Example #1
    def nn_multi_base_context(self, targets, n=5):
        Find and return the n nearest base neighbours to a set of target vectors
        from the context matrix.

        :rtype : 2-tuple of ndarrays
        :param target: int
        :param n: int
        d = np.ones(self.size, dtype=np.float)

        new_target = self.base_vectors[targets].sum(axis=0)

        for i, vector in enumerate(self.context_vectors):
            compare = True

            for index in targets:
                if i == index:
                    compare = False

            if compare:
                d[i] = VectorMath.cosine(new_target, vector)

        args = np.argsort(d)[1:n + 1]

        vals = d[args]

        return args, vals
Example #2
    def nn_base_base(self, target, n=5):
        Find and return the n nearest base neighbours to a target vector from
        the base matrix.

        :rtype : 2-tuple of ndarrays
        :param target: int
        :param n: int
        d = np.zeros(self.size, dtype=np.float)

        for i, vector in enumerate(self.base_vectors):
            d[i] = VectorMath.cosine(self.base_vectors[target], vector)

        args = np.argsort(d)[1:n + 1]

        vals = d[args]

        return args, vals