def update_metadata_epochs_and_save_epochs(subject): """ This function updates the metadata fields for the epochs such that they contain all the useful information for the complexity and surprise regressions. """ # update the metadata for the non-clean epochs by adding the surprise computed for an observer that has 100 items in memory. metadata_notclean = TP_funcs.from_epochs_to_surprise(subject, [100]) epochs_notclean, fname = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items( subject, cleaned=False, return_fname=True) # load the metadata for the non-cleaned epochs, remove the bad ones, and this becomes the metadata for the cleaned epochs epochs_clean, fname_clean = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items( subject, cleaned=True, return_fname=True) epochs_clean.get_data() # ============ build the repeatAlter and the surprise 100 for n+1 ================== # 1 - update the full epochs (not_clean) metadata with the new fields RepeatAlternp1_notclean = metadata_notclean["RepeatAlter"].values[ 1:].tolist() RepeatAlternp1_notclean.append(np.nan) Surprisenp1_notclean = metadata_notclean["surprise_100"].values[1:].tolist( ) Surprisenp1_notclean.append(np.nan) metadata_notclean = metadata_notclean.assign(Intercept=1) metadata_notclean = metadata_notclean.assign( RepeatAlternp1=RepeatAlternp1_notclean) metadata_notclean = metadata_notclean.assign( Surprisenp1=Surprisenp1_notclean) epochs_notclean.metadata = metadata_notclean, overwrite=True) # 2 - subselect only the good epochs indices to filter the metadata if subject == 'sub16-ma_190185': # in the case of sub16, no epochs are removed in the process of cleaning metadata_clean = metadata_notclean else: good_idx = [ len(epochs_clean.drop_log[i]) == 0 for i in range(len(epochs_clean.drop_log)) ] where_good = np.where(good_idx)[0] RepeatAlternp1 = np.asarray(RepeatAlternp1_notclean)[where_good] Surprisenp1 = np.asarray(Surprisenp1_notclean)[where_good] metadata_clean = metadata_notclean[good_idx] metadata_clean = metadata_clean.assign( Intercept=1) # Add an intercept for later metadata_clean = metadata_clean.assign(RepeatAlternp1=RepeatAlternp1) metadata_clean = metadata_clean.assign( Surprisenp1=Surprisenp1) # Add an intercept for later epochs_clean.metadata = metadata_clean, overwrite=True) return True
def append_surprise_to_metadata_clean(subject): """ Load the metadata that contains the surprise for the non-clean epochs, removes the bad epochs from the metadata and this becomes the metadata for the clean epochs :param subject: :return: """ meg_subject_dir = op.join(config.meg_dir, subject) if config.noEEG: meg_subject_dir = op.join(meg_subject_dir, 'noEEG') metadata_path = os.path.join(meg_subject_dir, 'metadata_item_clean.pkl') metadata = epoching_funcs.update_metadata(subject, clean=False, new_field_name=None, new_field_values=None, recompute=False) epochs = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(subject, cleaned=True) good_idx = [ len(epochs.drop_log[i]) == 0 for i in range(len(epochs.drop_log)) ] metadata_final = metadata[good_idx] with open(metadata_path, 'wb') as fid: pickle.dump(metadata_final, fid) return True
def run_linear_regression_surprises(subject, omega_list, clean=False, decim=None, prefix='', Ridge=False, hfilter=20): epochs = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(subject, cleaned=clean) epochs.pick_types(meg=True, eeg=True) if hfilter is not None: epochs.filter(None, hfilter) if decim is not None: epochs.decimate(decim) metadata = epoching_funcs.update_metadata(subject, clean=clean, new_field_name=None, new_field_values=None) epochs.metadata = metadata df = epochs.metadata epochs.metadata = df.assign(Intercept=1) r2_surprise = {omega: [] for omega in omega_list} r2_surprise['times'] = epochs.times epochs_for_reg = epochs[np.where( 1 - np.isnan(epochs.metadata["surprise_1"].values))[0]] epochs_for_reg = epochs_for_reg["SequenceID != 1"] epochs_for_reg_normalized = normalize_data(epochs_for_reg) out_path = op.join(config.result_path, 'TP_effects', 'surprise_omegas', subject) utils.create_folder(out_path) if not Ridge: for omega in omega_list: print("==== running the regression for omega %i =======" % omega) surprise_name = "surprise_%.005f" % omega r2_surprise[omega] = linear_regression_from_sklearn( epochs_for_reg_normalized, surprise_name) # ===== save all the regression results ========= fname = prefix + 'results_surprise.npy', fname), r2_surprise) else: surprise_names = ["surprise_%i" % omega for omega in omega_list] results_ridge = multi_ridge_regression_allIO(epochs_for_reg_normalized, surprise_names) fname = prefix + 'results_Ridge_surprise.npy', fname), results_ridge) return True
def extract_good_epochs_for_RSA(subject, tmin, tmax, baseline, decim, clean, recompute=True): """ This function computes and saves the epochs epoched for the RSA. :param subject: :param tmin: :param tmax: :param baseline: :param decim: :param reject: :param which_analysis: :return: """ if recompute: print("=== we are recomputing the epochs but not saving them ! ===") if clean: epochs = epoching_funcs.run_epochs(subject, epoch_on_first_element=False, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, baseline=baseline, whattoreturn='ARglobal') else: epochs = epoching_funcs.run_epochs(subject, epoch_on_first_element=False, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, baseline=baseline, whattoreturn='') else: epochs = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(subject, cleaned=clean) epochs.pick_types(meg=True) epochs.crop(tmin, tmax) if decim is not None: epochs.decimate(decim) if baseline is not None: epochs.apply_baseline(True) epochs = epochs[ "TrialNumber > 10 and ViolationInSequence == 0 and StimPosition > 1"] return epochs
def compute_explained_variance(subject,clean=True,fname='residual_blabla-epo.fif'): import sklearn from sklearn.metrics import r2_score epochs = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(subject,cleaned=clean) metadata = epoching_funcs.update_metadata(subject, clean=clean, new_field_name=None, new_field_values=None) epochs.metadata = metadata epochs.pick_types(meg=True, eeg=True) epochs = epochs[np.where(1 - np.isnan(epochs.metadata["surprise_1"].values))[0]] y_true = epochs.get_data() epo_res = mne.read_epochs(op.join(config.meg_dir, subject,fname)) # res = y_true - y_pred => y_pred = y_true - res y_pred = y_true - epo_res.get_data() R2 = r2_score(y_true,y_pred)
def localize_standard_VS_deviant_code(subject,n_permutations = 2000,n_channels = 30,select_grad=False,cleaned=True): # ----------- load the epochs --------------- epochs = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(subject, cleaned=cleaned) epochs.pick_types(meg=True) # ----------- balance the position of the standard and the deviants ------- # 'local' - Just make sure we have the same amount of standards and deviants for a given position. This may end up with # 1 standards/deviants for position 9 and 4 for the others. epochs_balanced = epoching_funcs.balance_epochs_violation_positions(epochs,balance_param="local") # ----------- do a sliding window to smooth the data ------- epochs_balanced = epoching_funcs.sliding_window(epochs_balanced) # ============================================================================================= toi = 0.165 epochs_for_decoding = epochs_balanced.copy().crop(tmin=toi, tmax = toi) training_inds, testing_inds = SVM_funcs.train_test_different_blocks(epochs_for_decoding, return_per_seq=False) y_violornot = np.asarray(epochs_for_decoding.metadata['ViolationOrNot'].values) labels_train = [y_violornot[training_inds[i]] for i in range(2)] labels_test = [y_violornot[testing_inds[i]] for i in range(2)] performance_loc = compute_sensor_weights_decoder(epochs_for_decoding, SVM_funcs.SVM_decoder(), training_inds, labels_train, testing_inds, labels_test, None, None, n_permutations, n_channels,select_grad=select_grad) suffix = '' if select_grad: suffix = 'only_grad' save_path = config.result_path + '/localization/Standard_VS_Deviant/' utils.create_folder(save_path) save_path_subject = save_path + subject + '/'+suffix utils.create_folder(save_path_subject) + 'results'+str(n_permutations)+'_permut'+str(n_channels)+'_chans'+'_'+str(round(toi*1000))+'.npy', performance_loc)
def filter_good_epochs_for_regression_analysis(subject, clean=True, fields_of_interest=[ 'surprise_100', 'RepeatAlternp1' ]): """ This function removes the epochs that have Nans in the fields of interest specified in the list """ epochs = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(subject, cleaned=clean) if fields_of_interest is not None: for field in fields_of_interest: epochs = epochs[np.where( 1 - np.isnan(epochs.metadata[field].values))[0]] print( "--- removing the epochs that have Nan values for field %s ----\n" % field) if config.noEEG: epochs = epochs.pick_types(meg=True, eeg=False) else: epochs = epochs.pick_types(meg=True, eeg=True) return epochs
def plot_features_from_metadata(sequences=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7]): figures_path = config.fig_path + '/features_figs/' # load metadata subject 1 epo = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(config.subjects_list[0], cleaned=False) metadata = epo.metadata metadata_all = [] for seqID in sequences: print(seqID) meta_all_seq = [] for posinSeq in range(1, 17): meta_1 = metadata.query( "SequenceID == '%i' and StimID == 1 and ViolationInSequence == 0 and StimPosition == '%i' and TrialNumber == 1 " % (seqID, posinSeq)) meta_all_seq.append(meta_1) meta_all_seq = pd.concat(meta_all_seq) metadata_all.append(meta_all_seq) for feature_name in [ 'StimID', 'Complexity', 'GlobalEntropy', 'StimPosition', 'RepeatAlter', 'ChunkNumber', 'WithinChunkPosition', 'WithinChunkPositionReverse', 'ChunkDepth', 'OpenedChunks', 'ClosedChunks', 'ChunkBeginning', 'ChunkEnd', 'ChunkSize' ]: # Plot # Prepare colors range cm = plt.get_cmap('viridis') metadata_allseq = pd.concat(metadata_all) metadata_allseq_reg = metadata_allseq[feature_name] minvalue = np.nanmin(metadata_allseq_reg) maxvalue = np.nanmax(metadata_allseq_reg) # Open figure if len(sequences) == 5: fig, ax = plt.subplots(5, 1, figsize=(8.7, 4.4), sharex=False, sharey=True, constrained_layout=True) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(sequences), 1, figsize=(8.7, 6), sharex=False, sharey=True, constrained_layout=True) fig.suptitle(feature_name, fontsize=12) # Plot each sequences with circle color corresponding to regressor value for nseq, seqs in enumerate(sequences): seqname, seqtxtXY, violation_positions = epoching_funcs.get_seqInfo( seqs) ax[nseq].set_title(seqname, loc='left', weight='bold', fontsize=12) metadata = metadata_all[nseq][feature_name] # Normalize between 0 and 1 based on possible values across sequences, in order to set the color metadata = (metadata - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue) # stimID is always 1, so we use seqtxtXY instead... if feature_name == 'StimID': for ii in range(len(seqtxtXY)): if seqtxtXY[ii] == 'x': metadata[metadata.index[ii]] = 0 elif seqtxtXY[ii] == 'Y': metadata[metadata.index[ii]] = 1 for stimpos in range(0, 16): value = metadata[metadata.index[stimpos]] if ~np.isnan(value): circle = plt.Circle((stimpos + 1, 0.5), 0.4, facecolor=cm(value), edgecolor='k', linewidth=1) else: circle = plt.Circle((stimpos + 1, 0.5), 0.4, facecolor='white', edgecolor='k', linewidth=1) ax[nseq].add_artist(circle) ax[nseq].set_xlim([0, 17]) for key in ('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'): ax[nseq].spines[key].set(visible=False) ax[nseq].set_xticks([], []) ax[nseq].set_yticks([], []) # Add "xY" using the same yval for all ylim = ax[nseq].get_ylim() yval = ylim[1] - ylim[1] * 0.1 for nseq, seqs in enumerate(sequences): seqname, seqtxtXY, violation_positions = epoching_funcs.get_seqInfo( seqs) print(seqname) for xx in range(16): ax[nseq].text(xx + 1, 0.5, seqtxtXY[xx], horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=12) suffix = '' if len(sequences) == 5: suffix = '_withoutSeqID12' fig_name = op.join(figures_path, feature_name + '_regressor' + suffix + '.png') print('Saving ' + fig_name) plt.savefig(fig_name, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) plt.close(fig)
import os import numpy as np import as sio import pandas as pd import config import os.path as op import mne import glob import warnings from autoreject import AutoReject import pickle # subject = config.subjects_list[11] subject = 'sub08-cc_150418' meg_subject_dir = op.join(config.meg_dir, subject) epochs = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(subject, cleaned=False) # run autoreject "global" -> just get the thresholds reject = get_rejection_threshold(epochs, ch_types=['mag', 'grad', 'eeg']) epochs1 = epochs.copy().drop_bad(reject=reject) fname = op.join(meg_subject_dir, 'epochs_globalAR-epo.fif') print("Saving: ", fname), overwrite=True) # run autoreject "local" ar = AutoReject() epochs2, reject_log = ar.fit_transform(epochs, return_log=True) fname = op.join(meg_subject_dir, 'epochs_localAR-epo.fif') print("Saving: ", fname), overwrite=True) # Save autoreject reject_log
# fig = sns.heatmap(np.mean(omega_argmax,axis=0)) times_of_interest = [-0.1,0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7] inds_t = np.hstack([np.where(omega_optimal['time']==tim)[0] for tim in times_of_interest]) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 20)) plt.imshow(np.mean(omega_argmax,axis=0), origin='lower') plt.yticks(inds_t, times_of_interest) plt.colorbar() plt.title("Optimal Omega f(time,channel)") plt.ylabel("Time in sec") plt.xlabel("Channel index") # ___________ plot like plot joint the optimal omega _______________________ data_to_plot = np.mean(omega_argmax,axis=0) epoch = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(config.subjects_list[0]) average = epoch.average() average._data = data_to_plot.T average.plot_joint() # __________ average across channels _________ plt.plot(omega_optimal['time'],np.mean(data_to_plot,axis=1)) plt.xticks(times_of_interest) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Optimal Omega') plt.title('Optimal Omega averaged over channels') df_posterior = TP_funcs.for_plot_posterior_probability(config.subjects_list,omega_list=range(1,299)) df_post = np.mean(df_posterior['posterior'],axis=0)
def regress_surprise_in_cluster(subject_list, cluster_info, omega_list=range(1, 300), clean=True): """ This function regresses the data within a cluster as a function of the surprise for all the omegas specified in omega_list. 4 different types of regressions are considered, 1 - 'original_data' : for each channel and time-point 2 - 'average_time' : averaging the data across time 3 - 'average_channels' : averaging the data across channels 4 - 'average_channels_and_times' : averaging the data across channels and time :param subject_list: :param cluster_info: a dictionnary containing the keys 'sig_times': the significant times 'channels_cluster' : the channels that are significant 'ch_type': the type of channel :param omega_list: The list of omegas for which we compute the regressions. :return: dataFrame containing the results of all the regressions """ sig_times = cluster_info['sig_times'] sig_channels = cluster_info['channels_cluster'] ch_type = cluster_info['ch_type'] results = {subject: {} for subject in subject_list} for subject in subject_list: results[subject] = { 'average_channels_and_times': {}, 'average_channels': {}, 'average_times': {}, 'original_data': {} } epochs = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(subject, cleaned=clean) metadata = epoching_funcs.update_metadata(subject, clean=clean, new_field_name=None, new_field_values=None) epochs.metadata = metadata if ch_type in ['grad', 'mag']: epochs.pick_types(meg=ch_type, eeg=False) elif ch_type in ['eeg']: epochs.pick_types(meg=False, eeg=True) else: print('Invalid ch_type') epochs = epochs[np.where( 1 - np.isnan(epochs.metadata["surprise_1"].values))[0]] # ========= select the significant times and channels ====== epochs.crop(tmin=np.min(sig_times), tmax=np.max(sig_times)) epochs.pick(sig_channels) # not sure this is working actually epochs_avg_time = epochs.copy() epochs_avg_time._data = np.transpose( np.mean(epochs_avg_time._data, axis=2)[:, np.newaxis], (0, 2, 1)) epochs_avg_channels = epochs.copy() epochs_avg_channels._data = np.mean(epochs_avg_channels._data, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] epochs_avg_channels_times = epochs.copy() epochs_avg_channels_times._data = np.mean(epochs_avg_time._data, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] # ============== And now the regressions ============================================================= for key in results[subject].keys(): results[subject][key] = {omega: {} for omega in omega_list} for omega in omega_list: print("==== running the regression for omega %i =======" % omega) surprise_name = "surprise_%i" % omega results[subject]['original_data'][ omega] = linear_regression_from_sklearn(epochs, surprise_name) results[subject]['average_times'][ omega] = linear_regression_from_sklearn( epochs_avg_time, surprise_name) results[subject]['average_channels'][ omega] = linear_regression_from_sklearn( epochs_avg_channels, surprise_name) results[subject]['average_channels_and_times'][ omega] = linear_regression_from_sklearn( epochs_avg_channels_times, surprise_name) return results
def regress_out_optimal_omega_per_channel(subject, clean=True): # =========== load the optimal parameters ========= load_optimal = op.join(config.result_path, 'TP_effects', 'surprise_omegas', 'omega_optimal_per_channels.npy') optimal_omega = np.load(load_optimal, allow_pickle=True).item() optimal_omega = optimal_omega['omega_arg_max'] optimal_omega = np.mean(optimal_omega, axis=0) # =========== load the data on which to perform the regression ========= epochs = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(subject, cleaned=clean) metadata = epoching_funcs.update_metadata(subject, clean=clean, new_field_name=None, new_field_values=None) epochs.metadata = metadata epochs.pick_types(meg=True, eeg=True) epochs = epochs[np.where( 1 - np.isnan(epochs.metadata["surprise_1"].values))[0]] y = epochs.get_data() # =========== we initialize the output ========= n_trials, n_channels, n_times = y.shape residual_model_no_constant = np.zeros((n_trials, n_channels, n_times)) residual_model_constant = np.zeros((n_trials, n_channels, n_times)) residual_constant = np.zeros((n_trials, n_channels, n_times)) residual_surprise = np.zeros((n_trials, n_channels, n_times)) # ======== we run the regression for each time point and each channel =============== for time in range(y.shape[2]): for channel in range(y.shape[1]): print( "----- running the regression for time %i and channel %i -----" % (time, channel)) surprise_name = "surprise_%i" % int( np.round(optimal_omega[time, channel], 0)) x = np.asarray(epochs.metadata[surprise_name]) x = x[:, np.newaxis] # ========== regression with constant ============== reg_with_constant = LinearRegression().fit(x, y[:, channel, time]) # ========== regression without constant ============== reg_without_constant = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False).fit( x, y[:, channel, time]) residual_model_constant[:, channel, time] = y[:, channel, time] - reg_with_constant.predict( x) residual_constant[:, channel, time] = y[:, channel, time] - np.squeeze( reg_with_constant.intercept_ * x) residual_surprise[:, channel, time] = y[:, channel, time] - np.squeeze( reg_with_constant.coef_ * x) residual_model_no_constant[:, channel, time] = y[:, channel, time] - reg_without_constant.predict( x) # ============================================================================================================ epo_residual_model_constant = epochs.copy() epo_residual_constant = epochs.copy() epo_residual_surprise = epochs.copy() epo_residual_model_no_constant = epochs.copy() epo_residual_model_constant._data = residual_model_constant epo_residual_constant._data = residual_constant epo_residual_surprise._data = residual_surprise epo_residual_model_no_constant._data = residual_model_no_constant save_name = op.join(config.meg_dir, subject, subject + 'residual_model_constant-epo.fif') save_name = op.join(config.meg_dir, subject, subject + 'residual_constant-epo.fif') save_name = op.join(config.meg_dir, subject, subject + 'residual_surprise-epo.fif') save_name = op.join(config.meg_dir, subject, subject + 'residual_model_no_constant-epo.fif')
def regress_out_optimal_omega(subject, clean=True): """ This function computes the regression for each time step and each optimal omega, i.e. that explains the most the variance :param epochs_for_reg: the epochs data on which we run the regression :param names: the regression variables :return: """ save_name = op.join(config.result_path, 'TP_effects', 'surprise_omegas', 'argmax_omega.npy') omega_argmax = np.load(save_name) from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.metrics import r2_score epochs = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(subject, cleaned=clean) metadata = epoching_funcs.update_metadata(subject, clean=clean, new_field_name=None, new_field_values=None) epochs.metadata = metadata epochs.pick_types(meg=True, eeg=True) epochs = epochs[np.where( 1 - np.isnan(epochs.metadata["surprise_1"].values))[0]] y = epochs.get_data() results = {} results['regcoeff_intercept'] = [] results['regcoef_'] = [] results['score'] = [] results['omega'] = [] results['residual'] = [] results['times'] = epochs.times results['predictions'] = [] results['score_per_channel'] = [] for time in range(y.shape[2]): print("======= time step %i ==========" % time) surprise_name = "surprise_%i" % omega_argmax[time] x = np.asarray(epochs.metadata[surprise_name]) reg = LinearRegression().fit(x[:, np.newaxis], y[:, :, time]) results['regcoeff_intercept'].append(reg.intercept_) results['regcoef_'].append(reg.coef_) results['omega'].append(omega_argmax[time]) y_pred = reg.predict(x[:, np.newaxis]) r2 = [r2_score(y_pred[:, k], y[:, k, time]) for k in range(y.shape[1])] results['score_per_channel'].append(r2) results['score'].append(reg.score(x[:, np.newaxis], y[:, :, time])) results['predictions'].append(np.matmul(reg.coef_, x[:, np.newaxis].T)) y_residual_time = y[:, :, time] - np.matmul(reg.coef_, x[:, np.newaxis].T).T results['residual'].append(y_residual_time) for key in results.keys(): results[key] = np.asarray(results[key]) epochs_residual = epochs.copy() epochs_reg_coeff_surprise = epochs.copy() epochs_residual._data = np.transpose(results['residual'], (1, 2, 0)) save_name = op.join(config.meg_dir, subject, subject + '_residuals_surprise-epo.fif') # ============= it is the topomap of this that is going to tell us the contribution of the topography of the variance ==== epochs_reg_coeff_surprise._data = np.transpose(results['predictions'], (1, 2, 0)) save_name = op.join(config.meg_dir, subject, subject + '_regcoeff_surprise-epo.fif') res_fname = op.join(config.result_path, 'TP_effects', 'surprise_omegas', subject, 'residuals_results.npy'), results) return results