Example #1
import requests as r
import constants
import sys
import os
from API import API

# Program metadata
version = "version 0.01"
size = os.get_terminal_size()
w = size.columns
# API variebles
apis = []
googleMaps = API("Google Maps API", 1.0, "a", constants.JAVASCRIPT, constants.EMBED, constants.API_KEY)
googleMaps.registerFunc("Standard Map", "The standard google map", "googleMaps\\android\\hello.java")
googleMaps.registerFunc("Std. Map w/ marker", "Map with custom marker text", "googleMaps\\android\\hellomarker.java")
googleMaps.registerFunc("Map types", "Map with choice of types", "googleMaps\\android\\type.java")
googleMaps.registerFunc("Map w/ custom markers", "Map with custom marker image", "googleMaps\\android\\markerimage.java")
googleMaps.registerFunc("Map w/ flat markers", "Map w/ flat marker img that rotate w/ prespective", "googleMaps\\android\\markerflat.java")

def startup():
    print("=" * w)
    print(" " * int(w/2-4) + "motherApi")
    print(" " * int(w/2-6) + "By Jake Irvine")
    print(" " * int(w/2-5) + version)
    print(" " * int(w/2-12) + "Testing Internet Connectivity:")
        res = r.get("http://www.google.com")