Example #1
# This is a special program. Goal is to successfully display the timetable of our head of department Mr. Hager, as an html table.
# For the beginning. Next a database has to be created, so that the real data can be stored and managed, and later on displayed on
# the EPaper-Display in front of his room.

import WebUntis_Session
import WebUntisData
import datetime
import sqlite3

# WebUntis Session opening
WEBUNTIS_SESSION = WebUntisData.getSession()

# List of all teachers of our school (as shortname, f.e. HAG)
TEACHERS = WebUntisData.getTeacher_shortname()

# Specific teacher id [38: HAG]

# newline
EOL = "\n"

# database filename
DATABASE = "headOfDepartment.db"
CONNECTION = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE)

# todays date and monday+friday of the current week
today = datetime.date.today()
monday = today - datetime.timedelta(days=today.weekday())
friday = monday + datetime.timedelta(days=4)
# This is a special program. Goal is to successfully display the timetable of our head of department Mr. Hager, as an html table.
# For the beginning. Next a database has to be created, so that the real data can be stored and managed, and later on displayed on
# the EPaper-Display in front of his room.

import WebUntis_Session
import WebUntisData
import datetime
import sqlite3

# WebUntis Session opening
WEBUNTIS_SESSION = WebUntisData.getSession()

# List of all teachers of our school (as shortname, f.e. HAG)
TEACHERS = WebUntisData.getTeacher_shortname()

# Specific teacher id [38: HAG]

# newline
EOL = "\n"

# database filename
DATABASE = "headOfDepartment.db"
CONNECTION = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE)

# todays date and monday+friday of the current week
today = datetime.date.today()
monday = today - datetime.timedelta(days=today.weekday())
friday = monday + datetime.timedelta(days=4)
# This program is responsible for the automatic WebUnits Change Notifications.

import smtplib
import secret
import WebUntisData
import logging
import os
from datetime import datetime

# WebUntis Session opening
WEBUNTIS_SESSION = WebUntisData.getSession()

# teacher email-addresses
teachers = WebUntisData.getTeacher_shortname()

# Sender Email-Adress
sender = secret.gmail_sender

# Receiver
receivers = ['*****@*****.**',  '*****@*****.**']
#copyReceivers = ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**']

# message content
message = ""

# email suffix
suffix = "@htl.rennweg.at"

# logging