def __init__(self, parent, id, title, note_object): # Make the Keyword Edit List resizable by passing wx.RESIZE_BORDER style Dialogs.GenForm.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=(400, 260), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER, useSizers = True, HelpContext='Notes') # 'Notes' is the Help Context for Notes. There is no entry for Note Properties at this time self.obj = note_object seriesID = '' episodeID = '' transcriptID = '' collectionID = '' clipID = '' snapshotID = '' documentID = '' quoteID = '' if (self.obj.series_num != 0) and (self.obj.series_num != None): tempLibrary = Library.Library(self.obj.series_num) seriesID = elif (self.obj.episode_num != 0) and (self.obj.episode_num != None): tempEpisode = Episode.Episode(self.obj.episode_num) episodeID = tempLibrary = Library.Library(tempEpisode.series_num) seriesID = elif (self.obj.transcript_num != 0) and (self.obj.transcript_num != None): # To save time here, we can skip loading the actual transcript text, which can take time once we start dealing with images! tempTranscript = Transcript.Transcript(self.obj.transcript_num, skipText=True) transcriptID = tempEpisode = Episode.Episode(tempTranscript.episode_num) episodeID = tempLibrary = Library.Library(tempEpisode.series_num) seriesID = elif (self.obj.collection_num != 0) and (self.obj.collection_num != None): tempCollection = Collection.Collection(self.obj.collection_num) collectionID = tempCollection.GetNodeString() elif (self.obj.clip_num != 0) and (self.obj.clip_num != None): # We can skip loading the Clip Transcript to save load time tempClip = Clip.Clip(self.obj.clip_num, skipText=True) clipID = tempCollection = Collection.Collection(tempClip.collection_num) collectionID = tempCollection.GetNodeString() elif (self.obj.snapshot_num != 0) and (self.obj.snapshot_num != None): tempSnapshot = Snapshot.Snapshot(self.obj.snapshot_num) snapshotID = tempCollection = Collection.Collection(tempSnapshot.collection_num) collectionID = tempCollection.GetNodeString() elif (self.obj.document_num != 0) and (self.obj.document_num != None): tempDocument = Document.Document(self.obj.document_num) documentID = tempLibrary = Library.Library(tempDocument.library_num) seriesID = elif (self.obj.quote_num != 0) and (self.obj.quote_num != None): tempQuote = Quote.Quote(num=self.obj.quote_num, skipText=True) quoteID = tempCollection = Collection.Collection(tempQuote.collection_num) collectionID = tempCollection.GetNodeString() # Create the form's main VERTICAL sizer mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the first row r1Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element v1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # Note ID id_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Note ID"), v1,, maxLen=100) # Add the element to the sizer r1Sizer.Add(v1, 1, wx.EXPAND) # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer mainSizer.Add(r1Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer mainSizer.Add((0, 10)) # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row r2Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element v2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # Library ID seriesID_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Library ID"), v2, seriesID) # Add the element to the row sizer r2Sizer.Add(v2, 1, wx.EXPAND) seriesID_edit.Enable(False) # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer mainSizer.Add(r2Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer mainSizer.Add((0, 10)) # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row r3Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) if TransanaConstants.proVersion: # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element v9 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # Document ID documentID_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Document ID"), v9, documentID) # Add the element to the row sizer r3Sizer.Add(v9, 1, wx.EXPAND) documentID_edit.Enable(False) # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer r3Sizer.Add((10, 0)) # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element v3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # Episode ID episodeID_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Episode ID"), v3, episodeID) # Add the element to the row sizer r3Sizer.Add(v3, 1, wx.EXPAND) episodeID_edit.Enable(False) # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer r3Sizer.Add((10, 0)) # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element v4 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # Transcript ID transcriptID_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Transcript ID"), v4, transcriptID) # Add the element to the row sizer r3Sizer.Add(v4, 1, wx.EXPAND) transcriptID_edit.Enable(False) # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer mainSizer.Add(r3Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer mainSizer.Add((0, 10)) # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row r5Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element v5 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # Collection ID collectionID_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Collection ID"), v5, collectionID) # Add the element to the row sizer r5Sizer.Add(v5, 2, wx.EXPAND) collectionID_edit.Enable(False) # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer mainSizer.Add(r5Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer mainSizer.Add((0, 10)) # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row r6Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) if TransanaConstants.proVersion: # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element v7 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # Quote ID quoteID_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Quote ID"), v7, quoteID) # Add the element to the row sizer r6Sizer.Add(v7, 1, wx.EXPAND) quoteID_edit.Enable(False) # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer r6Sizer.Add((10, 0)) # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element v6 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # Clip ID clipID_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Clip ID"), v6, clipID) # Add the element to the row sizer r6Sizer.Add(v6, 1, wx.EXPAND) clipID_edit.Enable(False) if TransanaConstants.proVersion: # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer r6Sizer.Add((10, 0)) # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element v8 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # Snapshot ID snapshotID_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Snapshot ID"), v8, snapshotID) # Add the element to the row sizer r6Sizer.Add(v8, 1, wx.EXPAND) snapshotID_edit.Enable(False) # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer mainSizer.Add(r6Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer mainSizer.Add((0, 10)) # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row r8Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element v8 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # Comment layout noteTaker_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Note Taker"), v8,, maxLen=100) # Add the element to the row sizer r8Sizer.Add(v8, 2, wx.EXPAND) # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer mainSizer.Add(r8Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer mainSizer.Add((0, 10)) # Create a sizer for the buttons btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Add the buttons self.create_buttons(sizer=btnSizer) # Add the button sizer to the main sizer mainSizer.Add(btnSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND) # If Mac ... if 'wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo: # ... add a spacer to avoid control clipping mainSizer.Add((0, 2)) # Set the PANEL's main sizer self.panel.SetSizer(mainSizer) # Tell the PANEL to auto-layout self.panel.SetAutoLayout(True) # Lay out the Panel self.panel.Layout() # Lay out the panel on the form self.Layout() # Resize the form to fit the contents self.Fit() # Get the new size of the form (width, height) = self.GetSizeTuple() # Reset the form's size to be at least the specified minimum width self.SetSize(wx.Size(max(400, width), height)) # Define the minimum size for this dialog as the current size, and define height as unchangeable self.SetSizeHints(max(400, width), height, -1, height) # Center the form on screen TransanaGlobal.CenterOnPrimary(self) # Set focus to the Note ID id_edit.SetFocus()
def OnSnapshot(self, event): """ Handle the Snapshot button press """ # Just because the media file is showing doesn't mean it's the CURRENT item in the Transana interface. # Let's bring the Transcript forward, making the media file part of the CURRENT interface self.parent.ControlObject.BringTranscriptToFront() # Create the Media Conversion dialog, including Clip Information so we export only the clip segment convertDlg = MediaConvert.MediaConvert(self, self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.media_filename, self.parent.ControlObject.GetVideoPosition(), snapshot=True) # Show the Media Conversion Dialog convertDlg.ShowModal() # If the user took a snapshop and the image was successfully created ... if convertDlg.snapshotSuccess and os.path.exists(convertDlg.txtDestFileName.GetValue() % 1): imgFile = convertDlg.txtDestFileName.GetValue() % 1 # Set the field value to the file name selected self.fname_edit.SetValue(imgFile) # If the form's ID field is empty ... if self.id_edit.GetValue() == '': # ... get the base filename tempFilename = os.path.basename(imgFile) # ... separate the filename root and extension (, tempExt) = os.path.splitext(tempFilename) # ... and set the ID to match the base file name self.id_edit.SetValue( # If the Snapshot comes from an Episode ... if isinstance(self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj, Episode.Episode): self.obj.series_num = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.series_num self.obj.series_id = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.series_id self.obj.episode_num = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.number self.obj.episode_id = self.obj.transcript_num = self.parent.ControlObject.TranscriptWindow.dlg.editor.TranscriptObj.number self.series_cb.SetStringSelection(self.obj.series_id) self.PopulateEpisodeChoiceBasedOnSeries(self.obj.series_id) self.episode_cb.SetStringSelection(self.obj.episode_id) self.PopulateTranscriptChoiceBasedOnEpisode(self.obj.series_id, self.obj.episode_id) tmpTranscript = Transcript.Transcript(self.obj.transcript_num) self.transcript_cb.SetStringSelection( self.obj.episode_start = self.parent.ControlObject.GetVideoPosition() self.episode_start_edit.SetValue(Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.obj.episode_start)) self.episode_start_edit.Enable(True) self.obj.episode_duration = 10000 self.episode_duration_edit.SetValue(Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.obj.episode_duration)) self.episode_duration_edit.Enable(True) # If the Snapshot comes from a Clip ... elif isinstance(self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj, Clip.Clip): self.obj.episode_num = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.episode_num tmpEpisode = Episode.Episode(self.obj.episode_num) self.obj.series_num = tmpEpisode.series_num self.obj.series_id = tmpEpisode.series_id self.obj.episode_id = # We need the Clip's SOURCE TRANSCRIPT for the Active Transcript self.obj.transcript_num = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.transcripts[self.parent.ControlObject.activeTranscript].source_transcript self.series_cb.SetStringSelection(self.obj.series_id) self.PopulateEpisodeChoiceBasedOnSeries(self.obj.series_id) self.episode_cb.SetStringSelection(self.obj.episode_id) self.PopulateTranscriptChoiceBasedOnEpisode(self.obj.series_id, self.obj.episode_id) tmpTranscript = Transcript.Transcript(self.obj.transcript_num) self.transcript_cb.SetStringSelection( self.obj.episode_start = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.clip_start self.episode_start_edit.SetValue(Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.obj.episode_start)) self.episode_start_edit.Enable(True) self.obj.episode_duration = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.clip_stop - self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.clip_start - 0.1 self.episode_duration_edit.SetValue(Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.obj.episode_duration)) self.episode_duration_edit.Enable(True) # We need to explicitly Close the conversion dialog here to force cleanup of temp files in some circumstances convertDlg.Close() # Destroy the Media Conversion Dialog convertDlg.Destroy()
def __init__(self, parent, ID, title): # Specify the Internationalization Base gettext.install("ReportPrintoutClass") # Create the basic Frame structure with a white background self.frame = wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, ID, 'Transana - %s' % title, pos=(10, 10), size=(300, 150), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL | wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) self.title = title self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) # Add a Menu Bar menuBar = wx.MenuBar() # Create the Menu Bar self.menuFile = wx.Menu() # Create the File Menu self.menuFile.Append( M_FILE_PRINTSETUP, "Printer Setup", "Set up Printer") # Add "Printer Setup" to the File Menu self.menuFile.Append(M_FILE_PRINTPREVIEW, "Print Preview", "Preview your printed output" ) # Add "Print Preview" to the File Menu self.menuFile.Append(M_FILE_PRINT, "&Print", "Send your output to the Printer" ) # Add "Print" to the File Menu self.menuFile.Append(M_FILE_EXIT, "E&xit", "Exit the %s program" % self.title) # Add "Exit" to the File Menu menuBar.Append(self.menuFile, '&File') # Add the File Menu to the Menu Bar wx.EVT_MENU( self, M_FILE_PRINTSETUP, self.OnPrintSetup) # Attach File > Print Setup to a method wx.EVT_MENU( self, M_FILE_PRINTPREVIEW, self.OnPrintPreview) # Attach File > Print Preview to a method wx.EVT_MENU(self, M_FILE_PRINT, self.OnPrint) # Attach File > Print to a method wx.EVT_MENU(self, M_FILE_EXIT, self.CloseWindow) # Attach CloseWindow to File > Exit self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) # Connect the Menu Bar to the Frame # Add a Status Bar self.CreateStatusBar() # Prepare the wxPrintData object for use in Printing self.printData = wx.PrintData() self.printData.SetPaperId(wx.PAPER_LETTER) # Show the Frame self.Show(True) # Get a filename of an RTF file to use as the transcript dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, wildcard="*.rtf", style=wx.OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fname = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() self.Close() # Create a dummy Transcript object self.transcriptObj = Transcript.Transcript() f = open(fname, "r") self.transcriptObj.text = f.close() # Initialize the pageData structure to an empty list self.pageData = []
def OnDisplay(self, reportText): """ This method, required by TextReport, populates the TextReport. The reportText parameter is the wxSTC control from the TextReport object. It needs to be in the report parent because the TextReport doesn't know anything about the actual data. """ # Determine if we need to populate the Filter Lists. If it hasn't already been done, we should do it. # If it has already been done, no need to do it again. if self.filterList == []: populateFilterList = True else: populateFilterList = False # Make the control writable reportText.SetReadOnly(False) # Set the font for the Report Title reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontFace='Courier New', fontSize=16, fontBold=True, fontUnderline=True, parAlign=wx.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, parSpacingAfter=12) # Add the Report Title reportText.WriteText(self.title) # Turn off underlining and bold reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=False, fontUnderline=False) reportText.Newline() if self.searchText != None: # ... add a subtitle if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo: # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data. prompt = unicode(_("Search Text: %s"), 'utf8') else: prompt = _("Search Text: %s") self.subtitle = prompt % self.searchText # ... set the font for the subtitle ... reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontSize=10) # ... and insert the spacer and the subtitle. reportText.WriteText(self.subtitle) reportText.Newline() if self.configName != '': # ... add a subtitle if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo: # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data. prompt = unicode(_("Filter Configuration: %s"), 'utf8') else: prompt = _("Filter Configuration: %s") self.configLine = prompt % self.configName # ... set the font for the subtitle ... reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontSize=10) # ... and insert the subtitle. reportText.WriteText(self.configLine) reportText.Newline() # If a Root Node flag is passed in ... if self.reportType == 'RootNode': # ... we want to group notes by category. (They will be alphabetical within each category.) majorList = DBInterface.list_of_all_notes( reportType='LibraryNode', searchText=self.searchText) if TransanaConstants.proVersion: majorList += DBInterface.list_of_all_notes( reportType='DocumentNode', searchText=self.searchText) majorList += DBInterface.list_of_all_notes( reportType='EpisodeNode', searchText=self.searchText) majorList += DBInterface.list_of_all_notes( reportType='TranscriptNode', searchText=self.searchText) majorList += DBInterface.list_of_all_notes( reportType='CollectionNode', searchText=self.searchText) if TransanaConstants.proVersion: majorList += DBInterface.list_of_all_notes( reportType='QuoteNode', searchText=self.searchText) majorList += DBInterface.list_of_all_notes( reportType='ClipNode', searchText=self.searchText) if TransanaConstants.proVersion: majorList += DBInterface.list_of_all_notes( reportType='SnapshotNode', searchText=self.searchText) # if a specific Node flag is passed in ... else: # ... and use the Notes from the requested Report Type for the majorList. majorList = DBInterface.list_of_all_notes( reportType=self.reportType, searchText=self.searchText) # Initialize the initial data structure that will be turned into the report = [] # We need a list of all checked NoteNums to apply the Filter. Initialize it here. checkedRecords = [] # Now populate it based on the Filter List. (The filterList will be empty if not populate yet, but that's OK.) # Iterate through the filter list ... for noteRecord in self.filterList: # ... pull out the filter list record elements. (noteNum, noteID, noteParent, checked) = noteRecord # If an item is checked ... if checked: # ... add it to the list of checked items! checkedRecords.append(noteNum) # Iterate through the major list for noteRecord in majorList: # If the current item from the Major List is in the list of checked records from the filter dialog # OR if we're going through the list for the first time (populateFilterList == True) .... if (noteRecord['NoteNum'] in checkedRecords) or populateFilterList: # ... load each note ... tempNote = Note.Note(noteRecord['NoteNum']) # Turn bold on. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=True, fontSize=12, parAlign=wx.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, parLeftIndent=0, parSpacingBefore=36, parSpacingAfter=12) # Add the note ID to the report reportText.WriteText('%s' % reportText.Newline() # Initialize all temporary objects to None so we can detect their presence or absence tempLibrary = None tempDocument = None tempEpisode = None tempTranscript = None tempCollection = None tempQuote = None tempClip = None tempSnapshot = None # If we have a Library Note ... if tempNote.series_num > 0: # ... load the Library data tempLibrary = Library.Library(tempNote.series_num) noteParent = unicode(_('Libraries'), 'utf8') + ' ' + # If we have a Document Note ... elif tempNote.document_num > 0: # ... load the Document and Library data tempDocument = Document.Document(tempNote.document_num) tempLibrary = Library.Library(tempDocument.library_num) noteParent = unicode( _('Document'), 'utf8' ) + ' ' + + ' > ' + # If we have an Episode Note ... elif tempNote.episode_num > 0: # ... load the Episode and Library data tempEpisode = Episode.Episode(tempNote.episode_num) tempLibrary = Library.Library(tempEpisode.series_num) noteParent = unicode( _('Episode'), 'utf8') + ' ' + + ' > ' + # If we have a Transcript Note ... elif tempNote.transcript_num > 0: # ... load the Transcript, Episode, and Library data # To save time here, we can skip loading the actual transcript text, which can take time once we start dealing with images! tempTranscript = Transcript.Transcript( tempNote.transcript_num, skipText=True) tempEpisode = Episode.Episode(tempTranscript.episode_num) tempLibrary = Library.Library(tempEpisode.series_num) noteParent = unicode( _('Transcript'), 'utf8' ) + ' ' + + ' > ' + + ' > ' + # If we have a Collection Note ... elif tempNote.collection_num > 0: # ... load the Collection data tempCollection = Collection.Collection( tempNote.collection_num) noteParent = unicode( _('Collection'), 'utf8') + ' ' + tempCollection.GetNodeString() # If we have a Quote Note ... elif tempNote.quote_num > 0: # ... load the Quote and Collection data. We can skip loading the Quote text to save load time tempQuote = Quote.Quote(tempNote.quote_num, skipText=True) tempCollection = Collection.Collection( tempQuote.collection_num) noteParent = unicode( _('Quote'), 'utf8') + ' ' + tempCollection.GetNodeString( ) + ' > ' + # If we have a Clip Note ... elif tempNote.clip_num > 0: # ... load the Clip and Collection data. We can skip loading the Clip Transcript to save load time tempClip = Clip.Clip(tempNote.clip_num, skipText=True) tempCollection = Collection.Collection( tempClip.collection_num) noteParent = unicode( _('Clip'), 'utf8') + ' ' + tempCollection.GetNodeString( ) + ' > ' + # If we have a Snapshot Note ... elif tempNote.snapshot_num > 0: # ... load the Snapshot and Collection data. tempSnapshot = Snapshot.Snapshot(tempNote.snapshot_num) tempCollection = Collection.Collection( tempSnapshot.collection_num) noteParent = unicode( _('Snapshot'), 'utf8') + ' ' + tempCollection.GetNodeString( ) + ' > ' + # If we have Library data ... if tempLibrary != None: # Turn bold on. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontSize=10, fontBold=True, parLeftIndent=63, parSpacingBefore=0, parSpacingAfter=0) # Add the note ID to the report reportText.WriteText(_('Library: ')) # Turn bold off. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=False) # Add the Library ID reportText.WriteText('%s' % reportText.Newline() # If we have Document data ... if tempDocument != None: # Turn bold on. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=True) # Add the note ID to the report reportText.WriteText(_('Document: ')) # Turn bold off. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=False) # Add the Document ID reportText.WriteText('%s' % reportText.Newline() # If we have Episode data ... if tempEpisode != None: # Turn bold on. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=True) # Add the note ID to the report reportText.WriteText(_('Episode: ')) # Turn bold off. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=False) # Add the Episode ID reportText.WriteText('%s' % reportText.Newline() # If we have Transcript data ... if tempTranscript != None: # Turn bold on. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=True) # Add the note ID to the report reportText.WriteText(_('Transcript: ')) # Turn bold off. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=False) # Add the Transcript ID reportText.WriteText('%s' % reportText.Newline() # If we have Collection data ... if tempCollection != None: # Turn bold on. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontSize=10, fontBold=True, parLeftIndent=63, parSpacingBefore=0, parSpacingAfter=0) # Add the note ID to the report reportText.WriteText(_('Collection: ')) # Turn bold off. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=False) # Add the Collection ID reportText.WriteText('%s' % tempCollection.GetNodeString()) reportText.Newline() # If we have Quote data ... if tempQuote != None: # Turn bold on. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=True) # Add the note ID to the report reportText.WriteText(_('Quote: ')) # Turn bold off. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=False) # Add the Quote ID reportText.WriteText('%s' % reportText.Newline() # If we have Clip data ... if tempClip != None: # Turn bold on. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=True) # Add the note ID to the report reportText.WriteText(_('Clip: ')) # Turn bold off. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=False) # Add the Clip ID reportText.WriteText('%s' % reportText.Newline() # If we have Snapshot data ... if tempSnapshot != None: # Turn bold on. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=True) # Add the note ID to the report reportText.WriteText(_('Snapshot: ')) # Turn bold off. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=False) # Add the Snapshot ID reportText.WriteText('%s' % reportText.Newline() # If we're going through the list for the first time and need to populate the filter list ... if populateFilterList: # ... add the note number, note ID, note parent info, and checked=True to the filter list. self.filterList.append( (tempNote.number,, noteParent, True)) # Turn bold on. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=True) # Add the note ID to the report reportText.WriteText(_('Note Taker: ')) # Turn bold off. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=False) # Add the Note's author reportText.WriteText('%s' % reportText.Newline() # Turn bold on. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=True) # Add the note ID to the report reportText.WriteText(_('Note Text:')) reportText.Newline() # Turn bold off. reportText.SetTxtStyle(fontBold=False, parLeftIndent=127) # Add the note text to the report (rstrip() prevents formatting problems when notes end with blank lines) reportText.WriteText('%s' % tempNote.text.rstrip()) reportText.Newline() # Make the control read only, now that it's done reportText.SetReadOnly(True)
def db_delete(self, use_transactions=1): """Delete this object record from the database.""" result = 1 try: # Initialize delete operation, begin transaction if necessary (db, c) = self._db_start_delete(use_transactions) # Delete all Episode-based Filter Configurations # Delete Episode Keyword Map records DBInterface.delete_filter_records(1, self.number) # Delete Episode Keyword Visualization records DBInterface.delete_filter_records(2, self.number) # Delete Episode Clip Data Export records DBInterface.delete_filter_records(3, self.number) # Delete Episode Clip Data Coder Reliability Export records (Kathleen Liston's code) DBInterface.delete_filter_records(8, self.number) # Delete Episode Report records DBInterface.delete_filter_records(11, self.number) # Detect, Load, and Delete all Clip Notes. notes = self.get_note_nums() for note_num in notes: note = Note.Note(note_num) result = result and note.db_delete(0) del note del notes for (transcriptNo, transcriptID, transcriptEpisodeNo) in DBInterface.list_transcripts( self.series_id, # To save time here, we can skip loading the actual transcript text, which can take time once we start dealing with images! trans = Transcript.Transcript(transcriptNo, skipText=True) # if transcript delete fails, rollback clip delete result = result and trans.db_delete(0) del trans # Delete all related references in the ClipKeywords table if result: DBInterface.delete_all_keywords_for_a_group( self.number, 0, 0, 0, 0) if result: # Craft a query to remove all existing Additonal Videos query = "DELETE FROM AdditionalVids2 WHERE EpisodeNum = %s" # Adjust the query for sqlite if needed query = DBInterface.FixQuery(query) # Execute the query c.execute(query, (self.number, )) # We need a user confirmation when Snapshot will be orphaned. # Snapshots with this Episode number need to be cleared. # This must be done LAST, after everything else. if result: DBInterface.ClearSourceEpisodeRecords(self.number) # Delete the actual record. self._db_do_delete(use_transactions, c, result) # Cleanup c.close() self.clear() except RecordLockedError, e: # if a sub-record is locked, we may need to unlock the Episode record (after rolling back the Transaction) if self.isLocked: # c (the database cursor) only exists if the record lock was obtained! # We must roll back the transaction before we unlock the record. c.execute("ROLLBACK") c.close() self.unlock_record() raise e
def createTranscripts(self): for key, splinelist in self.gff3_ID_Dict.items(): for spline in splinelist: if spline[2] != "gene": continue gene_seqid = spline[0] gene_gff3_ID = key[1] # because of (seqid,gff3_id) gene_info_string = spline[8] if gene_seqid not in self.dict_Chr_dict_Transcript: self.dict_Chr_dict_Transcript[gene_seqid] = {} for spline_child in self.dict_gff_for_parents[gene_seqid, gene_gff3_ID]: chr = spline_child[0] gfftype = spline_child[2] if 'mRNA' not in gfftype: continue start = int(spline_child[3]) end = int(spline_child[4]) if spline_child[6] == '+': strand = Transcript.TranscriptEnum.FORWARD elif spline_child[6] == '-': strand = Transcript.TranscriptEnum.REVERSE else: strand = Transcript.TranscriptEnum.UNKNOWN_STRAND_DIRECTION phase = spline_child[7] atts = spline_child[8].split(';') TID = "" for att in atts: if 'ID=' in att: TID = att[3:] break if TID == "": print("No ID:\n" + spline_child) sys.exit() # IndexKey: int, TID: str, StartOfRNA: int, EndOfRNA: int, ForwardDirection: TranscriptEnum.REVERSE): transcript = Transcript.Transcript( self.GetNextTranscriptIndex(), TID, start, end, strand, chr) cdslist = [] for rna_child_spline in self.dict_gff_for_parents[ gene_seqid, TID]: if "CDS" in rna_child_spline[2]: cdslist.append((int(rna_child_spline[3]), int(rna_child_spline[4]), rna_child_spline[7])) elif "exon" in rna_child_spline[2]: transcript.AddEXON_Descriptin( "\t".join(rna_child_spline)) elif "utr" in rna_child_spline[2]: transcript.AddUTR_Description( "\t".join(rna_child_spline)) cdslist = sorted(cdslist) for cds in cdslist: transcript.addCDS(cds[0], cds[1], cds[2]) transcript.SetGene_Info_String(gene_info_string) self.dict_Chr_dict_Transcript[gene_seqid][ transcript.IndexKey] = transcript self.List_Of_Transcripts[gene_seqid].append(transcript)
def OnConvert(self): """ Perform the Plain Text Extraction operation """ # Get the database connection (required for Transactions) db = DBInterface.get_db() # Get a Database Cursor dbCursor = db.cursor() # Initialize a Record Counter counter = 0 # Get a list of the Documents that need Plain Text extraction documents = DBInterface.list_of_documents(withoutPlainText=True) # Update User Info self.txtCtrl.AppendText("%5d Document Records\n" % len(documents)) # Iterate through the list for document in documents: # Update User Info self.txtCtrl.AppendText("%5d Document: %s\n" % (self.numRecords - counter, document[1])) # Load the Document Object tmpDocument = Document.Document(num=document[0]) # I'm not sure why I have to use a Transaction here. But records are remaining locked # without this. This at least makes things work! dbCursor.execute("BEGIN") # Lock the record tmpDocument.lock_record() # Load the record into the hidden RichTextCtrl. Don't show the popup, as too many of these crashes the program! self.richTextCtrl.load_transcript(tmpDocument, showPopup=False) # Save the record. This causes the PlainText to be added! Don't show the popup, as too many of these crashes the program! self.richTextCtrl.save_transcript(use_transactions=False, showPopup=False) # Unlock the record tmpDocument.unlock_record() # Commit the Transaction dbCursor.execute("COMMIT") # Update the Record Counter counter += 1 # Update the Progress Bar self.gauge.SetValue(counter) # This form can freeze up and appear non-responsive. Every 20 items, we should avoid that if counter % 20 == 0: wx.YieldIfNeeded() # Get a list of the Episode Transcripts that need Plain Text extraction episodeTranscripts = DBInterface.list_of_episode_transcripts( withoutPlainText=True) # Update User Info self.txtCtrl.AppendText("%5d Episode Transcript Records\n" % len(episodeTranscripts)) # Iterate through the list for episodeTranscript in episodeTranscripts: # Update User Info self.txtCtrl.AppendText( "%5d Episode Transcript: %s\n" % (self.numRecords - counter, episodeTranscript[1])) # Load the Transcript Object tmpEpisodeTranscript = Transcript.Transcript( id_or_num=episodeTranscript[0]) # I'm not sure why I have to use a Transaction here. But the transaction from the Transcript # object doesn't seem to be cutting it. This at least makes things work! dbCursor.execute("BEGIN") # Lock the record tmpEpisodeTranscript.lock_record() # Load the record into the hidden RichTextCtrl. Don't show the popup, as too many of these crashes the program! self.richTextCtrl.load_transcript(tmpEpisodeTranscript, showPopup=False) # Save the record. This causes the PlainText to be added! Don't show the popup, as too many of these crashes the program! self.richTextCtrl.save_transcript(use_transactions=False, showPopup=False) # Unlock the record tmpEpisodeTranscript.unlock_record() # Commit the Transaction dbCursor.execute("COMMIT") # Update the Record Counter counter += 1 # Update the Progress Bar self.gauge.SetValue(counter) # This form can freeze up and appear non-responsive. We should avoid that with every Episode Transcript (they are big). wx.YieldIfNeeded() # Get a list of the Quotes that need Plain Text extraction quotes = DBInterface.list_of_quotes(withoutPlainText=True) # Update User Info self.txtCtrl.AppendText("%5d Quote Records\n" % len(quotes)) # Iterate through the list for quote in quotes: # Update User Info self.txtCtrl.AppendText("%5d Quote: %s\n" % (self.numRecords - counter, quote[1])) # Load the Quote Object tmpQuote = Quote.Quote(num=quote[0]) # I'm not sure why I have to use a Transaction here. But the transaction from the Transcript # object doesn't seem to be cutting it. This at least makes things work! dbCursor.execute("BEGIN") # Lock the record tmpQuote.lock_record() # Load the record into the hidden RichTextCtrl. Don't show the popup, as too many of these crashes the program! self.richTextCtrl.load_transcript(tmpQuote, showPopup=False) # Save the record. This causes the PlainText to be added! Don't show the popup, as too many of these crashes the program! self.richTextCtrl.save_transcript(use_transactions=False, showPopup=False) # Unlock the record tmpQuote.unlock_record() # Commit the Transaction dbCursor.execute("COMMIT") # Update the Record Counter counter += 1 # Update the Progress Bar self.gauge.SetValue(counter) # This form can freeze up and appear non-responsive. Every 20 items, we should avoid that if counter % 20 == 0: wx.YieldIfNeeded() # Get a list of the Clips that need Plain Text extraction clips = DBInterface.list_of_clips(withoutPlainText=True) # Update User Info self.txtCtrl.AppendText("%5d Clip Records\n" % len(clips)) # Iterate through the list for clip in clips: # Update User Info self.txtCtrl.AppendText( "%5d Clip: %d %s\n" % (self.numRecords - counter, clip[0], clip[1])) # Load the Clip Object tmpClip = Clip.Clip(id_or_num=clip[0]) # For each Transcript in the Clip ... for tmpClipTranscript in tmpClip.transcripts: # I'm not sure why I have to use a Transaction here. But the transaction from the Transcript # object doesn't seem to be cutting it. This at least makes things work! dbCursor.execute("BEGIN") # Lock the record tmpClipTranscript.lock_record() # Load the record into the hidden RichTextCtrl. Don't show the popup, as too many of these crashes the program! self.richTextCtrl.load_transcript(tmpClipTranscript, showPopup=False) # Save the record. This causes the PlainText to be added! Don't show the popup, as too many of these crashes the program! self.richTextCtrl.save_transcript(use_transactions=False, showPopup=False) ## This alternate method also works, and is slightly faster, but is less object friendly. ## The speed difference is about 10 - 15 seconds in a 3 minute processing of 1400 clips. ## import re ## plaintext = self.richTextCtrl.GetValue() ## # Strip Time Codes ## regex = "%s<[\d]*>" % TransanaConstants.TIMECODE_CHAR ## reg = re.compile(regex) ## pos = 0 ## for x in reg.findall(plaintext): ## pos = plaintext.find(x, pos, len(plaintext)) ## plaintext = plaintext[ : pos] + plaintext[pos + len(x) : ] ## query = "UPDATE Transcripts2 SET PlainText = %s WHERE TranscriptNum = %s" ## values = (plaintext.encode('utf8'), tmpClipTranscript.number) ## query = DBInterface.FixQuery(query) ## result = dbCursor.execute(query, values) # Unlock the record tmpClipTranscript.unlock_record() # Commit the Transaction dbCursor.execute("COMMIT") # Update the Record Counter counter += 1 # Update the Progress Bar self.gauge.SetValue(counter) # This form can freeze up and appear non-responsive. Every 20 items, we should avoid that if counter % 20 == 0: wx.YieldIfNeeded() dbCursor.close()