def adicionarMusica(): global listaNomes, opcoes, lista, musica_e, z, fundo, cor_fundo_escolhida, botao_play, valor_play_pause jatem = False root = Tk() root.geometry('0x0') root.overrideredirect(False) root.iconbitmap('icones\icon_player.ico') opcoes['defaultextension'] = '.mp3' opcoes['filetypes'] = [('arquivos .mp3', '.mp3')] opcoes['initialdir'] = '' # será o diretório atual opcoes['initialfile'] = '' #apresenta todos os arquivos no diretorio opcoes['title'] = 'Selecione a música' nome_musica = askopenfile(mode='r', **opcoes) root.destroy() root.mainloop() try: fundo.fill(cor_fundo_escolhida) d = f = d.split('/') w = f[len(f) - 1] w = w.split('.') if d in listaNomes: pyautogui.alert(text='A música \"' + w[0] + '\" já encontra-se na lista!', title='', button='OK') listaNomes = listaNomes lista = lista jatem = True else: try: listaNomes.append( lista.append(w[0]) musica_e = w[0] z = len(lista) - 1 except: pyautogui.alert(text='Não foi possível reproduzir a música!', title='Erro', button='OK') if valor_play_pause == 1 and jatem == False: botao_play = pygame.image.load("icones\icon_play_pause.png") valor_play_pause = 0 except AttributeError as error: listaNomes = listaNomes lista = lista salvarLista()
class WCUI: window = "" Sc_height = 0 Sc_width = 0 def __init__(self): self.window = Tk() self.window.title("Web Customizer") self.window.geometry('800x800') self.window.config(bg="white") self.window.overrideredirect(False) self.Sc_height = self.window.winfo_screenheight() // 2 self.Sc_width = self.window.winfo_screenwidth() // 2 self.window.geometry(f"{self.Sc_width}x{self.Sc_height}") print(self.Sc_height) self.nlpObject = Nlp() self.htmlObject = html_writer() def makeChanges(self, changes): if (len(changes) >= 3 and not (changes == None) and not (changes == "")): print(changes) self.nlpObject.proccessInput(changes) def resetpage(self): self.htmlObject.file_writer() def clearEntry(self, inputText): self.inputText.delete(0.0, 23.0) def mainmenu(self): myFont = font.Font(size=15) self.inputText = Text(self.window, height=self.Sc_height, width=self.Sc_width, bg="black", fg="white", insertbackground='white') self.inputText['font'] = myFont self.inputText.insert(0.0, 'Type changes need here ...') self.inputText.bind("<Button-1>", self.clearEntry), rely=0) resetbutton = Button(self.window, text="Reset Webpage", width=400, bg="yellow", fg="black", command=lambda: self.resetpage()) resetbutton['font'] = myFont resetbutton.pack(side=BOTTOM) button = Button(self.window, text="Apply Changes", width=500, bg="blue", fg="white", command=lambda: self.makeChanges( self.inputText.get("1.0", "end-1c"))) button['font'] = myFont button.pack(side=BOTTOM) self.window.mainloop()