def tta_precip(): import Windprof2 as wp print "BBY-tta | BBY-notta | CZD-tta | CZD-notta | FRS-tta | FRS-notta " o = "{:11.1f} {:11.1f} {:11.1f} {:11.1f} {:11.1f} {:11.1f}" for case in range(8, 15): bby, czd, frs, _ = get_data(str(case)) tta_times = wp.get_tta_times(case=str(case), continuous=True) if len(tta_times) > 0: tta_idx_bby = (bby.index >= tta_times[0]) & (bby.index <= tta_times[-1]) tta_idx_czd = (czd.index >= tta_times[0]) & (czd.index <= tta_times[-1]) tta_idx_frs = (frs.index >= tta_times[0]) & (frs.index <= tta_times[-1]) bby_tta = bby.precip[tta_idx_bby].sum() bby_notta = bby.precip[~tta_idx_bby].sum() czd_tta = czd.precip[tta_idx_czd].sum() czd_notta = czd.precip[~tta_idx_czd].sum() frs_tta = frs.precip[tta_idx_frs].sum() frs_notta = frs.precip[~tta_idx_frs].sum() else: bby_tta = -999 bby_notta = bby.precip.sum() czd_tta = -999 czd_notta = czd.precip.sum() frs_tta = -999 frs_notta = frs.precip.sum() print o.format(bby_tta, bby_notta, czd_tta, czd_notta, frs_tta, frs_notta)
def compare_with_windprof(SYNTH,**kwargs): loc=kwargs['location'] U = SYNTH.U V = SYNTH.V LAT=SYNTH.LAT LON=SYNTH.LON Z=SYNTH.Z st=SYNTH.start en=SYNTH.end ''' synthesis ''' # lat_idx=cm.find_index_recursively(array=LAT,value=loc['lat'],decimals=2) # lon_idx=cm.find_index_recursively(array=LON,value=loc['lon'],decimals=2) f=interp1d(LAT,range(len(LAT))) latx=int(np.ceil(f(loc['lat']))) f=interp1d(LON,range(len(LON))) lonx=int(np.ceil(f(loc['lon']))) uprof = U[lonx,latx,:] vprof = V[lonx,latx,:] sprofspd=np.sqrt(uprof**2+vprof**2) sprofdir=270. - ( np.arctan2(vprof,uprof) * 180./np.pi ) ''' wind profiler ''' case=kwargs['case'] wspd,wdir,time,hgt = wp.make_arrays(case= str(case), resolution='coarse', surface=False) idx = time.index(datetime.datetime(st.year, st.month,, st.hour, 0)) wprofspd = wspd[:,idx] wprofdir = wdir[:,idx] ''' profile ''' with sns.axes_style("darkgrid"): fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(9,9), sharey=True) n=0 hl1=ax[n].plot(sprofspd,Z,'-o',label='P3-SYNTH (250 m)') hl2=ax[n].plot(wprofspd,hgt,'-o',label='WPROF-COARSE (100 m)') ax[n].set_xlabel('wind speed [m s-1]') ax[n].set_ylabel('height AGL [km]') lns = hl1 + hl2 labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns] ax[n].legend(lns, labs, loc=0) n=1 ax[n].plot(sprofdir,Z,'-o',label='P3-SYNTH') ax[n].plot(wprofdir,hgt,'-o',label='WPROF') ax[n].set_xlabel('wind direction [deg]') ax[n].invert_xaxis() t1='Comparison between P3-synthesis and ' +loc['name']+' wind profiler' t2='\nDate: ' + st.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') t3='\nSynthesis time: ' + st.strftime('%H:%M') + ' to ' + en.strftime('%H:%M UTC') t4='\nWind profiler time: ' + time[idx].strftime('%H:%M') + ' to ' + time[idx+1].strftime('%H:%M UTC') fig.suptitle(t1+t2+t3+t4) plt.ylim([0,5]) plt.draw()
def get_windprof(case, gapflow_time=None, top_hgt_km=None, homedir=None): " return layer average values; layer is defined \ by top_hgt_km" import Windprof2 as wp from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from datetime import timedelta out = wp.make_arrays(resolution='coarse', surface=False, case=str(case), period=False, homedir=homedir) wspd, wdir, time, hgt = out time = np.array(time) ' match surface obs timestamp' time2 = time - timedelta(minutes=5) ' get corresponding target time index ' index_dict = dict((value, idx) for idx, value in enumerate(time2)) target_idx = [index_dict[x] for x in gapflow_time] ' wp time equivalent to gapflow time ' target_time = time2[target_idx] + timedelta(minutes=5) wspd_target = [] wdir_target = [] for tt in target_time: idx = np.where(time == tt)[0] # ws = np.squeeze(wspd[:, idx]) # wd = np.squeeze(wdir[:, idx]) # ' interpolate at target altitude ' # fws = interp1d(hgt, ws) # fwd = interp1d(hgt, wd) # new_ws = fws(target_hgt_km) # new_wd = fwd(target_hgt_km) hidx = np.where(hgt <= top_hgt_km)[0] ws = np.squeeze(wspd[hidx, idx]) wd = np.squeeze(wdir[hidx, idx]) u = -ws*np.sin(np.radians(wd)) v = -ws*np.cos(np.radians(wd)) ubar = np.nanmean(u) vbar = np.nanmean(v) new_ws = np.sqrt(ubar**2+vbar**2) new_wd = 270-np.arctan2(vbar,ubar)*180/np.pi if new_wd > 360: new_wd -= 360 wspd_target.append(new_ws) wdir_target.append(new_wd) return np.array(wspd_target), np.array(wdir_target)
for tta, time in zip(tta_range, times): drange = pd.date_range(start=wp_st, end=wp_en, freq='1H') time['tta'][0] = np.where(drange == tta[0])[0] time['tta'][1] = np.where(drange == tta[1])[0] params = [ 'WD$<140$, nh$\geq1\,(2,4)$', 'WD$<150$, nh$\geq1$', 'WD$<160$, nh$\geq1$', 'WD$<150$, nh$\geq2$', ] for c, ax in zip(case, axes): wspd, wdir, time, hgt = wp.make_arrays2( resolution=res, add_surface=True, case=str(c), ) cbar_inv = False wspdMerid = -wspd * cosd(wdir) if c == 13: foo = wspdMerid ax, hcbar, im = wp.plot_time_height(ax=ax, wspd=wspdMerid, time=time, height=hgt, spd_range=[0, 30], spd_delta=2,
transform=ax.transAxes) return gapflow def get_windprof(case, gapflow_time=None, top_hgt_km=None, homedir=None): " return layer average values; layer is defined \ by top_hgt_km" import Windprof2 as wp from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from datetime import timedelta out = wp.make_arrays(resolution='coarse', surface=False, case=str(case), period=False, homedir=homedir) wspd, wdir, time, hgt = out time = np.array(time) ' match surface obs timestamp' time2 = time - timedelta(minutes=5) ' get corresponding target time index ' index_dict = dict((value, idx) for idx, value in enumerate(time2)) target_idx = [index_dict[x] for x in gapflow_time] ' wp time equivalent to gapflow time ' target_time = time2[target_idx] + timedelta(minutes=5)
import Windprof2 as wp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import numpy as np fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(11, 9), sharex=True, sharey=True) axes = axes.flatten() wd_lim_surf = 125 wd_lim_aloft = 170 mAGL, color = [120, 'navy'] # mAGL,color=[500,'green'] for c, ax in zip(range(12, 13), axes): wspd, wdir, time, hgt = wp.make_arrays(resolution='coarse', surface=True, case=str(c)) wp.plot_scatter2(ax=ax, wdir=wdir, hgt=hgt, time=time, mAGL=mAGL, lim_surf=wd_lim_surf, lim_aloft=wd_lim_aloft, color=color) ax.text(0., 0.05, 'Case ' + str(c).zfill(2), transform=ax.transAxes) axes[0].text(0, 1.05, 'Altitude: ' + str(mAGL) + 'm AGL', transform=axes[0].transAxes) axes[6].set_xlabel('wind direction surface') axes[6].text(wd_lim_surf, -20, str(wd_lim_surf), ha='center')
# case=str(case), # period=False) # wp.plot_scatter(wdir=wdir,hgt=hgt,title='Case '+str(case).zfill(2)) # fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 3, figsize=(11, 15), sharex=True, sharey=True) axes = axes.flatten() vline = 130 hline = 170 mAGL, color = [120, 'navy'] # mAGL,color=[500,'green'] for c, ax in zip(range(1, 15), axes): wspd, wdir, time, hgt = wp.make_arrays(resolution='fine', surface=True, case=str(c), period=False) wp.plot_scatter2(ax=ax, wdir=wdir, hgt=hgt, mAGL=mAGL, vline=vline, hline=hline, color=color) ax.text(0., 0.05, 'Case ' + str(c).zfill(2), transform=ax.transAxes) axes[0].text(0, 1.05, 'Altitude: ' + str(mAGL) + 'm AGL', transform=axes[0].transAxes)
} labend = { 8: '15\n00', 9: '24\n00', 10: '17\n00', 11: '11\n00', 12: '04\n00', 13: '19\n00', 14: '27\n00' } for c, ax in zip(case, axes): wspd, wdir, time, hgt = wp.make_arrays2(resolution=res, surface=True, case=str(c), homedir=homedir) if c == 14: cbar = ax else: cbar = False wspdMerid = -wspd * cosd(wdir) ax, hcbar = wp.plot_time_height(ax=ax, wspd=wspdMerid, time=time, height=hgt, spd_range=[0, 30],
topdf = False case = range(13, 14) res = 'coarse' o = 'case{}_total_wind_{}.pdf' t = 'Total wind speed - {} resolution - Case {} - Date: {}' for c in case: ''' creates plot with seaborn style ''' with sns.axes_style("white"): scale=0.8 f, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(11*scale, 8.5*scale)) wspd, wdir, time, hgt = wp.make_arrays2(resolution=res, surface=True, case=str(c), homedir=homedir) wspdMerid=-wspd*cosd(wdir); wp.plot_colored_staff(ax=ax1, wspd=wspdMerid, wdir=wdir, time=time, height=hgt, spd_range=[0, 36], spd_delta=2, vdensity=0, hdensity=0, cmap='nipy_spectral', title=t.format(res.title(), str(c).zfill(2), time[1].strftime('%Y-%b')),cbar=ax1) # wp.add_soundingTH('bvf_moist', str(c), ax=ax1, wptime=time, # wphgt=hgt, sigma=1, homedir=homedir) if topdf: savename = o.format(str(c).zfill(2), res)
gs0 = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, hspace=0.15) axes = range(2) axes[0] = plt.subplot(gs0[0], gid='(a) 23-24Jan01') axes[1] = plt.subplot(gs0[1], gid='(b) 17Feb01') labend = { 3: '25\n00', 7: '18\n08', } for c, ax in zip(case, axes): out = wp.make_arrays2(resolution=res, add_surface=True, case=str(c), interp_hgts=np.linspace(0.160, 3.74, 40)) wspd, wdir, time, hgt = out if ax.get_gid() == '(a) 23-24Jan01': cbar = ax cbarinvi = False else: cbar = True cbarinvi = True ''' wind speed target ''' ucomp = -wspd * sind(wdir) vcomp = -wspd * cosd(wdir) x = ucomp * sind(230)
time['tta'][1] = np.where(drange == tta[1])[0] ''' last xlabel ''' labend = {8: '15\n00', 9: '24\n00', 10: '17\n00', 11: '10\n00', 12: '03\n00', 13: '19\n00', 14: '26\n00' } for c, ax in zip(case, axes): wspd, wdir, time, hgt = wp.make_arrays2(resolution=res, add_surface=True, case=str(c), ) # print [time[0],time[-1]] if c == 14: cbar_inv = False else: cbar_inv = True wspdMerid = -wspd * cosd(wdir) if c == 13: foo = wspdMerid ax, hcbar, img = wp.plot_time_height(ax=ax,
time['tta'][1] = np.where(drange == tta[1])[0] ''' last xlabel ''' labend = {8: '15\n00', 9: '24\n00', 10: '17\n00', 11: '10\n00', 12: '03\n00', 13: '19\n00', 14: '26\n00' } for c, ax in zip(case, axes): wspd, wdir, time, hgt = wp.make_arrays2(resolution=res, add_surface=True, case=str(c), ) # print [time[0],time[-1]] if c == 14: cbar_inv = False else: cbar_inv = True wspdMerid = -wspd * cosd(wdir); if c == 13: foo = wspdMerid ax, hcbar = wp.plot_time_height(ax=ax, wspd=wspdMerid, time=time,
drange = pd.date_range(start=wp_st,end=wp_en,freq='1H') time['tta'][0] = np.where(drange == tta[0])[0] time['tta'][1] = np.where(drange == tta[1])[0] params = [ '$\overline{WDIR}_{500}<140$, nh$\geq1\,(2,4)$', '$\overline{WDIR}_{500}<150$, nh$\geq1$', '$\overline{WDIR}_{500}<160$, nh$\geq1$', '$\overline{WDIR}_{500}<150$, nh$\geq2$', ] for c, ax in zip(case, axes): wspd, wdir, time, hgt = wp.make_arrays2(resolution=res, add_surface=True, case=str(c), ) cbar_inv = False wspdMerid = -wspd*cosd(wdir) if c == 13: foo = wspdMerid ax, hcbar, im = wp.plot_time_height(ax=ax, wspd=wspdMerid, time=time, height=hgt, spd_range=[0, 30], spd_delta=2, cmap='jet',
topdf = False case = range(13, 14) res = 'coarse' o = 'case{}_total_wind_{}.pdf' t = 'Total wind speed - {} resolution - Case {} - Date: {}' for c in case: ''' creates plot with seaborn style ''' with sns.axes_style("white"): scale = 0.8 f, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(11 * scale, 8.5 * scale)) wspd, wdir, time, hgt = wp.make_arrays2(resolution=res, surface=True, case=str(c), homedir=homedir) wspdMerid = -wspd * cosd(wdir) wp.plot_colored_staff(ax=ax1, wspd=wspdMerid, wdir=wdir, time=time, height=hgt, spd_range=[0, 36], spd_delta=2, vdensity=0, hdensity=0, cmap='nipy_spectral',
axes = range(2) axes[0] = plt.subplot(gs0[0],gid='(a) 23-24Jan01') axes[1] = plt.subplot(gs0[1],gid='(b) 17Feb01') labend={3:'25\n00', 7: '18\n08', } for c, ax in zip(case, axes): out = wp.make_arrays2(resolution=res, add_surface=True, case=str(c), interp_hgts=np.linspace(0.160, 3.74, 40)) wspd, wdir, time, hgt = out if ax.get_gid() == '(a) 23-24Jan01': cbar = ax cbarinvi=False else: cbar = True cbarinvi=True ''' wind speed target ''' ucomp = -wspd*sind(wdir) vcomp = -wspd*cosd(wdir)
import Windprof2 as wp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import numpy as np fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(11, 9), sharex=True, sharey=True) axes = axes.flatten() wd_lim_surf = 125 wd_lim_aloft = 170 mAGL, color = [120, 'navy'] # mAGL,color=[500,'green'] for c, ax in zip(range(12, 13), axes): wspd, wdir, time, hgt = wp.make_arrays( resolution='coarse', surface=True, case=str(c)) wp.plot_scatter2(ax=ax, wdir=wdir, hgt=hgt, time=time, mAGL=mAGL, lim_surf=wd_lim_surf, lim_aloft=wd_lim_aloft, color=color) ax.text(0., 0.05, 'Case '+str(c).zfill(2), transform=ax.transAxes) axes[0].text( 0, 1.05, 'Altitude: '+str(mAGL) + 'm AGL', transform=axes[0].transAxes) axes[6].set_xlabel('wind direction surface') axes[6].text(wd_lim_surf, -20, str(wd_lim_surf), ha='center') axes[6].text(0, -20, '0', ha='center') axes[0].set_ylabel('wind direction aloft') axes[0].text(380, wd_lim_aloft, str(wd_lim_aloft), va='center', rotation=90) axes[0].text(380, 0, '0', va='center', rotation=90) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.05, top=0.95, hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) fig.delaxes(axes[7]) fig.delaxes(axes[8])
14:{'tta':[None,None], 'xpol':[0.58,0.41]} } labend={8:'15\n00', 9: '24\n00', 10:'17\n00', 11:'11\n00', 12:'04\n00', 13:'19\n00', 14:'27\n00' } for c, ax in zip(case, axes): wspd, wdir, time, hgt = wp.make_arrays2(resolution=res, surface=True, case=str(c), homedir=homedir) if c == 14: cbar = ax else: cbar = False wspdMerid=-wspd*cosd(wdir); ax, hcbar = wp.plot_time_height(ax=ax, wspd=wspdMerid, time=time, height=hgt, spd_range=[0, 30], spd_delta=4, cmap='nipy_spectral', cbar=cbar
# surface=True, # case=str(case), # period=False) # wp.plot_scatter(wdir=wdir,hgt=hgt,title='Case '+str(case).zfill(2)) # fig, axes = plt.subplots(5,3, figsize=(11,15), sharex=True, sharey=True) axes=axes.flatten() vline=130 hline=170 mAGL,color=[120,'navy'] # mAGL,color=[500,'green'] for c, ax in zip(range(1,15), axes): wspd,wdir,time,hgt = wp.make_arrays(resolution='fine', surface=True, case=str(c),period=False) wp.plot_scatter2(ax=ax,wdir=wdir,hgt=hgt,mAGL=mAGL,vline=vline,hline=hline,color=color) ax.text(0.,0.05,'Case '+str(c).zfill(2),transform=ax.transAxes) axes[0].text(0,1.05,'Altitude: '+str(mAGL) +'m AGL',transform=axes[0].transAxes) axes[13].set_xlabel('wind direction surface') axes[13].text(vline,-20,str(vline),ha='center') axes[13].text(0,-20,'0',ha='center') axes[6].set_ylabel('wind direction aloft') axes[6].text(380,hline,str(hline),va='center',rotation=90) axes[6].text(380,0,'0',va='center', rotation=90) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.05,top=0.95,hspace=0.05,wspace=0.05) fig.delaxes(axes[-1])