Example #1
def maximize(grid, depth=DEPTH, alpha=MIN_VALUE, beta=MAX_VALUE):
  Maximize function for the max (AI) of the MiniMax Algorithm
  If you want to change the depth of the search tree, try to
  implement some conditions for the "early stopping" at minimize
  or set up your own limit constant.
    # TODO: Replace the value of the best_score
    # If you are not sure, check the implementation we talked about in week 2
    empty_cells = free_cells(grid)

    if depth == 0:
        return 0, heuristics(grid, len(empty_cells))

    best_score = MIN_VALUE
    best_move = None

    for i in range(4):

        moved_grid = deepcopy(grid)
        _, num, _ = move(moved_grid, i)

        if num != 0:
            new_score = minimize(moved_grid, depth - 1, alpha, beta)

            if best_score < new_score:
                best_move = i
                best_score = new_score

            # alpha = max(alpha, best_score)
            # if beta <= alpha:
            #     break

    return best_move, best_score
def maximize(grid, depth=0, alpha=float("-inf"), beta=float("inf")):
  Maximize function for the max (AI) of the MiniMax Algorithm
  If you want to change the depth of the search tree, try to 
  implement some conditions for the "early stopping" at minimize
  or set up your own limit constant.
    empty_cells = free_cells(grid)
    num_empty = len(empty_cells)
    if depth > DEPTH:
        return None, heuristics(grid, num_empty)
    # TODO: Replace the value of the best_score
    # If you are not sure, check the implementation we talked about in week 2
    best_score = float('-inf')
    best_move = None
    # TODO: Implement maximize function here
    for i in range(4):
        new_grid = deepcopy(grid)
        move(new_grid, i)
        if (not same(grid, new_grid)):
            sum_score = minimize(new_grid, depth + 1)
            if sum_score > best_score:
                best_score = sum_score
                best_move = i
            alpha = max(alpha, best_score)
            if beta <= alpha:
    return best_move, best_score
Example #3
def minimize(grid, depth=DEPTH, alpha=MIN_VALUE, beta=MAX_VALUE):
    Minimize function for the min (Computer) of the Minimax Algorithm
    Computer put new 2 tile (with 90% probability) or
    4 tile (with 10% probability) at one of empty spaces
    empty_cells = free_cells(grid)
    num_empty = len(empty_cells)

    if depth == 0:
        return heuristics(grid, num_empty)

    if num_empty == 0:
        # return heuristics(grid, num_empty)
        _, new_score = maximize(grid, depth - 1, alpha, beta)
        return new_score

    # TODO: (Optional) Implement conditions to stop the searching earlier
    # Would implement it after finish implementing Heuristics and MiniMax
    # ex) If there are enough empty spaces, we will proceed by skipping last two nodes
    if num_empty >= 6 and depth >= 3:
        return heuristics(grid, num_empty)

    sum_score = 0
    for c, r in empty_cells:
        for v in [2, 4]:
            new_grid = deepcopy(grid)
            new_grid[c][r] = v

            _, new_score = maximize(new_grid, depth - 1, alpha, beta)

            # beta = new_score
            # beta = min(beta, new_score)
            # if beta <= alpha:
            #     break

            if v == 2:
                new_score *= (0.9 / num_empty)  # Probability of 2 tile being placed
                new_score *= (0.1 / num_empty)  # Probability of 4 tile being placed

            sum_score += new_score

    return sum_score
def minimize(grid, depth=0, alpha=float("-inf"), beta=float("inf")):
  Minimize function for the min (Computer) of the Minimax Algorithm
  Computer put new 2 tile (with 90% probability) or 
  4 tile (with 10% probability) at one of empty spaces
    empty_cells = free_cells(grid)
    num_empty = len(empty_cells)

    if num_empty >= 6 and depth >= 3:
        return heuristics(grid, num_empty)
    if depth > DEPTH:
        return heuristics(grid, num_empty)

    if num_empty == 0:
        _, new_score = maximize(grid, depth + 1)
        return new_score

    # TODO: (Optional) Implement conditions to stop the searching earlier
    # Would implement it after finish implementing Heuristics and MiniMax
    # ex) If there are enough empty spaces, we will proceed by skipping last two nodes
    # if num_empty >= 6 and depth >= 3:
    #  return heuristics(grid, num_empty)

    sum_score = 0

    for r, c in empty_cells:  #random.sample(range(len(empty_cells)), min(len(empty_cells),4)):
        #r,c = empty_cells[i]
        for v in [2, 4]:
            new_grid = deepcopy(grid)
            new_grid[c][r] = v

            _, new_score = maximize(new_grid, depth + 1, alpha, beta)

            if v == 2:
                new_score *= (0.9 / num_empty)
                new_score *= (0.1 / num_empty)

            sum_score += new_score
            beta = min(beta, new_score)
            if beta <= alpha:
    return sum_score