def moustakas_sham(sham_subhalo_property, scatter): """ """ Lbox_h0p7 = 250./0.7 _remainder = moustakas_af.deconvolute(scatter, 20) return moustakas_af.match(calc_number_densities(sham_subhalo_property, Lbox_h0p7), scatter=scatter, do_add_scatter=True, do_rematch=True)
def abundanceMatchSnapshot(proxy, scatter, lf, box_size, minmag=-25., maxmag=10., debug=False, figname=None): af = AbundanceFunction(lf['mag'], lf['phi'], ext_range=(minmag, maxmag), nbin=2000, faint_end_fit_points=6) # check the abundance function if debug: plt.clf() plt.semilogy(lf['mag'], lf['phi']) x = np.linspace(minmag, maxmag, 101) plt.semilogy(x, af(x)) plt.savefig('abundance_fcn.png') # deconvolution and check results (it's a good idea to always check this) remainder = af.deconvolute(scatter * LF_SCATTER_MULT, 40) x, nd = af.get_number_density_table() if debug: plt.clf() plt.semilogy(x, np.abs(remainder / nd)) plt.savefig('nd_remainder.png') # get number densities of the halo catalog nd_halos = calc_number_densities(proxy, box_size) # do abundance matching with some scatter catalog_sc = af.match(nd_halos, scatter * LF_SCATTER_MULT) if debug: plt.clf() c, e = np.histogram(catalog_sc[~np.isnan(catalog_sc)], bins=np.linspace(minmag, maxmag, 101)) c = c / box_size**3 / (e[1:] - e[:-1]) me = (e[:-1] + e[1:]) / 2 plt.semilogy(me, c) plt.semilogy(me, af(me)) plt.savefig('lf_in_v_out.png') return catalog_sc
def abundance_match(self, alpha, scatter, Niter, repeat=20): """ Returns a list of abundance matching catalogs of given alpha and scatter. Args: alpha : (float) halo matching proxy parameter scatter : (float) halo matching proxy parameter min_galmass: (float) minimum galactic mass in the catalog in log10 Niter : (int) number of catalogs to be calculated Note: This function is single core only. Might bottleneck some calculations """ # Halo matching proxy plist = self.halos['vvir']*(self.halos['vmax']/self.halos['vvir'])**alpha # Calculate the number densities nd_halos = calc_number_densities(plist, self.boxsize) def gen_catalog(i): af = self.__getAbundanceFunc(self.MFobj) af.deconvolute(scatter, repeat) cat_this = af.match(nd_halos, scatter) # Eliminate NaNs and galaxies with mass lower cut mask = (~np.isnan(cat_this)) & (cat_this>self.logMlim) N = np.where(mask == True)[0].size cat_out = np.zeros(N, dtype={'names':('mvir', 'cat', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'gbins'), 'formats':('float64', 'float64', 'float64', 'float64', 'float64', 'int64')}) cat_out['mvir'] = self.halos['mvir'][mask] cat_out['cat'] = cat_this[mask] cat_out['x'] = self.halos['x'][mask] cat_out['y'] = self.halos['y'][mask] cat_out['z'] = self.halos['z'][mask] cat_out['gbins'] = self.halos['gbins'][mask] return cat_out pool = ProcessPool(ncore) catalogs =, np.arange(Niter)) pool.close() pool.join() pool.terminate() return catalogs
def assign_stellar_mass(self, **kwargs): """ assign stellar mass """ if 'table' in kwargs.keys(): table = kwargs['table'] try: Lbox = kwargs['Lbox'] except KeyError: Lbox = self._Lbox else: try: Lbox = kwargs['Lbox'] except KeyError: Lbox = self._Lbox Lbox = np.atleast_1d(Lbox) if len(Lbox) == 3: Lbox = (**(1.0/3.0) else: Lbox = Lbox[0] nd_halos = calc_number_densities(table[self.prim_haloprop], Lbox) mstar =, self.param_dict['scatter']) mask = np.isnan(mstar) mstar[mask] = self.gal_min_mass if self.gal_log_prop is True: mstar = 10.0**mstar table[self.prim_galprop] = mstar else: table[self.prim_galprop] = mstar if 'table' in kwargs.keys(): return table else: return mstar
def compute_wprp(self, params, ret_log_likelihood=False, verbose=False): """ Calculate the wprp (and loglikelihood) for the specific parameter configuration that was passed in. Parameters: params: A vector containing [scatter,mu_cut] to be tested. Both parameters are assumed to be in log space. ret_log_likelihood: A boolean specifying if the log likelihood should also be returned. verbose: Whether or not to print wprp calcualtion outputs. """ # Load the parameters scatter = np.exp(params[0]) mu_cut = np.exp(params[1]) # We assume here that the maximum mass is stored as mvir and # the current mass is stored as mvir_now. Need to be changed if the # dictionairy changes (or made more general). halos_post_cut = self.halos['mvir_now'] / self.halos['mvir'] > mu_cut # Calculate what to remove due to k_nearest_neighbors if self.wp_keep is not None: wp_post_cut_keep = self.wp_keep[halos_post_cut] else: wp_post_cut_keep = np.ones(np.sum(halos_post_cut), dtype=bool) nd_halos = calc_number_densities( self.halos[self.af_criteria][halos_post_cut], self.box_size) # Deconvolve the scatter and generate catalogs for each mag_cut catalog_list = [] for af in self.af_list: af.deconvolute(scatter * LF_SCATTER_MULT, self.deconv_repeat) catalog_list.append( af.match(nd_halos, scatter * LF_SCATTER_MULT, do_rematch=False)) if ret_log_likelihood: log_like = 0 wp_saved_results = [] for c_i in range(len(catalog_list)): catalog = catalog_list[c_i] sub_catalog = catalog[wp_post_cut_keep] < self.mag_cuts[c_i] # Extract positions of halos in our catalog x = self.halos['px'][halos_post_cut] x = x[wp_post_cut_keep] x = x[sub_catalog] y = self.halos['py'][halos_post_cut] y = y[wp_post_cut_keep] y = y[sub_catalog] z = self.halos['pz'][halos_post_cut] z = z[wp_post_cut_keep] z = z[sub_catalog] # Get the wp for the catalog wp_results = wp(self.box_size, self.pimax, self.nthreads, self.rbins, x, y, z, verbose=verbose, output_rpavg=True) wp_binned = np.zeros(len(wp_results)) for i in range(len(wp_results)): wp_binned[i] = wp_results[i][3] wp_saved_results.append(wp_binned) if ret_log_likelihood: dif_vector = wp_binned - self.wp_data_list[c_i] log_like += -0.5 *, np.linalg.inv(self.wp_cov_list[c_i])), dif_vector) if ret_log_likelihood and math.isnan(log_like): log_like = -np.inf wp_saved_results = np.array(wp_saved_results) # Return the log likelihood if requested if ret_log_likelihood: return wp_saved_results, log_like return wp_saved_results
def generate_wp(lf_list, halos, af_criteria, r_p_data, box_size, mag_cuts, pimax=40.0, nthreads=1, scatters=None, deconv_repeat=20, verbose=False): """ Generate the projected 2D correlation by abundance matching galaxies Parameters: lf_list: A list of luminosity functions for each mag_cut. The first column is the magnitudes and thesecond column is the density in units of 1/Mpc^3. halos: A catalog of the halos in the n-body sim that can be indexed into using the quantity name. af_criteria: The galaxy property (i.e. vpeak) to use for abundance matching. r_p_data: The positions at which to calculate the 2D correlation function. box_size: The size of the box (box length not volume) mag_cuts: The magnitude cuts for w_p(r_p) (must be a list) pimax: The maximum redshift seperation to use in w_p(r_p) calculation nthreads: The number of threads to use for CorrFunc scatters: The scatters to deconvolve / re-introduce in the am (must be a list) deconv_repeat: The number of deconvolution steps to conduct verbose: If set to true, will generate plots for visual inspection of am outputs. Returns: w_p(r_p) at the r_p values specified by r_p_data. """ # Repeat once for each magnitude cut wp_binneds = [] for mag_cut_i in range(len(mag_cuts)): mag_cut = mag_cuts[mag_cut_i] lf = lf_list[mag_cut_i] # Initialize abundance function and calculate the number density of the # halos in the box af = AbundanceFunction(lf[:, 0], lf[:, 1], (-25, -5)) nd_halos = calc_number_densities(halos[af_criteria], box_size) if scatters is not None: remainders = [] for scatter in scatters: remainders.append( af.deconvolute(scatter * LF_SCATTER_MULT, deconv_repeat)) # If verbose output the match between abundance function and input data if verbose: matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18}) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) plt.plot(lf[:, 0], lf[:, 1], lw=7, c=custom_blues[1]) x = np.linspace(np.min(lf[:, 0]) - 2, np.max(lf[:, 0]) + 2, 101) plt.semilogy(x, af(x), lw=3, c=custom_blues[4]) plt.xlim([np.max(lf[:, 0]) + 2, np.min(lf[:, 0])]) plt.ylim([1e-5, 1]) plt.xlabel('Magnitude (M - 5 log h)') plt.ylabel('Number Density (1/ (Mpc^3 h))') plt.legend(['Input', 'Fit']) plt.title('Luminosity Function') plt.yscale('log') # Plot remainder to ensure the deconvolution returned reasonable results if verbose and scatters is not None: f, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex='col', sharey='row', figsize=(15, 12), gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [2, 1]}) x, nd = af.get_number_density_table() ax[0].plot(x, nd, lw=3, c=custom_blues[4]) legend = [] for scatter in scatters: ax[0].plot(af._x_deconv[float(scatter * LF_SCATTER_MULT)], nd, lw=3, c=custom_blues_complement[2 * len(legend)]) legend.append('Scatter = %.2f' % (scatter)) ax[0].set_xlim([np.max(lf[:, 0]) + 2, np.min(lf[:, 0])]) ax[0].set_ylim([1e-5, 1]) ax[0].set_ylabel('Number Density (1/ (Mpc^3 h))') ax[0].legend(['Fit'] + legend) ax[0].set_title('Deconvolved Luminosity Function') ax[0].set_yscale('log') ax[1].set_xlabel('Magnitude (M - 5 log h)') ax[1].set_ylabel('(LF (deconv $\Rightarrow$ conv) - LF) / LF') ax[1].set_xlim([np.max(lf[:, 0]) + 2, np.min(lf[:, 0])]) y_max = 0 for r_i in range(len(remainders)): remainder = remainders[r_i] / nd ax[1].plot(x, remainder, lw=3, c=custom_blues_complement[2 * r_i]) y_max = max(y_max, np.max(remainder[x > np.min(lf[:, 0])])) ax[1].set_ylim([-1.2, y_max * 1.2]) # Conduct the abundance matching catalogs = [] if scatters is not None: for scatter in scatters: catalogs.append( af.match(nd_halos, scatter * LF_SCATTER_MULT, do_rematch=False)) else: catalogs = [af.match(nd_halos)] wp_scatts = [] for catalog in catalogs: # A luminosity cutoff to use for the correlation function. sub_catalog = catalog < mag_cut print('Scatter %.2f catalog has %d galaxies' % (scatters[len(wp_scatts)], np.sum(sub_catalog))) x = halos['px'][sub_catalog] y = halos['py'][sub_catalog] z = halos['pz'][sub_catalog] # Generate rbins so that the average falls at r_p_data rbins = np.zeros(len(r_p_data) + 1) rbins[1:-1] = 0.5 * (r_p_data[:-1] + r_p_data[1:]) rbins[0] = 2 * r_p_data[0] - rbins[1] rbins[-1] = 2 * r_p_data[-1] - rbins[-2] # Calculate the projected correlation function wp_results = wp(box_size, pimax, nthreads, rbins, x, y, z, verbose=False, output_rpavg=True) # Extract the results wp_binned = np.zeros(len(wp_results)) for i in range(len(wp_results)): wp_binned[i] = wp_results[i][3] wp_scatts.append(wp_binned) wp_binneds.append(wp_scatts) return wp_binneds