def generateNetworkMap(source_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, target_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI):
    srcurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/network/?action=list' % source_api.server
    tgturl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/network/?action=list' % target_api.server

    srcresp = source_api.makeCall(url=srcurl)
    if not responseHandler(srcresp):
        return None
    tgtresp = target_api.makeCall(url=tgturl)
    if not responseHandler(tgtresp):
        return None

    srclist = srcresp.find('.//NETWORK_LIST')
    tgtlist = tgtresp.find('.//NETWORK_LIST')
    netmap = {}
    for net in srclist.findall('NETWORK'):
        if net.find('ID').text == '0':
        netname = net.find('NAME').text

        # Networks beginning 'Global' or 'Qualys' are reserved for system use
        if netname.find('Global') == 0 or netname.find('Qualys') == 0:

        netid = net.find('ID').text
        tgtnet = tgtlist.find(".//NETWORK/[NAME='%s']" % netname)
        # tgtnet = tgtlist.find('.//[NAME="%s"]/..' % netname)
        if tgtnet is None:
            print('ERROR: Could not find Network %s in target subscription' % netname)
            return None
        tgtnetid = tgtnet.find('ID').text
        netmap[netid] = tgtnetid
    return netmap
Example #2
def build_asset_group_map(source_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI,
                          target_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI,
                          prefix: str = None):
    baseurl = '/api/2.0/fo/asset/group/?action=list&show_attributes=ID,TITLE'
    source_url = '%s%s' % (source_api.server, baseurl)
    target_url = '%s%s' % (target_api.server, baseurl)

    source_ags = source_api.makeCall(url=source_url)
    target_ags = target_api.makeCall(url=target_url)

    source_ag_dict = {}
    target_ag_dict = {}
    ag_map = {}

    for i in source_ags.findall('.//ASSET_GROUP'):
        source_ag_dict[i.find('TITLE').text] = i.find('ID').text

    for i in target_ags.findall('.//ASSET_GROUP'):
        target_ag_dict[i.find('TITLE').text] = i.find('ID').text

    for i in source_ag_dict.keys():
        if prefix is not None:
            target_ag_name = '%s %s' % (prefix, i)
            if target_ag_name in target_ag_dict.keys():
                ag_map[source_ag_dict[i]] = target_ag_dict[target_ag_name]
            if i in target_ag_dict.keys():
                ag_map[source_ag_dict[i]] = target_ag_dict[i]

    return ag_map
Example #3
def generateConnectorMap(source_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI,
                         target_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI):
    connectormap = {}
    srcurl = '%s/qps/rest/2.0/search/am/assetdataconnector/?fields=id,name,type' % source_api.server
    tgturl = '%s/qps/rest/2.0/search/am/assetdataconnector/?fields=id,name,type' % target_api.server

    slist = source_api.makeCall(url=srcurl)
    tlist = target_api.makeCall(url=tgturl)

    if slist.find('.//AssetDataConnector') is None:
            'QualysCloudConnectorProcessor.generateConnectorMap: Failed to generate list of source connectors'
        return None
    if tlist.find('.//AssetDataConnector') is None:
            'QualysCloudConnectorProcessor.generateConnectorMap: Failed to generate list of target connectors'
        return None

    for adc in slist.findall('.//AssetDataConnector'):
        if tlist.find('.//AssetDataConnector/[name="%s"]' %
                      adc.find('name').text) is None:
                'QualysCloudConnectorProcessor.generateConnectorMap: Could not match %s with target'
                % adc.find('name').text)
        connectormap[slist.find('name').text] = [
    del slist, tlist
    return connectormap
def generateApplianceMap(source_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI,
                         target_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI,
                         appliance_name_map: dict = None):

    appliancemap = {}
    srcurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/appliance/?action=list' % source_api.server
    tgturl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/appliance/?action=list' % target_api.server
    sourceresp = source_api.makeCall(srcurl)
    targetresp = target_api.makeCall(tgturl)

    sourcelist = sourceresp.find('.//APPLIANCE_LIST')
    targetlist = targetresp.find('.//APPLIANCE_LIST')

    if sourcelist is None:
            'QualysApplianceInput.generateApplianceMap ERROR: Unable to obtain appliance list from source '
        if source_api.debug:
                ET.tostring(sourceresp, method='xml',
        return None

    if targetlist is None:
            'QualysApplianceInput.generateApplianceMap Error: Unable to obtain appliance list from target '
        if target_api.debug:
                ET.tostring(targetresp, method='xml',
        return None

    for sourceappliance in sourcelist.findall('APPLIANCE'):
        srcappliancename = sourceappliance.find('NAME').text
        srcapplianceid = sourceappliance.find('ID').text

        if appliance_name_map is None:
            tgtappliance = targetlist.find('.//*[NAME="%s"]' %
            tgtappliance = targetlist.find(
                './/*[NAME="%s"]' % appliance_name_map[srcappliancename])

        if tgtappliance is None:
            print('ERROR: Unable to find Appliance %s in target subscription' %
            return None
        appliancemap[srcapplianceid] = tgtappliance.find('ID').text
    return appliancemap
def updateSchedule(api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, schedulexml: ET.Element):
    fullurl = '%s/qps/rest/3.0/update/was/wasscanschedule' % api.server
    payload = ET.tostring(schedulexml, method='xml', encoding='utf-8').decode()

    resp = api.makeCall(url=fullurl, payload=payload)

    return resp
Example #6
def getScanReportTemplates(source_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI):
    scanurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/report/template/scan/?action=export&report_format=xml' % source_api.server
    scantemplates = source_api.makeCall(url=scanurl, method='GET')
    if not responseHandler(scantemplates):
        print('ERROR: Could not get Scan Templates')
        scantemplates = None
    return scantemplates
Example #7
def getMapReportTemplates(source_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI):
    mapurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/report/template/map/?action=export&report_format=xml' % source_api.server
    maptemplates = source_api.makeCall(url=mapurl, method='GET')
    if not responseHandler(maptemplates):
        print('ERROR: Could not get Map Templates')
        maptemplates = None
    return maptemplates
Example #8
def getPatchReportTemplates(source_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI):
    patchurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/report/template/patch/?action=export&report_format=xml' % source_api.server
    patchtemplates = source_api.makeCall(url=patchurl, method='GET')
    if not responseHandler(patchtemplates):
        print('ERROR: Could not get Patch Templates')
        patchtemplates = None
    return patchtemplates
Example #9
def createStaticSearchList(target_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI,
                           searchlist: ET.Element,
                           simulate: bool = False):
    comments = ''
    isGlobal = '0'
    qidlist = []

    title = searchlist.find('TITLE').text
    if searchlist.find('GLOBAL') == 'Yes':
        isGlobal = '1'
    if searchlist.find('COMMENTS') is not None:
        comments = searchlist.find('COMMENTS').text
    for qid in searchlist.findall('.//QID'):

    fullurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/qid/search_list/static/?action=create&title=%s&qids=%s&global=%s' % (
        target_api.server, title, ','.join(qidlist), isGlobal)

    if comments != '':
        fullurl = '%s&%s' % (fullurl, comments)

    if simulate:
        print('Request URL : %s' % fullurl)
        return fullurl

    resp = target_api.makeCall(url=fullurl)
    if not responseHandler(resp):
        print('QualysSearchListProcessor.createStaticSearchList failed')
        return None
    return resp
def listExceptions(api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI,
                   status: str = None,
                   truncation_limit: int = 1000):

    fullurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/compliance/exception/?action=list&details=All' % api.server
    if status is not None:
        if status in ['Pending', 'Approved', 'Rejected', 'Expired']:
            fullurl = '%s&status=%s' % (fullurl, status)
                'ERROR: QualysComplianceExceptionProcessor.listExceptions: status %s not recognised.  Must be '
                '\'Pending\', \'Approved\', \'Rejected\' or \'Expired\'')
            return None

    exceptions = ET.Element('EXCEPTION_LIST')
    url = '%s&truncation_limit=%s' % (fullurl, str(truncation_limit))
    more_results = True

    while more_results:
        resp = api.makeCall(url=url)

        if resp.find('RESPONSE/WARNING/URL') is not None:
            url = resp.find('RESPONSE/WARNING/URL').text
            more_results = True
            more_results = False

        for i in resp.findall('.//EXCEPTION'):
    return exceptions, resp
def updateException(api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI,
                    exceptions: str,
                    comments: str,
                    reassignto: str = None,
                    reopen: bool = False,
                    status: str = None,
                    end_date: str = None):
    fullurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/compliance/exception/?action=update' % api.server
    fullurl = '%s&exception_numbers=%s&comments=%s' % (fullurl, exceptions,
    if reassignto is not None:
        fullurl = '%s&reassign_to=%s' % (fullurl, reassignto)
    if reopen:
        fullurl = '%s&reopen_on_evidence_change=1' % fullurl
    if status is not None:
        fullurl = '%s&status=%s' % (fullurl, status)
    if end_date is not None:
        fullurl = '%s&end_date=%s' % (fullurl, end_date)

    resp = api.makeCall(url=fullurl)
    if not responseHandler(resp):
            'ERROR: QualysComplianceExceptionProcessor.updateException failed')
        return None

    return resp
def requestException(api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI,
                     controlid: str,
                     hostid: str,
                     policyid: str,
                     technologyid: str,
                     assigneeid: str,
                     comments: str,
                     reopen: bool = False,
                     instancestring: str = None):
    fullurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/compliance/exception/?action=request' % api.server
    fullurl = '%s&control_id=%s&host_id=%s&policy_id=%s&technology_id=%s&assignee_id=%s&comments=%s' % \
              (fullurl, controlid, hostid, policyid, technologyid, assigneeid, comments)

    if reopen:
        fullurl = '%s&reopen_on_evidence_change=1' % fullurl
        fullurl = '%s&reopen_on_evidence_change=0' % fullurl

    resp = api.makeCall(url=fullurl, method='POST')
    if not responseHandler(resp):
            'ERROR: QualysComplianceExceptionProcessor.requestException failed'
        return None

    return resp
def createDNSOverride(api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, name: str, mappings: list, tagids: str = None):
    fullurl = '%s/qps/rest/3.0/create/was/dnsoverride/' % api.server
    sr = ET.Element('ServiceRequest')
    data = ET.SubElement(sr, 'data')
    dnsoverride = ET.SubElement(data, 'DnsOverride')
    recordname = ET.SubElement(dnsoverride, 'name')
    recordname.text = name
    overridemaps = ET.SubElement(dnsoverride, 'mappings')
    mapset = ET.SubElement(overridemaps, 'set')
    for mapping in mappings:
        override = ET.SubElement(mapset, 'DnsMapping')
        hostname = ET.SubElement(override, 'hostName')
        hostname.text = mapping['hostName']
        ipaddr = ET.SubElement(override, 'ipAddress')
        ipaddr.text = mapping['ipAddress']

    if tagids is not None:
        tags = ET.SubElement(dnsoverride, 'tags')
        tagset = ET.SubElement(tags, 'set')
        for tagid in tagids.split(','):
            tagxml = ET.SubElement(tagset, 'Tag')
            tagidxml = ET.SubElement(tagxml, 'id')
            tagidxml.text = tagid.strip()

    payload = ET.tostring(sr, method='xml', encoding='utf-8').decode()
    resp = api.makeCall(url=fullurl, payload=payload)
    return resp
def setAssetGroupAssignment(target_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI,
                            asset_group_ids: str, policy_id: str):
    update_url = '%s/api/2.0/fo/compliance/policy?action=set_asset_group_ids&id=%s&asset_group_ids=%s' % (
        target_api.server, policy_id, asset_group_ids)

    resp = target_api.makeCall(url=update_url)
    return resp
def getAssets(api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, key: str):
    fullurl = '%s/qps/rest/2.0/search/am/hostasset/?fields=name,agentInfo.agentId' % api.server
    startat = 1
    pagesize = 1000
    assets = []
    endofdata = False
    while not endofdata:
        sr = ET.Element('ServiceRequest')
        pref = ET.SubElement(sr, 'preferences')
        sfo = ET.SubElement(pref, 'startFromOffset')
        sfo.text = str(startat)
        lr = ET.SubElement(pref, 'limitResults')
        lr.text = str(pagesize)
        filters = ET.SubElement(sr, 'filters')
        criteria = ET.SubElement(filters, 'Criteria')
        criteria.set('field', 'activationKey')
        criteria.set('operator', 'EQUALS')
        criteria.text = key

        payload = ET.tostring(sr, encoding='utf-8', method='xml').decode()
        headers = {'Content-type': 'text/xml', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
        resp = api.makeCall(url=fullurl, payload=payload, headers=headers, returnwith='text')
        jresp = json.loads(resp)
        if jresp["ServiceResponse"]["hasMoreRecords"] == 'false':
            endofdata = True
        startat = startat + pagesize

    return assets
def createActivationKey(api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, activationKey: dict):
    fullurl = '%s/qps/rest/1.0/create/ca/agentactkey/' % api.server
    sr = ET.Element('ServiceRequest')
    data = ET.SubElement(sr, 'data')
    actkey = ET.SubElement(data, 'AgentActKey')
    title = ET.SubElement(actkey, 'title')
    title.text = activationKey["AgentActKey"]["title"]
    keytype = ET.SubElement(actkey, 'type')
    keytype.text = activationKey["AgentActKey"]["type"]
    modules = ET.SubElement(actkey, 'modules')
    modlist = ET.SubElement(modules, 'list')
    for mod in activationKey["AgentActKey"]["modules"]["list"]:
        modh1 = ET.SubElement(modlist, 'ActivationKeyModule')
        module = ET.SubElement(modh1, 'license')
        module.text = mod["ActivationKeyModule"]["license"]

    modh1 = ET.SubElement(modlist, 'ActivationKeyModule')
    module = ET.SubElement(modh1, 'license')
    module.text = 'GAV'
    tags = ET.SubElement(actkey, 'tags')
    taglist = ET.SubElement(tags, 'list')
    for t in activationKey["AgentActKey"]["tags"]["list"]:
        tag = ET.SubElement(taglist, "Tag")
        name = ET.SubElement(tag, 'name')
        name.text = t["Tag"]["name"]

    payload = ET.tostring(sr, encoding='utf-8', method='xml').decode()
    resp = api.makeCall(url=fullurl, payload=payload)
    return resp
def getVirtualHosts(source_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, networks: bool = False):
    hostlist = []

    fullurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/asset/vhost/?action=list' % source_api.server
    resp = source_api.makeCall(url=fullurl, method='GET')
    if not responseHandler(resp):
            'QualysVirtualHostProcessor.getVirtualHosts ERROR: Could not obtain  Virtual Host list from source'
        return None
    if resp.find('RESPONSE/VIRTUAL_HOST_LIST') is not None:
        for host in resp.findall('.//VIRTUAL_HOST'):
            vhost = {}
            fqdns = []
            vhost['IP'] = host.find('IP').text
            vhost['PORT'] = host.find('PORT').text
            for fqdn in host.findall('FQDN'):
            vhost['FQDNS'] = fqdns
            if networks:
                if host.find('NETWORK_ID') is None:
                        'QualysVirtualHostProcessor.getVirtualHosts ERROR: Networks enabled but no Network ID found'
                    return None
                vhost['NETWORK_ID'] = host.find('NETWORK_ID').text
            'QualysVirtualHostProcessor.getVirtualHosts ERROR: Cannot find Virtual Host List in output'
        return None

    return hostlist
def getActivationKeys(api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI):
    fullurl = '%s/qps/rest/1.0/search/ca/agentactkey/' % api.server
    startat = 1
    pagesize = 1000
    keys = []
    endofdata = False

    while not endofdata:
        sr = ET.Element('ServiceRequest')
        pref = ET.SubElement(sr, 'preferences')
        sfo = ET.SubElement(pref, 'startFromOffset')
        sfo.text = str(startat)
        lr = ET.SubElement(pref, 'limitResults')
        lr.text = str(pagesize)

        payload = ET.tostring(sr, encoding='utf-8', method='xml').decode()
        headers = {'Content-type': 'text/xml', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
        resp = api.makeCall(url=fullurl, payload=payload, headers=headers, returnwith='text')
        jresp = json.loads(resp)
        if jresp["ServiceResponse"]["hasMoreRecords"] == 'false':
            endofdata = True
        startat = startat + pagesize

    return keys
def exportOptionProfiles(source_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI):
    fullurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/subscription/option_profile/?action=export&include_system_option_profiles=0' %\
    response = source_api.makeCall(url=fullurl, method='GET')
    if not responseHandler(response):
        return None
    return response
Example #20
def handleSystemParents(target_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, tags: ET.Element):
    # Cloud Agent and Asset Search tags are a special case
    # The parent is system-generated however children are user-generated
    # For Cloud Agent tags we simply re-parent the children to the target's Cloud Agent tag
    # For Asset Search tags, the parent only exists in the target subscription when an Asset Search tag is created
    #   so we simply create a new parent tag (with a different name, so as to avoid errors later) and re-parent the
    #   children to it
    queryurl = "%s/qps/rest/2.0/search/am/tag" % target_api.server
    sr = ET.Element('ServiceRequest')
    filters = ET.SubElement(sr, 'filters')
    criteria = ET.SubElement(filters, 'Criteria')
    criteria.set('field', 'name')
    criteria.set('operator', 'EQUALS')
    criteria.text = 'Cloud Agent'
    payload = ET.tostring(sr, method='html', encoding='utf-8').decode()
    resp = target_api.makeCall(url=queryurl, payload=payload)
    if resp.find('.//id') is None:
        print('ERROR: Failed to get ID for Cloud Agent tag')
        return None
    tagID_cloudagent = resp.find('.//id').text

    # Handle Cloud Agent tags
    ca_tree = tags.find('.//Tag/[name="Cloud Agent"]')
    # If the Cloud Agent tag has children, we need to process them
    if ca_tree.find('children') is not None:
        ca_children = ca_tree.find('children')
        # Sometimes there is a children node but not a list node
        if ca_children.find('list') is not None:
            ca_list = ca_children.find('list')
            for ca_tag in ca_list.findall('./*Tag'):
                # First add the parentTagId node
                parent = ET.SubElement(ca_tag, 'parentTagId')
                parent.text = tagID_cloudagent
                # remove the tag from the child list
                # Then add it to the root

    # Handle Asset Search tags
    asp_tag = ET.SubElement(tags, 'Tag')
    asp_tagname = ET.SubElement(asp_tag, 'name')
    asp_tagname.text = 'Imported Asset Search Tags'
    asp_children = ET.SubElement(asp_tag, 'children')
    asp_tagset = ET.SubElement(asp_children, 'set')

    as_tree = tags.find('.//Tag/[name="Asset Search Tags"]')
    # If the Asset Search tag has children, we need to process them
    if as_tree.find('children') is not None:
        as_children = as_tree.find('children')
        if as_children.find('set') is not None:
            as_list = as_children.find('set')
            for as_tag in as_list.findall('Tag'):
                # remove the tag from the child list
                # then add it to the new parent
    return tags
def createAppliance(target_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, name: str, polling_interval: str = '180', asset_group: str = None):
    fullurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/appliance/?action=create&name=%s&polling_interval=%s&asset_group=%s' % (
        target_api.server, name, polling_interval, asset_group)
    resp = target_api.makeCall(url=fullurl)
    if not responseHandler(resp):
        print('QualysApplianceProcessor.createAppliance failed')
        return None
    return resp.find('.//*ID').text
def updateAppliance(target_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, appliance_id: str, vlans: list, routes: list):
    baseurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/appliance/?action=update&id=%s&set_vlans=%s&set_routes=%s' % (
        appliance_id, target_api.server, ','.join(vlans), ','.join(routes))
    resp = target_api.makeCall(url=baseurl)
    if not responseHandler(resp):
        print('QualysApplianceProcessor.updateAppliance failed')
        return False
    return True
Example #23
def getTagSet(api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, sr: ET.Element):
    fullurl = '%s/qps/rest/2.0/search/am/tag' % api.server
    payload = ET.tostring(sr, method='html', encoding='utf-8').decode()

    resp = api.makeCall(url=fullurl, payload=payload)
    if not checkResponse(resp):
        return None
    return resp
Example #24
def createScheduledPCScan(api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, requeststr: str, payload: dict):
    fullurl = '%s/%s' % (api.server, requeststr)
    resp = api.makeCall(url=fullurl, payload=payload)
    # if not responseHandler(resp):
    #     print('QualysComplianceScanScheduleProcessor.createScheduledPCScan failed')
    #     return False
    # return True
    return resp
Example #25
def getStaticSearchLists(source_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, ids: str = None):
    fullurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/qid/search_list/static/?action=list' % source_api.server
    if ids is not None:
        fullurl = '%s&ids=%s' % (fullurl, ids)
    resp = source_api.makeCall(url=fullurl, method='GET')
    if not responseHandler(resp):
        print('QualysSearchListProcessor.getStaticSearchLists failed')
        return None
    return resp.find('.//STATIC_LISTS')
Example #26
def importSubscriptionConfig(api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, configxml: ET.Element):
    fullurl = "%s/api/2.0/fo/subscription/index.php?action=import" % api.server
    payload = ET.tostring(configxml, method='html', encoding='utf-8').decode()
    headers = {'Content-type': 'text/xml'}
    response = api.makeCall(url=fullurl,
    return response
def searchReport(api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, name: str = None, tagsid: str = None, tagsname: str = None,
                 creationdate: str = None, reporttype: str = None, reportformat: str = None, status: str = None):
    fullurl = '%s/qps/rest/3.0/search/was/report' % api.server
    payload = ""

    sr = ET.Element('ServiceRequest')
    filters = ET.SubElement(sr, 'filters')

    if name is not None:
        criteria = ET.SubElement(filters, 'Criteria')
        criteria.set('field', 'name')
        criteria.set('operator', 'CONTAINS')
        criteria.text = name

    if tagsid is not None:
        criteria = ET.SubElement(filters, 'Criteria')
        criteria.set('field', '')
        criteria.set('operator', 'IN')
        criteria.text = tagsid

    if tagsname is not None:
        criteria = ET.SubElement(filters, 'Criteria')
        criteria.set('field', '')
        criteria.set('operator', 'CONTAINS')
        criteria.text = tagsname

    if creationdate is not None:
        criteria = ET.SubElement(filters, 'Criteria')
        criteria.set('field', 'creationDate')
        criteria.set('operator', 'CONTAINS')
        criteria.text = creationdate

    if reporttype is not None:
        criteria = ET.SubElement(filters, 'Criteria')
        criteria.set('field', 'type')
        criteria.set('operator', 'CONTAINS')
        criteria.text = reporttype

    if reportformat is not None:
        criteria = ET.SubElement(filters, 'Criteria')
        criteria.set('field', 'format')
        criteria.set('operator', 'CONTAINS')
        criteria.text = reportformat

    if status is not None:
        criteria = ET.SubElement(filters, 'Criteria')
        criteria.set('field', 'status')
        criteria.set('operator', 'CONTAINS')
        criteria.text = status

    if len(filters) > 0:
        payload = ET.tostring(sr, method='xml', encoding='utf-8').decode()

    resp = api.makeCall(fullurl, payload=payload)

    return resp
def createVirtualHosts(urllist: list, target_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI):
    for url in urllist:
        fullurl = '%s%s' % (target_api.server, url)
        resp = target_api.makeCall(url=fullurl)
        if not responseHandler(resp):
                'QualysVirtualHostProcessor.createVirtualHosts ERROR: Could not validate response'
            return False
    return True
def createReportFromXML(api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI, reportxml: ET.Element):
    fullurl = '%s/qps/rest/3.0/create/was/report' % api.server
    sr = ET.Element('ServiceRequest')
    data = ET.SubElement(sr, 'data')

    payload = ET.tostring(sr, method='xml', encoding='utf-8').decode()
    resp = api.makeCall(url=fullurl, payload=payload)

    return resp
Example #30
def getAssetGroups(source_api: QualysAPI.QualysAPI):
    fullurl = '%s/api/2.0/fo/asset/group/?action=list&show_attributes=ALL' % source_api.server
    resp = source_api.makeCall(url=fullurl)

    if not responseHandler(resp):
        return None

    usesnetworks = False
    aglist = resp.find('.//ASSET_GROUP_LIST')
    return aglist