Example #1
def MakePacketChecksum():

    global i
    global j
    pt = 0
    sumOfBites = 0
    sumOfBites = bin(sumOfBites)

    checksum = 0
    checksum = bin(checksum)
    while (pt <= 510):  #loop for checksum calculation
        data1 = buffer[i:j]
        p1 = ''.join(format(x, 'b').zfill(8) for x in bytearray(data1))
        i = i + 2
        j = j + 2

        data2 = buffer[i:j]
        p2 = ''.join(format(y, 'b').zfill(8) for y in bytearray(data2))
        q = add(p1, p2)
        i = i + 2
        j = j + 2
        pt = pt + 2
        sumOfBites = add(q, sumOfBites)

    checksum = ''.join(
        [bin(~0)[3:] if x == '0' else bin(~1)[4:] for x in sumOfBites])
    return checksum
def datasum(data):  #Calculating sum all th data that we reecived in a packet
    buffer = bytearray(data)  #typecasting all the data into array
    length = len(buffer)
    first_index = 0  #initializing all the varaible
    second_index = 2
    iteration = 0
    sum_all_Bites = 0
    sum_all_Bites = bin(sum_all_Bites)

    checksum = 0
    checksum = bin(checksum)
    while (
            iteration <= 510
    ):  # looping it 512 times ,we are fetching 1024 bytes of data in this loop in 50%in data1 and 50 % in data2,2 extra becasue of all the header in it
        data1 = buffer[first_index:second_index]  #fetches 16 bits at a time
        two_bytes = ''.join(format(x, 'b').zfill(8)
                            for x in bytearray(data1))  #joining all the bytes
        first_index = first_index + 2  #incrementing it by 2 position two fecth next 16 bits
        second_index = second_index + 2

        data2 = buffer[first_index:second_index]
        two_bytes_2 = ''.join(
            format(y, 'b').zfill(8) for y in bytearray(data2))
        sum_one_bites = add(two_bytes, two_bytes_2)
        first_index = first_index + 2  #incrementing it by 2 position two fecth next 16 bits
        second_index = second_index + 2

        sum_all_Bites = add(sum_one_bites, sum_all_Bites)  #Sum of data only
        iteration = iteration + 2
    return sum_all_Bites
Example #3
def checksum_Packets():
        global first_index
        global second_index
        global buf
        global packets_state
        global checksum
        sum_all_Bites=bin(sum_all_Bites)  #typecasting it to binary

        checksum=bin(checksum)            #typecasting it to binary

        while(iteration<=510):            # looping it 510 times ,we are fetching 1024 bytes of data in this loop in 50%in data1 and 50 % in data2
                data_1=buffer[first_index:second_index]   #fetches 16 bits at a time
                two_bytes=''.join(format(x,'b').zfill(8) for x in bytearray(data_1))
                first_index=first_index+2 #incrementing it by 2 position two fecth next 16 bits

                two_bytes_2=''.join(format(x,'b').zfill(8) for x in bytearray(data_2))

                first_index=first_index+2   #incrementing it by 2 position two fecth next 16 bits
                #print ""+str(iteration)
        checksum=''.join([bin(~0)[3:] if x == '0' else bin(~1)[4:] for x in sum_all_Bites])
        if(checksum=='111'): #Ending the transmission of the packet if there is no data to transmit

            print"All data have been sent "
            print"closing the socket"
            #print ''
        return checksum
Example #4
def SumOfData(data):
    buffer = bytearray(data)
    length = len(buffer)
    i = 0
    j = 2
    pt = 0
    sumOfBites = 0
    sumOfBites = bin(sumOfBites)

    checksum = 0
    checksum = bin(checksum)
    while (pt <= 510):  # loop for an data part
        data1 = buffer[i:j]
        p1 = ''.join(format(x, 'b').zfill(8) for x in bytearray(data1))
        i = i + 2
        j = j + 2
        data2 = buffer[i:j]
        p2 = ''.join(format(y, 'b').zfill(8) for y in bytearray(data2))
        q = add(p1, p2)
        i = i + 2
        j = j + 2
        sumOfBites = add(q, sumOfBites)  #Sum of data only
        pt = pt + 2
    return sumOfBites
Example #5
def ExtractPacket():

    global numPacks
    global ACK
    global ExSeqNo
    global packetdata

    packetdata, clientAddress = ServerSocket.recvfrom(packet_size)
    data = packetdata[0:1024]
    Check = packetdata[1024:1040]
    ExpectedSeqNo = packetdata[1040:1042]
    print("CHECKSUM   = " + Check)
    print("ExpectedSeqNo" + ExpectedSeqNo)
    datasumval = SumOfData(data)
    q = add(Check, datasumval)
    q = str(q)
    print("Sum of CHK and LOCAL and this hould be all 1  = " + q)
    ExSeqNo = str(ExSeqNo)

    if ((ExpectedSeqNo == ExSeqNo) & (q == '1111111111111111')):
        print("PACKET RECIEVED")
        ACK = int(ACK)
        ExSeqNo = int(ExSeqNo)
        backpacket = AckPacket(ACK, ExSeqNo)
        ACK = ACK + 1
        ExSeqNo = ExSeqNo + 1
        ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)
        print("ACK packet send ")

        print("Packet Not recieved")
        ACK = int(ACK)
        ExSeqNo = int(ExSeqNo)
        ACK = ACK - 1
        ExSeqNo = ExSeqNo - 1
def extracting():
    global packetdata  #telling the compiler that these varibale as been defined in global section
    global FSM_r
    global Refrence
    global No_of_kilobytes
    global selection
    global err
    global start
    global err_1
    packetdata, clientAddress = ServerSocket.recvfrom(
        packet_size)  #waitng for the packet from the sender end

    #print clientAddress
    data = packetdata[0:1024]  #pasring the data of 1 KB
    Chk = packetdata[1024:1040]  #parsing the checksum
    Refrence = Refrence + 1
    print ""
    print Refrence
    #data loss error
    if (Refrence == err_1 < 101):
        err_1 = err_1 + 1
        data = packetdata[0:1022]
        print "data loss error"

    datasumvalue = datasum(
    )  #sending it to the function to calculate all the sum of the data that we received
    received_packet = add(
        Chk, datasumvalue
    )  #adding the checksum we received and sum of all data to get "1111111111111111"
    received_packet = str(received_packet)
    SeqNo = packetdata[1040:1041]  #parsing the seqno
    #data bit error
    if (Refrence == err and err < 2):
        err = err + 1
        SeqNo = 3
        print "data bit error"

    if (FSM_r == 1):  #checking whether we recieved packet 1
        if ((SeqNo == '1') & (received_packet == '1111111111111111')):
            print "PACKET [1] is RECIEVED"
            print "CHECKSUM  = " + Chk
            print "LOCAL SUM OF DATA= " + datasumvalue
            print "Sum of CHK and LOCAL = " + received_packet
            fle.write(data)  #writting the data to the file
            backpacket = [
                '1', '1', Chk
            ]  #telling the client we received right data which had seq 0,and cheksum you sent
            backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
            FSM_r = 2  #telling the FSM to jump to next level FSM 2
            print "Sending ACK 1"
                                clientAddress)  #send the packet to client

        else:  #if our selction is non recovery, jump to next state ignoring missing packets
            if (selection == 2):
                FSM_r = 2
                backpacket = [
                    '1', '1', Chk
                ]  #telling the client we received right data which had seq 0,and cheksum you sent
                backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
                print "Im ignoring errors "
                ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)
            if (SeqNo == '2' or SeqNo == '3'
                ):  #correcting its FSM, go back to the beginning of the window
                FSM_r = 1
            elif (SeqNo == '5'):
                FSM_r = 5
            elif (
                    SeqNo == '4'
            ):  #go back to the right FSM and wait for the right packet ot arrive
                FSM_r = 4
                FSM_r = 1  #stay in FSM 1
            print "received_packet" + str(received_packet)
            #telling the FSM to stay in same level of FSM1
            No_of_kilobytes = No_of_kilobytes + 1  #since we asking the  client to send the data again ,we are incrementing the No_of Kilobytes
            print "Im here because of wrong ACK 1 bit recived by Sender "
            backpacket = [
                '5', '1', Chk
            ]  #telling client we recived a seq 1 instead of seq 0
            backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
            ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)

    elif (FSM_r == 2):  #checking whether we recieved packet 1
        print received_packet
        if ((SeqNo == '2') & (received_packet == '1111111111111111')):
            print "PACKET [2] is RECIEVED"
            print "CHECKSUM  = " + Chk
            print "LOCAL SUM OF DATA=" + datasumvalue
            print "Sum of CHK and LOCAL = " + received_packet
            fle.write(data)  #writting the data to the file
            backpacket = [
                '2', '2', Chk
            ]  #telling the client we received right data which had seq 0,and cheksum you sent
            backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
            print "Sending ACK 2"
            FSM_r = 3  #telling the FSM to jump to next level FSM 1
            ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)
            if (
                    selection == 2
            ):  #if our selction is non recovery, jump to next state ignoring missing packets
                FSM_r = 3
                backpacket = [
                    '2', '2', Chk
                ]  #telling the client we received right data which had seq 0,and cheksum you sent
                backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
                print "Im ignoring errors "
                ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)
            if (SeqNo == '3' or SeqNo == '4'
                ):  #correcting its FSM, go back to the beginning of the window
                FSM_r = 2
            elif (SeqNo == '1'):
                FSM_r = 1
            elif (
                    SeqNo == '5'
            ):  #go back to the right FSM and wait for the right packet ot arrive
                FMS_r = 5
                FSM_r = 2  #stay in FSM 2
            print "received_packet" + str(received_packet)
            #telling the FSM to stay in same level of FSM1
            No_of_kilobytes = No_of_kilobytes + 1  #since we asking the  client to send the data again ,we are incrementing the No_of Kilobytes
            print "Im sending duplicate ACK 2 bit recived by Sender "
            backpacket = [
                '1', '2', Chk
            ]  #telling client we recived a seq 1 instead of seq 0
            backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
            ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)

    elif (FSM_r == 3):  #checking whether we recieved packet
        if ((SeqNo == '3') & (received_packet == '1111111111111111')):
            print "PACKET [3] is RECIEVED"
            print "CHECKSUM  = " + Chk
            print "LOCAL SUM OF DATA=" + datasumvalue
            print "Sum of CHK and LOCAL = " + received_packet
            fle.write(data)  #writting the data to the file
            backpacket = [
                '3', '3', Chk
            ]  #telling the client we received right data which had seq 0,and cheksum you sent
            backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
            print "Sending ACK 3"
            FSM_r = 4  #telling the FSM to jump to next level FSM 1
            ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)
            if (
                    selection == 2
            ):  #if our selction is non recovery, jump to next state ignoring missing packets
                FSM_r = 4
                backpacket = [
                    '3', '3', Chk
                ]  #telling the client we received right data which had seq 0,and cheksum you sent
                backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
                print "Im ignoring errors "
                ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)
            if (SeqNo == '4' or SeqNo == '5'
                ):  #correcting its FSM, go back to the beginning of the window
                FSM_r = 3
            elif (SeqNo == '2'):
                FSM_r = 2
            elif (
                    SeqNo == '1'
            ):  #go back to the right FSM and wait for the right packet ot arrive
                FSM_r = 1
                FSM_r = 3  #stay in FSM 3
            print "received_packet" + str(received_packet)
            #telling the FSM to stay in same level of FSM1
            No_of_kilobytes = No_of_kilobytes + 1  #since we asking the  client to send the data again ,we are incrementing the No_of Kilobytes
            print "Im sending duplicate ACk 3 bit recived by Sender "
            backpacket = [
                '2', '3', Chk
            ]  #telling client we recived a seq 1 instead of seq 0
            backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
            ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)

    elif (FSM_r == 4):  #checking whether we recieved packet
        print "received_packet" + str(received_packet)
        if ((SeqNo == '4') & (received_packet == '1111111111111111')):
            print "PACKET [4] is RECIEVED"
            print "CHECKSUM  = " + Chk
            print "LOCAL SUM OF DATA=" + datasumvalue
            print "Sum of CHK and LOCAL = " + received_packet
            fle.write(data)  #writting the data to the file
            backpacket = [
                '4', '4', Chk
            ]  #telling the client we received right data which had seq 0,and cheksum you sent
            backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
            print "Sending ACK 4"
            FSM_r = 5  #telling the FSM to jump to next level FSM 1
            ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)
            if (
                    selection == 2
            ):  #if our selction is non recovery, jump to next state ignoring missing packets
                FSM_r = 5
                backpacket = [
                    '4', '4', Chk
                ]  #telling the client we received right data which had seq 0,and cheksum you sent
                backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
                print "Im ignoring errors "
                ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)
            if (SeqNo == '5' or SeqNo == '1'
                ):  #correcting its FSM, go back to the beginning of the window
                FSM_r = 4
            elif (SeqNo == '3'):
                FSM_r = 3
            elif (
                    SeqNo == '2'
            ):  #go back to the right FSM and wait for the right packet ot arrive
                FSM_r = 2
                FSM_r = 4  #telling the FSM to stay in same level of FSM4
            No_of_kilobytes = No_of_kilobytes + 1
            print "CHECKSUM  = " + Chk
            print "Im here because of wrong ACK 4 bit recived by Sender "
            backpacket = [
                '3', '4', Chk
            ]  #telling client we recived a seq 1 instead of seq 0
            backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
            ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)

    elif (FSM_r == 5):  #checking whether we recieved packet
        if ((SeqNo == '5') & (received_packet == '1111111111111111')):
            print "PACKET [5] is RECIEVED"
            print "CHECKSUM  = " + Chk
            print "LOCAL SUM OF DATA=" + datasumvalue
            print "Sum of CHK and LOCAL = " + received_packet
            fle.write(data)  #writting the data to the file
            backpacket = [
                '5', '5', Chk
            ]  #telling the client we received right data which had seq 0,and cheksum you sent
            backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
            print "Sending ACK 5"
            FSM_r = 1  #telling the FSM to jump to next level FSM 1
            ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)
            if (
                    selection == 2
            ):  #if our selction is non recovery, jump to next state ignoring missing packets
                FSM_r = 1
                backpacket = [
                    '5', '5', Chk
                ]  #telling the client we received right data which had seq 0,and cheksum you sent
                backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
                print "Im ignoring errors "
                ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)
            if (SeqNo == '1' or SeqNo == '2'
                ):  #correcting its FSM, go back to the beginning of the window
                FSM_r = 5
            elif (SeqNo == '4'):
                FSM_r = 4
            elif (
                    SeqNo == '3'
            ):  #go back to the right FSM and wait for the right packet ot arrive
                FSM_r = 3

                FSM_r = 5  #telling the FSM to stay in same level of FSM
            No_of_kilobytes = No_of_kilobytes + 1  #since we asking the  client to send the data again ,we are incrementing the No_of Kilobytes
            print "Im here because of wrong ACK 5 bit recived by Sender "
            backpacket = [
                '4', '5', Chk
            ]  #telling client we recived a seq 1 instead of seq 0
            backpacket = ''.join(backpacket)
            ServerSocket.sendto(backpacket, clientAddress)