Example #1
def create_new_test(project_path, test_data):
    given a project_path, a product_name (in product_data),
    create the appropriate definition file for this new product.

        test_data = {'defines' : 'test',
                     'test_name' : str,
                     'for_hardwaresetup' : str
                     'test_target' : str --> is 'FT' for Final Test and 'PR' for probing
                     #TODO: add the whole flow stuff here
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        test_class = "%s_%s%s" % (test_data['test_name'],
        if test_data['test_target'] == 'FT':
            test_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['test_product_root']
            test_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['test_die_root']
        test_path = os.path.join(test_root, "%s.py" % test_class)

        translation = translation_template(project_path)
        translation['TSTCLASS'] = test_class
        templating('test.py', test_path, translation)
Example #2
def list_product_flows(project_path):
    given an (ATE) project_path, extract a list of all product flows (read: Final test flows)
    retval = []
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):

    return retval,
Example #3
def list_die_flows(project_path):
    given an (ATE) project_path, extract a list of all die flows (read: probing flows)
    retval = []
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):

    return retval
Example #4
def dict_project_paths(project_path):
    This function will create a dictionary of all paths in the project.
    from ATE.org.Templates import project_structure
    retval = {}
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        for branch in project_structure:
            path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(project_path, branch))
            retval[project_structure[branch][0]] = path
    return retval
Example #5
def dict_ATE_projects(workspace_path):
    given a workspace_path, create a dictionary with all ATE projects as key,
    and the project_path as value.
    retval = {}
    all_projects = dict_projects(workspace_path)
    for candidate in all_projects:
        possible_ATE_project = all_projects[candidate]
        if is_ATE_project(possible_ATE_project):
            retval[candidate] = possible_ATE_project
    return retval
Example #6
def dict_tests(project_path):
    retval = {}
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        test_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['test_product_root']
        for candidate in os.listdir(test_root):
            if candidate.endswith('FT'):
                retval[candidate.replace('.py', '')] = os.path.join(
                    test_root, candidate)
        test_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['test_die_root']
        for candidate in os.listdir(test_root):
            if candidate.endswith('PR'):
                retval[candidate.replace('.py', '')] = os.path.join(
                    test_root, candidate)
    return retval
Example #7
def dict_single_site_loadboards(project_path):
    This function creates a dictionary of all single site loadboards in project_path

    return looks like : {'HWR1' : 'U33301', 'HWR2' : '', 'HWR3' : 'U44547'}
    Note : if not available for a hardware version, then it equals ''
    retval = {}
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        hardware_versions = list_hardwaresetups(project_path)
        for hardware_version in hardware_versions:
            pcbs = dict_pcbs_for_hardware_setup(project_path, hardware_version)
            retval[hardware_version] = pcbs['SingeSiteLoadboard']
    return retval
Example #8
def dict_devices(project_path):
    given an (ATE) project_path, construct a dictionary where the keys are all
    devices in the project, and the value is the path tot the definition file.
    retval = {}
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        device_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['device_root']
        for candidate in os.listdir(device_root):
            if candidate.endswith('.pickle'):
                candidate_name = candidate.replace('.pickle', '')
                candidate_path = os.path.join(device_root, candidate)
                retval[candidate_name] = candidate_path
    return retval
Example #9
def dict_masksets(project_path):
    given an (ATE) project_path, extract a dictionary with the maskset names
    as key and the masket definition file as value.
    retval = {}
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        maskset_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['maskset_root']
        for element in os.listdir(maskset_root):
            if element.endswith('.pickle'):
                maskset_file = os.path.join(maskset_root, element)
                maskset_name = element.replace('.pickle', '')
                retval[maskset_name] = maskset_file
    return retval
Example #10
def dict_multi_site_DIBs(project_path):
    This function creates a dictionary of all multi site DIBs in project_path

    return looks like : {'V1' : 'U33301', 'V2' : '', 'V3' : 'U44547'}
    Note : if not available for a hardware version, then it equals ''
    retval = {}
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        hardware_versions = list_hardwaresetups(project_path)
        for hardware_version in hardware_versions:
            pcbs = dict_pcbs_for_hardware_setup(project_path, hardware_version)
            retval[hardware_version] = pcbs['MultiSiteDIB']
    return retval
Example #11
def create_new_die(project_path, die_data):
    given a project_path, a die_name (in die_data),
    create the appropriate definition file for this new die.

    die_data = {'defines' : 'die'
                'die_name' : str,
                'maskset_name' : str}
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        die_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['die_root']
        die_name = die_data['die_name']
        die_path = os.path.join(die_root, "%s.pickle" % die_name)
        pickle.dump(die_data, open(die_path, 'wb'), protocol=4) # fixing the protocol guarantees compatibility
Example #12
def create_new_product(project_path, product_data):
    given a project_path, a product_name (in product_data),
    create the appropriate definition file for this new product.

        product_data = {'defines' : 'product',
                        'product_name' : str,
                        'from_device' : str}
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        product_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['product_root']
        product_name = product_data['product_name']
        product_path = os.path.join(product_root, "%s.pickle" % product_name)
        pickle.dump(product_data, open(product_path, 'wb'),
                    protocol=4)  # fixing the protocol guarantees compatibility
Example #13
def dict_hardwaresetups(project_path):
    given a project_path, create a dictionary with as keys the hardware versions,
    and as value the path to the defintition file.
    retval = {}
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        hwr_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['hwr_root']
        for candidate in os.listdir(hwr_root):
            candidate_path = os.path.join(hwr_root, candidate)
            if os.path.isfile(candidate_path) and candidate_path.endswith(
                hardwaresetup = candidate.replace('.pickle', '')
                retval[hardwaresetup] = candidate_path
    return retval
Example #14
def create_new_package(project_path, package_data):
    given a project_path, a package_name (in package_data),
    create the appropriate definition file for this new package.

        package_data = {'defines' : 'package',
                        'package_name' : str,
                        'number_of_pins' : int,
                        'Pins'           : dict{1:'VDD', 2:'OUT', 3: 'GND'}}
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        package_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['package_root']
        package_name = package_data['package_name']
        package_path = os.path.join(package_root, "%s.pickle" % package_name)
        pickle.dump(package_data, open(package_path, 'wb'), protocol=4) # fixing the protocol guarantees compatibility
Example #15
def dict_dies(project_path):
    given an (ATE) project_path, create a dictionary with the dies as keys,
    and the die_path as value.
    die_path is the absolute path to the location where the definition.pickle
    file is located (including the definition.pickle file itself)
    retval = {}
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        die_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['die_root']
        for rel_die_path in os.listdir(die_root):
            if rel_die_path.endswith('.pickle'):
                die_name = rel_die_path.replace('.pickle', '')
                retval[die_name] = os.path.join(die_root, rel_die_path)
    return retval
Example #16
def create_new_device(project_path, device_data):
    given a project_path, a device_name (in device_data),
    create the appropriate definition file for this new device.

        device_data = {'defines' : 'device'
                       'device_name' : str
                       'package' : str
                       'dies_in_package' : list[die_names]}
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        device_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['device_root']
        device_name = device_data['device_name']
        device_path = os.path.join(device_root, "%s.pickle" % device_name)
        pickle.dump(device_data, open(device_path, 'wb'),
                    protocol=4)  # fixing the protocol guarantees compatibility
Example #17
def list_products(project_path):
    given an (ATE) project_path, extract a list of all products
    retval = []
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        # find path to products from project_structure
        products_path = ''
        for branch in project_structure:
            if 'PRODUCTS' in branch.upper():
                products_path = os.path.normpath(
                    os.path.join(project_path, branch))
        # find devices
        if products_path != '':
            for product in os.listdir(products_path):
                if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(products_path, product)):
    return retval, products_path
Example #18
def create_new_hardwaresetup(project_path, hardwaresetup_data):
    given a project_path, a hardwaresetup_name (in hardwaresetup_data),
    create the appropriate definition file for this new device.

    ps: hardwaresetup_name is for example HWR1, it is kind of a version too ;-)

    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        hardwaresetup_name = hardwaresetup_data['hardwaresetup_name'].replace(
            'HWR', '')

        print("---> hwsetupname", hardwaresetup_name)

        hardwaresetup_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['hwr_root']
        hardwaresetup_path = os.path.join(hardwaresetup_root,
                                          "%s.pickle" % hardwaresetup_name)
                    open(hardwaresetup_path, 'wb'),
                    protocol=4)  # fixing the protocol guarantees compatibility
Example #19
def create_new_maskset(project_path, maskset_data):
    given a project_path, a maskset_name (in maskset_data),
    create the appropriate definition file for this new maskset.

    maskset_data = {'defines' : 'maskset'
                    'maskset_name' : str,
                    'number_of_bond_pads' : int, # in μm
                    'die_size_x' : int, # in μm
                    'die_size_y' : int, # in μm
                    'scribe_x' : int, # in μm
                    'scribe_y' : int, # in μm
                    'bond_pads' : dict{int'padNr' : tuple(str'Name', int'xcoord', int'ycoord', int'xsize', int'ysize')}, # in μm
                    'rotation_to_flat' : int # = 0/90/180/270}
    if is_ATE_project(project_path):
        maskset_root = dict_project_paths(project_path)['maskset_root']
        maskset_name = maskset_data['maskset_name']
        maskset_path = os.path.join(maskset_root, "%s.pickle" % maskset_name)
        pickle.dump(maskset_data, open(maskset_path, 'wb'), protocol=4) # fixing the protocol guarantees compatibility
Example #20
def new_probecard(project_path, probecard_name):
    given a project_path and a probecard_name, create the directory (and the structure inside ... templating)
    if not is_ATE_project(project_path):
        raise Exception("not an ATE project")