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts_d3, codes6), facecolor='blue', alpha=0.1+0.03*i)) plt.axis('equal') # plt.axis('off') # plt.savefig('scenario_4/obstacles2.png', dpi=600) cursor.close() conn.close()
max_a = 10 dt = 1 / 60.0 drive_base_width = .4 lookahead_at_max_vel = .3 minimum_lookahead = .05 ws = WaypointSequence() ws.add_waypoint(Pose(0, 0, math.pi / 2)) # ws.add_waypoint(Pose(2, 2, 3 * math.pi/2)) ws.add_waypoint(Pose(-1, 1, math.pi)) config = TrajectoryConfig(max_v, max_a, dt) trajectory = PathGeneration.generate_from_waypoints(ws, config, 0, 0) left_right_traj = TrajectoryGeneration.make_left_right_trajectories( trajectory, drive_base_width) csv = CsvWriter("C:/Users/Stanl/PycharmProjects/PurePursuit/traj.csv") time_list = [] left_list = [] right_list = [] for i in range(len(left_right_traj[0])): left_list.append(left_right_traj[0][i].vel) right_list.append(left_right_traj[1][i].vel) time_list.append(left_right_traj[0][1].dt * i) csv.write_to_csv(time_list, left_list, right_list) robot = DriveBase(Pose(0, 0, 0), drive_base_width, max_v) pp = PurePursuit(minimum_lookahead, lookahead_at_max_vel, left_right_traj[2], drive_base_width, max_v) controller = CombinedDriveController(pp, left_right_traj, max_v)
def senarios_1(): # database connection conn = sqlite3.connect('InitialGuessTable.db') cursor = conn.cursor() # plot fig = plt.figure() # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) # road center line points p = (0.01, 0.0070893847415232263, 0.0056488099243383414, -0.01, 109.61234595301809) center_line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, s=100.,q=(3.,25.,0.)) # p = (0.,0.,0.,0.,90.) # (p0~p3, sg) # center_line = TG.spiral3_calc(p, q=(5.,50.,0.)) # np.savetxt('scenario_1/road_center_line.txt', center_line, delimiter='\t') # print(center_line) # road road = Road(center_line) ax1.plot(center_line[:,1], center_line[:,2], color='maroon', linestyle='--', linewidth=1.) ax1.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,0], road.lateral_lines[:,1],color='green', linewidth=1.) ax1.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,-2], road.lateral_lines[:,-1],color='green', linewidth=1.) for i in range(road.grid_num_lateral+1): if (i % road.grid_num_per_lane) == 0: ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='green', linewidth=1.) # else: # ax1.plot(road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i], road.longitudinal_lines[:,2*i+1], color='black', linewidth=0.3) # for i in range(road.grid_num_longitudinal+1): # ax1.plot(road.lateral_lines[:,2*i], road.lateral_lines[:,2*i+1],color='black', linewidth=0.3) # vehicle cfg0 = road.sl2xy(5.,0.) cfg5 = road.sl2xy(90.,0.) veh = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg0[0], cfg0[1], cfg0[2], cfg0[3], 0.,5.,0.]])) veh5 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg5[0], cfg5[1], cfg5[2], cfg5[3], 0.,5.,0.]])) # ax1.plot(cfg0[0], cfg0[1], 'ko') # ax1.text(cfg0[0], cfg0[1]+0.4, 'Start') # # ax1.plot(cfg5[0], cfg5[1], 'ko') # ax1.text(cfg5[0], cfg5[1]+0.4, 'Goal') codes6 = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY, ] # verts0 = [tuple(veh.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] # verts0.append(verts0[0]) # ax1.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts0, codes6), facecolor='green', alpha=0.5)) # verts5 = [tuple(veh5.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] # verts5.append(verts5[0]) # ax1.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts5, codes6), facecolor='red', alpha=0.5)) # workspace ws = Workspace(vehicle=veh, road=road) road_lane_bitmap0 = ws.lane_grids[0] road_lane_bitmap1 = ws.lane_grids[1] road_lane_bitmap2 = ws.lane_grids[2] # write the lane bitmaps into files # np.savetxt('road_lane_bitmap0.txt', road_lane_bitmap0, fmt='%i',delimiter=' ') # np.savetxt('road_lane_bitmap1.txt', road_lane_bitmap1, fmt='%i',delimiter=' ') # np.savetxt('road_lane_bitmap2.txt', road_lane_bitmap2, fmt='%i',delimiter=' ') # road bitmap road_bitmap = road_lane_bitmap0 + road_lane_bitmap1 + road_lane_bitmap2 road_bitmap = np.where(road_bitmap>1.e-6, 1., 0.) # np.savetxt('road_bitmap.txt', road_bitmap, fmt='%i', delimiter=' ') # base bitmap base = 1. - road_bitmap # base = np.where(base>1.e-6, np.inf, 0) # np.savetxt('base_bitmap.txt', base, fmt='%i', delimiter=' ') # static obstacles cfg1 = road.sl2xy(30., 0.) cfg2 = road.sl2xy(30., -road.lane_width) cfg3 = road.sl2xy(65.,0.) cfg4 = road.sl2xy(65., road.lane_width) obst1 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg1[0], cfg1[1], cfg1[2], cfg1[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst2 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg2[0], cfg2[1], cfg2[2], cfg2[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst3 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg3[0], cfg3[1], cfg3[2], cfg3[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) obst4 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,cfg4[0], cfg4[1], cfg4[2], cfg4[3], 0.,0.,0.]])) verts1 = [tuple(obst1.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts1.append(verts1[0]) ax1.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts1, codes6), facecolor='cyan')) verts2 = [tuple(obst2.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts2.append(verts2[0]) ax1.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts2, codes6), facecolor='cyan')) verts3 = [tuple(obst3.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts3.append(verts3[0]) ax1.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts3, codes6), facecolor='cyan')) verts4 = [tuple(obst4.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts4.append(verts4[0]) ax1.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts4, codes6), facecolor='cyan')) base += ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst1.vertex) base += ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst2.vertex) base += ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst3.vertex) base += ws.grids_occupied_by_polygon(obst4.vertex) base = np.where(base>1.e-6, 1.,0.) # np.savetxt('scenario_1/static_bitmap.txt', base, fmt='%i', delimiter=' ') # collision map collision_map = cv2.filter2D(base, -1, ws.collision_filter) collision_map = np.where(collision_map>1.e-6, 1., 0.) # np.savetxt('scenario_1/collision_bitmap.txt', collision_map, fmt='%i', delimiter=' ') # cost map cost_map = cv2.filter2D(collision_map, -1, ws.cost_filter) cost_map += collision_map cost_map = np.where(cost_map>1., np.inf, cost_map) cost_map = np.where(cost_map<1.e-8, 0., cost_map) # costmap_save = np.where( cost_map >1., -1., cost_map) # np.savetxt('scenario_1/cost_map.txt', costmap_save, delimiter='\t') # plot # costmap_plot = np.where( cost_map >1., 1., cost_map) # ax1.imshow(costmap_plot,, origin="lower",extent=(0.,ws.resolution*ws.row,0.,ws.resolution*ws.column)) # heuristic map goal_state = State(road=road, r_s=90., r_l=0., v=10.) # ax1.scatter(goal_state.x, goal_state.y, c='r') ax1.plot(goal_state.x, goal_state.y, 'rs') heuristic_map = heuristic_map_constructor(goal_state, cost_map) # hm_save = np.where(heuristic_map > np.finfo('d').max, -1., heuristic_map) # np.savetxt('scenario_1/heuristic_map.txt', hm_save, delimiter='\t') start_state = State(time=0., length=0., road=road, r_s=5., r_l=0., v=10.,cost=0., heuristic_map=heuristic_map) # ax1.scatter(start_state.x, start_state.y, c='r') ax1.plot(start_state.x, start_state.y, 'rs') # ax1.imshow(heuristic_map,, origin="lower",extent=(0.,ws.resolution*ws.row,0.,ws.resolution*ws.column)) # # weights: weights for (k, dk, v, a, a_c, l, env, j, t, s) weights = np.array([5., 10., -0.1, 10., 0.1, 0.1, 50., 5, 40., -4.]) starttime = res, state_dict, traj_dict = Astar(start_state, goal_state, road, cost_map, veh, heuristic_map, cursor, weights=weights) endtime = print((endtime - starttime).total_seconds()*1000) # 2.6s print(res) print(len(state_dict)) #66 print(len(traj_dict)) # print(goal_state.time, goal_state.length, goal_state.cost, start_state.heuristic, goal_state.heuristic) # # True # 168 # 175 # 8.78814826688 76.409797813 2701.06684421 1559.33663366 0.0 # for _ , traj in traj_dict.items(): # ax1.plot(traj[:,2], traj[:,3], traj[:,0], color='navy', linewidth=0.3) # ax1.plot(traj[:,2], traj[:,3], color='navy', linewidth=1.) # for _, state in state_dict.items(): # if state != start_state and state != goal_state: # ax1.plot(state.x, state.y, 'go') # ax1.text(state.x, state.y,'{0:.2f}'.format(state.cost)) state = goal_state rows = 0 while state.parent is not None: traj = traj_dict[(state.parent, state)] ax1.plot(traj[:,2], traj[:,3], color='magenta', linewidth=3.) rows += traj.shape[0] ax1.plot(state.x, state.y, 'go') ax1.plot(state.parent.x, state.parent.y, 'go') state = state.parent final_traj=np.zeros((rows,9)) state = goal_state while state.parent is not None: traj = traj_dict[(state.parent, state)] final_traj[(rows-traj.shape[0]):rows,:] = traj rows -= traj.shape[0] state = state.parent # with open('scenario_1/final_traj.pickle','wb') as f3: # pickle.dump(final_traj, f3) for i in range(31): state1 = trajectory_interp(final_traj, i*goal_state.time/30) if state1 is not None: obst_d1 = Vehicle(trajectory=np.array([[-1.,-1.,state1[2], state1[3], state1[4], 0., 0.,0.,0.]])) verts_d1 = [tuple(obst_d1.vertex[i]) for i in range(6)] verts_d1.append(verts_d1[0]) ax1.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(Path(verts_d1, codes6), facecolor='blue', alpha=0.1+0.03*i)) # close database connection cursor.close() conn.close() # # plt.legend() plt.axis('equal') # plt.savefig('scenario_1/astar_3.png', dpi=600)
def path_forward(q0, q1, cursor): p, r = TG.calc_path(cursor, q0, q1) if r is not None and p[4] > 0.: path = TG.spiral3_calc(p, r=r, q=q0) return path, p, r return None, None, None