Example #1
def mainGenerate():
    '''Perform a full generation run, from array, png to world creation'''
    #Generate the world and tree
    world, root = generateWorld()
    #Create the bases from the world and the tree
    world, bases = createBases(world, root)

    #Create the robots from the bases
    robots = addRobots(bases)
    #Convert the bases to world space
    baseBlocks = createBaseBlocks(bases)
    #Convert the robot positions to world space
    robotPositions = convertRobotsToWorld(robots)

    #Create a list of obstacles
    obstacles = generateObstacles()

    #Output the world as a picture
    printWorld(world, "")

    #Generate the wall parts for the tree
    generateWallParts(root, world)
    #Generate the edges of the map to mark as used
    used = generateEdges(world)
    #Calculate all the wall blocks for the tree (exclude used pixels)
    walls, used = createAllWallBlocks(root, used)

    #Make a map from the walls
    WorldCreator.makeFile(walls, baseBlocks, obstacles, robotPositions)

    #Print to indicate the program completed properly
    print("Generation Successful")
Example #2
def generateWorldFile(world, obstacles, startPos, window):
    #Array of wall tiles
    walls = []

    #Iterate vertically
    for y in range(0, len(world) + 1):
        #Create a row
        row = []
        #Iterate horizontally
        for x in range(0, len(world[0]) + 1):
            #Add each tile [present, [uWall,rWall,dWall,lWall], checkpoint, trap, goal, swamp, humanType, humanWall]
                False, [False, False, False, False], False, False, False,
                False, 0, 0
        #Add row to array

    #Iterate for each of the tiles
    for y in range(0, len(world)):
        for x in range(0, len(world[0])):
            #If there is a tile there
            if world[y][x] != None:
                #Get the human data
                humanInfo = world[y][x].getHumanData()
                #Add the wall data
                walls[y][x] = [
                    True, world[y][x].getWalls(), world[y][x].getCheckpoint(),
                    world[y][x].getTrap(), world[y][x].getGoal(),
                    world[y][x].getSwamp(), humanInfo[0], humanInfo[1]

    #Make a map from the walls and objects
    WorldCreator.makeFile(walls, obstacles, startPos, window)
Example #3
def generateWorldFile (world, root, baseBlocks, obstacles, robotPositons, numHumans, numChildren, activities, bounds, doors, window):
    #Generate the wall parts for the tree
    generateWallParts(root, world)
    #Generate the edges of the map to mark as used
    used = generateEdges(world)
    #Calculate all the wall blocks for the tree (exclude used pixels)
    walls, used = createAllWallBlocks(root, used)

    #Convert the bounds positions to world space
    bounds = convertBoundsToWorld(bounds)

    doors = convertDoorsToWorld(doors, bounds)

    #Make a map from the walls and objects
    WorldCreator.makeFile(walls, baseBlocks, obstacles, robotPositions, numHumans, numChildren, activities, bounds, doors, window)