def test_verify_signature(self): """ Ensures that the signature is validated against the github algorithim found at """ r = FakeRequest() = '''{"payload": "unittest"}''' h =['GITHUB_SECRET'],, digestmod=hashlib.sha1, ).hexdigest() r.headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json',['GITHUB_SIGNATURE_HEADER']: "sha1={}".format(h) } self.assertTrue(GithubListener.verify_github_signature(r)) with self.assertRaises(InvalidSignature): = '' GithubListener.verify_github_signature(r) with self.assertRaises(NoSignatureInfo): r.headers = {} GithubListener.verify_github_signature(r)
def test_payload_sent_to_rabbitmq(self, mocked_rabbit): """ Tests that a payload is sent to rabbitmq and that it contains the expected payload. """ instance_rabbit = mocked_rabbit.return_value instance_rabbit.__enter__.return_value = instance_rabbit instance_rabbit.__exit__.return_value = None instance_rabbit.publish.side_effect = None payload = { "exchange": "test", "route": "test", "repository": "important-service", "commit": "da89fuhds", "environment": "staging", "author": "author", "tag": "da89fuhds", } payload_copy = payload.copy() GithubListener.push_rabbitmq(payload_copy) self.assertTrue(mocked_rabbit.called) c = instance_rabbit.publish.call_args[1] self.assertEqual(c["route"], payload.pop("route")) self.assertEqual(c["exchange"], payload.pop("exchange")) p = json.loads(c["payload"]) for key in payload: self.assertEqual(payload[key], p.get(key, None), msg='key "{}" not found in call {}'.format(key, p))
def test_payload_sent_to_rabbitmq(self, mocked_rabbit): """ Tests that a payload is sent to rabbitmq and that it contains the expected payload. """ instance_rabbit = mocked_rabbit.return_value instance_rabbit.__enter__.return_value = instance_rabbit instance_rabbit.__exit__.return_value = None instance_rabbit.publish.side_effect = None payload = OrderedDict([ ('application', 'important-service'), ('commit', 'd8fgdfgdf'), ('environment', 'staging'), ('author', 'author'), ('tag', 'dsfdsf') ]) GithubListener.push_rabbitmq(payload=payload, exchange='test', route='test') self.assertTrue(mocked_rabbit.called) instance_rabbit.publish.assert_has_calls( [, exchange='test', route='test')] )
def test_parse_github_payload_tag(self): """ Tests that a db.Commit object is created when passed a create event example github webhook payload """ # Set up fake payload r = FakeRequest() = payload_tag c = GithubListener.parse_github_payload(r) self.assertEqual( c['url'], '' ) self.assertEqual( c['tag'], 'v1.0.0' ) for key in ['url', 'commit', 'author', 'tag']: self.assertIn( key, c, msg='Key "{}" not found in "{}"'.format(key, c) )
def test_parse_github_payload(self): """ Tests that a db.Commit object is created when passed an example github webhook payload """ # Set up fake payload r = FakeRequest() = github_payload.replace('"name": "adsws"', '"name": "mission-control"') # Modify the data such that the payload refers to a known repo, # assert that the returned models.Commit contains the expected data = github_payload c = GithubListener.parse_github_payload(r) self.assertEqual( c['url'], u'' ) self.assertEqual( c['tag'], None ) for key in ['url', 'commit', 'author', 'tag']: self.assertIn( key, c, msg='Key "{}" not found in "{}"'.format(key, c) )
def test_parse_github_payload_tag(self): """ Tests that a db.Commit object is created when passed a create event example github webhook payload """ # Set up fake payload r = FakeRequest() = payload_tag c = GithubListener.parse_github_payload(r) self.assertEqual(c["repository"], "adsws") self.assertEqual(c["tag"], "v1.0.0") for key in ["repository", "environment", "commit", "author", "tag"]: self.assertIn(key, c, msg='Key "{}" not found in "{}"'.format(key, c))
def test_parse_github_payload(self): """ Tests that a db.Commit object is created when passed an example github webhook payload """ # Set up fake payload r = FakeRequest() = github_payload.replace('"name": "adsws"', '"name": "mission-control"') # Modify the data such that the payload refers to a known repo, # assert that the returned models.Commit contains the expected data = github_payload c = GithubListener.parse_github_payload(r) self.assertEqual(c["repository"], "adsws") self.assertEqual(c["tag"], None) for key in ["repository", "environment", "commit", "author", "tag"]: self.assertIn(key, c, msg='Key "{}" not found in "{}"'.format(key, c))