Example #1
def kernel_NGS(dat, SHUF=0, kerwin=3):
    _td = _rt.return_hnd_dat(dat)
    Tgame = _td.shape[0]
    cprobs = _N.zeros((3, 3, Tgame - 1))

    stay_win, dn_win, up_win, stay_tie, dn_tie, up_tie, stay_los, dn_los, up_los, win_cond, tie_cond, los_cond = _rt.get_ME_WTL(
        _td, 0, Tgame)

    gk = _Am.gauKer(kerwin)
    gk /= _N.sum(gk)
    all_cnd_tr = _N.zeros((3, 3, Tgame - 1))
    ker_all_cnd_tr = _N.ones((3, 3, Tgame - 1)) * -100

    all_cnd_tr[0, 0, stay_win] = 1
    all_cnd_tr[0, 1, dn_win] = 1
    all_cnd_tr[0, 2, up_win] = 1
    all_cnd_tr[1, 0, stay_tie] = 1
    all_cnd_tr[1, 1, dn_tie] = 1
    all_cnd_tr[1, 2, up_tie] = 1
    all_cnd_tr[2, 0, stay_los] = 1
    all_cnd_tr[2, 1, dn_los] = 1
    all_cnd_tr[2, 2, up_los] = 1

    for iw in range(3):
        if iw == 0:
            cond = _N.sort(win_cond)
        elif iw == 1:
            cond = _N.sort(tie_cond)
        elif iw == 2:
            cond = _N.sort(los_cond)

        for it in range(3):
            print(all_cnd_tr[iw, it, cond])
            ker_all_cnd_tr[iw, it, cond] = _N.convolve(all_cnd_tr[iw, it,
            for n in range(1, Tgame - 1):
                if ker_all_cnd_tr[iw, it, n] == -100:
                    ker_all_cnd_tr[iw, it, n] = ker_all_cnd_tr[iw, it, n - 1]
            n = 0
            while ker_all_cnd_tr[iw, it, n] == -100:
                n += 1
            ker_all_cnd_tr[iw, it, 0:n] = ker_all_cnd_tr[iw, it, n]

    for iw in range(3):
        for_cond = _N.sum(ker_all_cnd_tr[iw], axis=0)
        for it in range(3):
            print(ker_all_cnd_tr[iw, it].shape)
            ker_all_cnd_tr[iw, it] /= for_cond

    return ker_all_cnd_tr
Example #2
def give_me_the_time(partID, fields):
    hnd_dat, start, end = return_hnd_dat(partID, has_useragent=True, has_constructor=True)

    since_page_load = hnd_dat[-1, 3]
    all_seconds             = int(_N.round(since_page_load/1000))
    minutes                 = all_seconds // 60
    seconds                 = all_seconds - minutes*60

    fields[1] -= minutes
    fields[2] -= seconds
    if fields[2] < 0:
        fields[1] -= 1
        fields[2] += 60
    if fields[1] < 0:
        fields[0] -= 1
        fields[1] += 60
Example #3
def CRs(dat, expt="EEG1", visit=None, block=1, hnd_dat=None):
    if hnd_dat is None:
        td, start_time, end_time, UA, cnstr = _rt.return_hnd_dat(
        #td, start_tm, end_tm = _rt.return_hnd_dat(dat, has_useragent=True, has_start_and_end_times=True, has_constructor=True, flip_human_AI=False)
        td = hnd_dat
    Tgame = td.shape[0]
    CRs = _N.ones(Tgame - 1, dtype=int) * -1

    for g in range(Tgame - 1):
        if td[g, 0] == td[g + 1, 0]:  #  STAY
            if (td[g, 2] == 1):
                CRs[g] = st_win
            elif (td[g, 2] == 0):
                CRs[g] = st_tie
            elif (td[g, 2] == -1):
                CRs[g] = st_los
        ##  from here, we're going to work with R=1, S=2, P=3
        #  1->2  R to S
        elif (((td[g, 0] == 1) and (td[g + 1, 0] == 2)) or  #  DOWN
              ((td[g, 0] == 2) and (td[g + 1, 0] == 3)) or
              ((td[g, 0] == 3) and (td[g + 1, 0] == 1))):
            if (td[g, 2] == 1):
                CRs[g] = dn_win
            elif (td[g, 2] == 0):
                CRs[g] = dn_tie
            elif (td[g, 2] == -1):
                CRs[g] = dn_los
        elif (((td[g, 0] == 1) and (td[g + 1, 0] == 3)) or  #  UP
              ((td[g, 0] == 2) and (td[g + 1, 0] == 1)) or
              ((td[g, 0] == 3) and (td[g + 1, 0] == 2))):
            if (td[g, 2] == 1):
                CRs[g] = up_win
            elif (td[g, 2] == 0):
                CRs[g] = up_tie
            elif (td[g, 2] == -1):
                CRs[g] = up_los
    return CRs
Example #4
def only_complete_data(partIDs, TO):
    pid = -1
    incomplete_data = []
    for partID in partIDs:
        pid += 1

        td, start_time, end_time, UA, cnstr = _rt.return_hnd_dat(

        if td.shape[0] < TO:
    for inc in incomplete_data[::-1]:
        #  remove from list
    return partIDs, incomplete_data
Example #5
from AIiRPS.utils.dir_util import getResultFN

partIDs = ["20210609_1230-28", "20210609_1248-16",
           "20210609_1321-35", "20210609_1747-07",
           "20210526_1318-12", "20210526_1358-27",
           "20210526_1416-25", "20210526_1503-39",
           "20200108_1642-20", "20200109_1504-32",
           "20200812_1331-06", "20200812_1252-50",
           "20200818_1546-13", "20200818_1603-42",
           "20200818_1624-01", "20200818_1644-09"]#, "20200601_0748-03", "20210529_1923-44", "20210529_1419-14", "20210606_1237-17", "20201122_1108-25", "20201121_1959-30", "20201121_2131-38"]

running_total = _N.zeros((3, 3), dtype=_N.int)
individual_totals = []
for partID in partIDs:
    totals = _N.zeros((3, 3), dtype=_N.int)
    _hnd_dat, start_time, end_time            = _rt.return_hnd_dat(partID, has_useragent=True, has_start_and_end_times=True, has_constructor=True)

    for i in range(_hnd_dat.shape[0]-1):
        if _hnd_dat[i+1, 2] == 1:  # WIN
            row = 0
        elif _hnd_dat[i+1, 2] == 0:  # TIE
            row = 1
            row = 2
        if (((_hnd_dat[i, 0] == 1) and (_hnd_dat[i+1, 0] == 2)) or # R to S
            ((_hnd_dat[i, 0] == 2) and (_hnd_dat[i+1, 0] == 3)) or # S to P
            ((_hnd_dat[i, 0] == 3) and (_hnd_dat[i+1, 0] == 1))):  # P to R
            #  DOWNGRADE
            totals[row, 0] += 1
            running_total[row, 0] += 1                
Example #6
def pkg_all_data(partID):
    d_reprtd_start:  delay RPSM game start relative to DSi - as calculated by reported JS start time and DSi start time.
    dt_sys_clks:  how much system times are off.

    d_reprtd_start = RPSM(start) - DSi(start)
    RPSM  say 12:00:00, DSi says 11:59:30      +30 
    if same_time_RPSM is 12:00:00 and same_time_EEG is 11:59:35,
    then d_sys_clks = 25
    11:59:35 (RPSM) and 11:59:30  (DSi)
    d_start        = d_reprtd_start - d_sys_clks

    if d_start > 0, RPSM started AFTER EEG
    if d_start < 0, RPSM started BEFORE EEG

    print("partID   %s" % partID)
    dat_pkg = {}
    dsi_fn = rpsms.rpsm_partID_as_key[partID]

    #same_time_RPSM  = params4partID[partID][0]   #  from calibration.html
    #same_time_EEG   = params4partID[partID][1]   #  from calibration.html

    rpsm_fn = "rpsm_%s.dat" % partID

    _hnd_dat, start_time, end_time, UA, cnstr = _rt.return_hnd_dat(

    reprtd_start_RPSM_str = start_time  #rpsm_key[8:15]     #  from key name
    #if dsi_fn is not None:
    #     reprtd_start_EEG_str   = dsi_fn[10:18]

    #day = partID[0:8]
    #time= partID[9:]

    #eeg_dir       = "~/Sites/taisen/DATA/EEG1/%(day)s/%(dt)s/" % {"day" : day, "dt" : partID}

    trials = _hnd_dat.shape[0]
    print("!!!!!  trials %d" % trials)

    #  the weight each one should have is just proportional to the # of events
    #  of the condition (WTL) observed.

    tr0 = 0
    tr1 = trials

    hnd_dat = _N.array(_hnd_dat[tr0:tr1])  #0:trials-trim_trials])

    dat_pkg["lat"] = []
    dat_pkg["behv"] = []
    dat_pkg["behv_ts"] = []

    #savgol_win                   = params4partID[partID][5]
    sum_chosen_behv_sig = None  #_N.zeros((len(behv_list), Tm1))
    sigcov_behv_sig = None
    sigcov_behv_fsig = None
    behv_list = _N.array([0, 1, 2], _N.int)

    for bi in range(0, 1):
        if behv_list[bi] == _cnst._WTL:
            sig_cov = _N.array([_W, _T, _L])
            sig_cov = _N.array([_R, _P, _S])
        sig_cov = behv_list[bi]
        behv_file = fns[bi]
            getResultFN("%(rpsm)s/%(lb)d/%(fl)s.dmp" % {
                "rpsm": partID,
                "fl": behv_file,
                "lb": label
        dmp = depickle(
            getResultFN("%(rpsm)s/%(lb)d/%(fl)s.dmp" % {
                "rpsm": partID,
                "fl": behv_file,
                "lb": label

        cond_probs = dmp["cond_probs"]
        cond_probs = cond_probs.reshape((3, 3, cond_probs.shape[1]))

    s1 = _N.sum(_hnd_dat[0:TO_GAME, 2])
    s2 = _N.sum(_hnd_dat[:, 2])
    print("%(1)d  %(2)d" % {"1": s1, "2": s2})
    return cond_probs, _N.sum(_hnd_dat[0:TO_GAME, 2])
        if stds[SHUFFLE, col] > srtd[-1]:
            return SHUFFLE + 1, srtd
        elif stds[SHUFFLE, col] < srtd[0]:
            return -1, srtd
        return rank[0], srtd
    print("woops %(0).3f   %(-1).3f   %(val).3f" % {
        "0": srtd[0],
        "-1": srtd[-1],
        "val": stds[SHUFFLE, col]
    return None, srtd

if not know_gt:
    hnd_dat = _rt.return_hnd_dat(dat_fn)
    hnd_dat = _N.loadtxt(
        "/Users/arai/nctc/Workspace/AIiRPS_SimDat/rpsm_%s.dat" % dat_fn,

stds = _N.empty((SHUFFLE + 1, 9))
means = _N.empty((SHUFFLE + 1, 9))
lvs = _N.empty((SHUFFLE + 1, 9))
lens = _N.zeros((SHUFFLE + 1, 9), dtype=_N.int)

win_st, win_dn, win_up, tie_st, tie_dn, tie_up, los_st, los_dn, los_up, wins, ties, loss = _rt.get_ME_WTL(
    hnd_dat, 0, hnd_dat.shape[0])

win_cons, _win_st_cons, _win_dn_cons, _win_up_cons = one_condition(
Example #8
entropyU = _N.empty(len(partIDs))
entropyW = _N.empty(len(partIDs))
entropyT = _N.empty(len(partIDs))
entropyL = _N.empty(len(partIDs))

cpss = []
ip = 0

pid = -1
for partID in partIDs:
    pid += 1

    _hnd_dat, start_time, end_time, UA, cnstr = _rt.return_hnd_dat(
    dmp = depickle(
        getResultFN("%(rpsm)s/%(lb)d/WTL.dmp" % {
            "rpsm": partID,
            "lb": label

    _prob_mvs = dmp["cond_probs"]
    prob_mvs = _prob_mvs[:, 0:_hnd_dat.shape[0] -
                         win]  #  is bigger than hand by win size
    prob_mvs = prob_mvs.reshape((3, 3, prob_mvs.shape[1]))
    dbehv = _emp.get_dbehv(prob_mvs, gk)
    maxs = _N.where((dbehv[0:-1] >= 0) & (dbehv[1:] < 0))[0] + (
Example #9
random_walk = True
flip_human_AI = False
process_keyval_args(globals(), sys.argv[1:])
a_q2, B_q2 = labels.get_a_B(label)

scov = "WTL"
ssig = "ME"

if tr1 < 0:
    tr1 = None
sran = ""

s_flip = "_flip" if flip_human_AI else ""
if not know_gt:
    _hnd_dat = _rd.return_hnd_dat(dat_fn, flip_human_AI=flip_human_AI)
    _hnd_dat = _N.loadtxt(
        "/Users/arai/nctc/Workspace/AIiRPS_SimDAT/rpsm_%s.dat" % dat_fn,
    lmGT = depickle("/Users/arai/nctc/Workspace/AIiRPS_SimDAT/rpsm_%s.dmp" %
    Ts = lmGT["Ts_timeseries"]

if tr1 is None:
    tr1 = _hnd_dat.shape[0]
    rr_hnd_dat = _N.array(_hnd_dat)
    rr_hnd_dat = _N.array(_hnd_dat[tr0:tr1])

inds = _N.arange(tr1)
Example #10
process_keyval_args(globals(), sys.argv[1:])
a_q2, B_q2 = labels.get_a_B(label)

scov = "WTL"
ssig = "ME"

if tr1 < 0:
    tr1 = None
sran   = ""

s_flip = "_flip" if flip_human_AI else ""
if not know_gt: 
    #_hnd_dat = _rd.return_hnd_dat(dat_fn, flip_human_AI=flip_human_AI)
    _hnd_dat = _rd.return_hnd_dat(dat_fn, flip_human_AI=flip_human_AI, has_useragent=True, has_start_and_end_times=True, has_constructor=True)
    _hnd_dat     = _N.loadtxt("/Users/arai/nctc/Workspace/AIiRPS_SimDAT/rpsm_%s.dat" % dat_fn, dtype=_N.int)
    lmGT = depickle("/Users/arai/nctc/Workspace/AIiRPS_SimDAT/rpsm_%s.dmp" % dat_fn)
    Ts = lmGT["Ts_timeseries"]
if tr1 is None:
    tr1          = _hnd_dat.shape[0]
    rr_hnd_dat     = _N.array(_hnd_dat)
    rr_hnd_dat      = _N.array(_hnd_dat[tr0:tr1])

inds = _N.arange(tr1)        
if rndmz:
    sran = "rndmz"
Example #11
wtl_num_CNTR_nonCNTR = _N.zeros((len(datetms), 3, 3, 2))

di = -1
cts = _N.zeros((len(datetms), 3, 3, 3),
               dtype=_N.int)  # date, Cond, rule, cntr,keep, ncntr

conditions = [_W, _T, _L]

for datetm in datetms:
    print("%s------------------------" % datetm)
    di += 1

    CRs = _em.CRs(datetm)
    td, start_tm, end_tm = _rt.return_hnd_dat(datetm,
    #  First find all the win conditions

    #  _W followed by a win

    #ic = -1
    for ic in range(3):  #condition in range(3):
        #ic += 1

        rep_cntr_noncntr, s_rep_cntr_noncntr = getTargetCR_cntrmvs(ic)

        #iWTLs = _N.where(td[0:-1, 2] == conditions[ic])[0]
        iWTLs = _N.where(td[0:-2, 2] == conditions[ic])[0]
Example #12
def empirical_NGS(dat,
    _td, start_tm, end_tm, UA, cnstr, inp_meth, ini_percep, fin_percep = _rt.return_hnd_dat(
    if _td is None:
        return None, None
    Tgame = _td.shape[0]
    ############  Several different dynamic conditional probabilities
    ############  We don't know what players look at, and how they think
    ############  about next move?  Do they think in terms of RPS, or
    ############  do they think in terms of upgrades, downgrades or stays?
    ############  Using a model that more closely matches the way they think
    ############  will probably better capture their behavior
    cprobs = _N.zeros((SHUF + 1, 9, Tgame - win))  # UDS | WTL
    cprobsRPS = _N.zeros((SHUF + 1, 9, Tgame - win))  # RPS | WTL
    cprobsDSURPS = _N.zeros((SHUF + 1, 9, Tgame - win))  # UDS | RPS
    cprobsSTSW = _N.zeros((SHUF + 1, 6, Tgame - win))  #  Stay,Switch | WTL

    ############  Raw move game-by-game data
    all_tds = _N.empty((SHUF + 1, _td.shape[0], _td.shape[1]), dtype=int)
    for shf in range(SHUF + 1):  ###########  allow randomly shuffling the data
        if shf > 0:
            inds = _N.arange(_td.shape[0])
            td = _N.array(_td[inds])
            td = _td
        all_tds[shf] = td

        scores_wtl1 = _N.zeros(Tgame - 1, dtype=int)
        scores_rps0 = _N.zeros(Tgame - 1, dtype=int)
        scores_rps1 = _N.zeros(Tgame - 1, dtype=int)
        scores_tr10 = _N.zeros(Tgame - 1, dtype=int)  #  transition

        ################################# wtl 1 steps back
        wins_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 2] == 1)[0]
        ties_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 2] == 0)[0]
        loss_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 2] == -1)[0]
        ################################# rps 1 steps back
        R_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 0] == 1)[0]
        S_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 0] == 2)[0]
        P_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 0] == 3)[0]

        scores_wtl1[wins_m1] = 2
        scores_wtl1[ties_m1] = 1
        scores_wtl1[loss_m1] = 0
        scores_rps1[R_m1] = 2
        scores_rps1[S_m1] = 1
        scores_rps1[P_m1] = 0

        ################################# tr from 1->0
        stays = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 0] == td[1:Tgame, 0])[0]
        scores_tr10[stays] = 2
        dngrd = _N.where(((td[0:Tgame - 1, 0] == 1) & (td[1:Tgame, 0] == 2))
                         | ((td[0:Tgame - 1, 0] == 2) & (td[1:Tgame, 0] == 3))
                         | ((td[0:Tgame - 1, 0] == 3)
                            & (td[1:Tgame, 0] == 1)))[0]
        scores_tr10[dngrd] = 1
        upgrd = _N.where(((td[0:Tgame - 1, 0] == 1) & (td[1:Tgame, 0] == 3))
                         | ((td[0:Tgame - 1, 0] == 2) & (td[1:Tgame, 0] == 1))
                         | ((td[0:Tgame - 1, 0] == 3)
                            & (td[1:Tgame, 0] == 2)))[0]
        scores_tr10[upgrd] = 0
        rocks = _N.where(td[1:Tgame, 0] == 1)[0]
        scores_rps0[rocks] = 0
        scissors = _N.where(td[1:Tgame, 0] == 2)[0]
        scores_rps0[scissors] = 1
        papers = _N.where(td[1:Tgame, 0] == 3)[0]
        scores_rps0[papers] = 2
        #  UP | LOS  = scores 0
        #  UP | TIE  = scores 1
        #  UP | WIN  = scores 2
        #  DN | LOS  = scores 3
        #  DN | TIE  = scores 4
        #  DN | WIN  = scores 5
        #  ST | LOS  = scores 6
        #  ST | TIE  = scores 7
        #  ST | WIN  = scores 8

        scores = scores_wtl1 + 3 * scores_tr10  #  UDS | WTL
        scoresRPS = scores_wtl1 + 3 * scores_rps0  #  RPS | WTL
        scoresDSURPS = scores_rps1 + 3 * scores_tr10  #  UDS | RPS
        scores_pr = scores_wtl1

        i = 0

        for i in range(0, Tgame - win):
            n_win = len(_N.where(scores_pr[i:i + win] == 2)[0])
            n_win_st = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 8)[0])
            n_win_dn = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 5)[0])
            n_win_up = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 2)[0])
            n_win_R = len(_N.where(scoresRPS[i:i + win] == 8)[0])
            n_win_S = len(_N.where(scoresRPS[i:i + win] == 5)[0])
            n_win_P = len(_N.where(scoresRPS[i:i + win] == 2)[0])
            n_tie = len(_N.where(scores_pr[i:i + win] == 1)[0])
            n_tie_st = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 7)[0])
            n_tie_dn = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 4)[0])
            n_tie_up = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 1)[0])
            n_tie_R = len(_N.where(scoresRPS[i:i + win] == 7)[0])
            n_tie_S = len(_N.where(scoresRPS[i:i + win] == 4)[0])
            n_tie_P = len(_N.where(scoresRPS[i:i + win] == 1)[0])
            n_los = len(_N.where(scores_pr[i:i + win] == 0)[0])
            n_los_st = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 6)[0])
            n_los_dn = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 3)[0])
            n_los_up = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 0)[0])
            n_los_R = len(_N.where(scoresRPS[i:i + win] == 6)[0])
            n_los_S = len(_N.where(scoresRPS[i:i + win] == 3)[0])
            n_los_P = len(_N.where(scoresRPS[i:i + win] == 0)[0])
            n_R = len(_N.where(scores_rps1[i:i + win] == 2)[0])
            n_R_st = len(_N.where(scoresDSURPS[i:i + win] == 8)[0])
            n_R_dn = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 5)[0])
            n_R_up = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 2)[0])
            n_S = len(_N.where(scores_rps1[i:i + win] == 1)[0])
            n_S_st = len(_N.where(scoresDSURPS[i:i + win] == 7)[0])
            n_S_dn = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 4)[0])
            n_S_up = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 1)[0])
            n_P = len(_N.where(scores_rps1[i:i + win] == 0)[0])
            n_P_st = len(_N.where(scoresDSURPS[i:i + win] == 6)[0])
            n_P_dn = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 3)[0])
            n_P_up = len(_N.where(scores[i:i + win] == 0)[0])

            if n_win > 0:
                #cprobs[shf, 0, i] = n_win_st / n_win
                cprobs[shf, 0, i] = n_win_dn / n_win
                cprobs[shf, 1, i] = n_win_st / n_win
                cprobs[shf, 2, i] = n_win_up / n_win
                cprobsRPS[shf, 0, i] = n_win_R / n_win
                cprobsRPS[shf, 1, i] = n_win_S / n_win
                cprobsRPS[shf, 2, i] = n_win_P / n_win
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 0, i] = n_win_st / n_win
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 1, i] = (n_win_dn + n_win_up) / n_win
            else:  #  no wins observed, continue with last value
                cprobs[shf, 0, i] = cprobs[shf, 0, i - 1]
                cprobs[shf, 1, i] = cprobs[shf, 1, i - 1]
                cprobs[shf, 2, i] = cprobs[shf, 2, i - 1]
                cprobsRPS[shf, 0, i] = cprobsRPS[shf, 0, i - 1]
                cprobsRPS[shf, 1, i] = cprobsRPS[shf, 1, i - 1]
                cprobsRPS[shf, 2, i] = cprobsRPS[shf, 2, i - 1]
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 0, i] = cprobsSTSW[shf, 0, i - 1]
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 1, i] = cprobsSTSW[shf, 1, i - 1]
            if n_tie > 0:
                #cprobs[shf, 3, i] = n_tie_st / n_tie
                cprobs[shf, 3, i] = n_tie_dn / n_tie
                cprobs[shf, 4, i] = n_tie_st / n_tie
                cprobs[shf, 5, i] = n_tie_up / n_tie
                cprobsRPS[shf, 3, i] = n_tie_R / n_tie
                cprobsRPS[shf, 4, i] = n_tie_S / n_tie
                cprobsRPS[shf, 5, i] = n_tie_P / n_tie
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 2, i] = n_tie_st / n_tie
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 3, i] = (n_tie_dn + n_tie_up) / n_tie
            else:  #  no ties observed, continue with last value
                cprobs[shf, 3, i] = cprobs[shf, 3, i - 1]
                cprobs[shf, 4, i] = cprobs[shf, 4, i - 1]
                cprobs[shf, 5, i] = cprobs[shf, 5, i - 1]
                cprobsRPS[shf, 3, i] = cprobsRPS[shf, 3, i - 1]
                cprobsRPS[shf, 4, i] = cprobsRPS[shf, 4, i - 1]
                cprobsRPS[shf, 5, i] = cprobsRPS[shf, 5, i - 1]
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 2, i] = cprobsSTSW[shf, 2, i - 1]
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 3, i] = cprobsSTSW[shf, 3, i - 1]
            if n_los > 0:
                #cprobs[shf, 6, i] = n_los_st / n_los
                cprobs[shf, 6, i] = n_los_dn / n_los
                cprobs[shf, 7, i] = n_los_st / n_los
                cprobs[shf, 8, i] = n_los_up / n_los
                cprobsRPS[shf, 6, i] = n_los_R / n_los
                cprobsRPS[shf, 7, i] = n_los_S / n_los
                cprobsRPS[shf, 8, i] = n_los_P / n_los
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 4, i] = n_los_st / n_los
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 5, i] = (n_los_dn + n_los_up) / n_los
                cprobs[shf, 6, i] = cprobs[shf, 6, i - 1]
                cprobs[shf, 7, i] = cprobs[shf, 7, i - 1]
                cprobs[shf, 8, i] = cprobs[shf, 8, i - 1]
                cprobsRPS[shf, 6, i] = cprobsRPS[shf, 6, i - 1]
                cprobsRPS[shf, 7, i] = cprobsRPS[shf, 7, i - 1]
                cprobsRPS[shf, 8, i] = cprobsRPS[shf, 8, i - 1]
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 4, i] = cprobsSTSW[shf, 4, i - 1]
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 5, i] = cprobsSTSW[shf, 5, i - 1]
            if n_R > 0:
                #cprobs[shf, 0, i] = n_win_st / n_win
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 0, i] = n_R_dn / n_R
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 1, i] = n_R_st / n_R
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 2, i] = n_R_up / n_R
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 0, i] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 0, i - 1]
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 1, i] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 1, i - 1]
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 2, i] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 2, i - 1]
            if n_S > 0:
                #cprobs[shf, 0, i] = n_win_st / n_win
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 3, i] = n_S_dn / n_S
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 4, i] = n_S_st / n_S
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 5, i] = n_S_up / n_S
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 3, i] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 3, i - 1]
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 4, i] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 4, i - 1]
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 5, i] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 5, i - 1]
            if n_P > 0:
                #cprobs[shf, 0, i] = n_win_st / n_win
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 6, i] = n_P_dn / n_P
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 7, i] = n_P_st / n_P
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 8, i] = n_P_up / n_P
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 6, i] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 6, i - 1]
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 7, i] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 7, i - 1]
                cprobsDSURPS[shf, 8, i] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 8, i - 1]

    if dither_unobserved:  #  changing probability at next observation after
        #  long period of not observing a condition (say W)
        for i in range(Tgame - win - 1, 0, -1):
            if cprobs[shf, 0, i] == cprobs[shf, 0, i - 1]:
                if _N.random.rand() < 0.5:  #  push it back
                    cprobs[shf, 0, i - 1] = cprobs[shf, 0, i - 2]
                    cprobs[shf, 1, i - 1] = cprobs[shf, 1, i - 2]
                    cprobs[shf, 2, i - 1] = cprobs[shf, 2, i - 2]
            if cprobs[shf, 3, i] == cprobs[shf, 3, i - 1]:
                if _N.random.rand() < 0.5:  #  push it back
                    cprobs[shf, 3, i - 1] = cprobs[shf, 3, i - 2]
                    cprobs[shf, 4, i - 1] = cprobs[shf, 4, i - 2]
                    cprobs[shf, 5, i - 1] = cprobs[shf, 5, i - 2]
            if cprobs[shf, 6, i] == cprobs[shf, 6, i - 1]:
                if _N.random.rand() < 0.5:  #  push it back
                    cprobs[shf, 6, i - 1] = cprobs[shf, 6, i - 2]
                    cprobs[shf, 7, i - 1] = cprobs[shf, 7, i - 2]
                    cprobs[shf, 8, i - 1] = cprobs[shf, 8, i - 2]
        for i in range(Tgame - win - 1, 0, -1):
            if cprobsRPS[shf, 0, i] == cprobsRPS[shf, 0, i - 1]:
                if _N.random.rand() < 0.5:  #  push it back
                    cprobsRPS[shf, 0, i - 1] = cprobsRPS[shf, 0, i - 2]
                    cprobsRPS[shf, 1, i - 1] = cprobsRPS[shf, 1, i - 2]
                    cprobsRPS[shf, 2, i - 1] = cprobsRPS[shf, 2, i - 2]
            if cprobsRPS[shf, 3, i] == cprobsRPS[shf, 3, i - 1]:
                if _N.random.rand() < 0.5:  #  push it back
                    cprobsRPS[shf, 3, i - 1] = cprobsRPS[shf, 3, i - 2]
                    cprobsRPS[shf, 4, i - 1] = cprobsRPS[shf, 4, i - 2]
                    cprobsRPS[shf, 5, i - 1] = cprobsRPS[shf, 5, i - 2]
            if cprobsRPS[shf, 6, i] == cprobsRPS[shf, 6, i - 1]:
                if _N.random.rand() < 0.5:  #  push it back
                    cprobsRPS[shf, 6, i - 1] = cprobsRPS[shf, 6, i - 2]
                    cprobsRPS[shf, 7, i - 1] = cprobsRPS[shf, 7, i - 2]
                    cprobsRPS[shf, 8, i - 1] = cprobsRPS[shf, 8, i - 2]
        for i in range(Tgame - win - 1, 0, -1):
            if cprobsDSURPS[shf, 0, i] == cprobsDSURPS[shf, 0, i - 1]:
                if _N.random.rand() < 0.5:  #  push it back
                    cprobsDSURPS[shf, 0, i - 1] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 0, i - 2]
                    cprobsDSURPS[shf, 1, i - 1] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 1, i - 2]
                    cprobsDSURPS[shf, 2, i - 1] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 2, i - 2]
            if cprobsDSURPS[shf, 3, i] == cprobsDSURPS[shf, 3, i - 1]:
                if _N.random.rand() < 0.5:  #  push it back
                    cprobsDSURPS[shf, 3, i - 1] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 3, i - 2]
                    cprobsDSURPS[shf, 4, i - 1] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 4, i - 2]
                    cprobsDSURPS[shf, 5, i - 1] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 5, i - 2]
            if cprobsDSURPS[shf, 6, i] == cprobsDSURPS[shf, 6, i - 1]:
                if _N.random.rand() < 0.5:  #  push it back
                    cprobsDSURPS[shf, 6, i - 1] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 6, i - 2]
                    cprobsDSURPS[shf, 7, i - 1] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 7, i - 2]
                    cprobsDSURPS[shf, 8, i - 1] = cprobsDSURPS[shf, 8, i - 2]

    return cprobs, cprobsRPS, cprobsDSURPS, cprobsSTSW, all_tds, Tgame
Example #13
def empirical_NGS_concat_conds(dat,
    concatenate given
    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12

    4 Wins at a time
    1  5  8  11
    now p(D|W)

    previous method:
    4 moves at a time
    _td, start_tm, end_tm, UA, cnstr, inp_meth, ini_percep, fin_percep, lmGT = _rt.return_hnd_dat(
    cWin = win
    if _td is None:
        print("_td is None")
        return None, None
    Tgame = _td.shape[0]
    ############  Several different dynamic conditional probabilities
    ############  We don't know what players look at, and how they think
    ############  about next move?  Do they think in terms of RPS, or
    ############  do they think in terms of upgrades, downgrades or stays?
    ############  Using a model that more closely matches the way they think
    ############  will probably better capture their behavior
    cprobsDSU_WTL = _N.ones((SHUF + 1, 9, Tgame - win)) * -1  # UDS | WTL
    cprobsRPS_WTL = _N.ones((SHUF + 1, 9, Tgame - win)) * -1  # RPS | WTL
    cprobsDSU_RPS = _N.ones((SHUF + 1, 9, Tgame - win)) * -1  # UDS | RPS
    cprobsDSU_AIRPS = _N.ones((SHUF + 1, 9, Tgame - win)) * -1  # UDS | RPS
    cprobsSTSW = _N.ones((SHUF + 1, 6, Tgame - win)) * -1  #  Stay,Switch | WTL
    pConds = [
        cprobsDSU_WTL, cprobsRPS_WTL, cprobsDSU_RPS, cprobsDSU_AIRPS,

    ############  Raw move game-by-game data
    all_tds = _N.empty((SHUF + 1, _td.shape[0], _td.shape[1]), dtype=int)
    mCRs0 = marginalCR(_td)

    for shf in range(SHUF + 1):  ###########  allow randomly shuffling the data
        if shf > 0:
            #OK = False
            #while not OK:
            inds = _N.arange(_td.shape[0])
            td = _N.array(_td[inds])
            #    mCRs = marginalCR(td)
            #probdiff = _N.abs(mCRs0 - mCRs)
            #    if len(_N.where(probdiff > 0.2)[0]) < 2:
            #        print("found")
            #        OK = True
            td = _td
        all_tds[shf] = td

        ################################# wtl 1 steps back
        wins_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 2] == 1)[0]
        ties_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 2] == 0)[0]
        loss_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 2] == -1)[0]
        ################################# rps 1 steps back
        R_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 0] == 1)[0]
        S_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 0] == 2)[0]
        P_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 0] == 3)[0]
        ################################# rps 1 steps back
        AI_R_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 1] == 1)[0]
        AI_S_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 1] == 2)[0]
        AI_P_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame - 1, 1] == 3)[0]

        icndT = -1
        for conds in [[wins_m1, ties_m1, loss_m1], [wins_m1, ties_m1, loss_m1],
                      [R_m1, S_m1, P_m1], [AI_R_m1, AI_S_m1, AI_P_m1],
                      [wins_m1, ties_m1, loss_m1]]:
            icndT += 1
            #print("%(wm)d %(tm)d %(lm)d" % {"wm" : wins_m1[-1], "tm" : ties_m1[-1], "lm" : loss_m1[-1]})
            pCond = pConds[icndT]
            icnd = -1
            for cond_m1 in conds:
                icnd += 1
                if (icndT == 0) or (icndT == 2) or (
                        icndT == 3):  #  DSU | WTL or DSU | RPS or DSU | AI_RPS
                    for ig in range(len(cond_m1) - cWin):
                        tMid = (cond_m1[ig] + cond_m1[ig + cWin - 1]) // 2
                        if tMid == Tgame - cWin:
                            print("!!!!!!   PROBLEM")
                            tMid -= 1
                        #  stays
                        if (icndT == 0) or (icndT == 2):
                            n_stays = len(
                                _N.where(td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin],
                                            0] == td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1,
                            n_dngrd = len(
                                    ((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin], 0] == 1)
                                     & (td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1, 0] == 2))
                                    | ((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin], 0] == 2) &
                                       (td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1, 0] == 3))
                                    | ((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin], 0] == 3)
                                       & (td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1,
                                             0] == 1)))[0])
                            n_upgrd = len(
                                    ((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin], 0] == 1)
                                     & (td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1, 0] == 3))
                                    | ((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin], 0] == 2) &
                                       (td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1, 0] == 1))
                                    | ((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin], 0] == 3)
                                       & (td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1,
                                             0] == 2)))[0])
                            n_stays = len(
                                _N.where(td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin],
                                            1] == td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1,
                            n_dngrd = len(
                                    ((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin], 1] == 1)
                                     & (td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1, 0] == 2))
                                    | ((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin], 1] == 2) &
                                       (td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1, 0] == 3))
                                    | ((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin], 1] == 3)
                                       & (td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1,
                                             0] == 1)))[0])
                            n_upgrd = len(
                                    ((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin], 1] == 1)
                                     & (td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1, 0] == 3))
                                    | ((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin], 1] == 2) &
                                       (td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1, 0] == 1))
                                    | ((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin], 1] == 3)
                                       & (td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1,
                                             0] == 2)))[0])

                        #  DN | cond
                        ##  This probability is at t in middle of window
                        pCond[shf, icnd * 3, tMid] = n_dngrd / cWin
                        pCond[shf, icnd * 3 + 1, tMid] = n_stays / cWin
                        pCond[shf, icnd * 3 + 2, tMid] = n_upgrd / cWin
                elif icndT == 1:  #  RSP | WTL
                    for ig in range(len(cond_m1) - cWin):
                        tMid = (cond_m1[ig] + cond_m1[ig + cWin - 1]) // 2
                        if tMid == Tgame - cWin:
                            print("!!!!!!   PROBLEM")
                            tMid -= 1
                        n_R = len(
                            _N.where((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1,
                                         0] == 1))[0])
                        n_S = len(
                            _N.where((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1,
                                         0] == 2))[0])
                        n_P = len(
                            _N.where((td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1,
                                         0] == 3))[0])
                        pCond[shf, icnd * 3, tMid] = n_R / cWin
                        pCond[shf, icnd * 3 + 1, tMid] = n_S / cWin
                        pCond[shf, icnd * 3 + 2, tMid] = n_P / cWin
                elif (icndT == 4):  #  ST,SW | WTL
                    for ig in range(len(cond_m1) - cWin):
                        tMid = (cond_m1[ig] + cond_m1[ig + cWin - 1]) // 2
                        if tMid == Tgame - cWin:
                            print("!!!!!!   PROBLEM")
                            tMid -= 1

                        #  stays
                        n_stays = len(
                            _N.where(td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin],
                                        0] == td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1,
                        n_switch = len(
                                td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin],
                                   0] != td[cond_m1[ig:ig + cWin] + 1, 0])[0])
                        #  DN | cond
                        pCond[shf, icnd * 2, tMid] = n_stays / cWin
                        pCond[shf, icnd * 2 + 1, tMid] = n_switch / cWin

                #  go back, fill in the -1s

                if icndT != 4:
                    definedTs = _N.where(pCond[shf, icnd * 3] != -1)[0]
                    definedTs_last = _N.array(definedTs.tolist() +
                                              [Tgame - win])

                    #  first -1s fill with first observed value
                    pCond[shf, icnd * 3,
                          0:definedTs_last[0]] = pCond[shf, icnd * 3,
                    pCond[shf, icnd * 3 + 1,
                          0:definedTs_last[0]] = pCond[shf, icnd * 3 + 1,
                    pCond[shf, icnd * 3 + 2,
                          0:definedTs_last[0]] = pCond[shf, icnd * 3 + 2,
                    # if I find a defined probability, go forward in time until next defined one, and fill it with my current value
                    for itd in range(len(definedTs_last) - 1):
                        pCond[shf, icnd * 3, definedTs_last[itd] +
                              1:definedTs_last[itd +
                                               1]] = pCond[shf, icnd * 3,
                        pCond[shf, icnd * 3 + 1, definedTs_last[itd] +
                              1:definedTs_last[itd +
                                               1]] = pCond[shf, icnd * 3 + 1,
                        pCond[shf, icnd * 3 + 2, definedTs_last[itd] +
                              1:definedTs_last[itd +
                                               1]] = pCond[shf, icnd * 3 + 2,
                        #print(pCond[shf, icnd*3])
                elif icndT == 4:
                    definedTs = _N.where(pCond[shf, icnd * 2] != -1)[0]
                    definedTs_last = _N.array(definedTs.tolist() +
                                              [Tgame - win])

                    #  first -1s fill with first observed value
                    pCond[shf, icnd * 2,
                          0:definedTs_last[0]] = pCond[shf, icnd * 2,
                    pCond[shf, icnd * 2 + 1,
                          0:definedTs_last[0]] = pCond[shf, icnd * 2 + 1,

                    #  if I find a defined probability, go forward in time until next defined one, and fill it with my current value
                    for itd in range(len(definedTs_last) - 1):
                        pCond[shf, icnd * 2, definedTs_last[itd] +
                              1:definedTs_last[itd +
                                               1]] = pCond[shf, icnd * 2,
                        pCond[shf, icnd * 2 + 1, definedTs_last[itd] +
                              1:definedTs_last[itd +
                                               1]] = pCond[shf, icnd * 2 + 1,

                        # for conds in [[wins_m1, ties_m1, loss_m1], [wins_m1, ties_m1, loss_m1], [R_m1, S_m1, P_m1], [wins_m1, ties_m1, loss_m1]]:

    return cprobsDSU_WTL, cprobsRPS_WTL, cprobsDSU_RPS, cprobsDSU_AIRPS, all_tds, Tgame
Example #14
def empirical_NGS(dat, SHUF=0, win=20, flip_human_AI=False, covariates=_AIconst._WTL, expt="EEG1", visit=None):
    _td, start_tm, end_tm, UA, cnstr, inp_meth, ini_percep, fin_percep = _rt.return_hnd_dat(dat, has_useragent=True, has_start_and_end_times=True, has_constructor=True, flip_human_AI=flip_human_AI, expt=expt, visit=visit)
    if _td is None:
        return None, None
    Tgame= _td.shape[0]
    cprobs     = _N.zeros((SHUF+1, 9, Tgame-win))
    cprobsSTSW = _N.zeros((SHUF+1, 6, Tgame-win))    

    all_tds = _N.empty((SHUF+1, _td.shape[0], _td.shape[1]), dtype=_N.int)
    for shf in range(SHUF+1):
        if shf > 0:
            inds = _N.arange(_td.shape[0])
            td = _N.array(_td[inds])
            td = _td
        all_tds[shf] = td

        scores_wtl1 = _N.zeros(Tgame-1, dtype=_N.int)
        scores_tr10 = _N.zeros(Tgame-1, dtype=_N.int)   #  transition

        ################################# wtl 1 steps back
        if covariates == _AIconst._WTL:
            wins_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame-1, 2] == 1)[0]
            ties_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame-1, 2] == 0)[0]
            loss_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame-1, 2] == -1)[0]
        elif covariates == _AIconst._HUMRPS:            
            wins_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame-1, 0] == 1)[0]
            ties_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame-1, 0] == 2)[0]
            loss_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame-1, 0] == 3)[0]
        elif covariates == _AIconst._AIRPS:            
            wins_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame-1, 1] == 1)[0]
            ties_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame-1, 1] == 2)[0]
            loss_m1 = _N.where(td[0:Tgame-1, 1] == 3)[0]

        scores_wtl1[wins_m1] = 2
        scores_wtl1[ties_m1] = 1
        scores_wtl1[loss_m1] = 0
        ################################# tr from 1->0
        stays = _N.where(td[0:Tgame-1, 0] == td[1:Tgame, 0])[0]  
        scores_tr10[stays]   = 2
        dngrd = _N.where(((td[0:Tgame-1, 0] == 1) & (td[1:Tgame, 0] == 2)) |
                         ((td[0:Tgame-1, 0] == 2) & (td[1:Tgame, 0] == 3)) |
                         ((td[0:Tgame-1, 0] == 3) & (td[1:Tgame, 0] == 1)))[0]
        scores_tr10[dngrd]   = 1
        upgrd = _N.where(((td[0:Tgame-1, 0] == 1) & (td[1:Tgame, 0] == 3)) |
                         ((td[0:Tgame-1, 0] == 2) & (td[1:Tgame, 0] == 1)) |
                         ((td[0:Tgame-1, 0] == 3) & (td[1:Tgame, 0] == 2)))[0]
        scores_tr10[upgrd]   = 0
        #  UP | LOS  = scores 0
        #  UP | TIE  = scores 1
        #  UP | WIN  = scores 2
        #  DN | LOS  = scores 3
        #  DN | TIE  = scores 4
        #  DN | WIN  = scores 5
        #  ST | LOS  = scores 6
        #  ST | TIE  = scores 7
        #  ST | WIN  = scores 8

        scores    = scores_wtl1 + 3*scores_tr10
        scores_pr = scores_wtl1

        i = 0

        for i in range(0, Tgame-win):
            n_win    = len(_N.where(scores_pr[i:i+win] == 2)[0])
            n_win_st = len(_N.where(scores[i:i+win] == 8)[0])
            n_win_dn = len(_N.where(scores[i:i+win] == 5)[0])
            n_win_up = len(_N.where(scores[i:i+win] == 2)[0])
            n_tie    = len(_N.where(scores_pr[i:i+win] == 1)[0])
            n_tie_st = len(_N.where(scores[i:i+win] == 7)[0])
            n_tie_dn = len(_N.where(scores[i:i+win] == 4)[0])
            n_tie_up = len(_N.where(scores[i:i+win] == 1)[0])
            n_los    = len(_N.where(scores_pr[i:i+win] == 0)[0])
            n_los_st = len(_N.where(scores[i:i+win] == 6)[0])
            n_los_dn = len(_N.where(scores[i:i+win] == 3)[0])
            n_los_up = len(_N.where(scores[i:i+win] == 0)[0])
            if n_win > 0:
                #cprobs[shf, 0, i] = n_win_st / n_win
                cprobs[shf, 0, i] = n_win_dn / n_win
                cprobs[shf, 1, i] = n_win_st / n_win
                cprobs[shf, 2, i] = n_win_up / n_win
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 0, i] = n_win_st / n_win
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 1, i] = (n_win_dn+n_win_up) / n_win
                cprobs[shf, 0, i] = cprobs[shf, 0, i-1]
                cprobs[shf, 1, i] = cprobs[shf, 1, i-1]
                cprobs[shf, 2, i] = cprobs[shf, 2, i-1]
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 0, i] = cprobsSTSW[shf, 0, i-1] 
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 1, i] = cprobsSTSW[shf, 1, i-1] 
            if n_tie > 0:
                #cprobs[shf, 3, i] = n_tie_st / n_tie
                cprobs[shf, 3, i] = n_tie_dn / n_tie
                cprobs[shf, 4, i] = n_tie_st / n_tie
                cprobs[shf, 5, i] = n_tie_up / n_tie
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 2, i] = n_tie_st / n_tie
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 3, i] = (n_tie_dn+n_tie_up) / n_tie
                cprobs[shf, 3, i] = cprobs[shf, 3, i-1]
                cprobs[shf, 4, i] = cprobs[shf, 4, i-1]
                cprobs[shf, 5, i] = cprobs[shf, 5, i-1]
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 2, i] = cprobsSTSW[shf, 2, i-1] 
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 3, i] = cprobsSTSW[shf, 3, i-1] 
            if n_los > 0:
                #cprobs[shf, 6, i] = n_los_st / n_los
                cprobs[shf, 6, i] = n_los_dn / n_los
                cprobs[shf, 7, i] = n_los_st / n_los                
                cprobs[shf, 8, i] = n_los_up / n_los
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 4, i] = n_los_st / n_los
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 5, i] = (n_los_dn+n_los_up) / n_los
                cprobs[shf, 6, i] = cprobs[shf, 6, i-1]
                cprobs[shf, 7, i] = cprobs[shf, 7, i-1]
                cprobs[shf, 8, i] = cprobs[shf, 8, i-1]
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 4, i] = cprobsSTSW[shf, 4, i-1] 
                cprobsSTSW[shf, 5, i] = cprobsSTSW[shf, 5, i-1] 
    return cprobs, cprobsSTSW, all_tds, Tgame
Example #15
win = 3

maxT = 300
expt = "SIMHUM1"
trig_infrd = []
trig_GT_rc = []
#for date in ["20110101_0000-00", "20110101_0000-05", "20110101_0000-10", "20110101_0000-20", "20110101_0000-25", "20110101_0000-30", "20110101_0000-35", "20110101_0000-40", "20110101_0000-45", "20110101_0000-50", "20110101_0000-55"]:
for sec in secs_as_string(
        0, 60):  #, "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09"]:
    #for date in ["20110101_0000-00"]:
    date = "20110101_0000-%s" % sec
    td, start_time, end_time, UA, cnstr, inp_meth, ini_percep, fin_percep = _rt.return_hnd_dat(

    ngs, ngsRPS, ngsDSURPS, ngsSTSW, all_tds, TGames = empirical.empirical_NGS_concat_conds(
        date, win=win, SHUF=0, flip_human_AI=False, expt=expt, visit=1)

    datdmp = "/Users/arai/Sites/taisen/DATA/%(e)s/20110101/%(d)s/1/block1_AI.dmp" % {
        "d": date,
        "e": expt
    lm = depickle(datdmp)

    gk_w = 2
    gk = _Am.gauKer(gk_w)
Example #16
def pkg_all_data(partID):
    d_reprtd_start:  delay RPSM game start relative to DSi - as calculated by reported JS start time and DSi start time.
    dt_sys_clks:  how much system times are off.

    d_reprtd_start = RPSM(start) - DSi(start)
    RPSM  say 12:00:00, DSi says 11:59:30      +30 
    if same_time_RPSM is 12:00:00 and same_time_EEG is 11:59:35,
    then d_sys_clks = 25
    11:59:35 (RPSM) and 11:59:30  (DSi)
    d_start        = d_reprtd_start - d_sys_clks

    if d_start > 0, RPSM started AFTER EEG
    if d_start < 0, RPSM started BEFORE EEG

    print("partID   %s" % partID)
    dat_pkg = {}
    dsi_fn = rpsms.rpsm_partID_as_key[partID]

    same_time_RPSM = params4partID[partID][0]  #  from calibration.html
    same_time_EEG = params4partID[partID][1]  #  from calibration.html

    rpsm_fn = "rpsm_%s.dat" % partID

    _hnd_dat, start_time, end_time = _rt.return_hnd_dat(

    reprtd_start_RPSM_str = start_time  #rpsm_key[8:15]     #  from key name
    if dsi_fn is not None:
        reprtd_start_EEG_str = dsi_fn[10:18]

    day = partID[0:8]
    time = partID[9:]
    eeg_dir = "~/Sites/taisen/DATA/EEG1/%(day)s/%(dt)s/" % {
        "day": day,
        "dt": partID

    trials = _hnd_dat.shape[0]
    print("!!!!!  trials %d" % trials)

    #  the weight each one should have is just proportional to the # of events
    #  of the condition (WTL) observed.

    tr0 = 0
    tr1 = trials

    label = params4partID[partID][2]
    #covWTLRPS     = dats[rpsm_key][6] if dats[rpsm_key][6] is not None else [_N.array([_W, _T, _L]), _N.array([_R, _P, _S])]
    #covWTLRPS     = dats[rpsm_key][6] if dats[rpsm_key][6] is not None else [_N.array([_W, _T, _L])]

    armv_ver = params4partID[partID][3]
    gcoh_ver = params4partID[partID][4]

    win_spec, slideby_spec = _ppv.get_win_slideby(gcoh_ver)
    win_gcoh = win_spec
    slideby_gcoh = slideby_spec

    gcoh_fn = "gcoh_%(ws)d_%(ss)d" % {"ws": win_spec, "ss": slideby_spec}

    hnd_dat = _N.array(_hnd_dat[tr0:tr1])  #0:trials-trim_trials])
    ##  calculate weight each conditional 
    stay_win, strg_win, wekr_win, stay_tie, wekr_tie, strg_tie, stay_los, wekr_los, strg_los, win_cond, tie_cond, los_cond = _rt.get_ME_WTL(hnd_dat, tr0, tr1)
    #  p(stay | W)     

    nWins = len(win_cond)
    nTies = len(tie_cond)
    nLoss = len(los_cond)

    cond_events = [[stay_win, wekr_win, strg_win],
                   [stay_tie, wekr_tie, strg_tie],
                   [stay_los, wekr_los, strg_los]]
    marg_cond_events = [win_cond, tie_cond, los_cond]

    cond_wgts   = _N.array([[[win_cond.shape[0]]], [[tie_cond.shape[0]]], [[los_cond.shape[0]]]])

    cond_wgts   = cond_wgts / _N.sum(cond_wgts)

    dat_pkg["lat"] = []
    dat_pkg["behv"] = []
    dat_pkg["behv_ts"] = []

    savgol_win = params4partID[partID][5]
    sum_chosen_behv_sig = None  #_N.zeros((len(behv_list), Tm1))
    sigcov_behv_sig = None
    sigcov_behv_fsig = None
    behv_list = _N.array([0, 1, 2], _N.int)
    fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
    for bi in range(3):
        #covWTLRPS = _N.array([_W, _T, _L])# if behv_list[bi] == _ME_WTL else _N.array([_R, _P, _S])
        if behv_list[bi] == _cnst._WTL:
            sig_cov = _N.array([_W, _T, _L])
            sig_cov = _N.array([_R, _P, _S])
        sig_cov = behv_list[bi]
        behv_file = fns[bi]
            getResultFN("%(rpsm)s/%(lb)d/%(fl)s.dmp" % {
                "rpsm": partID,
                "fl": behv_file,
                "lb": label
        dmp = depickle(
            getResultFN("%(rpsm)s/%(lb)d/%(fl)s.dmp" % {
                "rpsm": partID,
                "fl": behv_file,
                "lb": label

        cond_probs = dmp["cond_probs"]
        cond_probs = cond_probs.reshape((3, 3, cond_probs.shape[1]))
        Tm1 = cond_probs.shape[2]  # because AR1 filter is shorter by 1
        #  dNGS then should at most be Tm1 - 1
        print("trials %(tr)d   Tm1 %(Tm1)d" % {"tr": trials, "Tm1": Tm1})
        if sigcov_behv_sig is None:
            #  Tm1 - 1 (because derivative)
            sigcov_behv_sig = _N.zeros((3, Tm1 - 1))
        sigcov_behv_fsig = _N.zeros((3, Tm1 - 1))

        prob_mvs = cond_probs
        #prob_mvs[1] *= 0.001   #  make TIE condition contribution small
        prob_fmvs = _N.zeros((3, 3, Tm1))

        for iw in range(3):
            for ix in range(3):
                # if savgol_win is not None:
                #     prob_fmvs[iw, ix] = savgol_filter(prob_mvs[iw, ix], savgol_win, 3) # window size 51, polynomial ord
                #                else:
                prob_fmvs[iw, ix] = prob_mvs[iw, ix]

        these_covs = _N.array([0, 1, 2])

        #  sum over WTL condition first
        sigcov_behv_sig[bi] = _N.sum(_N.sum(_N.abs(
            _N.diff(prob_mvs[these_covs], axis=2)),
        sigcov_behv_fsig[bi] = _N.sum(_N.sum(_N.abs(
            _N.diff(prob_fmvs[these_covs], axis=2)),
        n = 0

        fig.add_subplot(3, 2, bi * 2 + 1)
        bhv = sigcov_behv_sig[bi]
        _plt.acorr(bhv - _N.mean(bhv), maxlags=30)
        fig.add_subplot(3, 2, bi * 2 + 2)
        fbhv = sigcov_behv_fsig[bi]
        _plt.acorr(fbhv - _N.mean(fbhv), maxlags=30)

        print("..................................  %d" % bi)
    # bhv1 = sigcov_behv_sig[0]
    # bhv2 = sigcov_behv_sig[1]
    # fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 5)
    # _plt.xcorr(bhv1 - _N.mean(bhv1), bhv2 - _N.mean(bhv2), maxlags=30)
    # bhv1 = sigcov_behv_fsig[0]
    # bhv2 = sigcov_behv_fsig[1]
    # fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 6)
    # _plt.xcorr(bhv1 - _N.mean(bhv1), bhv2 - _N.mean(bhv2), maxlags=30)

    dat_pkg["behv"] = sigcov_behv_sig
    dat_pkg["fbehv"] = sigcov_behv_fsig
    dat_pkg["savgol_win"] = savgol_win
    #  It is 2: because derivative of filter signal.
    #  original hand data:   size N.  N-1 filtered time points, N-2 derivative points.  So our behavioral data is size N-2
    dat_pkg["behv_ts"] = hnd_dat[2:, 3]
    print("behv_ts shape")
    dat_pkg["hnd_dat"] = hnd_dat

    #chg_rps         = _N.loadtxt("Results/%s/mdl7b_chg_rps_mns" % rpsm_key)
    #btp_rps         = _N.loadtxt("Results/%s/mdl7b_btp_rps_mns" % rpsm_key)

    # combine this with time stamp

    ###########  Reported start times of RPS, EEG
    reprtd_start_RPSM = int(reprtd_start_RPSM_str[8:10]) * 3600 + 60 * int(
        reprtd_start_RPSM_str[10:12]) + int(reprtd_start_RPSM_str[13:15])
    if gcoh_fn is not None:
        reprtd_start_EEG = int(reprtd_start_EEG_str[0:2]) * 3600 + 60 * int(
            reprtd_start_EEG_str[3:5]) + int(reprtd_start_EEG_str[6:8])
        reprtd_start_EEG = reprtd_start_RPSM
    d_reprtd_start = reprtd_start_RPSM - reprtd_start_EEG

    rpsm_hrs, rpsm_min, rpsm_secs = same_time_RPSM.split(":")
    eeg_hrs, eeg_min, eeg_secs = same_time_EEG.split(":")

    t_rpsm = int(rpsm_hrs) * 3600 + int(rpsm_min) * 60 + int(rpsm_secs)
    t_eeg = int(eeg_hrs) * 3600 + int(eeg_min) * 60 + int(eeg_secs)

    d_start = d_reprtd_start - (t_rpsm - t_eeg)

        "recording start time difference between page load and EEG hit record (negative means EEG started earlier)  %d"
        % d_start)

    hnd_dat[:, 3] += d_start * 1000
    #   RPS hands       N pts
    #   latent state is paired with previous hand and next hand obs (N-1) pts
    #   diff latent state is difference between points (N-2) pts
    #dchg_wtl_with_ts[:, 3]  = hnd_dat[2:, 3]
    #dbtp_wtl_with_ts[:, 3]  = hnd_dat[2:, 3]

    #dat_pkg["dchg_wtl_with_ts"] = dchg_wtl_with_ts
    #dat_pkg["dbtp_wtl_with_ts"] = dbtp_wtl_with_ts

    if gcoh_fn is not None:
        eeg_dat = _N.loadtxt(
            % {
                "dsf": dsi_fn,
                "av": armv_ver,
                "gv": gcoh_ver
        gcoh_lm = depickle(
            % {
                "gf": gcoh_fn,
                "dsf": dsi_fn,
                "av": armv_ver,
                "gv": gcoh_ver

    if not os.access(getResultFN("%(dsf)s" % {"dsf": dsi_fn}), os.F_OK):
        os.mkdir(getResultFN("%(dsf)s" % {"dsf": dsi_fn}))
    savedir = getResultFN("%(dsf)s/v%(av)d%(gv)d" % {
        "gf": gcoh_fn,
        "dsf": dsi_fn,
        "av": armv_ver,
        "gv": gcoh_ver
    if not os.access(savedir, os.F_OK):

    if gcoh_fn is not None:
        gcoh_fs = gcoh_lm["fs"]
        imag_evs = gcoh_lm["VEC"][:, :, 0:2]
        gcoh = gcoh_lm["Cs"]

        num_f_lvls = len(gcoh_fs)
        L_gcoh = imag_evs.shape[0]
        nChs = imag_evs.shape[3]

        real_evs = _N.empty((2, L_gcoh, num_f_lvls, nChs))
        for ti in range(L_gcoh):
            real_evs[0, ti] = _N.abs(imag_evs[ti, :, 0])
            real_evs[1, ti] = _N.abs(imag_evs[ti, :, 1])
        mn = _N.mean(real_evs, axis=0)
        sd = _N.std(real_evs, axis=0)

        OUTLR = 10
        outlrs = []
        for ifr in range(num_f_lvls):
            for ich in range(nChs):
                abv = _N.where(real_evs[:, ifr, ich] > mn[ifr, ich] + OUTLR*sd[ifr, ich])[0]
                bel = _N.where(real_evs[:, ifr, ich] < mn[ifr, ich] - OUTLR*sd[ifr, ich])[0]
        unq_outlrs = _N.unique(outlrs)

        for io in unq_outlrs[0:-1]:
            real_evs[io+1]   = real_evs[io] + 0.1*sd*_N.random.randn()
        dat_pkg["EIGVS"] = real_evs
        dat_pkg["fs"] = gcoh_fs
        dat_pkg["Cs"] = gcoh


        dat_pkg["ts_gcoh"] = overlapping_window_center_times(
            eeg_dat.shape[0], win_gcoh, slideby_gcoh, 300.)
        dat_pkg["gcoh_fn"] = gcoh_fn
        ####  time
        ts_eeg_dfind = _N.linspace(0, eeg_dat.shape[0] / 300.,

        ch_spectrograms = []
        maxHz = 50

        for ch in range(21):
            spectrograms = []
            fs, ts, Sxx = _ss.spectrogram(eeg_dat[:, ch],
                                          noverlap=(win_spec - slideby_spec))
            use_fs = _N.where(fs < maxHz)[0]

            for ihz in use_fs:

        dat_pkg["ch_spectrograms"] = ch_spectrograms
        dat_pkg["ts_spectrograms"] = ts
        dat_pkg["fs_spectrograms"] = fs
        dat_pkg["eeg_smp_dt"] = 1. / 300
    dat_pkg["win_gcoh"] = win_gcoh
    dat_pkg["slide_gcoh"] = slideby_gcoh
    dat_pkg["win_spec"] = win_spec
    dat_pkg["slide_spec"] = slideby_spec

    return savedir, dat_pkg, win_gcoh, slideby_gcoh, armv_ver, gcoh_ver, label
Example #17
              "FixedSequence(__moRSP__, [3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1]);",
              "Mimic(__moRSP__, 0, 0.2);",
              "WTL(__moRSP__, [0.05, 0.85, 0.1], [1/3, 1/3, 1/3], [1/3, 1/3, 1/3], false);"]
pid = 0
for partID in partIDs:
    pid += 1
    AQ28scrs[pid-1], soc_skils[pid-1], rout[pid-1], switch[pid-1], imag[pid-1], fact_pat[pid-1] = _rt.AQ28("/Users/arai/Sites/taisen/DATA/TMB1/%(date)s/%(pID)s/AQ29.txt" % {"date" : partIDs[pid-1][0:8], "pID" : partIDs[pid-1]})

frmgm  = 20
for blk in range(4):   #  the blocks here are relative to 'the_cnstrs'
    pid = 0
    for partID in partIDs:
        pid += 1
        print("partID    %s" % partID)
        _hnd_dat, start_time, end_time, UA, cnstr            = _rt.return_hnd_dat(partID, has_useragent=True, has_start_and_end_times=True, has_constructor=True, visit=1, expt="TMB1", block=(blk+1))

        ind = the_cnstrs.index(cnstr)
        netwins[ind, pid-1] = _N.sum(_hnd_dat[frmgm:, 2])

        #############  HP wins case
        wins = _N.where(_hnd_dat[frmgm:-1, 2] == 1)[0]+frmgm      #  HP wins
        ww   = _N.where(_hnd_dat[wins+1, 2] == 1)[0]
        lw   = _N.where(_hnd_dat[wins+1, 2] == -1)[0]        
        win_aft_win[ind, pid-1] = len(ww) / len(wins)
        netwin_aft_win[ind, pid-1] = (len(ww)-len(lw)) / len(wins)
        loses = _N.where(_hnd_dat[frmgm:-1, 2] == -1)[0]+frmgm
        if len(loses) > 0:
            wl   = _N.where(_hnd_dat[loses+1, 2] == 1)[0]
            ll   = _N.where(_hnd_dat[loses+1, 2] == -1)[0]            
Example #18
imag = _N.empty(len(partIDs))
fact_pat = _N.empty(len(partIDs))

netwins = _N.zeros(len(partIDs))

td_all = _N.empty((len(partIDs), TO, 4))
for partID in partIDs:
    di += 1

    CRs = _em.CRs(partID, expt=data, visit=1)
    #td, start_tm, end_tm = _rt.return_hnd_dat(partID, has_useragent=True, has_start_and_end_times=True, has_constructor=True, flip_human_AI=False)

    td, start_time, end_time, UA, cnstr = _rt.return_hnd_dat(

    td_all[di] = td
    AQ28scrs[di], soc_skils[di], rout[di], switch[di], imag[di], fact_pat[
        di] = _rt.AQ28(
            % {
                "date": partID[0:8],
                "pID": partID,
                "data": data

    netwins[di] = _N.sum(td[:, 2])  # / td.shape[0]