import ViginereCypher import tcpClient #Get user input for use during Username generation, Password generation and the #encryption. firstName = input("What is your first name: ") secondName = input("What is your second name: ") dateOfBirth = input("What is your date of birth written DDMMYY: ") #Generate the Username and print it. username = firstName + secondName + dateOfBirth print("Your username is : " + username) #Generate the password and print it. passwordNoCrypt = dateOfBirth + secondName + firstName print("Your password is : " + passwordNoCrypt) #Print the encrypted password. encryptedPassword = ViginereCypher.encryptPassword(passwordNoCrypt, username) print(encryptedPassword) tcpClient.Main(username, encryptedPassword)
## ## while i in range(0, len(inputPassword)): ## x = key[i] ## addOffset = alphabetList.index(x) ## offset = addOffset * 2 ## if offset > 36: ## offset = offset % 36 ## encryptedStr += alphabetList[offset] ## ## ## #Return the passwordCrypt so that variables in the function don't ## #need to be global. ## return passwordCrypt ## #Get user input for use during Username generation, Password generation and the #encryption. firstName = input("What is your first name: ") secondName = input("What is your second name: ") dateOfBirth = input("What is your date of birth written DDMMYY: ") #Generate the Username and print it. username = firstName + secondName + dateOfBirth print("Your username is : " + username) #Generate the password and print it. passwordNoCrypt = dateOfBirth + secondName + firstName print("Your password is : " + passwordNoCrypt) #Print the encrypted password. print(ViginereCypher.encryptPassword(passwordNoCrypt, username))