async def api_login(*, email, password, rememberme): if not email: raise APIValueError('email', 'Invalid email.') if not password: raise APIValueError('password', 'Invalid password.') users = await User.findAll(where='email=?', args=[email]) if len(users) == 0: raise APIValueError('email', 'Email not exist.') user = users[0] # 检查密码 sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update('utf-8')) sha1.update(b':') sha1.update(password.encode('utf-8'))'password:%s' % user.password)'sha1:%s' % sha1.hexdigest()) if user.password != sha1.hexdigest(): raise APIValueError('password', 'Invalid password.') # 密码正确,设置cookie r = web.Response() if rememberme: max_age = configs.cookie.max_age_long else: max_age = configs.cookie.max_age r.set_cookie(, user2cookie(user, max_age), max_age=max_age, httponly=True) user.password = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_modify_password(request, *, user_id, password0, password1, password2): if request.__user__ is None: raise APIPermissionError('You must login first!') if not user_id or not user_id.strip(): raise APIValueError('user_id', 'user_id can not be empty.') if not password0 or not password0.strip(): raise APIValueError('password0', 'old password can not be empty.') if not password1 or not RE_SHA1.match(password1): raise APIValueError('password1', 'Invalid new password.') if not password2 or not RE_SHA1.match(password2): raise APIValueError('password2', 'Invalid confirmimg password.') user = await User.find(user_id) if user is None: raise APIResourceNotFoundError('User not found') # 检查密码 sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update(user_id.encode('utf-8')) sha1.update(b':') sha1.update(password0.encode('utf-8')) if user.password != sha1.hexdigest(): raise APIValueError('password', 'Invalid old password.') # 修改密码 sha1_password = '******' % (user_id, password1) user.password = hashlib.sha1(sha1_password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() await user.update() return dict(user_id=user_id)
async def api_update_blog(id, request, *, title, summary, content, cat_name): if request.__user__ is None or not request.__user__.admin: raise APIPermissionError('Only admin can do this!') if not title or not title.strip(): raise APIValueError('title', 'Title can not be empty.') if not summary or not summary.strip(): summary = content.strip()[:200] elif len(summary.strip()) > 200: raise APIValueError('summary', 'Length of summary can not be larger than 200.') if not content or not content.strip(): raise APIValueError('content', 'Content can not be empty.') blog = await Blog.find(id) blog.title = title.strip() blog.summary = summary.strip() blog.content = content.strip() if not cat_name or not cat_name.strip(): blog.cat_name = None blog.cat_id = None else: blog.cat_name = cat_name.strip() cats = await Category.findAll(where='name=?', args=[cat_name.strip()]) if (len(cats) == 0): raise APIValueError('cat_name', 'cat_name is not belong to Category.') blog.cat_id = cats[0].id await blog.update() return blog
async def authenticate(*, email, passwd): if not email: raise APIValueError('email', 'invalid email.') if not passwd: raise APIValueError('passwd', 'invalid password.') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) == 0: raise APIValueError('email', 'Email not exist.') user = users[0] # check passwd #print( sha1_pwd = '%s:%s' % (, passwd) #print(passwd) passwd_has1 = hashlib.sha1(sha1_pwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if passwd_has1 != user.passwd: raise APIValueError('passwd', 'invalid password.') # authenticate ok,set cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_signin(*, email, name, password): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not password or not RE_SHA1.match(password): raise APIValueError('password') users = await User.findAll(where='email=?', args=[email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('signup:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_password = '******' % (uid, password) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, password=hashlib.sha1( sha1_password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image=configs.web_meta.user_image) await # 设置cookie r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(, user2cookie(user, configs.cookie.max_age), max_age=configs.cookie.max_age, httponly=True) user.password = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_register_user(*, email, name, passwd): if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd or not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('passwd') users = await User.findAll('email=?', [email]) if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) await # make session cookie: r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def authenticate(*,email,passwd): if not email: raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd: raise APIValueError('passwd') users = await User.findAll(where='email=?',args=[email]) # 在数据库中查找email,将以list形式返回 if len(users) == 0: raise APIValueError('email','Email not exist.') user = users[0]# 取得用户记录.事实上,就只有一条用户记录,只不过返回的是list #把登录密码转化格式并进行摘要算法 sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update("utf-8")) sha1.update(b":") sha1.update(passwd.encode("utf-8")) if user.passwd != sha1.hexdigest(): raise APIValueError("passwd", "Invalid password") # 用户登录之后,同样的设置一个cookie,与注册用户部分的代码完全一样 r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = "*****" r.content_type = "application/json" r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf-8") return r
async def api_register_user(*,name,email,passwd): if not name or not name.strip():#如果名字是空格或没有返错 raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not passwd and not _RE_SHA1.match(passwd): raise APIValueError('password') users = await User.findAll(where='email=?', args=[email])# 查询邮箱是否已注册,查看ORM框架源码 if len(users) > 0: raise APIError('register:failed','email','Email is already in use.') # 接下来就是注册到数据库上,具体看会ORM框架中的models源码 # 这里用来注册数据库表id不是使用Use类中的默认id生成,而是调到外部来,原因是后面的密码存储摘要算法时,会把id使用上。 uid = next_id() sha1_passwd = '%s:%s' % (uid, passwd) user = User(id=uid, name=name.strip(), email=email, passwd=hashlib.sha1(sha1_passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), image='' % hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())# await #制作cookie返回返回浏览器客户端 r = web.Response() r.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, user2cookie(user, 86400), max_age=86400, httponly=True) user.passwd = '******' # 掩盖passwd r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(user, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
async def api_create_blog(request, *, name, summary, content): check_admin(request) if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name', 'Name cannot be empty.') if not summary or not summary.strip(): raise APIValueError('summary', 'Summary cannot be empty.') if not content or not content.strip(): raise APIValueError('content', 'Content cannot be empty.') blog = Blog(user_id =, user_name =, user_image = request.__user__.image, name = name.strip(), summary = summary.strip(), content = content.strip()) await return blog
async def api_update_blog(id, request, *, name, summary, content): check_admin(request) blog = await Blog.find(id) if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name', 'name cannot be empty.') if not summary or not summary.strip(): raise APIValueError('summary', 'summary cannot be empty.') if not content or not content.strip(): raise APIValueError('content', 'content cannot be empty.') = name.strip() blog.summary = summary.strip() blog.content = content.strip() await blog.update() return blog
async def api_create_category(request, *, name): if request.__user__ is None or not request.__user__.admin: raise APIPermissionError('Only admin can do this!') if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name', 'Name can not be empty.') cat = Category(name=name.strip()) await return cat
async def api_update_category(id, request, *, name): if request.__user__ is None or not request.__user__.admin: raise APIPermissionError('Only admin can do this!') if not name or not name.strip(): raise APIValueError('name', 'Name can not be empty.') cat = await Category.find(id) = name.strip() await cat.update() return cat
async def api_create_comment(id, request, *, content): user = request.__user__ # 登录再说 if not user: raise APIPermissionError('Please signin first.') if not content or not content.strip(): raise APIValueError('content', 'content cannot be empty.') blog = await Blog.find(id) if blog is None: raise APIResourceNotfoundError('Blog') comment = Comment(,,, user_image=user.image, content=content.strip()) await return comment
async def api_reset_password(*, email): # 重置密码 if not email: raise APIValueError('email', 'Invalid email.') users = await User.findAll(where='email=?', args=[email]) if len(users) == 0: raise APIValueError('email', 'Email not exist.') user = users[0] s = '%s:%d' % (, int(time.time() * 1000)) password0 = hashlib.md5(s.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:10] # 重置后的密码 password1 = '%s:%s' % (email, password0) password1 = hashlib.sha1( password1.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() # 模拟客户端用email加密密码 sha1_password = '******' % (, password1) user.password = hashlib.sha1(sha1_password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() await user.update() # 发送email from_addr = password = to_addr = email smtp_server = smtp_port = msg = MIMEText('您的密码已经重置,请使用新密码登陆网站并尽快修改密码。\n重置后的新密码为: ' + password0, 'plain', 'utf-8') msg['From'] = _format_addr('管理员 <%s>' % from_addr) msg['To'] = _format_addr('%s <%s>' % (, to_addr)) msg['Subject'] = Header('来自 ' + configs.web_meta.web_name + ' - 重置密码', 'utf-8').encode() server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port) server.starttls() server.set_debuglevel(1) server.login(from_addr, password) server.sendmail(from_addr, [to_addr], msg.as_string()) server.quit() return dict(email=email)
async def api_create_comment(id, request, *, content): user = request.__user__ if user is None or not user.admin: raise APIPermissionError('Only admin can do this!') if not content or not content.strip(): raise APIValueError('comment', 'Comment can not be empty.') blog = await Blog.find(id) if blog is None: raise APIResourceNotFoundError('Blog') comment = Comment(,,, user_image=user.image, content=content.strip()) await return comment